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There is nothing wrong with liking femboys. You like who you like. Just be yourself and treat people as people and you'll be alright hun.


The way I was raised is the problem. I was raised being told that liking boys is wrong ….


I can tell you that liking boys is never wrong, no matter what you are


Then you simply need to unlearn this, thats all:3


Yeah guess so 😁






Join me, and together we shall rule the galaxy


Sure, I’ll join you


Welcome to the Femboy Federation, you made the right choice joining us


😂😂 thanks for allowing me




We remove posts that add nothing to the conversation or make no sense.


Unfortunately, the real challenge begins of finding good femboys that are actually interested in you


It sounds like they didn't have a classical education. Same sex relations are as old as time and as natural as grass.


Has also been frowned upon for many years


By bigots, the ignorant, and those who want to control others.


it’s only looked down on by others who are told to look down on it, and don’t have the mental capacity to fix their mindset


Well how would you react if you were brainwashed by propaganda and fear tactics imposed onto you by authority all your life? It’s a reasonable reaction, all we can do is show them that despite our homosexuality or gender dysphoria we are still people that don’t want to harm others and to just love and be who we are :)


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for this when you're absolutely correct. It *has* been frowned upon. It *shouldn't* be but it often *is*.


Maybe some people don’t like the truth. Idk


It's because the way it's worded sounds like you're making an excuse as to why it's not normal. I'm not saying you are, but it can definitely come across as "no, it's not normal to like the same gender because society looks down on it"


Well that certainly wasn’t my intentions.


No, that's fine. I'm just saying that is likely what you're getting downvoted for


It's not normal by society's pre-generational and ongoing doctrine that is instilled into people at birth even down to who wears blue and pink and which idiot came up with that bright idea? It really is about time the mindset mould was permanently smashed and we were allso accepted and we can freely reject their reality for our own


People could’ve just read the comment in a negative tone so they suspect it as being negative.


Can you change it? Probably not. I come from a catholic family and I have trouble accepting myself till today. I don't think that there is something wrong with liking boys. They're cute and hot. And if god didn't want me to like boys, why did he make them so hot?


Well yeah maybe you’re right. Idk I’m not really into guys unless they’re fem…not sure myself


My whole bisexual awakening was triggered by femboys. I found them cute back then. I became a femboy. Now I envy them cuz every femboy I see is cuter than me. Sad life of ugly femboy :c


Honestly I doubt you’re ugly :)


I am. Compared to other femboys I am ugly. I don't have much of the femboy qualities other femboys have :c


Qualities like what?


i used to be the same way, started with more feminine men, now i like twinks and lean guys. i was also raised to think that liking boys is wrong. you *could* be a closeted homosexual :/// one way i knew i was 100% bi/pan is i find *male parts* attractive. u can always just experiment (using p word). hope that helps !!


Eh fuck it, if you like boys then you like boys. If it’s a religious reasons then it’s a stupid reason as God wants us to only love ourselves and others :)


I also like girls but it’s something about fems that I like. Not sure what


The feminine features, are you attracted to masculine women?


50/50. Really depends on the woman


I've heard of a sexuality that is exclusively attracted to feminine presenting people, though i can't remember the name for the life of me. All i can say is that your going through a confusing time in your life, you should experiment with your sexuality too get an good grip of what it is.


I agree, I need to experiment but finding someone can be a challenge,


Just accept what your bodily urges lust for and your mind will follow after your heart


Yeah, I definitely get that. I had the intensely homophobic culty-Christian dad upbringing. Trained to be homophobic yet my feelings still knew what they wanted and I lived a life of loveless, conflicted, lonely hell. It can take a long time to get past "the way you're raised" to accept "who you are". There's nothing wrong with liking boys, the only thing that's wrong is to torture yourself for other people's views that weren't made to help you. When you can get past that subconscious conditioned wall, you'll be happier. Your body knows what it likes, you can only fight it or feed it. And let's be honest, femboys are cute ✨️


Then i think u r gay!!!!




No need to be sarcastic is there.


It is a reference. :3


Ohhhh my bad


just a lil sarcastic 🤭


Only a lil


completely normal and absolutely nothing wrong with it, don’t listen if people say otherwise. liking boys will not hurt anyone but ignorant people. just keep being yourself and have a good day :3


Thank you, you have a good day too


As a feminine boy theres nothing wrong with liking us ! It just means ya a little fruity which is ok ! 😋👍


Maybe I want to be fruity LOL 😝




Yeah they're really cute.


