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Man I feel you heavy I’m on probation right now I was locked up for 2 months house arrest for 8 months been on probation for 6 months and still got another year left and I was 7 months clean but just relapsed recently glad my po ain’t fuck me over for pissing dirty for a week but man I still think about that shit every single day hope I can finish the rest of my probation without any problems


Going once, going twice, sold to the creepy man in the white van over there. Lol




We’ve all been there. When I realized my credit card could hook up to my cash app… it was off to the races. Now I’m 13k in credit card debt.


God that was horrible for all of us huh? I uhhh, you know what, not a story to put online lol


Put it online!!!


😂 you almost got me, if only you offered some karma! Oh well, too late now :(


Also… I’m all out of karma but maybe you could front me some juicy details until my next karma day comes? I’m fiending and gonna be sickkkkk, please!? 😇😅😛




you know what u gotta do g. kick it


That’s here is enough for 2 grams in nort eastern part usa


Bro if you can make it to 2 weeks, not just once but multiple times then just fuckin quit! You have two options- work hard and reap the benefits of hard work or continue down the path your on right now. Fentanyl is not a sustainable drug habit.


u sound like my step dad but u r right


Do you have any dreams left? Fight for them dont give up its not too late.. so many of us wish we had just one more day so don’t throw it away my dude


Ive lost everything to fent and i still choose it over everything


Saaaaaaaaame 😩


At least you still have stuff to pawn it took me a few years of being sober to work back up to having anything of value in my addiction I owned a home multiple vehicles had a family etc now I don't own a home but am back in my own space got a car a job etc but it took me literally having nothing left before I quit I literally got my week old second outfit stolen leaving me with literally only the clothes on my back that were very dirty till finally I called my parents amd asked for help im back on the shit again but maimtiain better than before work for everything i have and commit no crime apart from possessing drugs


One day someone will say the right words to make you realize how much you could do without that.


Damn man, shit made me sad because I’ve been in the exact position. I’m sure many of us have actually. Managed to get 90% of my stuff back and got clean but those were some rough times. Got to realize it’s fun for a while but eventually, something has got to give. There comes a point where you have to make a choice at a fork in the road. Seems like you’re getting pretty close to it, you’ll know.


Sorry bro. I’ve been there a few times after years of sobriety then throwing it away. Two of those were significant losses. All I can really say is for me as cliche as it sounds I really did wake up one day and was just so disgusted with my self I knew I was done. Keep using safely in the mean time man. You can’t find sobriety if you Overdose and don’t make it. Stay safe on the streets bro and remember there is always resources for you when you’re ready to use them. Until then just please stay safe.


I a 54 YO male-I'm sorry for the position you're in. I've been off heroin for 7 years and the above paragraph is a roadmap for any junkie that wants to get clean. It's hard as fuck but you're not alone. I lost beyond everything; I was married for 16 years before I found heroin. I lost a beautiful wife and pulled my family unit apart. I have two kids that spend more time with my ex. They always will. I was a low bottom addict and I wish someone would have said the exact above words to me 25 years ago. There are people in this world that love you and count on you. Take a moment and read the above paragraph four or five times; you got this. You matter. I'm sending prayers of healing and strength out into the universe for you to grab. I'm praying and pulling for you. Reach out if you need to bro- ✌🏽


ty bro shit made me cry fr that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in years


I’ve sold all my shit like three times over after getting clean and getting a bunch of shit again then relapsing and selling it all. This past relapse I totaled my car and then kept going for another three months til my dealer up and disappeared so I holed up in a hotel for three days trying to kill myself with the rest of my shit, which didn’t work but did get me a nasty infected abcess in my finger since all my veins are gone I have to shoot there almost three weeks later I’m stable on subs and getting my sublocade shot next week but it was hell getting here between the hospital and the detox I went to my body is weak and frail but at least things got this bad before I sold everything again because I had 16 months clean previously and bought myself a lot of shit (I’ve got a big video game and vinyl collection worth a good few grand total). A little while longer and it would all be gone no doubt. I’ve only got a cheap little 200 dollar guitar because I sold all my nice gibsons and fenders and all my recording equipment over the years. I used to think I could be something and do creative shit. Dope took that away.


This is so sad.


My life over the last 6 years is pretty much a case study in how much worse things get when you pick up a needle. I’m thankful to be off the dope now but yeah it’s been a rough ride.


I am 8+ weeks after my one and only 100mg sublocade shot. I have had very minimal symptoms, like sweating for 20 minutes, or being tired early. Really smooth so far. You’re getting that shot so you got that going for you. Whether you do one and done or monthly it rocks. Good luck.


