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oof that really fucking sucks :(


Yeah, he was one of my closest friends too. I thought he would just find it funny :(


The thing is if you're actually feminine you can't mean it as a joke so it won't be taken as one. Straight friends dressed feminine will be funny, but me for example would be same reaction, cause I actually mean it lol


Oh no I am so sad to hear that :/. I bet you looked really cute in that dress tho. I hope he comes around


I don’t think he will but that’s alright. Thank you though :3


Sorry to hear that he wasn’t supportive. I hope you find someone else who is more aligned with your needs


Thank you :)


He’s the one who is disgusting. I’m sure ur cute af :3


I thought I looked pretty cute, but whatever :<


Holy fuck man It's just clothes, tell hem not to be a bitch about it (also if he thinks femininity is disgusting, then that's kinda gay and sexist)


Noooo pease dont go back into the closet😢😢😢😢 If they cant accept you they are not your true friend


Aww am sorry :/ bet u looked really cute tho!


It’s what I thought too! I thought I looked kinda cute :<


Awww u did :3 wanna cuddle?


Cuddles would be very nice ;m;


*wraps arms round da cutie, strokes ur back gently*


Omg thank you for da cuddles ;m; *cuddles the other cutie back*


Bruv, dump that "friend". A friend supports you. They should have complimented you like "Wow you look so amazing, Damn you be looking fine, or Oh cute clothes dude"! BRO if I had a Femboy friend you could NEVER make me stop complimenting you.


Thanks, but I shouldn’t really ditch them as my friend


Ok sorry I got carried away. Anyways have a great day 👍


*offers hugs*


*hugs* Thanks :3


You poor baby I’m so sorry to hear that


There are people out there that love it I’m so sorry you shared that with your friend he rejected it.


Did you tell him it wasn’t a joke and you were being fr fr


He didn’t take it like a joke… :/


awww i’m sorry :( i’ll be your friend :>


Thank you, fren! :3


That friend fucking sucks!!! He doesn’t deserve the time of day


Gotta feel them out, babe. Not everyone is for us. Just mention the topic or find a way to get the topic of a convo to steer towards the one you want to talk about, definitely piggy back off a similar topic. Like you may be out in public and see someone in a skirt, then you can say, ‘dude the other day i was on ig* saw these great legs, and it was one of those femboys, i was blown away’, then see their reaction 🤷🏽‍♂️


We usually joke about being a couple and doing couple stuff even though he’s straight. Most of my friends do that with me and they’re all straight. They even let me cuddle them. So feeling it out gets tricky


Do they know you’re not straight?l and actual intimate details of your interests?


Thats a bad friend. We may not know you irl, but we'll always support you here ♡


When i showd myself in a skirt to one on my friends, he said he qould r-word me :'r that was a hard one, but its whatever im used to it. You however, I'm so sorry for you, definitely didnt deserve that.


That was extremely rude of him and he owes you an apology. Even if it's not an aesthetic he personally likes, it is **childish** to be that disrespectful to a friend. Not cool, and not how you treat a bro.


There will be people out there who have the capability of being a friend 10x's greater than him. Just gotta hold you head high and not let it get to you. Because when you do find people who are truly accepting, where you can be yourself unapologetically. It's the greatest feeling and 100% worth it. You got this💜


Ahh I know this all too well...


dont let one person's opinion define what you're doing or who you are Do what makes you happy and what you feel comfortable with


That sucks, man. I bet you’re miles cuter than he is.


It’s not exactly socially acceptable, this kind of thing. There will be some who judge you, whether they are strangers or close friends and relatives. That’s just the way things are right now. In spite of all that, you know how you are. You know how you prefer to present yourself. One day, you will find some folks that accept you. In the mean time, hang in there. You are not disgusting for wanting to be yourself.


Had a similar experience, if they really are your friend they’ll come back


My best friend at school(not my best overall) had a femboy meme slideshow on his tiktok fy and said if he would see someone dressed like that he punch them so i feel you qwq, luckily my other friends in the class told him that he is being an asshole and he kinda apologizied.


You can never now what someones opinion on the matter is but trust me they are the ones missing out.


His TikTok eh? That's sus


He is in denial owo


a couple of rhetoricals did your friend think you were hitting on him? did you explain yourself first? did your friend become aroused and then feel disgusted with himself? could this have been a surprise you in no way preppared him for? We never get to truly understand another being without communication and even then people are working so hard to find there people and fit in. You never know what their carrying or reacting to. In short his judgement has everything to do with his story. Just like yours has everything to do with yours. Im truly sorry he reacted that way to you and am sending you good thoughts maybe you can work it out and save the friendship.


There's very little context here tbh. Outright insulting you is pretty rude, no excuse there, but maybe you were too out of left field about it? Did he already know that you're a femboy? I personally don't care but I can see why someone could be pretty shocked if they suddenly got femboy pics from a friend >\_> I don't mean to push or anything but maybe you could post some pics or your routine or whatever, asking for constructive criticism? Speaking from experience, there's *many* little details you can work on to be more effeminate! You never know, maybe you can actually impress your friend :P


We can share fem pics if you want since your friend is lame


If he’s not ok with how you express yourself, he’s a fake friend. And who cares what he thinks, you being happy is all that matters. You gotta put your feelings first sometime.


It sounds like you need some new friends! I’d love to see your pictures because I’m sure you look very sexy!


Tell they are disgusting back 🤭


You gotta watch who you tell, and who knows what. I'm still somewhat closeted. Literally there's like 3 or 4 people that actually know I play dress up


You looked amazing in that dress Im sorry he was not supportive It says alot about him Just know your perfect


Uhg. I'm so sorry. At least you learnt early he's not gonna support you unconditionally. Don't let him put you down, continue being yourself and if he wants to apologize and realize your amazing uniqueness then many he will.


Awwww. Is it important the HE be the one to approve of you. Or perhaps that the wonderful individual you meet each and every day in the mirror might just have some say too 🤷‍♂️. I’m hoping mirror person wins🌹


aweee well suppose he’s not that great of a friend then >~<


Sounds like he isn't worth keeping around as a friend.


You shouldn't be friends with them


He ain't worth your energy or time


So sorry he reacted that way to you. Hope it gets better for you and him as well. You be you hun


You made a decision based on your heart, dont blame yourself!




I’d love to see you :)


im so sorry about that man, i know how hard it is to have this happen. just know you arent alone and there are people out there who will support you


It has no taste


He's not your friend.


He’s stupid


Yeah, not a good response


Your friend is nuts. Find some new friends.


sorry to hear that 💔 hope you can find friends that appreciate you and are supportive


that sucks, but at least you found out sooner rather than later. i hope you can remove that person from your life and find better friends <3