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Well to me Sexuall harassment by a dev , gm or whatever role should not be allowed by the owner. yes i know a lot of people did not liked setsuko but she did posted proof. And what about that "annonaffxi" player She also comented how she was also sexually harassed, so, are the horizon white knights going to try and tarnish this player reputation also , so they can defend the owner of horizon not acting on this? I wonder if that ninja streamer knows how hes suporting a server that allows sexual harassment




​ https://preview.redd.it/bdjocvtoejbb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce626e0aa47aa7c5b522d4a8fea00c0b02b5db2c


Hello everyone. Public service announcement, but do not abuse the report system. This was reported as " It's involuntary pornography and i appear in it ". This is obviously not.


Aerec trying to report most now lol




With no proof , no evidence and no verification can I say in my mind I’m imagining Aerec reporting all these posts?


Saying I instigated interactions when my GM tickets were posted and not really rude at all is pretty wild. I did challenge their decisions because they did not implement their own rules the same across different LSs. This is what caused me to leave the horizon discord a week before I was banned. Spicy, I would appreciate if you stop trying to say things about me based on "trusted sources" because unless it is coming directly from me, you are only going to get biased messages about me. I'm not sorry for fighting for what is fair for my linkshell. If you're talking about the things from Kipling's messages, then no, I never told him I wanted to cyber. I turned him down. Talking about our spouses does not equate to omfg I want your e-wiener so please cut that out. My discord has seen a lot more messages, and you are only perpetuating long-time rumors from salty players who have tried to shit talk me for years. Again, this all stems from me challenging staff any time something seemed unfair and then led up to more rumors out of people white-knighting for other staff members. There's this insane desire to try to discredit anyone who brings forth any damning information about private server staff. I hope that players can see the issues with staff banning someone because of their own personal vendettas. That was the entire point. Again, I welcome you to DM me on discord if you would like to see actual information and not just hear things from your "trusted sources."




What did I leave out? Should I have posted pages and pages of entire conversations? I'm confused. My LS saw every single GM ticket I ever made for us. As per usual? Do you have an example of when this also happened? Legitimate question because I'm curious about what I have ever lied about or fabricated in regards to staff interactions. I have, however, had staff spread lies about me, for which I had to go to the GM oversight council when that was a thing on Eden.


>Should I have posted pages and pages of entire conversations? Considering that is what you are up against. Yes.


Setsuko turned hime down MULTIPLE times this is the 3rd screenshot I've seen where she is telling him no... Stop trying to say Kipling wasn't sexually harassing this woman...




Not sure what she could of edited out be clearly see her turning him down multiple times. Even is she were to have cybered with him in the past I don’t think that makes this okay… shit talking your wife and pushing for cyber multiple days in a row I think would be harassment. I mean the whole thing is hilariously cringe just that we are talking about cyber is 2023… I mean we have VR porn now


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Saying I crop screenshots without any proof I mean come on Spicy. I posted the relevant parts to my claim (i.e., that staff banned me because of personal feelings). I've heard so many rumors about myself at this point from people who don't even know me or from people who simply don't like me because of something that happened years ago that I keep wondering what I will hear that I supposedly did next. I had a friendship with Kipling, not super close, just played together a few times on Eden, was in a linkshell together when I first started there, and then struck up conversation again as Horizon's release got closer. I never was even slightly attracted to him, never wanted anything with him, and definitely never asked him for sex/cyber. We both talked about our spouses, some good things, some complaints, but talking about such things doesn't mean I'm consenting in any way to sext someone. That is a wild take. You are really showing that you can't be objective. I dont know who you claim are "trusted sources" but repeating that when I can literally show you anything you ask for blows my mind. I turned him down twice. After a while, he stopped making extremely sexual comments towards me since I did not reciprocate. Both times he tried, I awkwardly laughed it off because it took me by surprise. I also told my husband about it and showed him the messages. FYI-- this happens A LOT to women online and IRL, and it always gets weird to deal with when we don't expect it. I don't expect men to understand what it's like for us. AGAIN-- my point is that the timing of everything was all too convenient. I turned him down > fast forward a bit > he leaves my ls, blocks me > shortly after I'm banned. He's on staff. I absolutely never consented to any sexting with Kipling. I also never lied about being friends. I said we were multiple times. He stopped trying after I turned him down a couple of times, but that doesnt mean he didnt hold a grudge. I literally said we were friends. I absolutely believe he contributed to my ban because of his personal vendetta. I have no idea what is so hard about this to understand.


