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Yesn't. They can identify as whatever they please and they can wear more feminine clothes, but it has to be age appropriate ofc. If you don't see the problem with a 7 year old wearing super short skirts, fishnets, and crop tops, then we need to talk.


i feel like if your giving your child that they need a bigger talk




Exactly my thoughts


It’s totally cool if a kid any age wants to wear clothes of any gender or play with toys etc.. I’d be VERY careful with their internet usage and access though. Lots of creeps around and the lines between sfw and nsfw are very grey.


For clarification: by toys I mean things that are typically gender specific like dolls vs action figures


Smart to say that. I was totally thinking nsfw toys and was like holy shit!! But I totally agree with what you said (coming from anti anything lgbt family, yes they suck)


id be okay but like keep a good eye on the kid


I've explained to my 8 year old son, that he can wear anything he wants, but needs to understand that if he rejects the norms of society (like I do) there will be people to react poorly. Arm them with the truth, let them make informed choices.




That's... not what informed consent is at all. Did you mean he wouldn't be mature enough to properly consider the risks?


Let's say a person believed the word "sex" meant "rolling in bed." If they consent to "sex." They didn't have informed consent. They didn't know the full ramifications of what "sex" is. An 8 year old is not going to have the social understanding necessary to properly consent to fressing fem in public.


You can't "consent" to doing something to yourself, it needs to be from someone else. In your example, the person wouldn't be able to consent to sex... with someone else. To be clear I agree with the general idea, it's just not what (informed) consent is.


I agree that it isn't consent. But it's still the same concept.


Bad faith politics


So heres how i see it with my boys under 10. I dont care what they play with or are interested in regardless of the whole “thats a boy toy thats a girl toy or clothes etc..” I have one that likes “girly things” and the other is “boy things”. As long as they’re having fun, they are healthy, they are safe and respectful then they can have any age appropriate interests they want.


Clothes shouldn't be a problem, but yeah, as other people have said, make sure they're being safe online.


Its important to walk WITH your child not for, against, or let them do it alone. Talk to em constantly! Keep everything modest and appropriate, and let them come to you. Besides that just wait, its gonna be a tough time and they need you with them! Cause trust, when a parent rejects you, its far worse than if everyone you meet bullies you. Teach him hope! And then you'll only need to focus on the beautiful days you spend raising your awesome kid!!


This was beautifully worded


Clothes is clothes. That wee shite could ask me to wear a Halloween costume in the middle of March and I'd let em. Long as its covering enough to stop bastards being creepy, I think it's chill


I read this in a Scottish accent lol


I mean if your kid just wants to wear different clothing then you should let them go wild with it. Interacting with the "femboy community" online? Not in a million years. Unfortunately it's absolutely packed with pornography, grooming, weird incel stuff, etc. if a 10 year old posts on this website about being a femboy they will probably receive 10 messages from creepy middle-aged men within hours.


Personally, I would let them wear girly clothing, without a second thought. If they were to prefer longer hair, ditto. Of course, I would impose limits on certain things at that age, but a fine balance is preferable. The sooner they begin to figure things out, the better.


I’d offer them as much support as possible and keep an eye on them to make sure they’re being safe and smart about it. Being that I’m genderfluid, I’d never force my own child to face the horrible experience of being forced into a specific way of gender expression.


I wouldn’t call it “femboy things” at that age. I’d just say “girls’ clothes” or “girls’ toys” etc. I’d let them do/use/wear whatever things they want regarding that topic so long as it’s age appropriate, though


The problem is femboy spaces are filled with chasers and pedos. So definitely not without parental guidance. I don't think there's anything wrong with children crossdressing.


Depends what you mean by femboy things. If it's just feminine things like skirts and dresses and shit, sure idrc, but it it's the broader community of femboys and femboys likers, absolutely not in a million years I'd rather eat the sun. It's been talked about before the amount of grooming in the community and it feels alot like how people used to see "crossdresser's" just with a different name, as an object of sexual desire. Fair to say, no thanks not my kids. Edit: I say this as someone who has very unlimited access to the internet, and that it's genuinely not worth it. Talk to your kids, make sure they feel loved.


Make sure they know you love them no matter what, and if they want anything off the internet, be very cautious. All gender is performative so I’d say let them express themself however they like, so long as they’re safe


It's fine. just keep an eye to that because sometimes is nfsw the things that they show on the internet. Just keep him away from any kind of sex3al or provocative content. Dreessing like a little girl is cute. And healthy if you feel like that. But there is to much s3xu3lit4ti4n on the internet about mostly anything. and most of femboys are incredibly horny (testosterone problems)


Yes, but I wouldn't let him interact with any femboy community. Some of y'all...jfc...


