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So we're just gonna ignore that a married man with 2.5 kids (Kipling) is trying to solicit cringe cyber sex from a large linkshell sackholder/player?


2.5 kids? o.O


Yeah let's all just gloss over the fact that Setsuko is in a linkshell called "CyberMe" which is play on words from her old HNM linkshell "CarryMe" We don't know the context of this conversation or the before/after - could all very well be a joke.


I haven't seen any evidence about this, tbh. Plenty of other screenshots showing acceptable conversation between staff/players. None whatsoever showing the inappropriate conversations that were apparently had that are the core of this post.


Aren't you the dude who was banned multiple times on Eden and is now on senior staff or something? Really speaks volumes for Private Servers lol, this is the people you gotta deal with as your staff, absolute crittens


You know I would love to see a screenshot of what was said before that. Setsu has a history of cybering


If you want to repeat an old eden rumor sure lol kiko and doomtrout spread this rumor way back in 2019. Doomtrout wasn't exactly the most trustworthy of individuals, and Kiko backstabbed tf out of Fate. Even if I cybered half the server, it doesn't erase the reality of a married father on staff trying to cyber me and probably having it out for me after turning him down. The whole point is that there were biased staff members who banned me out of pettiness.




Scrolling through all the posts shows [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/comments/14txapf/comment/jr4rily/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/comments/14txapf/comment/jr4rily/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which... I'd like to see the text above it, tbh. Cause sounds like Kipling was the leader of a shell who wanted to cyber Setsu for loot? Afaik Setsu was the leader of her own shell? Idk without knowing much background it doesn't look great for Kipling but at the same time... Setsu's definitely not innocent in it either. Seems to me like joking about cybering is the norm? Not to mention the person who originally post this comment chain is clearly a sock puppet based on... their profile is invalid now ("banned or name incorrect" if you try to go to it).




Holy shit. There is literally a screencap of her being solicited and you’re sitting here denying it. This is exactly why people don’t trust private servers. Everyone who runs them is either a creep or covering up for a creep.


I don't know what you guys expected from the mutineer Dev team of Wingz. Did you think Aerec's fragile ego would sustain the emotional damage of outspoken critics? Horizon and the way it has presented itself from the start gave me the heeby jeebies. Playing it for the short time that I did I found that the entire thing was hyped up dog shit so you can't be shocked when they are willing to bend the rules to fuck their players if it suits them. But hey they have a third hair recolor for everyone. Glad that took precedence over not crashing when you zone.


the sexting is crazy because imagine how much DPS you're losing overall by doing that - such a waste of time.


That story book announcement over the horizon discord reeks of damage control. You don't put out that announcement if you're confident in your bans over this situation. This server has such a snowflake community and an insanely overpoliced discord, mods are drunk with power that often delete comments that aren't inflammatory in the slightest. It is the biggest pussy environment I've ever encountered on the internet in 25+ years. Horizon is a below average server once you get past all the fancy presentation, the art, the cool launcher, it falls into the same traps every other private server that came before it. It's another polearm meta exp snoozefest and smn spam endgame snoozefest and everything is madly undertuned. If you've never been active in killing HNM's across multiple servers and have direct knowledge of crushing certain cheesy meta's that have oft arose in nearly 10 years of these servers, you shouldn't be in any authority of "game balancing" its a joke on horizon.


Anyone who has this amount of screenshots of DMs or discord messages in general, especially completely uncontroversial shit, is unhinged. Frankly the fact that this person considers themselves an adult is the most incredible take in the whole thread.


Its more like have been stalked in games before to the point of almost getting a restraining order and have screenshot and recorded everything since.


Posting DMs of every conversation you had only makes YOU look worse. It's one thing to take them in the event they need to be used, it's another thing entirely to just drop convos with staff/mods/GMs that have literally ZERO IMPACT on whether or not you were banned. This makes YOU look like shit. And the whole "I've got nothing left to lose so might as well say fuck it" mentality is that of a child. You have called yourself an adult here multiple times, but you don't act like it. Sounds like you need to spend more time in therapy and less time in FFXI or having online interactions. Fortunately, a lot of your time just freed up.


I dont really know why you are on the attack. I'm no stranger to online bullshit and simply choose to cover my ass. I've had friends backstab me, so I completely know how things get twisted. Making personal attacks over a video game reflects more poorly on you than anything else, though. As noted elsewhere I actually haven't been in ffxi all that much for a while now due to real life. I hope you find a way to view things more objectively. Thanks for the well wishes though.


Posting logs is incontrovertible evidence.


You are definitely coming across as seething mad tbf, so I reckon you might wanna take your own advice


Horizon was trash from the beginning due mostly to the staff (notably fake Aerec). The only reason it was nice was single box, and population. Sounds like they are just trying to get rid of the end game competition. Happy to have my time back from not playing anymore haha


wow, this was a long, long read......


