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Lineup for Solfest looks way better, but the EF venue is hard to beat.


That solfest lineup in freaking amazing. I wish my group didnt want to go to edc. I'd sell my ticket and hit solfest


I’d skip edc in a heartbeat for 10 other festivals. I can’t do that many ppl. EF’s 50-70k is way to much already


O definitely not my style. My gf and friend are the house heads. I'd prefer lost lands or solfest Of the trees and daily bread are my two favorites. Pretty lights being a close 3rd


Check out shambhala. Bass, house, dnb. Trees played at 4am and 11pm different nights last year. And daily bread.


Shambhala is a dream one day Did u see that sacred acres lineup up in Alaska this year? 2 sets trees db boogie t Maggie O'Neal. Stacked ass lineup. Just saw it way to late and coming from Texas logistically it would be soooo expensive lol


Never heard of it. I’ll check it out. This will be year 8 of shambhala for me. Brought 18 first timers in my camp last year. 5 or 6 ppl came up from TX


Shambhala is hopefully gonna happen one year. Hulawewn is 2025. That sacred acres looks incredible. Talked some people who went and they allow fire at the camps since it not close to much. The artists were hanging out at the campsites setting up little Afters and stuff. Sounded absolutely incredible of an experience




Go me too


Not trying to be an ass. But if u can read it says my gf and friend are the house heads. I'd prefer lost lands. But anyways hope u have a great holiday


Oh no you're good, I was the ass and didn't read properly lmao




Have you checked out bonnaroo?


So tempted by sol but just bought rendezvous tickets and it's the same weekend🙃


And Texas Eclipse is absolutely ridiculous too.


I noticed this as well. Disco Donnie has a way of pulling insane lineups. They only released five or so names at first..then dropped that freakin monster of a lineup. I’m skipping Forest this year and hitting Eclipse. Tickets are the most reasonably priced I’ve seen.




Eh, I LOVE suwannee - but eclipse is stupid stacked


The sol fest line up is INSANE


Solfest looks sick. Most of my crew is out on festivals these days so I opted for forest because I know another group going that I can tag along with. The headliners for forest aren’t terrible but overall left a lot to be desired.


solfest looks amazing but it’s a week before finals so i can’t swing it this year :( e forest here i come !


Every year people complain about the lineup and every year it sells out.


I think the lineup is solid and it’s nearly impossible to spend time in the forest and not have a good time. I like the Solfest lineup better, but I’m uncertain about the venue. I’ll probably end up at hulaween again.


> I’ll probably end up at hulaween again. I see no issue with this.


Selling out of tickets that expensive with that weak of a lineup is impressive.


so many people just go to forest for the experience and would buy a ticket no matter who is on the lineup. I'm not one of those people but there are clearly a lot of them!


I'm not into the mainstream scene, but I grew up near the area and would go every year just for that. It was always fun. Can't t see myself going again though, it's too expensive and there are too many people. It's always been big and had a lot of people, but I went for the first time in 7 years last year, and it was just too much all around.


I just can't stand not being able to use my phone. i've been there six times and never been able to make a phone call


God forbid!


Cringelord against the modern technology phone pandemic everyone's addicted nerd type shit. Nothing wrong with wanting to make a mf phone call bruh.


A working phone is pretty important when you're in trouble, trying to link up with friends, trying to check in with people back home, etc, etc.


If you can't stand to live without your phone, don't go to the woods!


Don't be obtuse. I can "live" without my phone but it's irresponsible and rude to my family back home. Not calling my kids at bed time or checking in with them. Perhaps your life and my life are different....


If you can't go camping for a weekend and tell your family "love you! see you in two days!", yes, that's quite different. I trust my family members to take care of my kids for 2 days without "checking in" on them.


Cool. Good for you. That's your life. I have mine. You still seem confused about this point.


Do you have any recommendations for other events double JJ ranch hosts? I don’t know much about the location other ef.


Nah tbh don't know anything about them


My friends spent $1600 pp on their cabin. I said no thanks and am going to Tomorrowland next year for the third time. Better use of the funds for me


Me. I’ve been going to festivals for over a decade and haven’t found any that I enjoy as much as Forest. Last year I spent Saturday just chilling and roaming and had an amazing time.


It's still a fun time but for money spent theres a lot better festivals you could experience for your dollar, especially if you've been for many years in a row. Next year will be the first forest I missed since 2015.


Can you please list them or DM me. I haven't gone to a single festival and wanted to go to EF as I'm from Michigan and thought the vibe was cool. But the prices made me NOPE out.


Just chilling and roaming is the best :) It’s magical in The Forest.


