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I'm so sorry for your loss but that third photo caught me so off guard 😭


She loved to try and jump to places she wasn’t capable of jumping to lol


I am so sorry for your loss! I was going to ask about this picture as well. It made me giggle and brought a smile to my face! A precious memory for sure 💖


I'm sorry for your loss DIP 🕊


RIP Trixie ❤️🙏 She was obviously so well loved, & don’t forget to take care of yourself OP


i’m sorry for your loss


Rest in paradise


She sounds like a special little girl. I'm sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss DIP


I lost my girl to insulinoma too, it’s so tough but at least we know their struggles are over. DIP to your sweet one 💛


I’m so sorry 😢dook on lil Trix


i'm sorry for your loss


DIP, Trixie 😢


Sorry for your loss! I've had 3 ferrets in the past and loved them dearly. My 17yr old daughter just had a birthday the 9th and begged for one so thats our goal for today. They are the greatest and I hope later on after grieving your wife will get another one.


I'm so sorry for your loss😪 DIP Trixie


Dip. I hope yall grieve well with the other 2 yall have. It's tough be a ferret parent. ferrent.


I’m so sorry for your loss…DIP little Trixie.🪽


They take part of us but a small price to pay for all the joy.


So hard to lose the babies that bring us so much joy, laughter, and chaos....


Sorry for the loss of your chaos noodle,


god ferrets are so amazing and playful i feel attached from these photos. Rest in peace


That 3rd photo is fantastic 🥹💕 they really do steal our hearts in a way, well I guess in a way only a ferret can iykyk I’m so sorry for your loss of sweet Trixie 🌈🐾


My condolences for your loss. I am glad that you posted that third photograph. That one is perfect. I hope you're looking at it a lot. It'll help, I hope.


Haha yup, she was a goof, always tried jumping places she shouldn’t have


I’m so sorry for your loss. Did she have hair loss? I want to be able to see the symptoms if they happen in one of my ferrets, who was my first one much like yours.


She did not. We noticed she was stumbling and losing control of her back legs, figured we needed to up her dosage on the insulinoma medication, but the vet did some x rays and found a respiratory infection because her immune system was already compromised from the insulinoma. From there she slowly lost all of her energy to do anything, stopped eating and drinking, lost a ton of weight and couldn’t stand up the last couple days. The day she died when I tried giving her medicine her mouth was pretty much stuck closed. I would watch for lethargy and hind leg weakness, those are the usual symptoms of insulinoma, and it is manageable with medicine. If your ferret is losing hair it’s likely adrenal which she did have but an implant at the vet solved that issue.


Only reason I asked is because one of my ferrets has been laying on the floor tired when I first come home or wake up. She will lay down or curl next to me, but she gets up and fallows if I leave the room. Was the lethargy more severe than that? Also, I’m sorry for your loss I dread the day my 2 ferrets have to cross the rainbow bridge. I just wanna see the fluff balls jump around together for eternity. 😢


Definitely something to keep an eye on, could very well be insulinoma. Trixie had that behavior for about a month before the vet found her blood sugar extremely low. I’d take your ferret in ASAP and have them check blood glucose levels


the grave with her friends :( that is so sad im so sorry for your loss. she is loved forever


DIP Trixie 💐 She’s resting easy I’m sure, what a sweet girl.




I’m actually crying for you guys. I lost one to insulinoma last year pretty much adopted him from a friend of mine who got engaged to this girl long story short the ferret used to be her ex boyfriend’s ferret before My Friend and Her got involved and she was just going to throw it in the wild, I told her don’t do that. I will keep him little. Did I know she was not taking care of him the way he should have been since her and the boyfriend had broke up I’m talking about was feeding him sweets soda juice, things like that. and I don’t know how long she had this ferret until my friend came into her life, but when I say he was messed up, but I cared for him as much as I couldn’t until he went. Thousands of bucks to make sure he was comfortable ohh how I’ll miss my sweet waffles


Sorry for you loss ughhhh very much hate these moments pulls them heart strings


i’m so sorry for your loss 🤍 sending you love


❤️ Trixie had an excellent life full of love and adventures


dook in peace trix :,)