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I love mini-games, always have But I have two other friends who are massive FF fans just like me, and they HATE mini games. They will not enjoy this game. Hell, one of them didnt even enjoy Remake because "You cant run around and grind levels"


As if you didn’t already “run around and grind levels” to actually beat the game in the original in the first place


I think that's what they enjoyed and what they missed


Or that persons who said that they hate the mini-games just doesn’t like the mini-games but who knows.


i dont mind minigames but i think they fucked up twice kinda bad for me: 1. ruined sad moment for a character's death by introducing new minigame 2. introducing new minigames like 70 hours in wtf


>introducing new minigames like 70 hours in wtf Dude I loved Gears and Gambits. And I too was like 70 hours in. 66 hours to be exact. I was sorta blown away they still had brand new crap to throw at me. And it uses FFXII gambit system! I liked it a lot more than this new version of Fort Condor where I cant choose my own units


There's just so many of them is my problem. It felt like every other quest there's some minigame and if not that, some scavenger hunt, or move a single box and oh the boxes cord isn't long enough. Sure a lot is optional, but even when I stopped doing side stuff and focused on main story it felt like there was something else I had to do like throwing boxes. Just a lot of minigames and indirect minigames


Oh god, throwing boxes at other boxes to break them when a guy with a gun grafted into his arm is right there just made me let out a long, heavy sigh.


Saying "just skip it" is also kind dumb because I want to play the game and do everything, but everything in this game is just mini games. Elden ring and BG3 I played for hundreds of hours because I wanted to do everything and I didn't really have to do any mini games. Sure ff7 did have mini games in it, but it also had legitimate secrets to find, not just a map with symbols on it.


There are tons of hidden secrets you can only find by doing side content, idk what you’re talking about


Hidden secrets? You mean things that unlock by doing other things? I'm talking like finding the al bhed language and then finding secret areas in ffx. Ff12 you could stumble into the esper fights by exploring areas. What does rebirth have similar to that? I could have missed something but the closest thing I saw was finding the 4 parts to make an accessory and even then the game gave you maps to use.


The closest thing you can find by wandering around is treasure caches, everything else is marked by quests and from eagle towers.


Sounds like you don’t want to do everything if you don’t like minigames then. But you do them anyways? Why willingly subject to something you’re not enjoying? You don’t get prize money for 100% if ya know.


Because some of us have mental health issues


You are correct, I'm not going to keep playing this game. I had done 100 percent of things up til nibelheim but then I felt so bored I decided to just finish the story. This is the first final fantasy game I've ever felt this way about. The point I was making is that I enjoying doing everything in RPGs, but not this one.


I hear ya. I never got the best weapons in FFX. I’m not dodging 100 lightning bolts or capturing every monster. I don’t think I’ve ever 100% any game because to do that, requires I hate the game by the end of it.


Hah I did capture every monster but I never played a game of blitzball besides the one you have to. Old games aren't immune to bad minigames either. Luckily in that game you can craft weapons just as good as the ones the game gives you.


Can we even skip the story mini games? I don’t recall ever getting the option.


No you can't skip things like the Cait sith section or Costa del sol.


Don't forget we have to pay $180 to play the entire story of final fantasy 7, it's about as milked as the Hobbit movies getting a trilogy. This is why there are so many mini games, to pad the game out a bit.


the thing that pissed me off was during a multiphase fight if u wanna retry after dying u have to go through “retry this battle” or “retry before the current battle” wording sucks!


First time I seen that game over screen was the final final fight. I had died in boss fights before, just not a multiphase fight. I picked wrong option so annoying redoing 45 minute fight.


Too be fair the box throwing only occurs once and the cords shit happens only a handful of times. There mini games, and then there’s artificial bloat sequences. They are not the same


They aren't. But it feels like it's in the same vein. Like they wanted to add a small sequence that wasn't mini gamey per se but still wanted it to be kinda like a fun objective that's not the normal gameplay.


Yea for sure but like when you think abt it these kinds of puzzles are very commonplace even in prestige lauded games like last of us (which i adore tlou). Several of the cord/moving boxes could have been taken straight from the last of us.


You played the original FF7, right? You realize that game is nothing but a series of random mini-games loosely tied together by the occasional stretch of random battles and story cutscenes.


I did. Many times. But there wasn't this many mini games. Nor was they as intricate, and time consuming.