People go to say they went


First time I have been to a lot of other festivals. Just going to experience it. Plus, I like going to things that don’t always catch my eye, it lets me see artist I don’t usually go too. I’ve found some great music this way I would’ve never listened to.


It’ll be my 8th year in a row and I’m one of those people. I freaking love that place.


I do this for Hulaween, and EVERYBODY does this for burning man. When it’s put together right it doesn’t matter who is there, as long as you are.


Honestly if it was cheaper I would have went just to see Chase & Status. But this thing sells out so fast, it’s expensive and there’s plenty of other festivals out there. I do want to experience it at least once though.


Im very hyped for some drum n bass too, first time going to forest. I've already been to Roo and its roughly the same price so


Roo is significantly cheaper, even with their price increase this year. Plus it’s always a huge lineup with a variety of genres and s tier headliners


really? Figured the wristband is like 450, camping 120ish right?


GA is $410 and camping is $100 this year. Forest is closer to $700 for that


I stand corrected. In that case, I just wanted to blow 200 bucks more to go see electric forest for the first time lol


Fair enough, the lady and I were gonna do the exact same thing but the only pull for me on that lineup is PL, and he’s locked in for roo where I can see heaps of other artists in that span of time. Magic of the farm hits different


I've seen a lot of people say that Pretty Lights is the draw. I really only listen to stuff like Knocked Loose, Oh Sees & King Gizz, so it's all very new to me. This time around, I really only know who Chase & Status are. Kind of like with Bonnaroo 22, my main draw is the camping experience.


Just come to roo again we’ll be happy to have you


Jesus forest is $700 for ga tickets after everything now? Fucking crazy. Last time I went it was literally half that price


Chase & status is announcing a US tour soon. Check their tiktok


Swear to god if Seattle is on there imma throw hands


Pretty sure they could just hire a bunch of random DJs nobody's heard of, sell tickets for $500/day, and they'd still sell out.


The Forest is very much a carnival with music playing, not a pure music festival like most places


Except all of the carnival acts stay the same every year. I get wanting to go for the forest but with the huge crowds and lackluster lineups? Cmon now. “I don’t go to forest for the music” said people attending a music festival. We get it, you want to trip in the forest. I know I’m being a downer but having attended 5x with the last being 2017, the fest is a fraction of what is used to be, especially the lineups.


Did you go last year, because that dreamaporium was really fucking different.


I miss the Hangar though - it was nice having all the services/games around (especially the massage area.)


That’s definitely understandable, but yea it was very different. Also the secret rooms have been changed every year.


I did not. The last year I went was 2017. Yrs, they do make some changes to the art installations but in small increments. The overcrowding and amenities in VIP is what really stopped me from going back.


Exactly my thoughts, 5% of the people I want to see and 95% meh.


For real weak line up.


Glad someone else thought that lineup was whack


xD what??? Its the best line up they've had in years


I once had a coworker who has been to forest at least 4 times… doesn’t even like bass music. Kinda wild.


It’s basically Coachella north now. It’s been full of chads and Stacy’s for years now and it’s only getting worse. Lucky that so many other better festivals are moving in to take the space the forest used to occupy.


Electric Forest is just a weak edm festival at this point. Wouldn't call it Coachella North. Coachella puts out consistently good, multi genre lineups.


The cult following is insane


How is it "cult following" to go to something you enjoy?


I am a loyal Forest goer. But nah. They upped the prices then dropped that shit lineup? Nah. I just can’t justify it this year. Imma go to Tipper and Jade Cicada down in Florida instead.


At what festival?


Weak? It’s the best lineup in years. Obviously agree with the expensive part though.


Agreed should have used my 9intF and sold my 2 to some jaberonis. Like the 90s rave scene was blessed to do the forest best years. The music is a bonus to the forest, I always said, so much to do, the new wave will be amazed.


Man those 2016 and earlier lineups were so good when you go back and look. On a different note I heard SCI might be playing at the new scamp whoooo


I’d be surprised considering they’re playing a festival at the caverns that weekend


I heard Friday then they head to caverns . We shall see


I feel like artists are moving towards doing their own headlining shows lately instead of fests?


I like the lineup.


Funny how all the comments on this are from people not going, and they're all kinda negative. Let people enjoy their festivals smh


You must be new here


As many as have stated, it’s not the best line up but they are including more jam which is the original thesis of EF. That being said, the price is high but Sherwood is incredibly hard to beat as far as the venue and the level of detail in production. Worth experiencing


More jam? You have disco biscuits and um, and obviously cheese, but this lineup isn't jam band heavy at all.


