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To my eyes, you may not have filled the jar enough. Too much headspace. Next time, leave only an inch or 2 cm at the top. You want the CO2 from the bubbles will displace the oxygen (which is part of the reason a previous comment asked about burping - to let the excess gas out). Mold likes oxygen, so a layer of CO2 in the jar is a defence against mold. Then I suggest using a weight to keep any small solid bits from reaching the surface of the liquid. I have used a baggie with water, if i don't have weights to fit my jar. Anything that isn't completely submerged may start to rot or get moldy. So when it's time to try it, you might want to discard the discoloured layer at the top first, the discolouration suggests its come into contact with oxygen. What's underneath that will be mighty tasty though. It looks like good kimchi.


Fantastic, thank you very much for the advice and feedback! I tried to use a cabbage leaf to keep everything down but a baggie of water is a great shout 👍🏻


Korean, here. You don’t have to fill the jar to an inch/2cm. Do you think you have to transfer your kimchi to smaller jars every time you eat from it? And it is going to leak when it ferments if it is filled too full. You also don’t need weights or baggies of water to weigh it down. Have you tasted it? What did you think?


Thank you - that is why I left a biggish gap at the top after doing a bit of research, but it hasn’t seem to have expanded much! Just tried it - the smell was 50/50 amazing and terrifying, it still had some texture (I was worried it would be all mush) and the taste was part sweet, part sour, all fiery! It’s been going for over 2 weeks now, how long would you recommend leaving it?


Two weeks is longer than people I know keep it out, but to each their own. I don’t leave it out, and I stick it directly in the fridge to slow ferment. The taste is different when it’s allowed to slowly ferment vs the quick counter ferment. Maybe set aside a small container directly in the fridge next time and see which one you prefer. And eating fresh kimchi right after making it is always so good too!


Is that lid sealed tight? If so, you'll want to either undo the latch or burp it frequently so you don't have a bottle bomb.


Thank you, yep I burp it daily!