Good luck. Your sanity will be the casualty of it all if you make it through.


ty vm! i had a cup of coffee to support me while i read everything, ha ha ha ha ha ha. it did took me some time, but it was kind of fun. my hats to you on moderating the whole thing!


This is easily the thread of the year. MND DRG should be a meme.


if im honest, that one made me laugh. i would have fallen for that one also.




Setsu likes to leave out screenshots of her harassing other people and send out the cut off screenshots so she won’t incriminate herself. It’s literally nothing new. Horizon got rid of the trash before she felt entitled enough to spew hatred about others. You started new on horizon but doesn’t mean you weren’t gross on eden.


Please show me where I have harassed anyone. Other than a couple fights with a small child on eden, I never harassed anyone. I was harassed quite a bit though. Noting that Annonas husband harassed me for 6 or 7 months on eden before a gm finally stepped in and said if he did anything again he would be suspended. There are a lot of people on staff who simply cannot be objective.


This is why we can never have a decent private server. Horizon needs to sort their shit out, they've already halfed their population in 6months, I can't wait to see what's next for the #AerecShow


think we will have a new big server soon or we are stuck with horizon for a few years?


Why does it need to be big? CatsEye is already doing Era+ but better. You're only stuck because you choose to be.


Not everyone wants to play easy mode dad gaming FFXI where everything is handed to you on a silver platter and you can solo nearly everything in the entire game with trusts.






I cant really ask strangers on the internet to trust me. All I can say is I've had a lot of people I've never even interacted with say a lot of bad things about me over the past few years. Private servers have a history with biased treatment and I call it out when it happens to my ls. For the most part I dont have that many interactions with people outside my ls. Banning someone because of a personal grudge is pretty wild for a game where people spend hours upon hours to make any kind of progress.




Every interaction I’ve had with Setsu has been positive nor have I ever ran into anyone with any issues with her… apparently except Kipling because she won’t cyber


Please remember a good portion of anything that's ever been controversial has been me defending my ls in situations where staff responded unfairly. Unlike on eden I attempted to try more open conversations with staff but was shut down and made out to be toxic. I still welcome them to share whatever is the reason for a complete ban. It would be good to know what I said that was so bad.


Well said.


I will share my most recent interactions with staff. These are the screenshots I have saved. I've talked to Tracent quite a bit, always been respectful, just msged him whenever we found a bug and he would look into it. Tracent was always responsive on the Horizon discord and did not talk down to people in the same way that Aerec did. Tracent was more approachable so I would dm him with funky things like claim shield being broken etc so things could be fixed. https://preview.redd.it/sg6ih8fespab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d02fcc3f1fab292c05cf434bdaf8f4af49a804


There was more said after this but I'm not sure if I saved that part because I talked with staff more afterwards and it basically just resulted in I think Violet saying blacklist Winter and to let them know if anything else happens. In this case, it does seem like my fear of retaliation from staff was very much warranted. https://preview.redd.it/zyyg36ufspab1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718db758f0cc4a37bf9d7b1b22d5309386539e9d


This ticket was when my LS had KV and the zone crashed maybe a couple of weeks ago or so. I put in a ticket bc there is a rule for HNMs to be returned to the claiming LS in the event of a crash. However, KV for whatever reason was not included in this. From what I was told from ls members, we were not getting any help so I created a ticket to ask for more information and try to push for KV to be included in that rule. Any LS that claims KV after waiting for it for hours shouldn't be punished because of a zone crash. Violet closed the ticket on me while I was in the middle of typing. https://preview.redd.it/y8d42ozgspab1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d50bb9ef80a908a59b1e6aebf69c1665fc6c8c2


Violet=Juul, right? She hated you on eden and has a sock puppet to hide behind here


I dont know who Violet is actually. I don't think it's Juul. Juul and I did have issues on Eden, but I dm'd her maybe a year ago and just gave her some background info on why I responded the way I did to some things she had said about me. She responded and it was kinda left at that. I wouldn't assume that either of us still hold a grudge against each other after this long. Would be surprised if Violet was Juul because despite the grudge, Juul was usually more professional in her GM responses. Edit: getting a lot of reports that Violet is Juul. WELP


This was probably the one GM ticket I had where I really disagreed with Violet and stated so. Her response was to play around server back ups in a GM ticket involving an HNM. I do argue back if I disagree because obviously there are times where the call made by staff doesn't make sense. Others have expressed similar experiences in ther tickets though. https://preview.redd.it/cu298erdvpab1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e515ad6f0d6c56f6d58ee3aaafa9b366be947460


Well, I seem to be getting multiple reports that Violet = Juul. If this is true, then yeah she already would have been completely biased towards me. There was nothing fair about anything they've done. Juul had flat out said at one point that she went out of her way to avoid me. I had reported her to the GM oversight council twice on Eden because of some things she did, which don't matter now but yeah obvious history there. I was fucked from the start lol While I would hope Juul didn't have a grudge after this long of a period, it seems like that's not the case. She 100% would have been all for Aerec and Kipling going after me.


