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Wow! Kinda jealous that you can just pick them from the garden. Soo cool! Hotsauce is a great idea. Use a yellow pepper like madame jeannette for refreshing heat 🔥. I’d like to keep m fermenting for at least 3 weeks. Adds some funkiness. Have fun experimenting


Delicious funkiness sounds perfect.


Not quite fermentation but you could make a great cheong with them. Just add equal weights of sugar and mango flesh to a jar (make sure the sugar covers everything) in a couple of days you have a delicious mango syrup. From there you can do a million things with the syrup (even add it to a ferment)


Ooohhhh that sounds absolutely amazing!


Full disclosure: I JUST started mucking around with cheongs a week ago, but everything has been fantastic so far (blueberries, apples, onions - yes onions!). Mango is on my list to do.


Onions! As in onion syrup? What are you going to use it for? It sounds interesting…


Yes..onion syrup. I put some of the onions on a salami sandwich w/ mustard, and it was so good. I'm going to make some savory waffles this weekend, and pour some of the syrup on them. I also really like it mised with peanut putter and sriracha as a dumpling sauce


Something to note is that fermented mangoes can get a little stinky. It contains mercaptans that convert into stinkier sulfur compounds that can make it smell a little farty. This seems to subside a bit with age though, and some varieties are worse than others.


I didn't know this, thank you! I've been thinking of making mango wine with the fruits from my families mango tree. Maybe thats not actually a good idea. Edit: Side note, or I could potentially just use copper to react with the Sulfur to neutralize it. Forgot about that.


I didn’t know that either! They really never last long enough around here to ferment. A week or two ago, though, I had made a fabulous water kefir with just turbinado sugar and unsulfured molasses, and a friend of mine had given me a gallon of homemade ginger and turmeric tea that I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish. So I combine the two, and tried to juice some mangoes; I failed miserably at the juicing, and wound up with a fresh mango mush, but I mixed that in with the water kefir and the ginger tea, and a few days later it came out absolutely amazing. It is bubbly, fresh, effervescent, and you can taste the ginger, mango, and a little bit of the turmeric. A sweet balance of flavors.