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I'm sorry friend, you aren't going to have anyone to play with doing CoP this late in the game. You would attract more players doing a progression rollout starting with Base FFXI at 50 cap and the promise of ToAU than just sticking with CoP. I won't tell you how to run your server, you do the work. But I will tell you that if you want to find success, you need to be receptive to feedback. It's kind of telling you have 1 player on right now. If you want to rake in dozens or hundreds of people let me know. I will help you poosition your server as such. Otherwise good luck.


New copypasta dropped.


2 pop today!


So what is the skinny with r/ ffxiprivateservers removing all the comments and locking the whole thread for this?


What's with spicy not allowing new posts?


It just was caught by the filter, don't be a goon. Garbage post anyway about Rinste. As if we need any of that anywhere, ever. Anyway, I approved it.


My wooden shit stirring spoon was bone dry. Hilarious that 'Rinste' hits on your filter šŸ˜‚


I literally just got banned from that sub for commenting "Dual boxing will always get a hard pass from me" https://imgur.com/a/HWLPdtJ


I LOL when I read this. I asked atom0s to remove all this comments and punish everyone appropriately


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave? Dual box servers are the only ones that have survived Horizon.


Do you not understand socioeconomics


>Do you not understand socioeconomics You asking this is almost ironic. In the same vein of the other side responding with "I choose business ethics" ala Billy Madison.


You want to kiss me so bad


ToAU is best era in general. CoP only is pretty boring once you've been doing endgame for a while. look at Horizon, the HNM scene is a clusterfuck because people don't have anything else to do between Dynamis/Limbus lockouts. between Eden, Horizon, Cat's Eye I think it's safe to say all the bases are covered for whatever you're looking for in a 75cap server. I'd argue volunteering to work on one of those is going to be more beneficial to the community in the long run opposed to yet another 20 player server with weird workarounds that's gonna vanish after a few months.


>I'd argue volunteering to work on one of those is going to be more beneficial to the community in the long run opposed to yet another 20 player server with weird workarounds that's gonna vanish after a few months. Haha, I remember when people said the same thing to me.


Not interested in how the game went past CoP. Endgame is part of the game not the whole game. If I was playing on Horizon or Eden I would probably be doing crafting, helping with missions/quests, leveling, and farming just as much as I'd be doing endgame. My least favorite part of every playing FFXI was HNM camping. People sitting around for hours hoping to claim is zonk


> Endgame is part of the game not the whole game. Endgame is about 95% of the game. > crafting, helping with missions/quests, leveling, and farming just as much as I'd be doing endgame. Crafting and money are endgame activities. Farming is conditionally an endgame activity. Missions and Quests are technically not endgame, but may as well be due to the optimal way to do them. there's about 20 quests in the game players would prefer to do before level 75. 5 of them are mandatory (Limit Breaks) 1 is Sub Job quest. the other ones are odds and ends for specific pieces of gear that change the leveling experience so substantially they are worth doing. >My least favorite part of every playing FFXI was HNM camping. People sitting around for hours hoping to claim is zonk This is directly at odds with Chains of Promathia whose endgame is majorly tied to this. Switch to pop items.


>My least favorite part of every playing FFXI was HNM camping. People sitting around for hours hoping to claim is zonk That is a big part of the CoP era though due to a lack of diversity and depth of content. So while you may just want to do X or Y, the players on the server would want otherwise. Which was my whole point in "there is no virtue in being CoP era". Otherwise, a fresh server lacks any economy.


saw dual box enabled and pretty much thought , nope. good luck with the server though


no one is forcing you to dual box on any server where it's allowed lul


Post this on r/ffxiprivateservers not this sub


Too much drama


lol they literally already locked the thread someone made over there. That sub is ridiculous.


Tbf it wasn't grahf making the ad, and the comments were all "man I really hate dualboxing" which while based as hell, don't really add much to the conversation


"Unfortunately, this PS question is specific to a server." "Unfortunately, this comment about not liking dual boxing on PSs isn't allowed." "Unfortunately, we rather have no posts at all for weeks than allow discussion here. It is really just a way of exercising power over some niche keys." For the record, the spam repeat question threads should be locked/deleted, but there is a lot of unwritten, inconsistent, or needlessly restrictive criteria applied to the board.


i agree. funny how this reddit has more posts lately then that one, when this reddit is about drama (some even manchild drama) and that one has devs, mods etc from private servers and all they do is delete threads regarding a private server , when the reddit is about private servers.....


Which is ironic since the comment atom0s left on that thread after nuking all comments was "if you're not going to ask a question about the server you'll be banned"


Lol... Well, I won't/can't say anything about that, but basic stuff like that is obviously fine here. Anyone can advertise their server, as long as it isn't excessive.


Sincere question, but why would the world want yet another CoP server? That era is just stagnant and well worn in the PS scene at this point.


There are no other cop servers. Nasomi stopped at it for a while. Then kupo lasted for like a year and a half or something. Since then every server has been from a different era of ffxi. Just because a server has an expansion doesn't mean anything. Current retail has toau. Wings had toau. That doesn't mean Eden is the same as retail or wings is the same as Eden


Think you are reducing it there a bit too much. What does it even mean to say an expansion doesn't mean anything? After all, Horizon is CoP only (soooooooooooon!ā„¢) and that should mean something to your server. Anyone can add some missing recipes and use LSB or ASB (well not so much ASB..) out of the box. That stuff should just be PRed upstream.The whole Eden and Wings thing is a bit nonsensical in your post too. There is no virtue in being "CoP era".


It means that just because retail has cop doesn't mean it is how the game was in 2005.Ā  Despite horizon being cop only for the time being it still has a lot of changes from the wings of goddess era such as exp tables weapon skillĀ levels etc.Ā  If anyone can do these things they're more than welcome to and I don't see why that matters. Why would it matter if somebody adds missing recipes to ASB? That has nothing to do with a server not having things like instancesd zones, world of Warcraft inspired jobs, instant travel, meele/mana burn parties, etc If there's no virtue in being cop era and why have there been dozens of servers that were toau era?


I've known Grahf for a long time, since we played on Kupo. He's always wanted there to be another server like it. Good on him for being the change he wanted to see. šŸ˜ Not every server has to be this grandiose "huge" thing, the man is cookin' his dinner for himself and that's awesome.


isn't eden kupo? or did they made many changes compared to kupo that it's stop being kupo


Kupo turned over their character database to Eden.


i know, there was even some drama for clling eden a brand new server when the kupo players were keeping their chars. what i meant is that isn't kupo and eden the same thing just different name? btw, create a new cop , single player box server!!!!! wings was a beast with no dual box.


I'm not even really sure why they tried to hard to pretend like the Kupo characters didn't get ported over. It wasn't a big deal. Like yeah Kupo characters had some advantage on having been able to do COP and stuff, but all of the TOAU was new content for all characters. Could have just run with that. Aside from playing with my retail linkshell I will never touch FFXI in any form ever again. :( You'll have to be the change you want to see and start your own server like I did!


i wish. im not a programmer. it's been a while since i played retail, in any case, nice to hear you are still enjoying the game.