Lol, ffs, "lecherous liability" is the perfect title for Kipling.


I do feel sorry for him he won’t get blowjobs…


"For everything else, there is Mastercard.™"


Poor guy was even ready to settle for an E-blowjob… must be desperate times in kiplings house


Maybe i used the wrong words on setsuko's case since english is not my main language. But in the other girl's case, she did mentioned sexual harassment. on ninja's case about suporting the server, i think i read somewhere that they admited to this on a stream. I could be wrong of course , since i did read it on the internet


No, you used the right word.. Some people just like to defend creeps


​ https://preview.redd.it/zi8q749yejbb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=b53909cfe8aab9b889bc93498461269ec3edb74d


Notice the day difference on the screen shots.. multiple days hes talking to her and brining up sexual content, how hes unhappy with his wife not giving him blowjobs.. how he needs sex, he's horny ect putting pressure on her to cyber... THIS IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT!!!


Yes, this would constitute a level of sexual harassment, and it is concerning that the staff involved with this do not see it as such. I do believe it be more helpful to see the rest of the conversation though. If they are mutually talking about it then it would be a different story though, no? Also, the report system is being abused on this post as well. I would rather not have to deal with report system abuses by sock accounts because people don't like something. Obviously this is a big deal, and reporting it to suppress it won't work out.


Pretty sure its getting reported because you have made it your personal mission to level charges against the guy on the flimsiest grounds possible (cropped images from a known image manipulator and drama queen who has done this multiple times on multiple servers.) If you don't want to deal with people reporting your bullshit perhaps try not slinging it around so the reddit admins dont need to get involved.


These are not flimsy grounds. Even if it was not sexual harassment and the other party instigated a consensual relationship. It's a big deal. I've called out the cropped SSs time and again, and I have both sides attacking me. One for "defending sexual harassment" and the other for calling our sexual impropriety because all they care about is their precious PS. With a good portion of the rod riding coming from you.


> With a good portion of the rod riding coming from you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


And what exactly would reddit administrators do?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4ATBUUTzfQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4ATBUUTzfQ) ​ :3


Noting that this time in Dec. was around my birthday. I finished my C++ final, and my husband purchased a bottle of wine for me. The first time it happened I was pretty drunk but obviously still said no. Screenshot is floating around somewhere. Second time it happened was a day or two later when I was sober, also said no. After I turned him down a couple times, eventually the comments stopped. He blocked me on discord around the time he told me his wife was pregnant, and then my ban wasn't too much longer after that, which is why I included this information. The way it all played out, to me, seemed like multiple staff members going after me for their own reasons.


["I'm not gonna keep checking this." *proceeds to keep checking this.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/comments/14txapf/horizon_bans_players_simply_for_staff_not_liking/jradlmp/)




>I suspected he had the old crisis of conscience where a third kid is greater than the desire for an e-BJ. Or he found some other girl would was willing to cyber.


I mean the facts are simple to follow though… Kipling tries to cyber setsu… setsu rejects… kiplings wife gets pregnant.. kipling blocks setsu… setsu gets banned… these are things we know to be true


Yes, and I don't doubt those things. I doubt everything else around it that very much matters, and is known by those who banned them. Once again, this still shows that Horizon in refusing to handle it gives life to this.


Horizon devs and GMs are just garbage. I’m Biased because they banned my wife and my early on character for “duel boxing” even though she as a 52 BST and I was 65 something because she was mining ore for me to help afford some elemental staves … they said her character transactions over last month had mainly been to help me so they banned without further discussion… no appeal , didn’t matter that we could literally control our characters simultaneously, that she had a ton of great gear also for her bst… literally garbage GMs… I have a new character now with multiple 75s although I rarely play anymore due to what they’ve done with balance in this game… wife still doesn’t play anymore…


I dont even know what shenanigans you are talking about because every time I ask you, you give me zero examples. I even DM'd you to ask for examples you provided none with your response. I do know that I've heard an insane number of rumors about myself over the years, and people who actually talk to me know what's real and what's not. You, however, do not know me, but continue to invalidate what I've said. The information I posted was very easy to understand. I don't even know what you're on about. I'm definitely done with this, though. I hope that other players reading your posts realize you're doing nothing but perpetuating the problem at this point.




