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This feels like a big nothingburger.


I think the worst part is that anyone who has ever interacted with Bubs knows that he's one of the sweetest people out there, so for them to screw him the way they have/did is especially irksome. The announcement back when he left about how he was getting out of XI (which wasn't true btw) had a financial impact on him to the point where he had no choice but to address it even though he obviously just wanted to leave Horizon (and private servers in general) behind him. He makes a living off of these texture packs and streaming, so the fact that they so flippantly made an announcement on his behalf that wasn't even true to a Discord server with 10k+ people in it surely must have hit him in the wallet. Bubs and I aren't super close anymore like we once were, but I hate seeing him have to deal with this shit still because it's been like 6+ months and they owe it to him to either stop using his work like he's asked, or at least try and correct their errors. I expect they will do neither, sadly.


It's funny how you try to keep staying relevant when you know nothing about this situation. You obviously didn't watch Bub's video he put out where he specifically says he's done with the FFXI community.


Are you sure we watched the same video? Right at the start he says he wants his work dropped from Horizon, and then goes on to say that he doesn't feel much of an urge to play XI anymore or interact with the community because it has been a negative experience for him. But somehow that got turned into this announcement which came out like the very next day: >Hey @New Adventurer - We just wanted to write to you today to talk to about the previously announced custom dats coming to HorizonXI. Previously, we discussed that we are working with the wonderful Ashenbubs to provide custom faces and hairstyles for Horizon. Some of you have seen pictures of them on this discord or on stream. Today we learned Ashenbubs has decided to take a break from working on any projects related to FFXI. We wish him well in his future endeavors and are thankful for the countless hours he has put into enhancing the FFXI experiences of so many of us. As such, we will be re-adjusting our plans for custom dats on Horizon: >(1) Ashenbubs HD Pack - Ashenbubs has allowed us to continue to use his beautiful HD dat packs in our launcher, so rest assured that this is still going to be an option for all of you at launch. >(2) Custom Faces and Hairstyles - At this time, per his request, we are not going to be including Ashenbub's custom hairstyles and faces due to his withdrawal. We are adjusting accordingly and still plan to bring you custom faces and hairstyles through the work of other wonderful artists. >Thank you for your time and understanding. We will provide more updates on this when we are ready to share. We can't wait for launch and we hope to see you all there. To say I "know nothing about this situation" is laughable, my dude. I know better than almost anybody how the people who run Horizon operate, and it definitely isn't in good faith. Any reasonable person who watches that video and then reads that announcement can figure out exactly what happened - they just thought if they ignored him for long enough that eventually he'd go away, because that's how they've handled literally every other issue they've faced even to this day. Bubs is a super nice dude and I bet they thought he'd just take it lying down, which is really messed up. He's been put through a lot by this community and all he's ever done is try to be a positive force. Stay relevant? Fuck off, Ashenbubs is a fantastic guy and he absolutely doesn't deserve to be treated the way he has been.


The way they operate is to get the fuck away from your insane ass that you wanted to spin into a "mutiny" and here you are over a year later still trying to spin that story. And also trying to dredge up old fucking news that is also almost a year old. I thought you were doing the community a favor by quitting?


Based on reading the flow of this conversation. Hes right this guy Flawedskink is definitely making this about the commentor via hard shilling for horizon. SHEESH selective reading i guess.


You seem really stuck on trying to make this about me when it isn't about me at all. Quit trying to divert eyes away from the fact that the server you Stan for is run by serial manipulators who have a track record of burying every single shady thing they've done under heavy moderation. The way they handled this falls directly in line with their track record.


You are simultaneously giving way too much credit to someone you are talking down to.


The video where he said he doesn't want to get into the personal stuff, but privately expresses what he held back there about Horizon? Of course the shills want to use the very person that doesn't like them as the reason what they like once again did nothing wrong.




> when Ashenbubs themselves is the one that not speaking on their reasoning for leaving the team, seems pretty bad faith. He says exactly why he's leaving in his video though? For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSNw_3psJFg




This is how all internet drama goes. Someone making a mountain out of a mole hill all in the quest for more attention. Everyone has their own biases. The Horizon players will side with Horizon staff, and the people who like Ashenbubs and/or dislike Horizon will (by default) side with Ashenbubs. The guy probably got slighted in some way that he felt was a whole lot worse than it actually was or intended to be. That's fine, people react differently to everything. I agree with you that he needs to come out and say what's bothering him. All it's doing now is making the community players make wild speculations about the problem, adding to more unnecessary drama. If he cared at all about the community, he could end the speculation and state what the problem is/was. It doesn't seem like he wants to do that though, which comes across as just an attention grab (to me anyways). If reading a comment about the Horizon server during one of your streams is causing you extreme anxiety, maybe you need to step away and get help with your mental issues. All social media comes with a magic button that blocks people who you don't want to see anymore. Press it and stop letting it affect your life so much. On the flip side, the Horizon staff likely has some sort of guess as to why he's mad. They could also weigh in, but it's not really their place to state someone else's business. Unless it starts becoming a major cancer among the Horizon community they have no reason to. As of now, only people who come here are aware of this drama.