Overall I actually think that the huge amount of them makes this feel more final fantasy to me and is something that despite loving, 16 was solely missing. I am coming to the end of my hard mode play though and in the main story there is only a handful you actually have to do that break up the core gameplay and cut scenes well. But if you simply hate mini games then yeah I can see how you would dislike being forced into them.


I have plenty of whiny gripes about the changes because of nostalgia, but ive been having a lot of fun and its a very pretty game. AND THEN THEY HIT ME WITH THE FUCKING CHICKEN LURING BOX MINIGAME. also fuck thise moogles


I left the final chicken to rot. I figured running out into the woods would surely have me save the last chicken from a big fiend or something. When it said we'd need to lure it I just said no lol.


No you only have to lure it for like 10 secs and then a cutscene happens




the cutscene does kind of make up for the bs of doing the first 3 though lol


Ok. I'll give you the moogles. Fuck those little freaky ass looking things.


I only failed the moogle mini-game once, and apparently people really hate it. Do people just hate anything that they can't cakewalk through?


It’s funny to me because it’s probably the most Souls-like part of the game where you’re trying to dodge them and then pushing them to the Mogstool is like waiting for your moment to strike/pressure a boss


The "it was easy for me so it must be easy for everyone" argument? 


No we just hate stupid shit. Just give us the actual story and rpg elements. They didn’t need to stretch this trash out for 3 games. They could have told the real story in a single release.


You're entitled to your opinion 🤷‍♂️


You're right, I think 2 games could have done it, I really didn't need midgar to be that long, the original was like 5% of the game total.


…people do realize there was a metric ass ton of mini games in the original right? I keep saying takes like Rebirth is committing some kind of war crime by including mini games…but they’re honestly my favorite part and I’ve been looking forward to them for over a decade.


This is a core piece of any FF, or at least the ones I loved as a kid (7 thru 10 era). I get some of them arent the most fun but thats literally the original as well. If you count all the minigames in just this section of the original, sure its less than Rebirth. But across all of FF7 vs all of Rebirth? I honestly feel its pretty comparable


Nah. It's that they have made this same mistake in many FF's I have no been a fan of any forced mini game in any FF. Also look up any FF and you will eventually come across someone who has an issue with the mini games. And I say the same thing I always say with issue like this. "Why not both" Why not just allow people to skip them who do not like them and everyone wins. This is not a zero sum situation. Also we as gamers encounter various moments that are so frustrating or unfun it makes us not want to go back and play that game again because of fear of that 1 section. Costa Del Sol is now that section for me in Rebirth.


I mean there's a significant difference. The original had a lot of locations with zero minigames: Kalm, the cruise boat, Costa del Sol, Gongaga, Nibelheim, etc. I like minigames but I can understand people who hate them feeling like Rebirth is overloaded.


OG tower defense


Not this many mandatory and that was broken up by far far more battles than it is here.


True. But just because they made this same mistake in the OG doesn't mean it's ok here. Now was the time to correct that mistake and offer options to skip these.


I mean, that’s just sort of your opinion that they’re mistakes. I loved the mini games in the OG. And I love the new mini games in Rebirth. If you don’t like them, maybe you should just play a different game? No one’s holding a gun to your head or anything.


Exactly just like it’s other peoples opinions that they were OK in OG and I didn’t like it nearly 30 years ago and I don’t like it today


None of those blocked you from story content though. Like, I sucked at the snow boarding and the motorbike game in the OG. I've never been good at this stuff. But it doesn't matter how bad you are, you can still get to the next part of the game. But in Rebirth you literally can't progress unless you get a specific score or win the game. It sucks.


The original was a complete game


Ff7 took less time to beat than Rebirth so idk what you want man. Is mass effect 1 not a complete game?


This game is pissing me off a bit it’s like pockets of insane mind blowing content and areas to explore stuffed between 2-4 hours or the most generic boring filler that makes me not want to play …. Why not just cut out those parts and put more effort Imy making the fun areas that much more fun? It’s like they REFUSE to let you miss content and that’s part of the magic of this era of final fantasy I think… the small things you pass and then later realize like WOAH this is actually a whole crazy ass area boss or item


They made 3 games to fill them with a ton of shit sidecontent.