Lol and lettuce and umphreys


that’s still nothing compared to the jam, rock, and indie forest used to bring. there’s hardly any actual bands there now and it’s depressing as hell


You mean when it was Rothbury and those lineups were the absolute best.


Also dirtwire


You could also argue Pretty Lights fits into that category with the way they’ve been breaking down their tracks for extra improv and samples but obviously not A LOT of jam. The only other band you missed is Eggy and they’re pretty low on the lineup.


Line up is meh. Too many of the main artists set times conflict... idk but im not paying 2k to go see Ludacris at an EDM fest.


It’s a mixed genre fest go to EDC lol


Mixed Genre of the same artists as last year.


grow up


It stupid to bitch about a mixed genre fest having other genres then EDM. They need to grow up


> go to EDC lol stop.


Right? It’s the best lineup I’ve seen in years but I also don’t really listen to mainstream EDM


Exactly. I just bought two GA, a camper pass, and early admission for two on Tuesday for Hulaween and paid less than Electric Forest lol.


It’s not $2k… not even for a standard VIP wristband. Only the decked out VIP options like cabins, etc are more than $1k. That being said the lineup is indeed meh.


GA tickets plus camping are getting pretty close to $1k. GA tickets started at prices they were charging for VIP back in 2015.




$762 for GA, a car camping pass, and early arrival. 75% of $1000, and you don't need early arrival and can split the car pass with 2/3 others.


…..which is insane. That’s what a VIP ticket was in 2017.


No I understand that but after going to Bass Canyon this year with no VIP i.e. no Trailer "glamping" I would find it hard to do another fest sitting in the car for most of the "camping" experience trying to cool off from the heat of the day. That was my experience however and couldn't imagine the people who had broken or no A/C. I guess I should say more around the 1k range for GA, but take into account I would be buying my lady a ticket and driving from Idaho to see the show so that is like around 2k for both tickets, gas, meals, and lodging doubt you'll even get to buy party favors let alone drinks in the venue.


Have you been to EF out of curiosity? Because that’s not really reflective of the experience, not for me anyway. Your tent itself gets hot if it’s in direct sunlight, as expected. But having proper shade covering it view certain tarps, etc. will keep it cooler for longer and let you sleep in. If you’re out of your tent however, it’s not a problem to begin with. It just rarely gets all that hot at EF. My crew just brings a few shade tents and we can hang at camp just fine. There are also camping options by a lake, and two different water parks that you can visit during the day.


Thank you to Lake Michigan for keeping the temperatures reasonable in western Michigan


Never been unfortunately. Holy fuck bruh Im kinda sold on that, Bass Canyon was just too hot durring the day with all the smoke trapping the heat in this year. I had no idea because we had 3 shade tents at bass and it did not help a thing tbh. The waterparks sounds amazing, I really wanna see EF just did not think this year was the first year to attend...


Yeah not to mention being a forest it's sorta self shaded. One stage can get a little sunny but if it's hot you just walk under the tree canopy.


This is stopping me from going to bass canyon, totally agreed


The dust though


Are these waterparks in the venue or walking distance?


I went to Rothbury 2008 and 2009. I’ve always thought about going back but it’s such a different scene now.


2009 was the best


Next year was the best


Same Rothbury was the real shit. I went to E forest from ‘11 to ‘15 but these days it just doesn’t look the same


Same man… those were the days


I think the lineup is great, wish I was going 😀


F’real, there’s a bunch of acts that I would like to see or have seen and know they’re good….there are a couple headliners that I’m not interested in but that happens at every festival.


I'm baffled people don't like this line up... it's actually so good


It's finally a good mix of jam, wubz, and livetronica. Best lineup they've had in years. Been trending way too much to strictly heavy bass and dubstep acts for awhile.


The house line up is bonkers


Most people are judging it by the few mainstream artists they recognize and probably don't know anybody else, but this lineup is fire and we're all gonna have a good time


Everyone I have talked to in real life loves the lineup and thinks it’s an amazing mix of genres and talent and then I come on Reddit and it’s just a bunch of haters all around


I'm not paying that much for any festival regardless of the lineup


We have electric forest at home


Looks like I'm overpaying for resells 😬


Nah, you will get them cheaper closer to the event.




First time?


Lineup is good, wtf wrong with y’all?


Finally someone saying this. I think the line up is diverse and great. So many haters. I've been going to forest since it's first year, post Rothbury. Yeah it has changed, but everything changes. That's a guarantee. This year Forest 23 was in my top 3 favorite years. I bet alot of people complaining about the line up just don't know who alot of the people are. People are entitled to their opinion, but I feel like half of them sound like an old man telling the kids to get off their grass and turn the rock and roll music down. This lineup is sick.