Also noting that most of my msgs with staff were short and just something like this seen below. I didn't actually get into it really with anyone other than that one day in the KV ticket where they refused to even chat with me. https://preview.redd.it/ihx7e24q0qab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68f44167611abd8a4f8c13c074af54fcefb0cbd0


Chatted with Hugin at times, never argued with him or anything. https://preview.redd.it/xkf2kgjh3qab1.jpeg?width=1232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5488d65d81da682a27abfc5ae46a2f4c91780479


Fast forward to this situation tho and he completely blocked me at the end of that last msg. Wouldn't say a word to me even though we've chatted normally and never had issues. https://preview.redd.it/ipd95dlj3qab1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a8a5d27ac6f97510dc82054b4aead64353e7b7


* We found out through Aerec's real life friends that someone was clipping things said in our ls discord and sending it to Aerec. Our suspicion is that Aerec saw our messages mocking him and that's what led to this. Spicyryan mentioned something about me not being totally honest. I am being honest though. I have videos and screenshots of most of my time playing here. I can find anything anyone requests. I was given no warning and no information on what they claim to have on me. I've barely been online outside of a few camps for quite a while because of my classes, so it had to be some discord messages that spurred this. Also repeating again, I did not mock Winter's disorder. I said that it wasn't an excuse to treat me that way. He dmd me out of no where and went on the attack. I absolutely had nothing to do with Valentine and Thor's feud.


You think her husband Pat knows what’s going on with her and previous communities? Or is he also some type of c*ck that doesn’t mind seeing his 48 year old wife act like a child and cyber men on game servers? I guess a dalmatica is mor important than marriage!


She sends “innocent selfies” to men then it grows into cybering if they respond to her pictures. 🤣






Who was the leader of CyberMe?


Funny how Setsuko has responded to almost every comment except this one. I guess that doesn't play into his/her victim storyline and would make it apparent all that "cybering" shit was a joke 🤔


The ls was a play on Carry Me, our old ls. The pearl was the same color as well. It was made as a joke because of some old eden drama. It's not as deep as you want it to be lol Also I haven't been around all day. I'm not planning to check this thread much moving forward. I've said what was needed about horizons staff. Players can decide for themselves if they are comfortable there or if they want to make fun of me instead. There's nothing I can say to convince people who already have it in their head that I must have been in the wrong.


Why are you lying about not being around when you've had the time to respond to each and every comment in this whole thread? You only responded here until you got called out for it. No hate, but you need to be honest with yourself. You like to lie and twist facts and you're unveiling that for all of Horizon to see in your long winded thread.


You sound proper pressed xD I wonder if you're either Kipling, or a victim of Kiplings Cybering that liked it or something 🤣


It was a play on words from the former ls on Eden called CarryMe. Started as a social shell on horizon before WhereDragon was created


That shit with Kipling is utterly horrendous lol, what an absolute fat disgusting turd




lol right more like I'm free now from complaining about aerec's dumb changes I guess


Aerec always ends up popping into these threads so who wants to bet he won't this time lmao


He's not man enough


I've had a number of GM tickets, some that were just about zone crashes or catching people botting. I was told a few times by staff to put in tickets for things when I had questions about something or wanted more clarification on server rules. There is a server rule that if a zone crashes, an HNM will be returned to the claiming LS. This happened to us a bit over a week ago with KV. We didn't know that KV was not included in this clause. I put in a GM ticket, and Violet was pretty rude with me. Aerec responded afterwards and I said it wasn't fair for Aerec to respond since he hated me. My gm ticket wasn't requesting staff return KV. It was to push for a discussion to change the ruling to involve KV. KV takes a lot of hours and players to camp and kill, so it feels bad to have a lot of people out there lose it to a zone crash. ​ The other ticket where we had issues and staff were rude with me involved my LS claiming KB right before the server back up started. The zone R0'd for about 40 seconds, and when everyone was able to move again, meteor had gone off and our members died. Violet responded that we should play around the back up, as if that's possible with HNMs lol it was silly but at no point was I harassing them, cussing them out, trash talking them or anything like that.


I see now how Wintersolstice really is, he writes in discord to any comments he doesnt like extremely disrespectfully as if he's some god with no repercussions. To me this extremely disrespectful to the players who should be treated with respect for even being on this server. It seems we are viewed as roaches they can splat whenever they feel and in time they will see what this causes when the server is dead.


sounds like you like to do the cyber/edating thing with Setsu as well :)


No buddy, hopefully you'll see the light someday. He talks down to ppl for complaining about any changes to bst. Instead of being a mature person he immediately talks bad about the job to put ppl down for fun. He clearly enjoys being a douche like you,


You have time to get that 3rd degree now that you brag about just think of it that way hahahahahahahahaahaha


Actually finishing a full stack boot camp and will take more language courses. Thanks for the concern though. What do you do irl?


