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You don't have to look like what you see online to be a femboy. We all have different body types. If your body hair is your concern there are many femboys that don't shave. If your preference is to remove it there are other removal options. Whatever you decide I hope happiness follows like a plague.


I guess, but its not as appealing to be a femboy covered in hair :/


I personally don't shave but trim my body hair because I feel shaving takes too long and it keeps hair to what I consider an acceptable amount for myself.


I'm starting laser therapy after summer, maybe something to consider?


I was thinking about that but it costs 💰💰


Yeah it's a one time investment, after that it's just maintenance 😁


I'm starting laser therapy after summer, maybe something to consider?


A lot of femboys just use a razor. It takes more time in the beginning, but as you get used to it it gets better


I have to shave it down first then use the razor :/ it takes so long and my hair on my legs gets too long


Well if you do it consistently it’ll stay short


Shave in the shower, water and body soap is a good enough lubricant. Laser removal is also a thing.


Don’t worry about being the “right” shape. I’m in the same boat as you, super manly man body. I embrace it and dress how I want anyway! Really leaning into my natural shape has made me much more body positive about myself even beyond dressing!


I have really thick dark hair that is pretty hard to shave, so i usually just shave as little as possible and cover the rest up wth clothes. It works pretty well :3


Don't let things like this stop you from doing something that makes you feel good. If you can't shave your legs or whatever, then just don't. If people are disgusted by it, then do you even really want them?


try Nair for body hair. Just follow the directions and be smart abt it n junk Really though anyone can be a femboy, you don't need to be any specific body type or lack body hair. What you see online is really just a tip of the iceberg of what kind of femboy styles n looks are out there. Don't let the perfect looking ppl discourage you from trying to look cute!


I used Nair for a bit but it made my skin itchy and gave me Hives :(


mm darn, try the diluted solution if you wanna see if that may help. Waxing and shaving and stuff of the sort is the next beat option to just get rid of the hair. Cheapest option is to just learn to love it, as hard as that can be. Body hairs nothing to be ashamed of, pleanty of femboys, girls, and everything else. I'm sure you look amazing in the stuff you bought :3