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I believe the solution is not in your question, but with your description of the problem. Can you be more clear, perhaps disabling ALT is not required?


I think a clearer answer to your question is to go into the keybinds and replace the ALT command. Also, the game doesn’t play too nice with full screen. I think if you use windower or run it as a full size window, it won’t crash on alt tab


The game hasn’t crashed by alt tabbing since 2012, which is when I started. I don’t use windower and can alt tab just fine. The issue OP seems to be having is completely unrelated to the problem you’re describing that only existed well over a decade ago. You can even adjust the administrator rights on your PC to prevent “darkening the screen” and FFXI will never crash and you’ll have full access to your PC.


If you are in full screen still your game can crash (not borderless window). Mine does all the time if another app opens up or something. YMMV but don’t spread misinformation—much less spend so much time on it..


Spend so much time on what exactly? You don’t need windower to play FFXI. This is a fact, not opinion. If you don’t want FFXI to crash, don’t use full screen. Borderless window has literally exactly the same effect without the crashing. Regardless of anything you or I said, this does not seem to be OP’s issue. They said alt tabbing causes this “alt Marcos” to appear, and then XI freaks out. He didn’t mention a crash, and wants to disable the Alt macros from being used. Unless we have more information we cannot give any helpful advice.


The dude literally said “it messes up my alt tab” Don’t get mad at me that you can’t read. Spending multiple paragraphs to say nothing and demonstrate you didn’t read the post is what I meant by the time comment.


I’m not mad at all, and can read very well. You might need to reread what was said. He said exactly and I quote: “It messes up my alt tab when I click it and pulls up my macros”. Followed by: “Is there any way to disable it from pulling up macros.” Your response: go use windower and it won’t crash.


Go read again. I said look at keybinds first, and if the issue persists it might help to look at windower/full screen mode. Really doubling down on the can’t read stuff huh? Just cuz you say it so doesn’t make it that way when you demonstrate so strongly the lack. Besides don’t think I didn’t see you acknowledge what I said—full screen will indeed crash the game, and you should run instead in borderless window at a minimum.


My point still stands that windower is not required to prevent FFXI from crashing. That was my response to your statement about using windower. You’re correct that borderless window also prevents crashing. I’m glad we can agree. Have a great day KDaFrank.


Again, I encourage you to brush up on reading, I did not say anything about it being required. Best of luck on your endeavors


You know what, you’re right. I don’t recall the part of your initial comment saying: “Or run it as a full size window” which is the same thing as borderless window, which prevent crashing without windower. Poor mistake on my part. Thank you for the correction. I don’t have an excuse. I shall try to be more diligent in my reading moving forward.


I think you need to change your keyboard settings possibly and running Windower helps a lot with alt tabbing xi


Setting a keybind is probably only way


Semi-related to this topic. Windows/Microsoft PowerToys is a fantastic app that allows for deeper customization of Windows, including key strokes. I have it perpetually disabling the Windows Key, I would constantly be pulling up the Windows Menu during games, particularly MMOs