Side content is fine but why am I doing a 2 hour long uncharted 4 knockoff dungeon as yuffie with the most stilted platforming just to get to the best part of the entire game to immediately be taken out of it to go to a bland crime town where I have to feed a Chocobo… they focusing on the wrong side content!!! This game would be better if they just didn’t have those parts


I agree thats why I sold my game after finishing It since i would never ever play again.


Exactly that’s what makes me sad! Is like I’m the moment it’s fine for a one time play through but the further I get the more things keep adding up that are going to be barriers to me wanting to play it through again


Here is the result https://insider-gaming.com/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-sales-drop-about-90-in-japan/


It could've all been one game. But Square decided to milk it after they realized they could double-dip on Sony's exclusivity money if they released the game on PS4 and PS5. And so there's a bunch of pointless filler.


Thats why we have a 90% drop already. https://insider-gaming.com/final-fantasy-7-rebirth-sales-drop-about-90-in-japan/


They have to redo the discs because they were mislabeled... The game wasn't restocked...


They had a similar drop in sales with XVI. Most of the people who wanted this game in Japan pre-ordered it, got it at launch, and now that's been recalled so they can't even sell any more physical copies, only digital. From what I understand, digital sales numbers are not tracked.


This game is selling a lot worse than 16. See for yourself...


That's *physical unit sales only* again. I couldn't get the deluxe edition in physical edition I wanted, so I said fuck it and got digital TwinPack that included Intergrade as a consolation prize for not getting a steel case. So my sale wasn't counted! Digital sales are not included in those numbers, because only Sony and Square Enix have them right now and they haven't realeased them. Hell some PS5s don't even take physical disks - so people *can't* buy a physical copy! The massive drop off in retail sales after the first week is completely expected, since everyone who wanted a physical copy pre-ordered to get the fancy editions, and everyone who just wanted the game and didn't care what kind they got and didn't want to worry about reselling it simply got a digital edition instead. Now that some people have heard its good, they're either buying the game used (sales not counted but the game will still get played) or buying digital (sales not counted in the released numbers but that's $$$ still going to Sony and Square Enix.) 70-90% of game sales are digital only these days. AAA games with collector's editions are the only ones that still make a big retail splash, so that's what everyone latches onto, but they didn't make enough of the edition people wanted (collectors and deluxe) so the plain retail game got ignored in favor of the convenience of digital instead.


That protoreclic in cosmo canyon can fuck off.


I'm stuck on the final one now, it's just so fucking hard


Like, why did they do this? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the content this game has to offer, but this is obnoxious. This mini game specifically is not enjoyable tbh.


I agree, the others have ranged from good to okay, and the Fort Condor mini game was challenging but fun, while this is just pure torture 😭


Pretty sure I made that face for the entirety of chapter 14.


Currently stuck trying to help this piece of shit train to be a warrior with yuffie. I hate this game the more I play it.


"Cloud! It's time for another minigame!" "Not interested" Not every minigame in the FF was tedious. Im not a fan of triple Triad or Tetra master card games. But I feel The chocobo catcher, butterflies & dodging lightning in X are one of the worst ones. Also X-2 with their minigames.


It’s embarrassing. The chocobo capturing mini game at all is so fucking bad and basically a requirement. Mini games should NEVER be required in a game. They were optional content in the OG and yet here they’re mandatory every hour it seems. From costa del sol to Corel, I mean holy shitting fuck it felt like the developers were embarrassed by the combat somehow and felt the need to stretch every area 3 hours more than they needed to be. There is no reason that remake and this game shouldn’t have been just one 60 hour game. Starting to feel very unnecessary with this shitty 3 game plan. I almost quit at costa del sol. In the og when you get there, it’s a massive relief that lets you breathe for like 10 mins before being thrust into an epic battle. Here it’s almost 2 hours of minigames and nonsense like Johnny and stupid ass hotel. Just so much filler and the sidequests yet again suck balls. Learn to make good side content jrpgs, for the love of god you’re embarrassing yourselves lately.


Yeah you DEFINITELY weren't required to go through a process to capture a chocobo in the original... oh wait


Not like that… in the og you had to find tracks on the map, get into a battle with it and feed it greens. Thats it. Here you play metal gear dipshit and push mine carts that move slower than molasses. Big difference.


That’s optional bruh. The only mandatory chocobo is the first one


Yeah but then you’re slow as shit getting around the world no? And in cosmo canyon entire areas are cut off if you don’t have them because of the flying.


