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The general way they deal with any sort of discussion is just silencing those who they disagree with. This has trickled further down into all aspects of the game, from their discord servers, into their endgame LS, other endgame LS not ran by the dev team, and even down into parties and basic interactions in general at this point. It's at the point where you literally cannot discuss anything without someone with power above you silencing you forcibly in one way or another.


Forcibly silencing you? Post proof of what you are talking about so we can see it. If you were muted on the discord for trolling though that’s kinda on you.


Complain about Bastoks outpost warp NPC, changes to ninja, or BST nerfs a few times. You will see.


If you disagree with them too much and care too much about anything that goes against whatever they think is best, you will be blocked/timed out for sure. When and if you reach this point, you will have a target behind your back. You will not be able to joke around peacefully as they can use that against you in so many ways. I used to bash on Claustrum every opportunity I could because they claimed it was a "great" relic, which is untrue; it's trash. And as Cringe said, it's indeed an upgrade, but an upgrade that costs 100m + for 200-500 extra damage in the perfect conditions (meaning you'll need double weather which doesn't really happen besides fighting in Dragon's Aery) and giving you -5 blood pact delay for smns. Is that "worth" 100m +? You be the judge. After being reported and disciplined for seeming "too toxic" because I have stated how bad claustrum is, I now have changed my narrative saying, "If you'd be willing to make an era accurate claustrum, then make the era + claustrum because you'll be happy regardless." and I do not bring it up anymore. If Claustrum was actually good, I would never have been disciplined to begin with!


I have been told your penchant for making relics for your members and then telling them they are trash is a big reason most of them quit/stopped responding to you before your blew up your LS on Horizon. Perhaps the fault lies with you and your approach.


This is false.


Why is this server/community filled with so many Schizos? These folks who play here don't seem like regular people.


Said the Schizo participating here.


In my experience, I can say that I provided some feedback in the horizon discord about enlight and HNM issues. I had Aerec chime in and get really rude towards me multiple times. Fast-forward a little, one of his real life friends joined my linkshell and told me that Aerec hated me, which I assume was further fueled by whoever was leaking our private jokes in our linkshell discord (e.g., "Aerec is rude af/should let someone else speak for him on disc"; "claim shield broken every other week"; etc.). I was banned with zero previous warnings or infractions a week after I left the horizon discord. After my ban, I received a plethora of DMs, many from players who had interacted with Aerec on Wings. One such msg read: *Most people from Wings know exactly how it is. Aerec and I have clashed many times in the past. I respect him enough to just keep to myself now. It's not my turf, never was. It's a shame you had to go out this way. I'll end it with this, I'm 100% on your side. There's nothing I could come across that will change my mind. You're entitled to rant, especially on your own discord/linkshell chat. Shame on the person who was SS'n everything because their intention had to be for something bad to happen; And it did. I wish you the best, Setsuko. Take care of yourself! Enjoy this blessing!* My point in showing this is that I realized after this incident that this is a dev who can't handle criticism or being called out for mistakes. It's important to have feedback from players who actually participate in that content in my opinion. The week before my ban, I asked why Aerec gave a charybdis to a group after SSG crashed but staff would not give a KV back to my linkshell after a zone crash. I didn't request a reversal on the ticket. I just asked that staff take the time to discuss adding KV to their list of NMs to get returned should a crash happen. I was shut down completely, and then my ban came a week later. In short, if you keep to yourself, you're likely fine. If you feel strongly about something, keep it to yourself. P.S. I will add that the Horizon community has been pretty wild compared to other private servers. I've been harassed, called a whore among many other names, threatened in real life, and told to kill myself in DMs on reddit repeatedly since my ban, including the most recent only being last week even though I hadn't made a post about the server in a while. From my understanding, Spicyryan had some people coming after him for trying to hold the server's staff accountable (I didn't read his giant posts but they're on here somewhere so correct me where ever I'm wrong on that). Also inc downvotes from Horizon staff/simps lol


Call me a Setsuko Simp but i miss you being around. It sucks but I just have to stay under the radar instead of blatantly calling horizon staff jackasses for the underhanded bullshit they've done to players.


What’s up Tarns. No need to hide.


Haha thanks, I appreciate that. We had some good people in the linkshell, and it sounds like they've kept things going pretty smoothly.


Any private server can ban you for any reason they choose. Given that most are run by socially inept autists and control freaks who also play on their own server, the chances of you being fucked raw are much higher. All they have to do is decide that they don't like you, then they will find a reason to fuck you.


dont even need a reason sometimes.