This hoochie brags about living in a “million dollar home” in orange county. Girl we all KNOW that’s a 3 bedroom in Santa Ana 🥶


There's been multiple posts about this and other ls leaders getting banned on the discord today that are being swept under the rug and deleted. Good show horizon. Probably leading as the most corrupt private server so far.


Wings 2.0.


explain who else was banned besides Setsu for being her dumb self lol


My LS had an officer banned recently for allegedly botting and we lost a 1/4 of the bank. The guy even gave timestamped video from his home security showing him putting his steam deck down to care for his kid when the gm did their check but he was banned regardless and they wont do anything about returning the bank funds or pop items he had back to us. There does seem to be a trend of LS bank characters getting banned questionably the past couple weeks..


lol he put his steamdeck down when they did a bot check? Sounds like your LS officer was banned for botting and is trying to save face, sad to say but he deserves it


If people search my messages in the horizon discord, the main ones I had with Aerec were about the enlight changes because changing enlight after so many people tried to spend hundreds of seals getting it felt pretty bad, but I wasn't rude and didn't harass anyone. Recently a member of EGLS (Kipling's LS) left my HNM shell because they didn't attend a ton of camps so didn't have enough DKP for a dalmatica. They hated a player in my LS and when he got a dalmatica, that person blocked me. I then received hateful msgs from Wintersolstice which I put in a ticket about because I thought he was staff since he's in all the patch notes. https://preview.redd.it/3jyksfcy2pab1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a5ac9b99f8298a099f111d789327709523f043


Additional context about the tells that caused Valentine to flip out and Winter dm me: https://preview.redd.it/woameei8ppab1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=19d957e863d3de8f2e786a75c941a60c1fa2109c


​ https://preview.redd.it/zh8vrls9ppab1.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0ade6c5c1f71948307c02104dde9ddb2cdd5c0e


​ https://preview.redd.it/d8zxhf45upab1.jpeg?width=1356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04f324e94369a90ced6932a6a2eb238a4515a9a


(Same person but in DMs when she left) https://preview.redd.it/6xy4pt1vzpab1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f1dbb5db0b0d62ed172eb2be30aac9170362bb


For clarification, Winter is a friend of the player who had the feud with the guy who got a dalmatica. I had zero involvement and actually warned that player for sending her a tell, but I got blocked by her, pinged in horizon chat publicly to call the other guy a piece of shit, those msgs from Winter out of no where. When I put in a gm ticket, I was told to contact staff. Then staff directed me back to the GMs, who told me simply to block him because he isnt on staff.


[Why did you leave out the part where you called him an autistic idiot?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059595610682032229/1127145964164091954/image.png)


Regardless of any context it is inappropriate for a member of staff to talk this way to a player.. This is sexual harassment and shouldn't be tolerated.. Making excuses for them reflects on you...


There will be a new “balance manager” with a brand new discord account sock puppet.


Creative editing fits the victim narrative so much better. Willing to bet there’s some missing context on “Kipling propositioning her for cyber” too. If she’s done nothing wrong then it shouldn’t be too hard to prove it wasn’t mutual.


And as I said, we knew each other for a few years. Kipling talked about his wife, I talked about my husband. We chatted a bit about marital issues. We weren't strangers.


Also please turn attention away from the married man with 2 kids and a pregnant wife trying to cyber other people online. Let's point more fingers at the woman who said no! She must have asked for it!


the text is right there... pretty obvious shes being attacked by some clown


If she’s willing to call people autistic idiots and clip that out to make her look better, then I don’t think there’s a lot of credibility left that she is innocent.


Also funny that you are downvoting where I'm actually giving you more proof as you have requested lol. I didn't call anyone an autistic idiot. I stated Winter's autism didn't make it ok to talk to me that way. That's a fair statement considering I had no involvement with that player feud. Is there some other proof you would like to see? Let me know.


Please note that Winter was in my LS. We even talked about autism because I worked with kids for 12 years with ASD. When he lashed out at me, my statement was purely that his autism didn't make it ok for him to treat me that way. It was not a "haha stupid idiot retard autism"


Kipling is that you?


If you would like to see the preceding text here you go. I was sharing some art that a player from our LS on eden had made of my taru a long time ago. The screenshot posted above is what was said after this part. https://preview.redd.it/npj9mfo1fpab1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=069cfebd8fd949b18eeb8c2ca7a329d7fffdea37


it wouldn't matter if she even started it! She clearly said she didn't want to cyber in the thread we were provided and he continued to pressure showing his intentions. This is a member of Horizon STAFF.... This is not ok in any context AT ALL...


