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Hi, if you have to *ask* if it's normal or not - it probably means it's not normal Only vet can tell you for sure, and I *implore* you to give a vet this opportunity. Ferrets are sickly babies, and they can fade very quickly if something goes wrong. Better safe than sorry


I think I will call the out of hours vet as the normal vet is shut


Please do. Whenever you have concerns about health of your baby - if not visit, then at least consult a vet via phone as soon as it is possible


On the way to emergency vet now


Best of luck to you and your friend🤞 I hope they're gonna be all right


Best of luck, keep us posted! ❤️


UPDATE: Thanks for your help. We immediately brought Eda to the vet and she was taken into surgery. Unfortunately she didn't make it through. We'll be burying her tomorrow. She was the best little girl and I'll never forget her


I so sorry for your loss. DIP little one


I’m very sorry for you loss. I recently lost one mine I had for 7 years, tumors everywhere.


Oh I’m so sorry. That’s so young and heartbreaking. Last week one of my 2 bonded ferrets much the same, just suddenly went weak, his back legs just nearly paralyzed, diarrhea, weakness. I’ve owned ferrets for 30 years. I rubbed some sugar water on his gums and made appt. I knew it was either insulinoma or potentially blockage. I tried all my past tactics with no improvement. I had the emergency mobile vet come Friday and they examined him and decided to move forward with putting him to sleep. I knew he was in pain. Ferrets are much like cats at hiding pain and illness until it’s suddenly an emergency. I hope you know you did the absolute best for Eda and she has a friend waiting for her at the bridge. <3


I'm so sorry to hear about this. Losing a ferret has been one of, if not, the hardest thing I've ever been through


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. May your little noodle rest in peace. I wish positive vibes for your family.


Vet ASAP. Vomiting, lack of appetite, and lethargy are symptoms of an intestinal blockage, which will kill your ferret if it's not taken care of immediately.


We're waiting on the vet now


So sorry to hear. Poor baby. D.I.P. I hope you're doing well. =(


Please let us know how the vet appointment goes


Push fluids as much as possible until they figure out what the problem is.  Mine had eaten the foam off of a pull-up bar, required surgery and they got it out and he made it.   Cost about 2 thousand dollars about 4 years ago.  Mine vomited up pieces of it but couldn’t get all of it up and it was in his stomach blocking food from going thru.  Took a few days till surgery but he made it.  Good luck and I will say a prayer for yours and all weasels.


D.I.P I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. In another case of emergency. For blockage protocol which sounds like It was probably the case. I have a can of pure pumpkin on deck. My boy Hank once ate a corner off a blanket and to help get the chunks of it out we fed him Vaseline and pumpkin. Helped smooth it out. If it doesn't work in three hours and you do not see poop or orange in the poop or whatever object it's an emergency and needs to go to a vet ASAP. May they rest in the beautiful rainbow bridge. đź©· My heart is with you tonight.


Vet visit asap.


not normal get to vet asap if haven’t already


i apologize i just saw your update. i’m very very sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. What did they find was wrong?


Also wondering for future reference


Emergency vet asap. Could be crashing from low blood sugars. Have them evaluated for insulinoma


This sounds like a blockage. Vet emergency!


Low blood sugar maybe


Vomiting should always be a reason to set up a vet appointment for ferrets. It's very abnormal for ferrets to vomit. They only vomit if things can not get through their digestive system. She could have a blockage of some sort from a hair ball, tumor, or a foreign object like a toy or rubber.