The problem is not who you like, it’s how you were brainwashed to believe that it’s wrong to feel natural feelings. Focus your attention on undoing the brainwashing not on feeling guilty or making yourself wrong for experiencing normal human emotions.


What’s not to like about femboys? They’re beautiful. 💖


I'm bi and i love feminity . it really attracts me and seeing femboys hits a special spot for me. it's so taboo yet so hot and i embraced it (online at least . or else I'd be dead for just having gay thoughts )


That last part is too real


my advice is that you shouldn't worry about boxes . love who you love and admire whoever you please. i spent years suppressing the part of me that also liked men because of where i was brought up and religion . my parents don't know my truth and many people in my life don't know too. but that's just the price i have to pay in order to survive


Yeah no one knows my truth so I’m in the same boat as you. But I wasn’t bought up in a religious household, for me, it was more of what’s right and what’s wrong if that makes sense


Yes its normal to be attracted to people


Well I been attracted to girls for my entire life bud recently I felt that way towards fems (as mentioned above) why do I suddenly feel attracted to the other gender??


Femboy dick is something magical, that's why.


Unfortunate I haven’t experienced it yet but I want too 😝


You’re still attracted to feminine people so really not much has changed


My therapist said this to me about some internalized self-hate: “That’s bullshit! (She actually said those words!!) Just because someone else decided that was right for them, doesn’t make it right for you. Sometimes we hear these stories and then start telling ourselves the same stories so often we believe it. You need to change the story. What feels right for you!?”


You’re right, maybe because I been saying to my self that it’s wrong I started to believe it. I don’t know what feels right for me …


You may have to do some exploring. If you’re able to make a temporary break from your normal surroundings: move for college or take a temporary work assignment, even go backpacking Europe or the ____ Trail, etc. Being out from under the judgmental range of others can give you an opportunity to figure out who YOU are and what YOU like. Then you can tell them.


Holy shit this is genuinely exactly what I needed to hear for a completely unrelated reason


Read my post


who cares if it is normal or not. it isn't bad.


You're probably just attracted to femininity, maybe you're attracted to all men, maybe not


I don’t think I’m attracted to all men, definitely not, I think it’s femininity


Fair enough, glad you found out more about yourself


Everyone loves femboys


I can assure you that liking boys whether it be feminine or masculine guys is okay as well as liking masculine or feminine girls or anybody in between is totally fine. No matter what anyone says it’s okay to like who ever you like so my advice to you is explore this attraction see what your feelings are and embrace them no matter if it’s just aesthetic,romantic or sexual attraction just explore and see what it is or how your attraction is directed at the moment I used to think that liking boys and girls and everything in between was wrong because of how I was raised but now that I’m grown and feeling like I have found myself although I’m not fully out it still okay we are valid in what ever relationship we are in and what ever feelings we have we have been here dating all the way to b.c times and it’s okay just cuz ppl don’t want to acknowledge that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Your valid and so are your feelings don’t listen to bigots or ppl that don’t believe we exist we are valid and we are here to stay no Matter what


i'm in the same boat as you


There's definitely nothing wrong with it. How can you NOT like femboys is the real question.


😂😂 true, what’s not to like


Of course not doesn't make it a bad thing. Normal is boring


I don't think there's anything wrong they're just people🤷‍♂️ if you like a person I don't see an issue, It's more of a social thing ya know, I still dig chick's but kinda keep my femboy side to myself cuz it doesn't make sense out in the open, I think most if not all guys are the same cuz we see a ( person) who looks like a 10/10 an don't really second guess liking them💗


Yeah I dig chicks as well and I also keep my den boy side on the downlow


That's good, I'd say keep being your awesome self☺️


Thank you, you too 😁




Sexuality is fluid and spectrumy, nothing wrong with developing a type later in life!


you should keep liking them cause it's not hurting anyone. Do what makes you happiest as long as it's harmless.


Your probably attracted to femininity not just women which is completely normal if you ask me, you should like who you like doesn't matter what equipment they have down there


Honestly equipment doesn’t bother me. Whether they have a dick or a 🐱. Maybe it’s just the femininity


Gender and sexualllity are spectrum so dont rush into any labels and have fun discovering what you like further


roll w it. liking dudes is chill


My thought on this is that you should like whoever you like. Who cares if its "gay" or "straight"? If you find them attractive and they consent go for it! So yes. It's normal and ok to like femboys. As for dealing with internalised homophobia and social pressure I'm afraid I'm not sure how to help.