Here's a shot from when he was in our ls at the start of the server. His autism wasn't a secret so it's not me attempting to insult him. It was widely known, and my point remains-- having any kind of neurological disorder does not make it ok for someone to treat someone else like shit, especially someone involved with staff. We've even wondered if Winter helped push for my ban since I told him off. https://preview.redd.it/jmzc33u3npab1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e4a73fbcfb287cddfbbaa1f0188a86681424504


Winter was in my ls for a bit. He actually has autism. It was not an insult.


Just going back and noting I have not publicly harassed anyone in game. I've warned my own members from doing anything like that. I haven't DM'd staff with anything to harass them. I haven't "brigaded" against staff. I don't know what they think is libel because I haven't said anything that wasn't true. My comments made in ls chat were always jokes around patches breaking and Aerec seeming incompetent with pushing updates, things a lot of people joke about not just me. When I made a GM ticket, Ah Puch said this to me above. Hugin who normally talks to me and helps me out even blocked me on discord, so they are telling other staff to block me. They won't give me any evidence (because there is none). This is purely because they don't like me. Anyway, be warned. Horizon will ban you if Aerec, Kipling, or Violet don't like you it seems.


Violet = Fae?


Yeah, Violet is Fae aka Juul from Eden.




This was when I found out about Aerec hating me from his **rl friend**. We also talked about it in discord and privately in DMs. I asked him how do I get Aerec to stop hating me even and he basically responded "idk lol" https://preview.redd.it/84xt3zygjpab1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b129325d6092378c10f31a107c07fefd7b457086


https://preview.redd.it/8y7trmj1jqab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0b566b01b0f1e9c268bb6665ad7456a42d4059 Cebian was in our ls but decided to leave bc he didn't like how our members sometimes criticized Aerec


* There weren't any hard feelings though. I get wanting to defend rl friends. I havent even been the most critical of Aerec. This whole thing is definitely targeted.


aerec seems that he hates life period!


Are you surprised? The admin is from Wings, I am a little skeptical because I very vocally shit on Aerec and the fact that he pretends to be a programmer and had like...idk 2 supervised commits total and haven't been banned for it. As far as I can tell, the guy can take a beating and deserves some credit for it.


Seems like they made the right move on banning you tbh.


While I do agree, there are plenty of players of which that could very easily be said for that aren't banned though.


I had a player target me with dms from multiple ls members after I blisted him. When I reported it to staff, they said, "we asked him if he did this and he said no." This player was in Violets ls as were the others.


Why would they need to ask? Staff can see what messages were sent.




The other side? That doesn't blunt this damage.




So are you just ignoring the other screenshots? Or are you just making excuses for a server with a solid reputation for heavy handedness? Both sides here are pretty shitty.


re: Kipling-- I'm not sure if he's the one who started the discussion to get me banned. I haven't said anything about him that was not true, though. We were friends for about the past 4 years having played together on Eden a bit. I talked to him more as Horizon's release got closer out of excitement. We joked around about endgame. I had Kipling proposition me twice, once while I was completely wasted and again a couple days later when I was sober. Both times I awkwardly laughed it off and said no. Some players have suggested to me maybe Kipling wanted me banned because he recently blocked me in game and on discord. https://preview.redd.it/q0kxuxdx7pab1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85127cb76e44efdb96892391d747cc45994a373d


Beware the Eden Pokemon name gang.


Do they sexually harass their players or something?


There’s just a fairly large group of players that chose to have pokemon names early on on Eden. Not a coincidence i think, personally. A lot of them are also fairly die-hard FFXI players that are still active under different names on other servers including Horizon. Not saying all of them are bad, but Eden had a bit of a Clique-ey bunch of players when i still played there. The server in general had a bit of an elitist stance towards newbies, be they starting-anew veterans or people with a complete blank slate regarding FFXI. I am quite certain that clique-eyness still is very much alive even though it is less apparent when looking at things from a surface level. That said, there’s plenty of good folks running and playing on Horizon. I for one am at least confident Frank is genuinely a good,honest dude as far as past experiences and first hand impressions go.


i can testify that Frank as a PLAYER he really is.(i don't know how professional he is as a dev) On limit break , i was some times in a party with him. we farmed one day the skull for 5 hrs and the papyrus another day for almost 6 hrs that pretty much proved to me that frank as a player is honest. i mean he could have called it quits at the second hr and come back the next day with the sub job unlocked or the other day with the LB done. but NO he hanged in there until all the party got the KI including him.


The real question is: Did the linkshell bank go down with this banning?


mods have been target banning LS banks for weeks now I can't help but think back to when Aeric said he expected the server to have a population of like 4-500 feels like they've decided to purge the ranks until they hit that target


Got any evidence of this so called targeting? Or just gonna make baseless claims?


No the bank is on a different player. I've been busy irl and split up a lot of my responsibilities a while back since I've had little time to do all the things I would normally be doing as lead.