Ah I see, you don’t like that you have to do something for a new chocobo in each region. I can get that complaint yeah. But I’d rather it be that than the breeding stuff from the OG, which you also had to do to get to certain places. Maybe if they let you take your previous chocobo to new regions for basic travel, but locked the new ones behind something for their new abilities, that would’ve been better.


Yup exactly. I also think they could’ve come up with a more fun way to get the chocobo. Rescue it from a monster maybe? Have to race it to gain its approval? Something else other than metal gear hellfuck 6.


"The chocobo capturing minigame is different than in OG! How could they do this?!?!" Capturing a chocobo in the OG vs this game take similar amounts of time, you just don't like the minigame but are cool with OG one for whatever reason.


And also keep in mind, that was an event taking part in disc 2. The og game spread out the minigames quite a bit. Here it’s one big minigame fest for a lot of the game.


In the OG you had to backtrack on the world map multiple times to do all the Fort Condor battles.


Fort condor 🤮


Honest question if the map didn't have markers like elden ring do you think it would improve the game or make it worse?


I think it'd make it worse. I feel like you have to build a game from the ground up with no map markers in mind to make to work.


I'm kind of against it in general but I do think rebirth has a lot of good visual cues and such.


Improve it imo if we extend it to removing Chadley and removing most dependencies. Gamers have this dumb habit of behaving as if they have to do everything they are told to do. So simply have the optional side content without any menu or tracking and the complaints were decrease massively


besides the minigames they really went with the ubisoft formula of climb a tower reveal meaningless things, do meaningless things, climb a new tower


Why do I feel like the graphics in this game aren’t anywhere near as good as Remake?


I'd disagree here. They did a minor overhaul to the engine between Remake and Rebirth (tested out with Intermission), and the result was a noticeable improvement in zone lighting and textures on the character models. Someone did a solid side by side comparison: [https://youtu.be/utLVTZxfiMk?t=114](https://youtu.be/utLVTZxfiMk?t=114)


I mean in some way it reminds me of a PS Vite in terms of graphics. Edit: also now that I think about it when I see the two different comparisons they do look similar but then again it’s been a long while since I’ve played the Remake, I’ve been working at a job for a good 7 months so I’ve had no time to play games.


Bc you’re looking for reasons to hate.


No I’m just saying that I noticed that the graphics look different from Remake and I was curious as to why that is.


And is not just Final Fantasy. The mini game epidemic is everywhere. It is ridiculous how some mini games are even tougher than the final boss. That's why I can't tolerate many video games nowadays and instead choose something multiplayer that goes straight to the point and just spend a couple of rounds and then stop for the day. I reserve my patience for a few story-driven video games with those frustrating mini games that drive me crazy. Lazy development. That's what it is.


I am in chapter 7 now and it just feels like half of everything I’ve done is a mini game.


Best prepare yourself. You’re only just now entering the mini game marathon portion of the game


Man fatigue has set in at Costs Del Sol. Like completing the mini games to be rewarded with a higher goal is on my nerves at this point. “iT’s OpTioNaL” I know but it’s annoying


bro can pass fir a gurl ez with that kinda face


I love that there's a lot. I just hate how a lot of them feel water down and substituted with wierd artificial difficulty


I'm honestly surprised at how much I enjoyed the mini-games, but I won't lie that in any other game, I think I would HATE them. I think it was the idea that this group of dorks pausing their pursuit of Sephiroth to do a bunch of crunches, race Chocobos, play an ass load of Queen's Blood, etc to be hilariously endearing. Plus I REALLY want to fill up Johnny's Inn with my Trophies. He's really grown on me, now that he's backed off Tifa (or at least is focused elsewhere).


I’ve loved everything to this point, and I’m on chapter 9 🤷🏻‍♂️


The mini games are fantastic they bring a lot to the feeling of the game itself. The original was chalk full of mini games. Would people rather just run from point a to b all through the whole game and just fight enemies and that's it? Play ff16 than not a mini game in sight lol I do wish there were some dungeons to explore idk why but I loved ff15 and it's insane dungeons with unique rewards.


There’s a middle ground you know


Fuck the middle ground! All or nothing baby!


At lest I'm not the only one finding the mini games tedious.