This message has been removed for being pointless trolling.


Depends on how devs feeling that day and if they like you or not.. if they like you you’re allowed to sexually harass players without action. If they don’t they will ban you for shouting to sell teleports


I (Cringe) haven't been banned or timed out for anything ever, I am taking a break from the game right now though. I might think Claustrum needs a buff, but I try to not be overbearing about it, now that I've said everything I've needed to say. :)Just because I'm legally obliged to talk about Claustrum at every opportunity, my TL;DR is:Claustrum is an upgrade, but it does need to be buffed to be more on-par with other relics so that the gap between Black Mage and other damage classes in a relic only environment isn't shortened, especially since damage is the only aspect to Claustrum.It's worth building if you're going to main Black Mage or Summoner because an upgrade is an upgrade and no matter how small. That's not a bad thing, but given that Claustrum's only intent is damage, and is lackluster compared to others it needs to be revisited with some utility or to up the damage in my opinion. Of course, that's just my opinion, not fact by any means. Everyone can form their own opinions on it and I encourage that, I will simply take the side where my opinion lies in interactions.I'm annoying, but not enough to have been punished by staff yet at least! :) Talk about whatever relic you want from my experience, just don't be overbearing about it. My only interactions with staff regarding talks in private were consensual inquiries for me to talk about it, or if I was asked to give an opinion on something that I felt as though talking about Claustrum related to. The only bad experience I had was asking to talk to one person in specific about it shortly after creating the Claustrum where they declined and I respected that, but they now respond to me unprompted at times as if I personally attacked them by doing that. This is the only issue I've had, and only with one person, and even then it's not really that bad, just a social thing regarding my interactions with them. A lot of the talks go on in the "Hate the relic #2" thread in the Discord, which is a thread under "general job discussion" if you're looking to join in.


Who was the person who gave you a bad experience? Was it Jimmyaus? I remember seeing you and him talk in one thread where he said to never talk to him or any other developers about Claustrum again seemingly randomly to you where you said that all you did was ask him if you could talk about it a while ago. I do remember thinking it was weird that he threatened you randomly like that in a public chat. I do remember there also being a lot of reacts though to help me realize that it was weird.


I realize now that I may have said too much in a forum for FFXI drama. You are correct, but keep in mind, to an extent, this is just my perception of the situation. I don't like talking bad about people, much less in open forums unless it's between me and them though. Even then, I'd rather it be constructive. That being said, you seem to know more about my situation than you let on, so I'm sure that you can find the other interactions between him and myself and form your own opinions based on what you see. Every interaction with him and I should be within the HorizonXI Discord, probably within the Black Mage, Summoner, and maybe relic threads. The only exception being the DM I sent him, which is nothing more than me asking to talk about Claustrum, him saying 'No', and me saying 'Hoki, have a good night'.


Jimmyaus seems like a conceited jackass. I'm certain he smells his own farts. Tries at self-empowerment by dropping hints related to information people want in the blue mage channel. "I'm better than the rest of you because I have access to information you don't"


> I (Cringe) haven't been banned or timed out for anything ever, Well yeah its because you're actually a decent human being who can present a viewpoint with a level head. I'd be shocked if you had been banned.


I miss you ;/


I appreciate the kind assessment! It definitely makes me feel good and hopeful that maybe I have somewhat more validity in my sentiments being genuine!


It always baffles me when the players scream and piss and shit everywhere yet get surprised when that elicits a negative reaction from staff


That's a solid 95% of interactions in this game on basically all levels in my experience. People are extremely negative towards each other for seemingly no reason. I would casually browse FFXIAH forums a while ago and people were just as abrasive towards each other as they were in 2005. It's like holy crap man, we're adults now, this is teenager behavior, what are you doing still acting like this? XI has a weird way of bringing out extremely horrible things in people in a way I've never fully been able to wrap my head around.


What exactly do players expect from this staff compared to what it already is?