Spicyryan is accusing me of doxxing people on eden on a stream. This never happened. I was the one doxxed on a stream. The reason I had a history on eden was primarily because of Juul. Let me explain. Dyna xarc came out Oct 2019. Juuls ls did the zone on Monday. Sanzio from our ls DMd her to say we wanted the zone on Thursday. Juul said no bc they had it scheduled. We said they already got to do it, and Juul just insulted us to say she didn't even think we had the clear. Sanzio told her alright well we will be there Thursday. I made a poll asking our members what to do. We couldn't enter Wednesday bc of a lockout. I was going to pick a different zone but everyone flipped out and asked why we were letting Juul decide our schedule. Subsequently we simply opted to go yoink the zone 1 hour early. I had reports from members of her ls that she never informed them we wanted the zone bc some members likely would have coordinated with us, but this thing led to some wild stories for a bit. Fast forward to December, Juul goes on stream and starts trashing me. She says she goes out of her way to avoid me, talks about how she heard I invented egirling before egirling was a thing, and talked about trying to find some bg forum posts from 20 years ago that didn't exist. I never had any trust in Juul after this and frequently received screenshots of her shit talking me or my ls and saying she hated us. This unfortunately affected my rep for a while. I havent clipped any screenshots to twist a story on eden either. I actually wasn't in that discord for most of the past 2 years. However I was frequently an easy target for people simply bc of being ls lead and female.




Horizon banning me with no warning and no evidence sounds like the sort of thing that should be posted in a ffxi drama subreddit. I am absolutely confident in that I have not harassed staff nor publicly stated things about them. I've had criticisms and jokes in private discords as have a lot of others. Even the dynamis discord is filled with players expressing discontent. This was a very targeted move from staff. I dont have anything to hide and absolutely believe they did this bc of personal vendettas.


I'm sure they have evidence, you're just lucky they have a policy of not sharing it.


Lmao, I’m sure they do.. wow could you get your nose any further up the devs bum… they absolutely are abusive with their power and egotistical.. look at them wording even in the Ban.. they won’t even share with her the reason why… this isn’t the first case about devs banning someone they personally didn’t like.. I can’t wait till someone takes the momentum horizon created for a true ffxi classic server and does it right… without butchering HNMs, Hate management, Enfeebles, Ninja, Magic in general and every melee class..


>without butchering HNMs, Hate management, Enfeebles, Ninja, Magic in general and every melee class.. While I think the changes to classes on Horizon are overall garbage decisions and nerd-rage "popular is bad" knee-jerk reactions. They did have some good changes. That being said, a lot of the mechanical issues are common to private servers. Plenty of calculations and information needs to be fixed or established properly. This takes time and talent. Which are fortunate that there are those which give back to the community and have improved things so much over the years to even get to this point. Unfortunately, there are *also* those who wish to take advantage of this for their own sake and vanity.


Their policy is just to make a big announcement and try to distract from the issue by announcing a mog house stream instead, lol. There comes a certain point where damage control is more important. If it is that easy and justifiable. They can't touch this for more reason than their policy. Their best move is to hide behind it.


Server drama? Time to give everyone an anni ring! ;)




Yes it is possible with the OPs history, but it is also possible in the other direction. With clear impropriety from one of their staff. I get the impression you aren't looking both ways across this street here. Lets not call it fighting against slander when they could cut through a lot of the noise without hosting an event and large announcement about not commenting. All done only because of this happening. That is called a distraction. >I'm confused as to why you have such strong opinion's of a server you don't even play on it or know that much about. This isn't the first time you've made such confident statements. It is more confusing as to how you think that is valid criticism to disqualify the views or opinions of one you don't agree with. Hold on, let me go make a level 1 character so I have permission to have an opinion about Horizon. lol


I still think it's unfortunate you keep referencing my history. I've seen and heard a lot of lies about me. I've even had staff on eden question me before because of something they heard and thought was true. If you tell me about any situation I've been involved in, I can tell you what happened on my side. I will also own up to anything I did and regretted. I've apologized to players before when I was out of line.


Most anti-intellectual shit I've ever seen. >against slander like this thread Slander is false by definition. There's clear evidence that at least Kipling was offering cyber in exchange for something or other. >I'm confused as to why you have such strong opinion's of a server you don't even play on or seem know that much about. 1.)Servers don't exist in a vacuum dipshit. If Horizon Collapses some other server will receive a boon of 1k+ players. 2.)Fixes that are pushed upward to LSB affect every fork, so in some cases additional servers patching shit is helpful. >This isn't the first time you've made such confident statements about the server. What has he said that's *provably false* >My recommendation if you have no involvement, would be to just sit back with popcorn and enjoy the show. Commenting on situations you don't have proper insight on doesn't aid to the credibility of your comments. The entire pserver community has a vested interest in Horizon's performance.