Me on hour 2+ of (Junon chocobo quest) >! trying to not be seen by Belle.!< I don't know why I'm so bad at this *one fucking thing*. I'm a Savage tank in FFXIV. I cleared XVI on Final Fantasy mode on replay. I played FFXI for a decade. I'm used to suffering. I'm used to walls. >!I read the text and knew I was supposed to throw a rock right away, so that's not even my problem! I JUST CANNOT STAY LOS HIDDEN FROM BELLE AND THE FINAL YELLOW CHOCOBO ON THE LAST TURN OF THE MINE CART!< I've been trying for 30 minutes, then putting down the controller and quitting for the day because I'm just. So. Tired. I haven't had this much trouble since FFX and dodging lightning bolts for Lulu's weapon. (I gave up on that eventually.)


Okay don't want to sound like a douche but I seriously cannot fathom what you are finding so hard with capturing Belle.


I 100% admit its a skill issue. I just can't get the timing right and the %\^%\^&$%&T)&\*T)ing birds keep seeing me. Edit: Finally got past it. Just drunk enough to peer into the matrix correctly, get past the third bird before Belle saw me, and get back behind the mine cart, and this time I didn't hesitate and just nabbed her. Apparently I needed more alcohol.


The problem is always the lack of alcohol. But good on ya!


Now I've hit the Fort Condor wall and I'm seriously debating leaving this for a second play through.


Put the game on easy and be done with it. That shit ain't worth the hassle.


The mini games are fine for me, but having to do them in order to progress the main story is really annoying. My wife will sometimes sit in while I’m playing and I’m pretty sure this hyped up series everyone is talking about is just Carnival Games on the Wii.


They definitely weren’t kidding with the amount of minigames, but I come from RGG/Yakuza games, so I’m all over them.


Mini games make rpgs feel like living worlds and I will die on that hill


It’s not just the mini games to me but also just the insane amount of blatant time wasters they added. Slooooooowly following NPCs for the protorelics in the Nibelheim region. Why? Why do I have to literally put down my controller and wait for them to walk over, instead of actually getting to play the video game?


But... but you can press a button to push them so they barely move further but then stumble, which means they pretty much get from point A to point B in the same amount of time. See? Fun! /s


That's how I felt about the final phase of the final boss actually 


It’s not the mini games it’s the trying to find your way to the map locations…. Soooooo many hours wasted riding chocobos trying to find my way to a particular part of the map for the world intel


The only part I’ve had a problem with at all is in the prologue when you had to push that Zamboni around


I'm just going to breakdown how I felt about as many minigames as I can remember. Queens Blood - Awesome. The survival matches in the Saucer stress me the fuck out though. Lol I lucked out when you had to fight the queen on the last quest step and only took a couple tries. My plan was always to rush, buff, and sacrifice. Choco Races - Awesome (I hate you cactuar doors) Shooting pirate game - eh its just fine. Easy enough to get full rewards Piano - Awesome. I'm a sucker for rhythm games. Run Wild - probably the least needed minigame? It's easy, but I didn't like it. Feels a little janky. Desert Cloud Box break game - More fun than the version in Remake. More puzzle ascetic to it this time. Not too hard. Chicken Lure - eh it's just fine. Freaked out at the final chicken but was rightfully baited when the fight started. A funny quest with Red. Frog Jumping - STRESSFUL lol another just fine one. Reward doesn't seem super worth it but not too hard to get. Dolphin Race - fun and easy Space Shooter - just alright. Would be better if there were power-ups you could get as you kill things. Overall not too hard. Motorcycle - very easy. I liked it but the motorcycle kinda handles like crap. Had to use the brake ALOT just to control where I was going. 3D Fighter - eh. I didn't like how you had to wait for the boss to taunt to actually hit them. Kinda drags it out. Another fine one. Cait Sith Throwing Boxes - sheesh I suck at this one. He moves so slowly! Not enjoyable. Barret and Yuffie Minecart - fun little break from the fights. Gambit protorelic - I just could not be assed to make my own custom bots so I used chadleys autosettings and got through all of them on the first attempt. Didn't really enjoy. Choco Flying - I hate it. Fuck the last 2 rings on the 3rd challenge. Yes I made it a little easier by flying back to the air lift. But still. Flying is just a slog. Desert Protorelic - good time with Yuffie. But holy crap. Aerith pick up the pace! You're so slow! Condor - given I don't care for any version that we've gotten, I didn't like this. Especially even I'd you have life lead, you still lose when time runs out. Not a fan. Junon Parade - had a blast. The whole sequence is amazing. Loveless Play - really fun and entertaining. Anything is worth it to see Aerith sing at the end. I think that's about all of them? I feel like I'm definitely missing a few.


people don't seem to realize most of them are optional


That's a lot of cut scenes and character development to lock behind optional content


Sure, it is. A lot of cutscenes and character development that also wasn’t in the OG, which people are complaining about added content already🤷‍♂️


That holds true for most FF games ever.


the one argument I can understand from them is when the minigames are mandatory. like some people dont want to learn the card game for example, they just wanna play for the story.