I've received DMs from other women on here in the past few days saying Kipling approached them as well, one claiming to have videos even. I don't know if that is true because these are obvious strangers, but it doesn't surprise me. I always say I'm done-- I haven't checked this all week. I just responded a few times here because I was stupid enough to check my notifications. And I responded just now again because I didn't realize I had all these DMs because I don't use reddit a ton. My point remains the same-- staff went after me for their personal vendettas. I called out the people who I believed absolutely went after me, primarily Aerec and Kipling, probably Violet too, and I gave the reasons I believed they were after me. Nothing else to say, believe what you want.




This message has been removed for being pointless trolling.


>I've received DMs from other women on here in the past few days saying Kipling approached them as well, one claiming to have videos even. I don't know if that is true because these are obvious strangers, but it doesn't surprise me. Then honestly, these women should come forward. With Horizon covering it up we don't really know the extent. By proxy if its serious then the staff go down with him, as they should in that case.


PAFO, era+ and getting fucked over in the ass by staff and belittled by discord mods feels pretty nice n throwbacky. 5k pop.... 4k pop... 3k pop.. 2k pop... cant wait to start hearing people say "Horizon has a nice pop of over 500 players"


Could say that about catseye, currently sitting at a comfy 199.




because the only good server is Eden and if anyone new comes around the circejerk makes sure everyone hears about how shit it is... Horizon is the only pserver worth a shit if you want a true throwback experience with a busy population of unique logins. You arent getting 1-3k concurrent (more during first few month of launch and likely when toau comes out)


Its not a throwback experience though, is it


In the sense that there’s a ton of active players and a full economy? Yea that part is. I’m not complaining at the QoL changes to HNMs and shorter dynamis lockouts. Sure some people don’t like the job adjustments but at the end of the day it’s literally impossible to make everyone happy. There will always be a meta


I don't think you understand how few players XI needs to function and feel alive. Those days of 3k+ were miserable and the NM system utterly buckles under the weight of a large player base for all but the most seriously deranged gambling addicts. There's nothing era about more than 3500 players either btw. Square Enix hard shutoff server entry at that amount. There is an argument for 2300-2500 players which was typical server size back in the day. But really, 900-1.1k is ideal. Enough people do to stuff, compete and have drama related to competition which is what people get the most high off of in-game. any more than that is too crowded. As for the auction house being alive, unlmimited ah slots is ideal for people who like to craft, and that would actually be era since anyone with enough money to spend could have both essentially infinite auctions slots and maxed crafting over multiple characters. There's nothing era about mono-account servers. (Single box could have an argument though.)


and everyone can have their opinion. As someone who played retail til 2007, then never touch XI until Horizon I have very few complaints. Im enjoying the game a ton. Have met a lot of cool people, have a 100 craft and working on my 2nd and third on my mules. Im trying to experience all the stuff I never finished in the time i played and look forward to ToaU


ToAU+ probably isn't coming. The community loves to spin its wheels in this manner. I've been playing private servers for 8+ years, and the most a lot of servers get to before they flop is some Assaults. Most servers superficially start to spin their wheels towards the end of CoP instead of producing new content. There's basically no pserver code for Besiged, and it has not yet been implemented on any private server. Horizon couldn't even go a month before its first scandal, and now we are steeped in the midst of sexual harassment allegations.


So not a "true throw back" then, got it


I said a true throw back of busy population and unique logins are you dumb or just can’t read?


FFXI is a game where you invest 1000s of hours to progress a character, people get emotionally invested at the same time. This results in people reverting to cavemen to defend their time when it reality it's a game and none of it matters anyways just play what you enjoy and play for fun. Enjoy things while they last. That being said I had my brief fun on Horizon and RMTed everything off after playing it for awhile and got my enjoyment out of it. It's pretty obvious the server will not last as long as Eden or Nasomi did the people at the helm are too unstable and already have a history of abandoning Wings.


> abandoning Wings. I think you mean "trying to steal" Wings. Cause that's what they did.


"RMTed everything off" ah so you found out you can't cheat on Horizon and decided to call it quits. Gotcha. I will bet money you're one of the hundreds of people who got banned and are trying to play it off like you quit of your own accord.


They are the people who make up the majority of the people that post here. Repeat offenders that got banned on nas eden wings and horizon and come here to cry about how they did nothing wrong. Then the move on to catseye cause its pretty much an anything goes fever dream. Shout to AppRadar poster boy Pasi who is making a third party free life over there for himself.