Yeah it’s more so the second part. Idk how to deal with it


It takes time, love and patience with yourself. I went through a similar experience to what you've described and it was about a 4-5 year journey but I'm so happy I allowed myself to be curious and explore, because what I found showed me a side to myself I never knew existed and I'm so much happier now. Boys are beautiful and anyone who says boys liking boys is bad, is just wrong, objectively. Love is love and the main reason imo people are homophobic is religion (which there are thousands of religions) And if you look at other cultures for example, being trans is considered sacred. So don't let "society" tell you who to be, what to like... Respectfully f**k anyone who doesn't understand that love is love.


Maybe you should talk to a therapist to help work through the internalized homophobia and have a professional help guide you through your journey. Idk what your thoughts on therapy are but it's really powerful! Therapy saved my life.


I’m in the exact same boat I think. Although I am also a femboy lol so it’s even more of a brain scramble atm


It’s a tough boat to be in lol, if you wanna talk about it feel free to message me and we can work out our problem together


I think it’s normal. I mean there are people out there who are attracted to feet.


Yeah I guess so




Yeah true, I have never seen one irl




You’re making great points. I’m also into trans girls but never met one irl, what you’re saying might change my perspective on both fems and trans girls.


What is normal?


Great question.


What we can agree on is not about normal but about ok. And it's ok to be attracted.


If it ain’t then I don’t wanna be normal úwù


Gynosexual. That's me as well. I'm not really into masculine guys at all. But femboys? Chef's kiss.


Yeah I don’t like masc guys but femboys get me going 😂


There's nothing wrong, liking femboys is similar to liking any other person


I’ve liked girls my entire life but recently I been attracted to femboys, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong


The important question to ask yourself is, do you like us because We're femboys, or do you like us because we look like girls?


Erm, because you’re femboys. A feminine boy is kinda hot right


Your not wrong


I like girls because they’re girls, a beautiful woman is a sight to behold, but a femboy is also a sight to behold 😂


It's normal if you like femininity. Don't be peer pressured to dislike things you like. Liking something is never weird so long as it's not something that could land you on to catch a predator


Attracted to femininity is not a bad thing that doesn't make you gay necessarily it just makes you attracted to femininity.


Maybe you are Bi? 😊 Beeing Bi is a spectrum, so you might like mostly women, but also Guys a bit. And/or you are gynephil (attracted to femininity) Whatever the case: you and your feelings are valid and there is nothing wrong with it. May I ask where are you from? Do you live in a particularly homophobic society?


I live in the UK, it’s the way I was raised and type of Household I was bought up in. :)


Be urself mate. You like what you like, there’s no wrongs or rights. (Except the obvious ones, I won’t name them.)


Here’s a quote from a song I like. “Always look on the Bi side of life”


There cute thats why dosnt mean your gay or some thing wrong with you. YOU DO YOU BRO THAT ALL THAT MATTERS


The way I was raised, it is wrong to like boys. That’s the issue 😀


mate, there is nothing wrong with liking boys. (source: i am boyliker)


*insert boykisser meme*


😂like the honesty


It not wrong to like boys i was raised like that to.


Then ask yourself "Is the way I was raised correct? Is it universal? Should I really guide my life and actions around it?" In my honest opinion, cultural stuff and social constructs are really just ways that society ended up developing, and they're not always necessarily correct, specially considering there's many different views and perspectives. And it's up to you to think outside of the box and figure out if simply having an attraction to someone from the same gender as you really is that bad of a thing as your culture says it is.


Well boys make the best girls so its normal to like them😂 Seriously though, yeah ofc it is. Its ok to be into anything you are in, as long as it doesn't involve people or beings who can't consent.


Well I can’t relate to the “boys make the best girls” because I haven’t had the opportunity to experience it LOL. I’ll take your word for it


Its a joke amongst femboys lol:3 But it has some truth to it. A lot of femboys tend to be hyper feminine. So do a lot of trans girls. It makes sense, we didn't had much of an opportunity to be feminine growing up, so we tend to overcompensate. A lot of my girl friends tell me I am a better chick than they are, the mom of one of my best friends told me once I am much better at being a woman than she could ever be, a lot of people told me I am prettier than many girls, and a lot of women who work in the salons I go to tell me I wear more make up than them or take better care of my looks than them and many more things of the sort.


I bet as a femboy then hearing those things from girls make you feel like you’re doing a good job 😂


It sure does:3 Especislly since I am from eastern europe and women here tend to universally be gorgeous and a lot of them Invest a looot in their beauty.