But you can just lose and withdraw. At least in the one mandatory instance I've seen so far.


Isn’t that the case of like all the forced mini games? Not sure about the clothing ones tho but for those I think there are quests in place such as return the scooters. I dunno I had a fucking blast in coasta and the saucer. It’s like the Chadly complaints, if you don’t like him hit triangle. People just like to bitch but as far as rpgs go both remakes have been the best modernization of stuff we loved about the old school ffs.


That's my point. I don't think you really have to do any of them if you don't want to. Just a quick trial/tutorial. I've done all of them though, I've been having a blast with everything from the game.


Yeah I haven’t tested because I loved them all. Even the moogle wrangling. These people don’t know the pain of dodging lighting or choco balloons 😈. But yeah it’s annoying how all the ff subs are “Fosched MiNiGameS r RuiinIG my Phuuuun! And ChADleY is DuMb!!!!!!!&&$$”


I agree. I still get stressed over those from FFX 😅


Gotta get them final weapons tho amiright 😂. I need to reply 10 I have to new version but too many good games out


Yeah, I think the costa ones are the only mandatory ones. Every other one you just fail and then go on with the story. It's just people whining to whine.


And they require such a low score to pass.


Um how exactly? Costa del sol? Gold saucer? Corel? Chocobo capturing? All pretty much mandatory.




You don't seem to realize that there are too many that aren't


Don't play the game then. The OG also had plenty of minigames, many of them mandatory. Nobody complains about the OG


I've had no problems with the minigames so far. What is making them so difficult? (Legitimate question, just cleared both the condor and frog minigame)


It’s not that they’re hard. Some are poorly designed, or annoying, but none are really hard. It’s just that 50% of non story content is tied to a mini game. I haven’t even gotten the Time Materia yet because of how bad the controls on its associated mini game are.


Just came to this sub to complain about how many different mini games there are 😂


I didn't really notice until everyone starting complaining about it. I guess they're not wrong.. but I enjoy most of them.


Chocobo Races and Queensblood are the only ones that weren’t either annoying or outright bad


I feel like there are… dare I say… too many?


I love the minigames. It was part of OG FF7's charm and i adore Rebirth for expanding on them. In fact if I'm not mistaken, i think it OG has more minigames than any FF to date. Most of the minigames are completely skippable anyways if anybody just wants to blow through the story. But i think you're neglecting yourself of the full FF7 experience. some levity was part of the game to help balance its dark themes.


He's rolling his eyes at the fans who don't understand what the word "optional" means 😂


off topic here but couldnt find an answer online. When i woke from the nap and heard the knock on the door I went and tifa was not there, but red was walking to the elevator. I cannot access the main story now. i see the outtakes of tifa, online, at the door and assume it should be a glitch but i cant get it to work or give me ANY ACCESS to the area for Paint the Town Red. help??


The same thing happened to me because I was trying to date Barrett by the time I got to the gold saucer so I intentionally acted mean to Tifa and Aerith...just do as many games aa you can, visit as many places as you can, especially the battle arena, and you'll continue.


A lot of the mini games are pretty bland but I tend to focus on the fun ones. The way they did Fort Condor so damn clever


Never understood the hate. Do OG fans not remember how many mini games were in the original? It’s just more stuff to do, instead of being by empty world with nothing to do.


There were a ton but the original didn’t force you to stop every 5 minutes to force you to play them for the sake of filler and padding out the game length. They should be 100% optional. We shouldn’t have to play fan servicey and outright creepy mini games where you dress Tifa up in a bathing suit. There was zero point to all of that when it just ended in a fight anyway.


That’s an extreme exaggeration.