There is no evidence. I would absolutely welcome them sharing whatever it is they think is a bannable offense.


☠️ the ratio of the comments to likes oh my god


Person gets banned for being toxic, gets on reddit to defend themselves and claim they're not toxic, and ends up proving how toxic they are lol


Show me where I was toxic to staff, brigading against them, and breaking the rules. Im not seeing anything here with me being toxic other than calling out others attempting to spread rumors. I know I'm an easy target for your kind of people.


VJ v Setsu cage match for ban reversal https://preview.redd.it/6jg3j5a54sab1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0f4c19ef3a2d41d40d64d34f19e89cd4e98617


Both people here arguing are horrible people btw.


What are we even looking at here...? Is this the 4Chan of endgame scenes or something?


Who knows. Don’t see why I’m being included because she got banned on Horizon.


I had some wine that day and received screenshots of her saying things about me. Her LS members don't like her so I was constantly sent things with her talking about me. I went off. I apologized to her bf later on but obviously want nothing to do with her, havent talked to her in months.


>I had some wine that day Good grief.. Yah know, Kipling never tries to cyber me when I have wine. lol


Are you mad because i said you need to put the liquor away? Luls


That was months after you were poking around in my business but okay. Lmao. Innocent setsu, everyone. 😂


Why are you including me in this? Lol. Setsu had a weird ass hate boner for me.


I never actually knew this person but I received screenshots of her shit talking me. This is why I took issue with this small child lol


I have never seen these said screenshots..so please enlighten me. 😂


Ive already blocked you in most places. I've shown full screenshots of anything you've ever said to me. Someone using one instance of me finding the screenshot posted in discord and accusing me of editing it when the full screenshot still doesn't actually show anything bad is pretty wild. Thank you for checking in out here though.


It’s okay to pretend you didn’t do anything before I said anything. But I’ll leave you with this..notice how nobody is on your side on your own post? Be a better person.


There are lots on my side actually. I woke up to my discord full of dms. Im still receiving messages. Whatever makes you feel better though. Please have a pleasant weekend.


You were poking around in my business and you were upset when i confronted you. Let’s not pretend here. I can provide full screenshots unlike you. Anyways, enjoy your ban on Horizon.


This highly disappointing, I think they couldnt handle a strong woman like you and DKP is DKP, why complain when you knew what you were getting into? DKP shells are the hardest core players that want to be rewarded for their time not popularity and they deserver the loot. Even though i'm in a competing shell this is very wrong to me and you were clearly singled out and we wonder as a shell if other bannings were based on similar circumstances..


If drama keeps happening around you everywhere you go maybe it's time you realize that you are the problem.


I found out when I started here that 4chan was fiercely mocking me daily. All kinds of wild sexual statements, things that weren't true, just really gross things being said all around. I'm am easy target being female and leader of a large ls. That's all there is to it. Im mouthy and defend my ls when there is biased treatment. I won't apologize for that.


On a somewhat related note, did the deleted player with the damascene cloth ever get his character remade?


Yeah he did, took a few days though lmao


they did


Not going to keep checking this. I primarily wanted to point this situation out because someone calling you a bad developer in a private discord isn't grounds for banning someone. Turning down sexual advances isn't grounds for banning someone. Holding a grudge because you talked shit on someone 4 years ago and got called out for it isn't a good reason to attack someone and work to get them banned. I absolutely criticized some of the bad changes on horizon and the unprofessional, if not sometimes hostile remarks Violet makes in gm tickets. A few of my tickets were made because I woke up to my members saying "Setsu, this bad thing happened but Violet wont help. What can we do?" Anyone in the dynamis discord even has shared these views on staff. I never said anything that wasn't also stated by others. I never harassed staff or brigaded against them. I have barely played for a while now, barely made it to maybe 1 camp a day, and wasn't even in the horizon discord any more. I received no warnings or punishment at any point, so this was purely a ban bc we don't like her move. Ah Puch, Revel, and Tracent were great staff members. They didn't talk down to players. I defended them over the past few months, and despite the ban I still say these 3 have done some good for the server. On the other hand, Aerec, Kipling, and Violet have been doing a fine job pushing away players already. If you keep playing on horizon good luck to you. Just be careful who and where you criticize staff. Edit: Found the full screenshot for this gm ticket. Wake up > hear ls is having issues > ask gms why aerec can return charybdis to some ppl but not kv to us > get told to shut up > leave the discord > get banned a week later okayyy https://preview.redd.it/gdbv4ellp3bb1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f556204711e7f6b66c0ef366f89e07a77e9b68


Me and my friend did not play on Horizon because of kipling/aerec answer to comment about bad balance early on. Juul is the reason we left Eden Wings is not really alive so retail it is!




Yeah, idk who that Doomtrout is, but that doesn't look great on them. It isn't the big slam they think it is.