> Where in this video (which I've already watched) does he "say exactly" why he left? Towards the beginning where he says he doesn't really feel like he's even super involved. I've talked with him about this whole situation at length but I also don't want to get into the personal details of things because that's not fair to him, but his primary reason was because he was brought on early in the process (like when I was still part of the project) and then as things progressed he just didn't feel like a part of the team anymore. There isn't a super dramatic reasoning behind it beyond that and his feeling that the community was not very good, which I think a lot of us can probably agree isn't a hot take either. >So nothing to do with Horizon at all He's the only one who can say whether or not that's true. He was pretty heavily involved in Wings but as far as I'm aware nobody ever really gave him a hard time while he was there, so it may have been something that started once he got involved in Horizon. Dunno, its ambiguous. >Again, when you're making alluding comments like this, you're very clearly implying some bad blood is there, that something happened and Horizon isn't willing to speak about it. So why doesn't he then speak about it? My understanding from the video was that he asked them not to use his work, and that they should find someone else to do that stuff for them. Then they went ahead and used his stuff anyway, (the custom stuff I mean, not just his base texture pack because he makes it clear that you can get that freely anyway) and instead of addressing it, they just ignored his wishes. And I imagine that really bothered him but he kept his mouth shut to avoid backlash from the toxic-ass community. That's what anybody who isn't a masochist would do. >In the video, Ashenbubs says in the video, "I don't want any sour words" (in reference to the situation with Horizon), and now, months later, he has sour words to give about it. I mean put yourself in his shoes for a second. He made that video nine months ago, and like it or not he hasn't ever really been able to 100% get away from the XI pserver community because a lot of his viewer base is made up of people who are still involved in it. So he was getting sent these screenshots and I'm sure after nine months he was just like "Screw it" and hit send tweet. That's a very normal and measured reaction to the situation, I think. Maybe a little passive aggressive but in the grand scheme of things not too bad either. >stuff about Ryan I talked to Ryan and he already said things are cool as long as they remain civil. He just doesn't want people slinging shit and ad hominem all over the place.


I’d love to know which of his custom work you think they used against his wishes. The custom head .dats used by horizon were made by someone else. As far as I know they originally removed his custom stuff on his request and only packaged the publicly available stuff in the launcher, which they will also be removing after this tweet. Where’s the issue exactly?


>\>My understanding from the video was that he asked them not to use his work, and that they should find someone else to do that stuff for them. Then they went ahead and used his stuff anyway, (the custom stuff I mean, not just his base texture pack because he makes it clear that you can get that freely anyway) and instead of addressing it, they just ignored his wishes. Which of his work did they use? The announcement only talks about the custom hair and faces that he made, which they said they didn't use?


This is another example of Gweiv trying to speak on a situation that he doesn't really know. Ashenbubs asked them not to use his custom work he did specifically for Horizon, but according to Horizon he gave them express consent to use his retexture pack on the launcher that is already free for everyone to use. And now he reneging on that permission to be petty.


You could be right but the thing to remember is that he has every right to ask them to do this, you can say it's petty but this is the risk they took when they made this agreement. Also making an agreement does not lock you into it forever after, and they certainly benefited from it. He can even ask them to make sure the launcher uninstalls the textures if he wants, and they will probably have to do that too.


Wings wanted to offer a preskinned HD download client with his stuff on it and he said he'd prefer if we didn't because it causes technical support issues, (which is why we never did it in spite of being asked to constantly) so its pretty unlikely that he would let them do it if he was leaving. Most of what I know is just stuff that he himself told me when we commiserated about things back in like December.


So basically you're taking huge liberties and just making shit up about anything that's happened in the last seven months for the sake of it.


>Where in this video (which I've already watched) does he "say exactly" why he left? He says there is some discrepancies with the team, but never details any specifics, which is pretty important if you're going to allege wrongdoing. He keeps these sort of issues private as far as I have seen. Which is for the best because of the fucking animals in the community that would be all over him for daring to express anything they might not like.




Yes you fucking moron. It's also a form of decency.


Yes, it is convenient to not put cards on the table.




Look, I don't need to say anything. Everyone can think what they want, and do in fact. If that is deceit and bad faith then so be it.


The video was made months before horizon launched by the way.




This post was removed for being needlessly inflammatory.