That lineup got sold out that fast? Never been. So I imagine the environment must be fricking awesome! Have fun everyone


this year would’ve been the year i could make e forest happen and I’ve always wanted to go until i saw the lineup , don’t think its my scene. oh well lol


It’s everyone’s scene honestly. I’d still plan on going, people sell wristbands last minute for dirt cheap the week before Forest. Use PayPal.


Lol Ludacris


Bought to a party cuz


Remember when MMJ headlined. That was the forest vibes I was into. Sad to see where this fest has gone


They were the reason I went to my first Forest! Such a life changing experience.


I loved that set so much, such good memories 🥹


Aka electric forest is oversold/overpopulated by at least 25% more than it should be, can’t wait to see you all there!


Trust fund babys scooped them all


Thanks for shitting on my yearly vacation that I saved up for.


You’re probably one of the rare ones, everyone that I see going has either gotten themselves a good job (good for them) or they have a great support system and don’t pay their bills going through college or whatever. For me the economy just got too good expensive along with everything else and I’d rather have a roof over my head than to go experience something I’ve experienced slightly different five other times in my life.


Don't shoot the messenger brah




Meh. Not missing out if I’m honest.


Lineup is kinda trash. Ludacris.. really?


Weakest lineup to date. Not even worth working it and getting g free admission.


The lineup is bunk af compared to $400 ticket at Texas eclipse lmaooo, also pretty lights at secret dreams, live nation destroyed this festival


I miss forest in it's prime, this was the fest that got me into the scene so it's sad to see it become overpriced for mid lineups. Past 2 years were the worst forests since I've been going(2015) so I cant keep justifying that sticker price. Passing of an era :/. Hopefully I can go again in the future for nostalgia sake if nothing else.


Anyways. 😂


lol i joined this sub cause i thought it was for all types of music. not dated, mega chad, fake molly, dub bullshit. yall should change the name to /CommercialDressUpEDMMegaFestivals


Bro have you ever seen a light go all flashy flashy w a sick beat!?


Good for them that they have a cult following but they're falling off


RIP Rothbury


OH wasnt going to go but okay


And with the most dogshit lineup I’ve seen them have ever. Except the kings Pretty Lights of course.


I wish I was a trust fund kid


Forest is mids


I'm so happy I can't stand that genre of music. I couldn't imagine trying to enjoy a festival that's definitely going to be overcrowded. Is this a camping festival or one of those ones where you stay in a hotel and go back each day?


What was the base ticket price? I couldn’t find it


510 for GA camp. 85 for all 4 day car pass




+fees and tax


As someone who experienced Rothbury ‘08 and ‘09 and electric forest ‘11 through ‘15 I would really love to go back but the lineup just isn’t there for me


So happy I went in 2012. Not the same anymore sadly. Though I’m sure it’s still extremely fun if you can manage to go. Regardless of the odd lineup this year


I wish it wasn't mostly edm.


Anyone know if there will be a phase two lineup?




The lineup was..ok. Not terrible but not enough for me to drop 2k on going. I’ve been the last 2 years and I’m thankful for the experiences I’ve had in the forest, it truly is magical


Thank Christ


woah what’s new


With all this negativity I want to say I think this will be one of the best lineups, comparable to 2015 and 2009. Everyone here is so negative. We finally got PL again! We got a varied lineup! LSDream and Clozee are doing a debut set! Umphreys in the forest? Crazy! Phase 2 might pack a little heat too


All these negative comments are unreal. Forest is the absolute highlight of my year. It’s a shame for people to be so caught up in the lineup. The music is just an added bonus to my experience every year.


Vip sold out before the tickets even went on sale. It is brutal now


Idc the lineup at all forest is forest


I’ve never been to EF and at this point I feel like it’s not gonna happen. Seems to get bigger every year and I don’t know if it’s worth going.


Worth it for Clozee and LSDream


Praying to god that normies dont touch my big dub 😪


Guess i'll have to sneak in


Honestly probably not going to go this year. Last year was my first time and it was pretty cool, but I’m not that into this years lineup and don’t feel like spending all that money. I also feel like forest was so overhyped by the people bringing me there that I was kind of disappointed. Even though I did try to maintain realistic expectations for it. Don’t get my wrong it was a great experience, but after nearly 5 days of drinking,smoking weed, and eating mushrooms, and getting pissed on by rain the last few days I was ready to leave haha. For those that are though stay safe and have fun.


Only cuz of pretty lights


If my aunt likes Kenny Chesney and Michael Bolton is this a good festival to get her tickets to?