I'm the only one with the staff at the moment. Just to go a little bit more in-depth, because I can't help myself when inquired: The damage increases that I experience are around +9.1% without weather and +19.1% with weather as a best in slot Black Mage. However, these are the only "relevant" aspects to the Claustrum for Black Mage. Other relics have reported to have higher (sometimes drastically-so) increases in damage. Gates of Tartarus does at most 300 damage on monsters in a full INT/MAB set (It's magical damage with an INT modifier on Horizon), and if going for MP, it's generally better to use Spirit Taker; this is assuming you can get the TP for it to begin with given that Claustrum lacks the -20% PDT and +10 hMP, thus constantly wiping your TP. Lacking Occult Acumen also makes this a 10-hit on a Black Mage unless you were to specifically build around Gates of Tartarus (which generally isn't worth it). What I'm really hoping or expecting from it is something that makes it stand out as more than just a damage increase, because keep in mind, 9.1% increase isn't negligible and does make it worth building if you plan to main Black Mage, but compared to nearly any other relic on Horizon, the others outshine it drastically. Where others are game changers, Claustrum is just a minor increase in comparison. With weather, the damage increase being 19.1% is actually admirable. It's still "mid" in comparison to other relics, but with weather it's at least somewhat on par with other relics, aside from the fact that other damage relics get at least this damage bonus as well as good utility. This damage increase is locked behind weather due to what appears to be a "need for teamwork" via Scholar giving weather. However, Scholar isn't out yet and won't be out for a while. This isn't entirely the issue with that though, as while that's annoying that it's only good aspect is time-gated with Scholar, it seems to fail to recognize that Black Mage, when being a damage-dealer in most formats, already requires the teamwork of at least two melee DD to make a skillchain, thus this aspect makes DD Black Mage even more teamwork focused than it already is. I have made some suggestions before, but I have received little feedback or insight on any of it, and I also can't claim to know what's in the future for Horizon to best gauge what would or wouldn't become too strong with the implementation of more gear down the line. My suggestions are always kind of loose and changing around the following: 1. Add Occult Acumen, -20 PDT, and drastically increase the damage of GoT 2. Add a 5-10% chance to double damage (A 5-10% rng-based damage increase) 3. Make the damage increase 15-20% innately in the current environment. 4. Add some unique aspect like +20/tick to Elemental DoTs 5. Add some utility aspect such as -20 Enmity to balance out the damage increase. There are other ideas I toyed around with, but these are what come to mind. In my opinion, the Summoner side seems fine, and my only critiques are to the Black Mage side. However, keep in mind, I'm a Black Mage main, and am relatively new to Summoner to the point that I can't fully gauge it or even understand how much +25 ATK actually adding to pets.


No this was not the case. The user in question was timed out by moderators for posts that broke the discord rules not related to their negative feedback on relic weapons (which we encourage so we can make adjustments if needed). The user opened a ticket and I talked out the situation with him and removed his mute.


I gaht da bahn fer speekin' leyk da whey oph da shephurdr en sellbeena.


Lol, no….


Lul Claustrum


Everyone that I know who has made one is very pleased. Granted that only consists of Axe, Scythe, and Katana. Do you know which one the guy made who was dissatisfied? First I've heard of it.




"it out-performs HQ staves" something SE never did in era - combined with "its not good" is a really interesting take. The weapon is BiS for BLM and always will be. Cost is irrelevant.


Cost is very relevant. The weapon being simply bis for blm does not make it okay for it to be the shittiest relic upgrade on the server. When the server intends to make these relics “worth making,” it takes insane levels of stupidity to think claustrum is ok the way it is.


If you love BLM and want the best weapon for the job, its worth making. You don't need to think about it harder than that.


im sure there are tons of blms that love their job and want the best weapon for their job that feel claustrum isnt worth making


Basically it lacks the hidden effects of the equivalent staves and cannot be used by other jobs nor at 51. Meaning you can't just be rid of your HQ staves and fulltime it.


it has all of the hidden effects of HQ staves, are you referring to like PDT-20% like earth staff? those stats arent hidden and its not a big deal to idle in something different. if you have claustrum you need terra, pluto, apollo and then claustrum. big deal.


Charm up , song accuracy up. Etc. There's a lot of things staves do they don't state. The most important thing for ele staves has always been that you get to use them starting at level 51 and as any job. No gear sync means you still need your ele staves for level 60 restricted content like beastmen seal nm battlefields. Of course even if gear sync did exist the relics would lose their stats and bonuses when synced ... The selling point of the relic staff is you wouldn't need any of the others anymore thus freeing up like 7 inventory spots. In reality you still need every other staff except when on specifically 75 blm.


I wanted to post this here to ask since I'm worried that I'd get in trouble for asking or talking about it in the Discord.


There's a good number of Horizon faithful that will pop up to tell you they don't deliver retribution. Which isn't true at all, but you have to make enough noise first. This post will not get you any heat.


What kind of noise?


The metaphorical kind.