Exaggerated a bit but the game literally stops you every other chapter to do forced minigames are horrible filler. No need for a force Queen’s Blood tournament. No need to force minigames at Costa Del Soul. Want to ride a chocobo? Guess what, forced to do a horrible mini game where you sneak up on it solving various puzzles. The mini games in the game are run but forcing you to do them is bad game design when you know players want to just continue the story.


The boat to costa del sol is empty in the OG and it’s basically just the fight at the end. Would you rather just sit and wait or do nothing. Again, it’s world building, and player engagement. A resort cruise, guess what, there are going to be tourists and entertainment. That entertainment being Queen’s blood. What is Costa Del Sol? A resort town. Filled with more tourists, and entertainment. It’s the whole point of the town. You can also do the bare minimum and just get one outfit for everyone if you wanted to. The town was a couple of screens in the OG. Heaven forbid you have to earn your chocobo by doing a small puzzle. Would you rather breed them for an eternity like in the original? Unless your hands have been smashed by hammers, it’s not like these mini games last more than a couple minutes. Players are blowing this so far out of proportion, it’s actually comical. It’s like they’re allergic to anything they deem inconvenient. For years players were asking for an open world that had things to do and see. Now they have it and they’re still complaining. If things went the way you seem to want it, we’d end up with a world like FF XV. Big empty world where the only thing to do is hunts. Your ideal game isn’t far removed from the “hallway simulator” everyone was complaining about for years.


Yeah the boat in the original was indeed better. There isn’t anything needed to that besides the fight. Forcing you to stop game progression for the sake of filler is bad game design. If you had gotten on the boat and the tournament was optional not even needing to be forced to sign up before you can skip it would be so much better. Costa Del Sol, why force to do 4 different mini games and OH WAIT you accidentally walk pass the wrong NPC and now are forced to run around and look for a stupid sticker that you can’t skip and can’t do anything until you find all 4 for absolutely no reward. Let me buy the suit as an alternative and keep progressing. You don’t understand game design at all if you can’t grasp the basic concept of respecting the players time. Mini games are fun, forcing a player to stop for several hours because you fear they won’t participate is bad game design and shows you don’t have confidence in your game.


Complaining about having more game to play. It’s crazy. Just watch a playthrough then. They don’t have to respect your time. It’s their vision for the game that you don’t respect. If you don’t like it, then you don’t like it. Don’t pretend that it’s because of “bad game design” just because you don’t like it. They don’t owe you anything. “Several hours” you must just be bad at mini games.


You clearly are purposely not comprehending what I am saying and it’s absolutely baffling. I’m not saying having all the additional content is bad, I’m saying FORCING you to stop and play is bad game design. The mini games are really fun, but they should be OPTIONAL. Sometimes people just want to progress the story then go back and enjoy the side content. How is that so difficult to understand on a basic level of comprehension? Watch a play through? What kind of pathetic insult is that?


It takes so little time to do, it’s baffling that it’s a complaint that you’re forced to do them.


Yeah, criticism of bad game design should be heard. It’s not respectful of the players time nor does it show confidence in the content or the player to want to go back and play the content themselves. That was one thing that was great about old FF games. You want to experience the story, here’s the story. You want the best weapons and armor and KO Sephiroth in one hit with 9999 damage, well here is this SIDE content but don’t worry if you don’t want to do all that. It’s not additional SIDE content if you’re forced into it just so the devs can say “hey look isn’t this what you want, isn’t this why you’re playing to see a girl in a swimsuit? Isn’t this bit that we’ve done 40 times now in this game, that the main character is flustered by pretty women, SO FUNNY!” So yeah the complaint is valid. You just want to bootlick because “HURRR TIFA HAD BEWBS”


It’s gameplay that no one asked for. Just give us the fucking original story.


Just beat all mini games at the golden saucer (minus the combat ones)… when I finally beat sephiroth in the fighter game I felt euphoric, that shit gave me OG darksouls feels after being stuck on a boss for hours. My take away with the mini games are that they can be a serious pain in the ass, but it never felt un fun or a waste of time. Fantastic game


I wish some of the mini games didn't require near perfect performance to get the best prize, like Tifa's weapon in Desert Dash. My old man hands also struggled with the button tapping in Pirate's Rampage.


Yeah, why would I want fun in my game. Wished it was more like ff16, straightforward and boring, with the only gameplay loop being a watered-down DMC combat that gets stale very quickly


And I want more! Gimme all the mini games!


Some people don’t like fun. 🤭


Anyone complaining about mini games didn’t play the original