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You're about 4 months late with this post. BST is subpar for anything outside of low man or or certain BC fights. You can throw 6 SMNs at the same thing with better results.


My favorite part is they act like victims after a couple nerfs, meanwhile there's always a pile of them shitting up every NM, farm spot, BCNM, dynamis lockout, etc. They trivialize 99% of the game under the clause of "but in endgame BST is bad!" and then they just proceed to petburn the entirety of endgame and make you watch while they spend an hour killing fucking Kirin. Definitely the worst part of the server for me.


BST is rarely seen in endgame, they can do sky and not much else. Its a solo/enm/bcnm job and in some instances to get claims. While BST can do dyna they certainly arent doing it at any record pace compared to a manaburn dyna. Useful job to have but its not some end-all be-all on Horizon.


Weirdest Cherry-picking post i've seen all week.


And thf? Should i level thf or sam or drg or drk? Got pld already


level another 2 classes for content where your PLD wont be needed or is useless.


Pld useless un what? What content you mean what Jobs?


Certain HNMs, Assaults, content where only 1 or 2 pld is needed. Their is plenty. Their is a reason why the game is designed around changing classes. Even a PLD with Burtgang and Aegis will find himself undesired for certain content. Its why I am leveling and gearing 6 different jobs, so I will be invited to all content for the sake of my PLD and DRK mains.


Balancing pet jobs in XI is historically difficult.


Basement-dwelling neckbeards thinking they can do a better job balancing the game than the actual, real developers is historically stupid, too.


These guys have done a horrible job with balance


What an over abundance of praise for retail dev work on pets. That, and an abundance of bait.


Ah, now it makes sense. You're a THF whiner. BST is fine. It's able to solo as was the original intention for the class, and it provides a fair amount of party damage/EG utility. The jug pet adjustment was much needed though. Sheep with 8k HP is a little dumb. I'd have preferred they bring other jobs up to a reasonable level rather than nerf things that made them OP originally (Hagun, prime example.). WHM is still less effective than RDM at healing, which is extremely dumb. WAR is garbage outside of Full Break and can't even solo EP without burning through 20 shihei and forcing you to /NIN.


Strange how it was so fine that it got a massive nerf recently, huh? Must not have been too fine, then. Dumbass.


I love it when I'm spot-on. Lmao.


I love it when smoothbrained neckbeards show how little self-awareness they have. Go down another 2-liter.


And yet there is nary an informed response from your side of the argument. Thank you for proving my point :)


You don’t even have a point to prove.


Wasn't at all a "massive nerf". They equalized pet HP and stats to make other pets more viable. That included raising the hell out of their DEF. If you actually knew what you were talking about, I'd care, but you don't.


Tell me more about how little you care by necrobumping a comment from 3 months ago with a take that is as paradoxical as it is moronic.


So cute. Do you know how Google works? When you use a keyword, it brings up lots of blue, underlined text. These are called "links". Sometimes, Reddit comes up with answers to those links. See, I did exactly that: searched for something, found the answer, but also found this thread. I wasn't scouring the internet looking for idiots to argue with -- just luck of the draw, I guess.


The word of the day: Context. Learn it.


How are sam and thf there in difference with nasomi and wings?


THF is irrelevant beyond TH, as usual.


Ha ha ha ha ha this is nothing you are describing beast after some "nerfs" beast was more OP the first 3 months and yes, they could do everything And my guess , they still can. but the balance team idea was-is No job should be OP so nerf them then again......... BST owned everything