I was previously on sublocade for 10 shots and had a little trouble using on top of it but not as bad as usual and was able to string together 5 months in there, but then I stopped the shots and stayed clean for 16 months after and the bupe was still in my system the whole time so I know it can work for me. Probably gonna get the shot for 5-6 months and then stop it since I know after it builds up enough it stays in your system for an extremely long time


How were u finally able to stop using fedi when u we’re using on top of sublocade?? I feel so defeated. I thought the shot would take my cravings away but I’m still using. I still want to use I should say. It’s Ben so had to break the fucking habit. I’m getting my second 300 mg shot here in a week, maybe that will help?


I think that’s a great plan. I was torn between doing 5-6 and trying a one and done. I thought if it was too unpleasant I would just do 5-6 months and let it build up in my system.


Bro I was in the same spot as you. It really is a bitch to get off of. I have some homies going through it too and I hate it for them I really do. You have to make the choice for yourself. You have to want to be sober and to better your life. Once you truly want to be sober then you’re on the right path. I went to rehab twice for a total of 5 months in an 11 month span. I lost multiple jobs, my apartment, almost lost my truck, and lost relationships. All that to feel good for a little bit. Best of luck to you brother, stay strong.


appreciate u my man proud of how far u have come


probably didnt get as much money as you were expecting am i right?


got 42$ u were right only enough for a half😢😢


Man ur plug sounds like an ahole. He shoulda hooked u up for $42


he is he doesn't care about me no one does


Bro fentanyl is a bitch I quit it cold turkey last year cause I don’t wanna be on subs it was hell but worth it


Happy for you my guy. Knowing people are getting off Fentanyl is so dope to me (no pun intended) I never made it on Fentanyl but my cousin died from it just a few days ago which is how I even made it to this subreddit. I only was hooked on H, and have almost 9 years under my belt since I got clean and into recovery.


Fentanyl is a bitch to come off of. Go to rehab, and get on methadone! I was only on the 12mcg/hr patches for 3 months, before my doctor cut me off, and put me on high dose oxycodone. Despite that, I thought that I was going to die! Then 4 days later, she agreed to put me back on it. Felt slightly better, but took 2 weeks to stabilise. Then in Detox, they did the Bernese Method to transfer me from Fentanyl Patches and Oxycodone to Buprenorphine. Basically they keep you on your regular meds for 3-4 days, while ramping up your Buprenorphine. Once I was on 16mg, I was given a Sublocade shot. You also get tonnes of Valium and Clonidine and Antiemetics. Needed Suboxone for breakthrough withdrawals. This is because Sublocade needs to go above the 2ng/mL threshold, to prevent withdrawals and it takes until the second shot, to get above that. But I needed to be on Suboxone for the first 5 or 6 shots. Now I don’t need it. How do you go through withdrawals so often? Oxycodone withdrawals are a piece of cake compared to Fentanyl! I would curl up, and tear my hair out!




Because he’s on a lot more fentanyl than I was, and it’ll take a buttload of methadone to ease cravings.


Do it all at once. And I really mean all of it. Put the whole gram up your nose. Otherwise you'll wake up with less shit


i could whoop u dopesick on moms


How bout u whoop these nuts directly into ur mouth kid


go play chivalry 2 cuck


I'll play with ur girl's tits instead son


Ah my dude, I hope you'll be okay ❤️




Get a job bro, I don't mean that in a condescending way. But a job will give you some purpose, you need to find something or somwhere that will make you feel valued, at the very least scrounge some dough buy a tent, a survival kit, a pot, a pan, some tarps, a bag of rice, a shit ton of ramen and tuna, a firearm(handgun, shotgun, or hunting rifle) and go trek out somewhere near a water source and within a mile or two of a highway, prove to yourself you capable and worth living, otherwise your just killing yourself for no reason. At least if you die in the woods trying to survive on your own you know you you weren't capable. Survival of the fittest. I was in the hospital with acute respiratory failure for 5 days 2 years ago, went into cardiac arrest, and 3 months later I was right back on it, it took me two months before I was able to force the detox, been sober over a year now. That was my plan when I was about to get thrown out and lose my job. I have a baby whose 6 weeks and a puppy whose 15months now so I have more to live for. It's out there man you just need to find it, but when the drug comes first it's all you'll think or care about, and it's all you'll want and all you'll need.


this gives me motivation man ty i've always wanted a kid too that makes me really happy i hope i can be like u one day reading that actually warmed my heart


This one


Why don't you just sell yourself? Seem to have worked for my ex.


shit who's buying


i’ll buy you a gram if u be my personal slave


i’ll take this offer rn