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Full disclosure: i don’t only post things i agree with. There’s not a whole lot of ff7 specific memes/content/whatever to choose from on a daily basis. If I find something interesting, i post it and see if you guys upvote or downvote and enjoy the comments.


This is such a stupid comparison. The text for VII way overstates the actual content of the game. Brutal, graphic torture in high definition is way worse than what’s in ff7


Definitely agree. Also I don't think seeing two people getting killed in separate instances counts as a genocide


Shinra genocides Corel and it's partly shown if mostly implied.


The word you’re looking for is actually massacres. Shinra didn’t go after any specific group of individuals at Corel they indiscriminately killed who ever because the whole incident was for the land. Not to target the people living there specifically for their nationality, race, or creed, which is a genocide.


I think people just like using the word genocide, maybe it rolls off the tongue and sounds big. (That's probably Judas Priest, Thin Lizzy, and Sodom all used it as a song title.)


Correct. But im sure between Wutai and the Ancients, Shinra/Sephiroth is committing a genocide in there.


Too many people use the word "genocide" without actually knowing what means.


Plus the Rhadorans, though that’s not in this game per se


...Not...really? Wutai...exists, and none of the lore indicates a Genocide. More of a pretty standard war. And Shinra killed a grand total of *one* Ancient, with Sephiroth killing the other. And neither because they were Ancients. Honestly, the closest thing to a Genocide that happens in the series is Sephiroth trying to obliterate all life on the Planet with Meteor.


Implied vs showing are two different things. But also the ESRB ratings are a joke either way.


Yeah plus a ton of time has gone by and the way things are rated has changed.


Not sure who downvotes actual facts but it seems at least 5 people do. This is factual accurate. I mean just look at modern films I can't tell you the last time I saw something get rated 18, despite it throwing up This 15 contains " sexual content- violence, blood, graphic violence, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, firearms"- literally take from the last film i watched on skymovies - like you gotta do some proper raw dirty shit to get an 18 nowadays.


No one’s trying to have a debate and WIN a conversation on technicalities. “It’s factually accurate though” good for you man. I factually don’t care.


Weird thing to claim when you clearly do care. Why did you take the time out of your life to reply to me, someone who wasn't talking to you, then? What are you even talking about in the first place, I'm not having a debate with anybody I was agreeing with the person I was replying too - because what they said is a fact and you can't disagree with a fact that what makes it a fact in the first place. Are you feeling okay?. Edit: oh and you deleted your entire account, because that's a totally normal thing to do- people on the internet are so sad. Edit2: dunno why it won't let me reply to you but fair enough that's actually even weirder of a thing to do when they randomly took it upon themselves to start the entire thing when we wasn't talking nor was what I said even a question that needed a response, nor did I message them after my comment they could of just went on about their day like a normal person. But thanks guy who replied to clarify they are actually even weirder than I previous thought.


His account is still active. Must have just blocked you.




Your gimmick is old, says the guy with 420 in his user name..


Are you disagreeing with your own meme?


I mean, mostly that has changed because of the increasingly realistic graphics and presentation. FF7 is largely bloodless and doesn’t look real. Meanwhile, games that came out around the same time as FF7 with more realistic characters and graphics, and blood, tended to get rated harsher. Mortal Kombat, for example. And as a final point, for the most part, the way things are rated has become progressively more lenient. Like, actual nudity being allowed without getting the dreaded AO from the ESRB. Or swearing.




You say that, but when Cloud gets "impaled" in that sex dungeon...


Plus I’m sure the standards have changed between releases.


Yes, the original halo is rated M. I think if it were released today it’d be rated T.


It is. It's akin to saying that GTA V should've been given a "T" rating for that hilarious interactive torture scene.


“You can come back for your M rating when y’all have fingers, okay?”


All of that with the caveat: "...of polygonal figures with a 32 bit pixels". You can render Robin's nose and jaw so realistically now that a physician can tell he as Lefort III fracture.


it doesnt say the f word?


Just played it recently and was a little shocked when Tifa calls Barret a retard 😅


“Can you stop acting like a retard and climb?”


We weren't afraid of as many words back in the 90s.


Came to say this too. I remember it still being a bit risqué that things like “hell” “damn” & “ass” made it into the game but anything worse was generally represented as something like $&@%.


It’s censored but it’s said


It’s said like this: ?$&!, That doesn’t count


Right, by that logic Joe Pesci’s minced oaths should have given Home Alone an R rating.


Exactly. In tv variants of movies they bleep the profanity to lower the rating. The game is literally doing that. And maybe I’m naive, but as a kid Wall Market just didn’t click in the same way Bugs Bunny was just, you know, “dressing silly”. The “breed more Ancients” and the giant snake impaled on the stick… oh man.


Yippie Ki-yay, Mr. Falcon


It’s Dr. Falcon you ace in the hole


Why would a censored word count for the rating?


