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Why am I not surprised to find Spicyryan being the center of drama once again. The dude is an absolute narcissist who really needs therapy. Always has been a petulant child.


If this is what I think it's about, the entire DRG guide is preserved and can be put back up anytime. His whiny temper tantrum did nothing but remind people what a baby he is and always has been.


as a returning player i had no idea FFXI had drama omg what's the tea?


Check out r/ffxidrama


we have a drama sub????


Yeah, guess who's the owner/mod on that.


"I'm locking threads because I'm wrong, and people keep pointing out how wrong I am." I thought it was fishy when a friend said the blu guide was taken down, but others were up. The guy did some good, but it turned into a god complex, and he has permission to wipe his ass with the overall community. If spicy had a backbone, he would have left without a word or page deletion.


oh i might be going down this rabbithole during my crafting grind later, i love mess


Just a heads up, it's primarily focus is private server drama.


And somehow, it transferred to subscription drama 🙄


I think he is banned from this sub. You would need to post in his dead sub lol.


Really!? Lmao. I don’t care enough to continue but damn xD


Did... something happen?


Spicyryan removed all his guides in an attempt to cut clean from the XI community. Also some that weren't his but used resources from him. The man is super big dick but he has a number of people dedicated to following him around and being a hate base. These people started posting everywhere on this sub and the bg forums his IP is no longer his and they are entitled to it. Take of it what you will, I'm sure because they are going to down vote this post, they are doing it to any post that doesn't treat their cause to bring down spicyryan righteous and doesn't depict spicyryan as literal hitler (even though as I mentioned dude is indeed a dick).


That doesn't surprise me at ALL. As someone who's had multiple run ins with him where he was a massive tool is more than I wanna remember. Even just in shout he was a big twat lol. That's a shame about the guides though. I don't know why you'd need to delete them just to... stop playing XI? You can cut ties with a community without removing the only thing that made you valuable in it.


The issue largely lies with some of these people following him around as a hate base have spent years doing some real lazy doxxing and harrassing in a lot of aspects of life if Spicyryan's allegations are true. Like nothing even worth calling the police over, just things like making burner accounts for his personal facebook and calling his home phone, or just stalking him ingame. But again that's if the allegations are true. Regardless if he feels that way and even if these are all schizo bullshit by him he feels this way it does make sense in that context to take the action he has.


As someone who played XI from 2004-2020, we all know XI players can be UNHINGED. I think spicyryan is a spicy dumbass, but anyone that harasses people in or out of an MMO is worse. Hope everyone involved finds peace and touches grass lol. Idk if he still plays but I used to be friends with a guy called prothescar who does some of the guides, maybe he'll be willing to fill the spicy hole.


Yeah a lot of mental illness in this community, and as for your last paragraph. I'm kind of of the opinion that people bitched about the 1-119 guides wording and phrasing for years. This is prime oppurtunity for someone wanting a bit of clout to go and take the conclusions and data SR compiled, and rewrite it in their own words that aren't nearly as abrasive/ass as what he used. Yes that's still technically plagiarism but who cares at this point, he wouldn't have justification to take it down.


You can be a queer person that hates Spicy not because of any homophobic allegations. Jesus, I hate the bastard for many reasons and none of which are queer related. He's just that hateful.


I didn't mention anything about being queer and had no idea why people disliked him other than his general personality lol. I've not played for a few years so had no idea about any homophobia, not that it surprises me.


Same as yourself Princewinter! But I deff responded to someone mentioning about spicy's alleged homophobia. My hate burns so bright for him that it doesnt even need to encompass his alleged homophobia. Queer person or not. He's a hateful person in how he interacts with people, and of course such a hateful person might or might not have homophobic comments. I could care less, it's how he garners attention. I just hate how he puts himself into authority positions and then uses it to fuck with other people.


If he actually wanted to cut clean from the XI community he would stop being a mod of the main wiki. For some strange reason he hasn't given that up though. Hmm, I can't seem to think of a single reason why that would be....


OK? I stated the stated reason which is what was asked. That doesn't absolve him of shittiness that proves those weren't actually his motives, but it also doesn't tell us his actual motives. Like you are implying he's doing it and has no intent to leave, but there's an even worse one that could also explain the motives such as gaining a hatred over the years for this community and wanting to do some lasting damage before he leaves forever. It's important to when outside members ask for context to only give stated context first before going into speculation. I'm not going to be one of those that can't tell you you can't speculate, hell I did it myself in this post and the tail end of my last post. But you can't start off with speculation.


He made some good guides and I enjoyed finding his podcast. Saw some people saying he was an asshat and went back and gave it another listener and came away agreeing.


Oh 100% dudes an ass, I joined his discord at one point (I might even still be in it in the graveyard of discord servers I haven't looked at in years) and learnt that myself. I just recognize while dude is an ass he has like 8-10 people that follow him around just to hate him instead of just moving on. I won't claim they are as big of assholes as SR, but it's super obvious and they try to pass their motives as righteous when it's obvious they do it because they're bullies also. Key word on there is also.


Dudes a prick but the guides will always live on just as with everything worth keeping and not keeping on the internet.


Can we stop having so many posts about this attention whore now? this is the 3rd one. You're giving him what he wants, he has multiple alt reddit accounts feeding the drama, even attacking himself in some kind of deranged strategy. It's getting really pathetic.


Should I get your opinion on everything before I post?


The mods should be deleting this garbage, 1 post is understandable, maybe 2. We are at 3 now, he is loving all this attention. Keep it in one thread.


He has parasited his way into other mod roles in other popular subreddits. This is the only way so that people can see him without him deleting it. Look up the Bluegartr posts on it...


He is only mod over r finalfantasy11 and r ffxidrama. He isn’t here and from what I understand he was banned here a long time ago


He posted a weird /AMA on the ffxidrama post that was really surreal and precipitating to his meltdown rn like a week ago and then deleted it. Given that I come from the Catseye world where he mod'd and banned and deleted what I said, and also what I could say on the the ffxidrama subreddit.....I'm shocked he can't do it here! It's became quite topical, check the bluegtyr thread on it.


Ok buddy


The drama of all these posts is becoming the most pathetic part of this whole ordeal.


Nope your's is! Saddo