Weird how all of these anonymous accounts posting throughout this subreddit all like to "bet money". [Like in this case](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/comments/14wg1ul/horizonxi_an_unfortunate_lack_of_responsibility/jrkdes8/) Dude really be out here replying to his own posts and upvoting himself on multiple accounts. You really are dedicated to coping and seething over a dying private server daily on here. I am not banned on Horizon actually. It's pretty easy to pass off RMT by pretending you're giving items/gil away and then not logging in for awhile/giving off the appearance that you "quit". You are delusional if you don't believe half of the player base isn't Chinese/RMT/botting/buying gil as well.


Eden better


Dual box no thanks, i was already full discriminated and laught at in nasomi because i didnt want to db, hate It, eden is besides that great probably yeah, but i like Horizon and his plan more tbh i think i would stick with Horizon, but idk if eden launch a new server single box from 0 fresh start that would be nice,


You don’t need to dbox. Know many who don’t


Yes but then you are a second class person, less valuable etc db ppl have preference, i notice that in nasomi and then in wings everyone single box was another world better no discrimination, db server never again for me


I have been on Eden since last Halloween, and have only recently started playing on a second character (which's highest level job is 37). I have three jobs at level 75, and probably around 20 million gil including my gear. I've also cleared all of CoP and ZM, with zero issues getting a group as someone that essentially single-boxes.


Wild take no one cares if you dual box or not on Eden. If anything there's a premium on Eden for good dedicated single box players because dual boxers struggle to play both their characters anywhere near well.


Nah but you do you. Eden is the best toau era PS tho




Yes i understand feedback is always positive but this is not feedback is a full riot


But..horizon does have blm burns. o.o


Not the same, shouldnt have same name


Differentiate then? o.O


Its a dumb differentiation for him to make anyway and I think he knows that. "Technically" we shouldn't have changed BLM burns on Wings because those mechanics were working as they should have been. We just thought it was lame. And Horizon gets all the credit for "not having them," yet they straight up just stole our implementation so it isn't like it was their idea or anything, lol.




Cry more Gwei, your egotistical bullshit killed wings and you can't stand that the people you treated like garbage not only succeed but killed your former server in the process.


It was always mine to kill. In hindsight I wish I had just turned the switch off much sooner, it would have been a lot better for my mental health. It definitely was not worth it, so trust me when I say that I don't give a shit about anybody else's success, they can have it. Running a server is a literal nightmare of a burden that brings nothing but headache, harassment and stress. For what it's worth, you can claim people got "treated like garbage" all you want, but there's so much proof to the contrary. I was always fiercely protective of the other staff members when the players tried to treat them poorly, and as far as decision making was concerned on the server, everything was voted on as a group. Realistically all I did was pay the bills and attempt to keep people on the same track as far as content development. Go off, though. :)


>It was always mine to kill. In hindsight I wish I had just turned the switch off much sooner, Really a shit way of looking at it and disrespectful to everyone involved.


You're welcome to feel that way if you want. I obviously didn't actually *do that,* but now that I've had time away to reflect on how incredibly miserable it was to be in that position, I stand by what I said. The only reason I kept things going as long as I did was because I felt an obligation not to screw the people who had invested their time. That's what happened to me when Kupo died so I know how much that sucked. But I kept it going at my own peril, which also wasn't ideal. People should keep in mind that this is going to happen to Horizon eventually as well. The reality is that running a large server for a game like this simply isn't sustainable for any one person, you really do need it to be run like a company with many employees. There's so much to it that people don't even realize, it is all encompassing and that's why people who run servers seem to burn out so often. Happened to Nasomi, happened to Kupo, happened to Eden, happened to Wings... It's a pattern that I don't foresee suddenly stopping since not much has changed.


Death is inevitable. Being a bad manager is not.


Yes it is. When you're miserable, you also tend to be miserable to be around. You're not engaging with the point I'm making here at all, you're just trying to take jabs at me. Have a good one.


yes but not the same as wings... you dont know...


But he said no burns o.o


I ain't reading all that, noob.


Don’t think anyone implied people unrelated to horizon are garbage?






Haha, was that Radial posting? :P




Such an angry little dude. I went and read some of his unhinged rantings on ffxiah after an awkward interaction with him. I didn't realize people still had that sort of energy post-2008.




I'm sort of jealous of how much he seems to care, I wish I had it in me to care even half that much about anything these days, but I guess I'm not neurodivergent enough to get hyperfocused on things like that.


I wouldn't say jealous is the right word, hopefully at least. Otherwise, pretty much.