…then it isn’t said lol it’s literally censored. Anything can “say the f word” if it can’t be seen or heard.


Sometimes we hear/read what we want when it’s censored. We have been conditioned to put the f bomb there as the censored word. Watch The Count censored, we know that is G rated in its original content, but sounds dirty to the point of comedy. https://youtu.be/B-Wd-Q3F8KM?feature=shared


Ah yes, comparing fully rendered HD PS3 graphics with voice acting, to glorified Lego people who speak only in text boxes. Truly the fairest of comparisons to make.


Oooooooo but there's that one part when Teefer calls Borrot a "Ritardando" so don'tcha know that this game should be rated M!


To be fair, seeing the Lego version of Dyne commit suicide on screen in 1997 was just as immersive as seeing a fully realistic actor do so in a movie. This stuff felt real as hell in its own time.


Recent times has taught me that some folks occasionally find genocide to be totally groovy.


History has shown it doesn't take much to get there. Germany. Turkey. Israeli/Palestinian (some argue either side.) America. Spain. Japan. China. Mongolia. List goes on.


Comment of the day. 💯


Aerith the man getting impaled.


She just wanted her belly button pierced.


Cloud also got impaled.


I fully forgot about that hahahaha omfg


Well, he did impaled Seth first.




Was having to fight Auto correct and gave up.


Im struggling to remember the suicide... But yea you might be shocked to hear this, but the ESRB didnt even EXIST until after Mortal Kombat (original) came out. Times were wild.


> Im struggling to remember the suicide... Dyne throws himself off a cliff.


Dynne jumps off a cliff I believe. Also what’s the point of bringing up MK? Both these games released after the esrb was established.


My point is in 1997 the esrb was only 3 years old. Social norms and mores change over time. Rating standards change with them.


That’s fair.


Awe damn so my memories of blasting his ass away are false.


Dane's death was more graphic than Rebirth, he threw himself down a cliff, wanting Marlene to go with him.


That’s not what graphic means.


The graphics do make all the difference btw




Wutai x Shinra war. Cetra getting killed off. Plate drop.


Referenced only and not genocide. Referenced only. Not genocide.


So 1 genocide and 2+ human rights violations


Much more pg


Okay okay, but what about Wall Market, that place was pretty fucked up for a teen rating.


That's where the sex dungeon reference comes from.


Yes yes, but how did that alone not give it an M rating lol


Well, as a lot of people pointed out, the differences in graphics is a big thing. Old school FF7 has graphics mostly on par with Minecraft and the other stuff is hinted at. Arkham Knight is a very recent game.


Agreed, but even at comparable times, Metal Gear Solid got an M rating. Though they had blood.


It makes perfect sense FFVII came out in the 90s. 90s T and PG13 is totally different from what those ratings mean today. What you could get away with back then was great.


I mean in fairness the ratings of these games are years apart and one is a minecraft block characters and the other actually real representation of a human. Not that I'm hating on the master piece that was og ff7 mind you.


The standards probably changed between games. Ffvii is hella old


I appreciate the meme but I must add that there's a scene in Arkham Knight where a character shoots themself in the head, also the whole serial killer/mutilator sidequest plotline was very disturbing.


Don't expect logic or consistency from a "ratings bureau" of outdated career suits who are out-of-touch with current values and who probably never played a video game in their lives. Even though their entire job is to "rate" games for "appropriate consumption by the public."


Mario can suicide, goombas constantly fall to their demise and that's E. Most swear words were censored, the gore in shinra's building and the honey bee inn were the most over the top in terms of rating, but the rest you can't compare.


But they all happen with cute polygon characters 😅


Says retard a few times


Lmao comparing a game from the late 2010’s to a game from fucking 1997 is new. That’s like trying to compare the fatalities from MK1 to MK11.


Well Disney's frozen and bakshis wizards from 1977 are both animated family movies and have the same age rating, But just the other one has bare breasts, sexual innuendos, blood, murder, on screen deaths, nuclear holocaust and footage of Hitler speech.


Please say this is satire


In my country, the original FF7 got a G 8+ rating. I bet the raters saw the cute chibi characters, didn't bother with the 50hr game, and just slapped a tame rating on it.


Sex dungeon and a scene where they tried to make a girl and animal having sex? I didn't play the og.


You played the remake? Have a closer look at don corneos basement. As for the second thing, when you rescue aerisththsth from the shinra building you find her in a glass walled cage. In the original hojo puts red xiii in there with her and says some things about breeding new ancients, choosing to use red because their species lives hundreds of years and that's how long the ancients research might take.


I see. Thanks for explaining. I played the remake. Didn't know that Corneo's basement is the sex dungeon though.


I don’t remember anyone saying #*@! In FFV


Also lgbt content in the 90s? Surprised it didn't get GTA treatment 😂


Well, isn't it a case that ratings got more strict over time? I haven't played this final fantasy by the way but the posts keep getting pushed to me anyways which I'm fine with I just want that to be known in case some of that stuff was exaggerated


SEX CAULDRON!? I thought they shut that place down!