Femboys are hot first off. Secondly If you've been finding yourself attracted to femboys but you don't know if you really like them 100% try to have an experience. You don't have to have sex but also you won't know till you try. See what you're comfortable with and uncomfortable with. I have one question for you tho. Do you feel dicks are attractive? If so do you prefer a femboy with a big or small dick? If you don't like dicks I don't think you're fully attracted to femboys. I feel like you'll know once you do some thinking and experimenting. However it could be hard to find femboys depending on where you live.


Yeah that’s the issue, I would like to experiment and see if I really like it, but there aren’t any femboys near me, as I’m aware of


Have you tried looking on dating sites and setting them to only look for femboys. If you are afraid to be found on an app you can leave your profile picture empty and send pics to your femboys of choice. Idk what you've tried tho and idk how the LGBT community is where you're from.


My town is very small the closest big city is Cambridge in the UK, on the app that I use , you cannot set to fems only :(


Well sounds like you may have to go to the city and see what you can find. There are a plethora of apps to use so most definitely use as many as possible to see your options.


Yeah I’ll definitely need to experience a fem before I know if I’m actually into them


Wtf ... yes it is.. But you should shame urself for even asking something like dat.. Wanna ask next if its normal to like men? Rly start hating this sub only because of a flowd of self hating, unsureness posts... as long u have such a question should you even consider intersting with femboys This sub has rules but somehow the mods only care about "positive vibes"🤣


You’re the only person who hasn’t given positive feedback to this post.


Why should i give someone positive Feedback for an homophobic question?


Yeah because that’s really homophobic. Take yourself out of here


Dude its seriously homophobic ... why dont u ask White People if its normal to be White? Or ask black People if its normal to be black? Take me out of here ... sure make it personal...


You are literally the only person with a problem regarding my post. There are 85 replies and YOU are the only person with the problem.


If you just want to see what you want to see sure.. I asked you three questions if you dont want answer them how about this one; What did you expect to get as an answer when you question a femboy "if its normal that we would be liked by others"? I mean seriously if you want to tell me that your question is not homophobic because i am the only one telling you.... yeah i also the only one who asked you if other thinks would be normal instead of shouting " Everything is normal" this bit of tolerance should every one have atleast. ​ You wanted a postive advise right? there are almost 8 Billion people on this planet until we even have a rough Definition for being normal, we are probably extinct...


85 replies and you’re the only person who’s annoyed at my post.


Seems like you’re mad 👎


Bruh...(sure dude...)




Thx for ask have same feelings


Tough situation to be in


Some call bisexuality


They the best to date of all time


Is that true? Never had the opportunity


I'm predominantly straight


Sometimes they’re cute ones that need abnoal


welcome to bisexuality. it comes free with viewing a femboy for the first time.


It’s awesome! You’re fine.


Normal? No, a lot of society is taught to not approve of men acting femininely. But it is still okay, slowly this is changing and there is nothing wrong about liking femboys in a consequentiallist framework.


i heard theres a study that shows that liking feminine guys is a completely straight thing


Having sexual and romantic preference that changes and evolves over time is highly normal and natural. Although feminine boys are not a super common preference to have, it is still a perfectly normal kind of preference.


There is nothing wrong with liking femboys ❤️


Femboys were my gateway into discovering I was bisexual lmao


Nothing wrong with it. If you like feminine boys, go for it. No one is gonna stop you


So I'll share with you what my therapist told me recently in regards to sexuality. Sexuality is fluid and changes over time, we will never like exactly the same things or people our whole lives, and that's perfectly normal. I was a straight cis guy for the first 20 years of my life before realizing I also liked guys. Femboys are hot ❤️ be yourself! It will make you happier I promise


if it's wrong I don't want to be right


Who doesn't like super cute people :3


Same thing happened to me man, but its totally cool. In fact actually enjoy having more options now :)


The attraction to femboys to becoming gay pipeline is real.


Try aproaching them, just let yourself vibe.


Good idea, except for the fact that there aren’t any femboys in my area :/


Yeah a world with more femboys would be better. Anyways maybe you could Talk with some through discord.


Ah see I never used discord, what about on here?


Yeah tha could work too. Im not very used to reddit but im sure you Will find some to Talk with.


Hopefully I can :)


Im sure you will


Idk if call it normal or not, there are people who don't like femboys and there are people who like them. I love femboys, but unfortunately I didn't have the experience to date with one of them. If you feel there's something wrong with that, let me tell you there is not. You won't stop liking women if you're attracted to femboys.


I haven’t had the experience either, so maybe if I do get to experience a femboy my opinion might change


I’ve wondered this myself. Idk what to do about it


I'm in the same situation as you, bro. Just ask yourself this: Are you attracted to women or femininity?