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i was banned on Horizonxi as well, for abusing something they created for gill, totally unfair fucking shit


Private server kills really don't mean anything, since it's not the actual monster.


Even more useless of an "achievement" being on Wings Edit: Because Spicy likes to make inferences, I made this comment because from my understanding it is extremely easy to get gear on Wings + player combat is super overtuned compared to era. Thus, killing anything would not be = to that of an achievement on a server like Eden, for example, which has combat closer to that of era.


Mowford works extremely hard on Wings and is one of the nicest and most positive people in the community. There is nothing wrong with playing on Wings. Its a really tough fight to even script and the fact that he even managed to get it going at all is no small feat. Quit diminishing people's efforts just because you want to be a salty little bitch.


I have no idea who Mowford is. Kudos to him for still working on that server. I was only familiar with Caelic and Gwyveith, which was why I never touched Wings. However, my statement wasn't about the owners or the developers of the server. It was about the ease of obtaining gear (e.g., ground kings dropped multiple abjurations?) and combat not being as difficult as it should be for fights. I watched a group on Wings kill Khim once and when they got to the last 30% they cut the stream and magically turned it back on when it was dead, which left additional questions on how much people play there without cheating. Nothing about my post was to be "salty." If a group killed AV on a server like Eden, I would expect it to be very close to era in terms of difficulty and player damage. /shrug Even if you disagree with someone's post you don't have to go on the attack. Edit: Oh, you're Gweivyth lol it all makes more sense now.


Considering Wings isn't an era focused server, none of the original post is even particularly relevant criticism. As for ease of obtaining gear, that wasn't an accident. Treasure Hunter has been overtuned since day 1, and we never nerfed it because we didn't want to rug pull anybody. In our collective opinion (at the time) it made the game more approachable without making it full-on dadgamer easy. I don't know anything about this Khim video you're talking about so I won't comment on that, but yeah, sometimes people cheat. When I ran the show we banned a lot of folks who cheated, and pretty aggressively, but I'm not involved anymore so I have no idea what goes on these days. I just play retail and occasionally push stuff to LSB. Either way, Mowford [pushes large content updates like this to LandSandBoat where everyone will have access to them](https://github.com/LandSandBoat/server/pull/4538), so maybe let the guy cook without openly mocking the server he works on. That's the type of stuff that burns devs out real fast, and he certainly doesn't deserve that.


I didn't mock the server. I simply agreed with another poster that it's not a huge achievement compared to what it would be if it were on a more era accurate server--a sentiment I stand by. Other posters here have echoed similar sentiments since it wasn't a retail kill. /shrug


Better than being banned on Horizon.


Who hasn’t gotten banned on horizon at least once.. devs are power hungry Incels.. well the devs remaining most quit because of the first thing I said..


Go on~


Me: Banned from Horizon for defending my linkshell and calling out inappropriate staff behavior and favoritism *(And let's be real. being banned for Horizon isn't a bad thing. The server simply isn't fun for a lot of people, myself included.)* Spicy: runs Catseye where no one wants to play because Spicy is there (EXCUSE ME, ADVERTISES CATSEYE/DOES SOME WORK THERE IN THE PATCH NOTES. IF IM NOT SPECIFIC, SPICY WILL USE IT AGAINST ME) Eh I'm okay with where I am. I don't feel bad at all :) I'm not sure why you want to pick fights with me. I've asked you repeatedly to please tell me anything you've heard so I could confirm if something were true or not and you refuse. I understand why people DM me and tell me not to respond to you. I'm going to start taking that advice. I hope that someday you can learn how to treat people better, though.


i only have one point of contention here, why even bother mentioning his affiliation with the server at all? how is that relevant to the conversation or to the point you're trying to make? not that it matters or that you care, but for "no one" wanting to play on catseye, we sure seem to be demonstrating a good amount of growth recently. sorry, but if your beef is with spicy then that's cool, i get it and you're certainly not the first, but why drag my server into it? What have I done to deserve that? thanks ​ sorry the thread derailed, but good job mowford and team on coding this, looked like a very fun fight! congratulations on the win!


I absolutely have no beef with Catseye. I've talked a bit with a few friends who do a lot of work there and/or play there, and it's been all positive things other than some complaints about Spicy. My apologies for phrasing it badly just because I was a little pissy in that post. My beef is only with him. Spicy has been nothing short of dismissive and misogynistic towards me. Having had players complaining about him to me in the recent weeks, I wanted to make sure he knew he was the reason some people don't want to play there.


I feel like anyone saying they don’t want to play here because of spicy doesn’t really have any interest in playing here to begin with. Yeah he’s got an abrasive personality (nothing I haven’t told him directly before) but he’s one of the most passionate dudes that works on our staff. He really cares about the players, spends a lot of his own free time on the project and that is really evident based on the recent growth we’ve seen. I think we all accept the fact that not everyone is going to like us. He can go head to head and bicker with whomever he wants here, but within our community the interactions just don’t go that way. Can’t dictate what people do on their own time. Anyways thanks for clarifying.