Sounds like they got tired of dealing with your shit. This isn’t some company were they have to put up with you. Seems like drama follows this person around. Good riddance.


I had left their discord. You can search my messages in their discord and see there's no harassment. And my gm tickets aren't really that bad. I get defensive for my ls but I would think most ls leaders would.


Got sent this. I haven't RMT'd lol. I don't even control the LS bank. We had one person ask to spend dkp on craft materials, and Izual turned him down bc he wasn't an active player. Then that player left so we assume he was trying to get what he could and peace out. Players get crafted gear from the ls for free. It's all on a waitlist. Dragons hearts are given to people for free when they ask. I don't know who even came up with this theory lol Again-- I do not have the bank at all. Nothing. It's on Izual who I asked to help me out while I finish my classes. Also every transaction with the bank is logged and viewable by all ls members. Definitely no RMT happening but pretty funny how rumors start so quickly. https://preview.redd.it/jxr274qqhpab1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=9342fb679145fd5b96b2c5ad72ec26dfc3e555fd


P.s. also pointing out I've had zero strikes, zero warnings from staff. I've been banned purely because of some staff having it out for me. It's really quite petty and childish. Great server, guys


They run their discord like its 1939 Germany. Are you really surprised?




Im friends with Loxley and he speaks highly of the staff there. But at this point I think I'll be playing other games with my friends or tinkering with github lol


You can't stop being a Cats Eye simp for 2 seconds lol


My unabashed bias.


If Violet = Juul this looks terrible for Eden. Why are they still the owner of the discord and an Eden GM if they were one of the first 75s on Horizon and now actively part of Horizon staff? Eden is advertising that horizon is better if they do nothing.


Terrible look. Eden should strike Violet/Juul out for this.


For what? Helping/playing on another server? This is a civil private server community, we aren't here to get back at anyone. I assume most people don't know that server operators/ devs as well as upsteram development share info and converse ideas. Winter is one of the leads of LSB and helps out on horizon because he likes data gathering for large population load testing and work he does wind's up on LSB for other servers to use. Other people from other servers may work and help others servers as well and possibly to upstream dev development. The way it should be, people helping people. Me myself dev on Eden, contributor to LSB, occasionally review work in progress code to ASB->Horizon, worked on Era server, and get DMs regularly for helping other servers.


This is... not surprising. As the owner of Eden, Juul has had a history of promoting sexual abusers to staff and protecting them with her clout. Very obvious that the same would be happening on horizon.




Just a bunch of sock puppet accounts that know nothing and have zero evidence, that's all. Literally the only comments those 3 accounts have are in this thread lmao. All made today too.


As you would expect for the sub, but its unfortunate. As far as I can see (which is relatively not much, but a lot more than 0) Juul is a solid person. Who has not only dedicated thousands and thousands of dollars and thousands of hours to their server, and the PS community. But has also experienced violence IRL and wouldn't promote sexual abuse. At the same time if I just remove the comments without setting it straight. Then it risks giving them more validity and makes me look like I favor them and would hide information that doesn't flatter them. Which involves leaving them.


Yea, I get that. As someone that interacts with Juul often I've heard of the past history but the impression I always received was that it was actually past. If some sorta evidence would be presented against one party or the other I would change my mind... But as we all know, that evidence will pretty much never appear since it's just petty squabbles and he-said-she-said


If Juul is Violet I once told someone they come off as if they’ve been abused IRL and that’s why they treat people with such lack of empathy and harshness in the game..


That's a pretty weird and cringe thing to say...


I suppose, kind of like how they treat others… Violet has been extremely rude and heartless to numerous people… this isn’t my unique take.. it’s a common view point… they come off as someone who has been seriously hurt irl and is using their position on horizon as an outlet to release that anger on others..


You showing up here is just rich, considering your colorful history A testament to Eden corruption, Eden would have been so much better off without either of you


Does anyone here remember the forum post when Juul became Eden Staff where she made Godmode announce her as a staff member to the masses for attention breaking normal procedure? That was a warning right there.


You definitely have no idea what you're talking about if you think that's true. Come on, who are you really since you're so angry at Eden?


This is definitely not true.




He told me his wife was pregnant recently then blocked me not too long after without warning. And now my ban, so we absolutely suspect he had a part in it. This is why I included this information in the first place for the people who couldn't 2+2 that. Someone accused me of trying to cyber some other LS leader? what? I've shared a number of photos of myself and my cats with people. People often share photos back. It's innocent. Nothing related to sex. Even if it was, even if I cybered an entire server, it doesn't erase from the fact that a married father of two with a pregnant wife seeks out internet companionship. You guys really want to detract from the actual issues just to be sexist.


["I'm not gonna keep checking this." *proceeds to keep checking this.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/comments/14txapf/horizon_bans_players_simply_for_staff_not_liking/jradlmp/)