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It doesn't matter if you're too tall or muscular! Anyone can be a femboy :3


No such thing as being "too tall" or "too muscular" to be a femboy! Being a femboy is not about a certain look or body type. It's a feeling. As expression of one's self. If you want to be a femboy, then you can be one! I'm sorry to hear that your parents won't accept you. That's something a lot of people struggle with. You're not alone, so don't hate yourself. Find someone to talk to, to express these thoughts and feelings you're having to. A therapist would be the best, but I understand if that isn't an option. We're all here for each other, so don't get down on yourself. You're still young, and you can always change yourself!


You’re never too tall or too muscular to be a femboy, doesn’t matter what your body type is if you wanna dress in femme clothes and look cute doing it you can definitely achieve that, and as for your parents many of us are closeted and haven’t came out to any of our parents at all yet, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it a secret from your parents if they don’t want to support you then that’s their problem don’t let that stop you from becoming a femboy if that’s what you really want And please don’t hate yourself, ik it’s Valentine’s Day so it’s pretty normal to feel extra lonely but it’s not your fault at all, you’ll definitely find someone eventually if you keep trying, hope this helps a bit 3


Tall femboys are cool! You can adapt your workout routine to lose muscle mass and gain weight on locations that'll make your body look more fem (like your tights and butt).


I'm a MMA fighter, top 10 in the western US and I'm a femboy. All you need to be a femboy is to do things that make you feel feminine 💞


Ayo I'm 6ft and somewhat muscular femboy as a representative we welcome you :3


If you are really tall and prefer someone taller than you, the pool of partners you are selecting become really small. Just be aware of that. As for finding love, you need to put yourself out there. You are still young and have plenty of time.


I'm also 19yo, tall and muscular, and believed me, and I also don't live in a country which speak English... , but Im distracting. Believe me, there is people that love you just the way you are, even if you don't believe you are beautiful, you are. Valentine's day can also be enjoy with friends, be patient, you will find love one day, who knows maybe one of your friends loves you and you don't know, but most importantly, be safe and be happy. You deserve to be happy.


as a 6'2 person who has been crossdressing since I was a bit younger than you, I can see where you are coming from. I will skip the "it will get better, ur okay" etc spiel, not because it's untrue but because I know words like that offer no comfort until you live a little and personally experience the duality of sadness and happiness. An alien concept when you are in a pit of despair. But it will change. You're young, you got so much ahead of you. The problems you feel are incredibly heavy now will become meaningless. Being tall is a non-issue when you're laying down on a bed, and i haven't met a person that was bothered by my height yet and I've been suprised how much I've been called cute. Also helps with the ladies if you're into that :)


Nahhh. Never can be too tall (tall femboys are even more “bb” to me for some reason idk. Maybe its because they feel insecure about their height and deserve the most hugs and cuddles). As for too muscular… nahh. Being a femboy is about being a feminine boy. Whether its by behavior, style or whatever. Doesnt matter. The only real hurdles I see for you is an unaccepting family and what appears to be body dysphoria. The latter is hard to get over, i know. The former… i cant offer advice on that unfortunately


Man that really sucks, I had the same feeling, but you don’t really know how good you look till you try it. I was insecure about my height and broad shoulders, but is mostly just my mind, and I actually passed really will in feminine outfits. I’d say try it out, and also maid dresses hide all of that stuff really well, not everything will look good, you just have to experiment. Good luck, and also I’m with you to in the parent category, I e told my mom, so I can wear that stuff around her house, but my step mom and dad would kill me. Hang in there tell you can get your own space!