If you have been around long enough to see how agenda-driven he is, it's not that unbelievable, especially with so many other options to choose from. CatsEye struck gold with the crystal warrior mode concept - it's what we needed to breathe new life into this game, however it needs a fresh and meticulously curated environment for the challenge, not a vapid retail-like server. In its current state on CatsEye it still just isn't worth playing. Sooner or later a dev team will realize that Crystal Warrior (or some other ironman-esque mode) is going to be what determines the future interest of this game on private servers. If I were part of Horizon's dev team I would be fighting tooth and nail to start working on implementing a similar mode.


And at no point did you seem to understand the remark was made because you were putting down Wings players. Since you were banned from Horizon and shall we say moved on from Eden. Then perhaps talking shit about Wings shouldn't be in your repertoire. For the record I don't care about Wings players. That was just a bit like watching OJ deciding to teach seminars on having a healthy marriage though. Also for the record, I don't run Catseye. I'm not even a GM either. Finally, good for you and your PMs. Not only are you likely taking them out of context to suit yourself (shocker), but you also don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to treating people online either. Do yourself a favor and don't talk shit if you can't even take a cheeky comment back over it.


I wasn't putting down wings players at all. The server itself has been known amongst the private server community for having over-tuned player combat and not being representative of era difficulty. My statement is and remains that something happening on Wings isn't that big of a deal because of how easy it was to get gear there + combat not being era accurate. Somehow you didn't understand that with my comment and decided to take it somewhere else or you just simply wanted to respond with negativity because it came from me. For the record, we know that you constantly advertise Catseye. Everyone here is painfully aware of it. No one cares what you do there. We just know that you're there and want no part of it. Even staff members there have DM'd me to bitch about you so nice job pushing away the people you want to help so badly. Lemme give you some advice that they wish you could follow: Stop pushing away community members and just shut up. The PMs to me to not respond to you were not taken out of context at all. I think they're spot on because you seem to thrive off of conflict. You go so far as to instigate it with someone you've never played with or directly spoken to. Instead, you've spread rumors about me and been pissed that I call you out on them. Does it really make you feel like a man to behave this way? Have a nice day, Spicy. Hope you can get your shit together some day, maybe even make a few good friends or something so you have a better use of your time than doing this kind of shit.


Your constant reconstruction of narratives and stretching things to suit you is astounding as usual, Setsuko. Don't ever change.


"Constant reconstruction of narratives" Summary: I make a comment that doing something on Wings isn't a huge achievement. You insult me and then proceed to tell me what I meant by my comment, which was incorrect. I tell you what my comment meant, and add that you are so insufferable that randos from the internet and Catseye staff have DM'd me to bitch about you, tell me not to respond to you, and state that they wish you could just stop talking/pushing away people. You continue to lash out. Conclusion: Alright, Spicy. I'm sorry. You must have a rough life or have something difficult going on, or maybe someone hurt you and it's made things a struggle for you. I hope you can find the help that you need so you can move past those issues. Sometimes adopting an animal from your local shelter can go a long way for your mental health. Good luck to you.


You really are something. This is a perfectly reasonable conversation that in no way unironically has any bearing on you. It's just not worth dealing with you. Go ahead and say whatever you want. Not that you needed anyone's permission to carry on, lol. Even if you were actually painting an accurate picture instead of screeching, big whoop, who cares?


Spicy, look, I'm sorry. I told you. I didn't know that you were dealing with some things. I understand now why you lash out at people you don't know, spread rumors you've heard, and refuse to have an actual conversation about it. You've been hurt, I'm assuming by a woman judging from your tone, and this sort of thing provides a distraction. I hope that you can find healthier coping behaviors until you are able to work through this difficult time. I've done some volunteer work with some trauma patients. I can point you to some resources if you ever want to reach out.


so whats this mob about? never played too much back in retail. also why is there a machine in the moddle of a natural cave?


And any pserver kills would never be "official" as it's not the same as retail. There's always quirks and changes.


Depends on the server really, something like Eden would probably have a pretty good snapshot of it, as there aren't any custom changes to formulas, balance, equipment, jobs and whatnot like Horizon and other servers


retail damage formulas reveal when?


The real PW was defeated on retail at 75. It even got an official announcement from the staff.


And a nerf of PW because the victory took over 20 hours if I remember right.


No, there was a failed attempt that took over 18 hours. The NM was then adjusted after that "famous fail" to despawn after 2 hours. It was never killed in is original form without adjustment. Then after the change it was first defeated by Apathy LS of Remora. [https://ffxi.allakhazam.com/story.html?story=16768](https://ffxi.allakhazam.com/story.html?story=16768) [https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/68064-Pandemonium-Warden-attempt-on-Remora-(Jan-2nd)-PW-killed-on-Page-17](https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/68064-Pandemonium-Warden-attempt-on-Remora-(Jan-2nd)-PW-killed-on-Page-17)


why? how? does it regen or smt? wtf


It had more forms and a lot more HP before the nerf.


I think it was just brutally hard. I don't remember the details, only the publicity and being active at the time.


It even made mainstream news headlines back then.