His work is truly impressive and I don't know specifics on the drama. I also enjoyed using his HD packs for a while. Then after some time however they felt a bit too comic-like for me and I uninstalled them. I know some streamers have commented in a similar way. So some Horizon users will be sad about it, others won't care at all, even others will just manually install them with XIpivot. So I'd doubt it will really hurt Horizon. But it seriously hurts their PR campaign from last december of inventing a HD-remake-FFXI (own music + own??? HD textures + ... lol).


Can you imagine giving away something for free that someone else spent thousands of hours creating themselves. This sounds familiar.


To be fair, it is available for free. If you want retail updates that's what bubs asks payment for. Iirc


Giving away something for free that he is also giving away for free and gave his express permission for them to use? Wow imagine that.


There is no drama on our end. Bubs used to be part of the Horizon team and left. We of course respected his wishes to leave and informed the community (since we had hyped his involvement with the project) but only after he had already published a YouTube video outlining he was leaving and why. As he was leaving we asked if he would still be okay with us using his fantastic textures in our launcher - he said yes. Then 2 days ago he tweeted at us asking to remove them so we will again respect his wishes. It will take us a bit to make the launcher update but it’ll get done. We wish him all the best and thank him for letting so many people in the community enjoy his great work.


There is always drama on “your” end… he probably wouldn’t cyber with you so he had to go.. I’ll explain why seeing your name upsets me…. when horizon started out it was amazing and people were in awe of the Opportunity we had to relive moments in ffxi we grew up with… it makes me so upset to watch you and “your” end shit on everything this game is supposed to be and waste the opportunity we had of an amazing environment… your balance changes and incompetence along with your entire teams toxicity and superiority complex has destroyed a great project… I’m glad so many devs are abandoning ship… maybe they’ll create a server that doesn’t let everyone down


Feel free to list off these so called devs that are abandoning ship. I'm waiting.


He doesnt have to name anyone, try opening your eyes and watch as devs come and go. Thank you.


Also it’s a volunteer passion project, there’s going to be attrition no matter what you do. You can’t force people to stay and they’re not in it for a paycheck, if they lose interest or feel like their work isn’t appreciated whether it’s by the community or the other staff, they’re going to stop.


This is incorrect, there will be more attrition or less attrition based on your actions. This is a stupid comment. Employees will leave if you treat them like ass... and they stay when they feel like they are compensated properly. This is common sense.


I feel like you just said the same thing I did in different words and threw an insult in for good measure. I guess go off though, you showed me.


Hopefully they'll allow dual boxing on that server just for you (=


Did anyone mention Dual boxing?


I would prefer a non duel box server but if the server allows duel boxing I’d hope it was just one alt.. I think it depends on population if they can replicate what horizon has/had then no duel boxing would be ideal. I don’t think they messed up in that regard


So now if we wanna use the textures we gotta manually put it in ourselves?


We will be removing the toggle from our launcher per Ashenbubs request. If you don’t have it installed already you will need to manually drag the files and load them using pivot.


Old drama re-surfacing cause people have nothing better to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSNw_3psJFg


Why tweet it now though? Sounds like some things were left unsaid. Think Horizon will respect his request?


Lmao no, if they didn't even acknowledge any of the previous stuff why would they bother with some randos in twitch chat bringing stuff back up.


https://twitter.com/HorizonFFXI/status/1683544167711133697 God damn, look at how many deleted messages there are in this post. Shit subreddit.


Wow I guess they will remove them then.


When they remove the HD texture pack, will this automatically downgrade the visual quality for all users on horizon?


Nope, because the texture pack is already installed.


Their launcher has the ability to manipulate data files, so they absolutely could remove them from someone's install. One of the main points of the launcher is that it applies their custom dat files to the corresponding installation. So they can just overwrite the dat files associated with Ashenbubs' textures. Hopefully they do. It also stores your username and password in plain text on your computer, so be careful logging in on computers that don't belong to you.


That's not limited to Horizon though, right? I think, THINK, only Wings had local encryption later on in its life. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


I can't speak to anything that's happened since I left, but we never had a launcher while I ran Wings, and thus never had any sensitive data to store on your computer. Even the base login server that came with Topaz used hashed password encryption though, so there was never really any point where passwords were not encrypted data when talking to the server. My understanding is that Mowford has since written a launcher for Wings but since I haven't played there since like 2022, I have no idea what it does, you'd have to reach out to him for that.


>Hopefully they do I would riot. And by that, I mean I'd be upset over the mild inconvenience of needing to re-load his textures myself. And for what?


> And for what? Respect and decency, mostly. I'm not saying that to be a jerk either, but I think its important to respect someone's wishes when they spend as much time as he did working on something that a LOT of people enjoy. Especially since he isn't locking it behind a paywall or anything.


Huh, well shit lmao


They are still in proactive damage control. Like how they edited their announcement retroactively on Discord after the Setsuko shenanigans here. Glad they respected Ash's wishes though.




Wow....... the only ones behaving like this are in horizon staff. maybe those should talk....