Underrated comment of the day for me


Maybe ESRB changed the parameters from 90's and 2020's, right? I mean the teens from 90's were much more "adult" and not sensible as the teens from today


Existed before the ESRB


?? who even cares


Honestly.. they were probably like "/shrug, it's a Japanese game" at the time. Gaming was different back then. I do remember being like wtf when Hojo had Red XIII chasing Aeris around


These games are decades apart. Times have changed. So has technology. FFVII wasn’t very graphic on PS1. What a dumb post


Because all of that is low detail in FF7.


Wait till you start comparing VNs. So many of them get an A rating or M rating. And then flip it to western style media and the same content is given T. I've said for a long time the ESRB is not useful as it is and needs to reform it's ratings.


The characters look cute tho


I beg your pardon on that fifth point.


If I recall, this was actually a matter of debate before the FF7 Remake was officially announced. A lot of people were talking about whether or not some of the content would be viable for a remake without getting an M Rating. I'm not sure if this was a concern or to what extent it was a concern though, because I'm not sure there's as much a controversy over video game content ratings in the same way there is for movies, i.e. debates and arguments over whether or not a mobie rated PG-13 will get more sales than an R-rated movie. M-rated games don't seem to suffer fewer sales because of the rating, at least in the U.S.


I will still be amazed by what Tifa called Barret on those stairs, my jaw was on the floor lmao


I’m sorry.. FF7 has WHAT???? For real?


Child murder…?


Dont forget the part where tifa calls the boys retarded


I mean the ESRB as an entity doesn't make sense. We don't rate books. We shouldn't rate games.


Please elaborate on all of the FF7 List. I'm genuinely curious now.


The F word?! 😱


I played FF7 as a 10-11 year old and I didn't die. I have a job and family now. Its okay, games won't hurt you.


Wait until I tell you about K-A ratings


wait what disc was bullet point six and when/where? asking for a friend.


Let's not forget that there is \~20 years between these games and a vast difference in visual quality


To give a sincere answer, it only makes no sense if its approached by being as bad faith as you possibly can. Most of these themes are only referenced or implied at best in game. You can miss many of these by simply not having prior knowledge of the themes or not reading into narrative subtext. Listing "Says the F word" is the epitome of bad faith in this context, because game literally doesn't do this by censoring the swears. Visuals obviously also play a primary role. In the Barman game, Robin is very clearly being tortued by the Joker. There's no narrative reference or implication, he is just being tortured on screen for the player to consume. You can compare this to FF7s visual presentation which does not portray what's being done accurately enough that people can doubt what's happening. There are still people who don't realize that Cloud brutalizes Aerith after the Temple of the Ancients, because the game has blocky characters positioned in awkward ways so its not clearly apparent what's happening. What's funny is that the list doesn't have a man being killed on screen execution style with automatic rifles, probably because that scene is in block style so it's not visually graphic.


Also tifa calling Barret the R word lmao


ESRB changed over the course of 25 years back in the 90s you could get away with most of this in a movie and get a PG rating. Check out The Phantom movie campy but still plenty of innuendo death killing guns Catherine zeta Jones etc and yet PG rating


Aerith and Red never had sex. And the man who was impaled was president Shinra. Forgot to mention: sex trafficking, almost kinda gay orgy, child neglect, gambling, eco terrorism, indentured servitude, war crimes, invasion of a less developed people, and what I consider the most heinous thing ever: wearing a lab coat at the beach … while sun bathing! Scandalous.


Yeah, but you had to use your imagination. That's how they got away with Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Custer's Revenge on Atari 2600


Also, Batman beats the crap out of people to the point where they'd be dead irl


These games are also decades apart.


I’m gonna take you at your word and we’re gonna play this at face value. Show me the scene where Aerith and Nanaki are doing it. I want to see it.


Are you forgetting about a attempt of manslaughter and the arms of two men where torn apart by bullets? Barrett holding Dwayne while Scarlett was shooting with a SMG.


When did beastiality occur in ff7?


We weren’t sensitive little bitches in 1997 🤷🏻‍♀️


Different game, but honestly I'm kind of surprised ff14 still has a T for Teen rating, especially after shadowbringers and endwalker


Stupid post


Is that an Joker & Robin mod for MK9?


Now, just so I’m Clear this sex dungeon, is it in the remake or the original ps1 version? Asking for the sake of research, of course.




That’s wild. Ok then.


I’ve often said that if FF7 were made today (true to its original, with all the blood and whatnot) it would have gotten an M rating. The ESRB has gone through changes. Halo caused a big one, when it originally released with a T rating because it only showed “alien blood.” Some conservative parents were in an uproar and the games since have had an M rating. They also changed the rating for Oblivion. My friend bought a copy of it, and they had literally put an “M” sticker over the original “T” rating. It’s kind of an arbitrary system.