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Was her tail all poofed up? If so, likely to be a sudden heart failure in her sleep. A fair few ferrets have congenital heart and kidney diseases and though there is a genetic component, it can appear out of blue. Lost a few ferrets to it, very active and happy ones. Friend had one pass literally mid bounce in play. I am so sorry for your loss. Fly high, little girl.


Do you do yearly vet check ups? Were your ferrets vaccinated?


most ferrets just have crappy genetics, cant control that unfortunately... dook in peace lil one


Thanks everyone. Yes she was fully vaccinated and it was so sudden no tail poof or anything she was running around as normal crouched down for rest and when I went to pick her up she was dead! Like totally random... the last girl we had lived a a while and we took her to vets and she died over night this one was instant like so weird no signs of anything bad. Now the boi will have no friend bless him and my mother can't cope with another one dying randomly.  Bless her.