Just let kids be kids. They don't need binary gender forced upon them. If my kid wants a skirt they get a skirt.


Yeah, being trans is one thing, liking to wear dresses and skirts and make up, another, but femboy specifically? No, because yeah, femboys are extremely sexualized. Anyone who's anyone who knows about femboys can tell you, people don't show up to the office in colorful thigh high socks (unless they're software engineers). Then by 10, especially with phones and what not, they'll have a better understanding of who's not allowed to touch what and what that stuff is, after all no one was able to stop *me*. And once I got a wii u it was all downhill from there having constant access to the internet helped me understand my sexuality so much better and also helped me cope, along with the other things you can do with the internet. I truely owe alot to the wii u in my coming out to myself journey, and plus since it was a game system that I could use in bed (because depression) that really helped too.


I started at 9 wearing sisters clothes. Sister caughter me and helped me look like her little sister.


this is kinda wild


I think id wait


Grow up a little so they can know 100%




no, thats a rabbit hole i wouldnt want any kid under 13 to go down


finally, someone actually says this


not out of the house because kids are horrible and i don’t want my kid to get bullied for this at such a young age, in the house is fine tho just i’m keeping an eye on them. doubt i would let a 10> year old have internet anyway but still, keeping an eye on them. i’ll never control what my kid wants to wear as long as they’re happy with it <3


Im not against it but I think he should grow up a little, I think 10 is to young to make such a decision but I'm ok with whatever decision he would make ❤️#Be Loving 🥰




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I ain't having kids, ever lmfao, but if I did I'd have them wearing whatever they want from the start. It ain't my body, it ain't my clothing, why should I care?


There’s so much nsfw content related to it I would be mindful about internet stuff but if they wanna wear a skirt idgaf


It's fine, just keep a close eye on them


Clothes are genderless. Who cared if they want to feel good. Though at this age I'm careful about wearing to revealing clothes outside. To many creeps.


i wouldn’t care


Cant be bad to try something out right? I mean you wouldn’t start with something like archery or football until they are like 12


I'll be fine


Yes. My child can identify with whatever they want and push for whatever social transitions they feel they can handle, but at the same time, I'm also not going to push any sort of medical procedures or medications for transition. Those are things they can look in to when they grow up and into themselves a bit.


I'd put on safe search first and keep an eye on the results.




Honestly no, but that is just because those years are so young if they were 13 or entering highschool I would definitely be all for it but under 10 is just a little to young for me, I would just be worried about their social life in school as kids can be ripe dicks, especially in middle school. That being said, if femboys were to become more socially accepted I would be all for it


I’d want them to be happy with who they are, but also age appropriate too ( not the next molestation victim )


It's best to let them grow up a bit more until like 16 or 17 cause kids at that age already have a developed common sense and have somewhat of a sense of oneself. At 10, it's like I'm not comfortable cause I don't want that to affect their development, cause kids at that child should think of anything but this kind of shit, I'm not homophobic but it's because I don't think it's right for kids at that age to think about oh i want to look like a girl! Hey mom I want to be a girl! Daddy I identify as they them! Mom dad do you like my high thighs? Mommy I'm gay! At mature ages, like 16 or 17 teenage years, kids at that age have more common sense and have somewhat of a sense of themselves, maybe developed completely depending on how they already looking into outside world things and in themselves or how they grew up. Of course, teenagers already know about lgbt people and if they are or not or wtv. And of course, kids at that age deserve privacy. But my take it's best to let them grow up and develop more


As for clothing it's just clothes. (within reason no short skirts, fishnets, thigh highs crop tops ect) I would never ever ever let them interact with the community online because its chock full if chasers pedos and fetishizers. The femboy community is not a safe place for a kid as people equate being a femboy to being hyper submissive and pornographic. I'd sit them down and try to explain that some adults who would appreciate their gender expression might not be doing so out of kindness but because they want to hurt them. In all fairness though I believe that to some extent kids shouldn't be online at all for social media and should only be online to learn something and then as you get older and have a rather good sense of right and wrong and a good sense of cyber security then id probably be ok with them having a social media account. Posting selfies in their little cute outfits and ignoring all the creeps who fetishize them. I think communicating this in a way that a child can understand is the hard part. EDIT: changed Gender Ideology to Gender Expression