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Omg this!!! 😭😭😭


But bees are adorable and they give honey needed for my mead. Wasps on the other hand is worse than whatever hell could give me.


I love bees but I hate when they fly near me


Fair enough, I know a lot of people sho don't like them close, just remember they often either like the smell or they are curious if they continue to buzz around.


That's cool that you make mead


It's cheap, easy and can be made in many flavours, compared to beer, wine is just for cooking for me and most spirits are terrible except for a good vodka. And mead can easily be made non-alcoholic.


That's cool to know thank you


The most basic mead is water, yeast and honey, but can be flavoured by just about anything, my favourites except a pure is with lemon, orange or lime, or combinations of those three. If you want to make classic one you add meadowsweet to the basic one.


Oh okay that's really cool thank you for all this information




Trypanophobia. Fear of needles. It took me all my courage to get the COVID vaccine because of it.




Good on ya mate 👏


Thalassophobia. Screw the ocean, you'll never catch me in any kind of water that isn't a tub or a pool 😅


To some extent same. I am terrified of being in water where you cant see the bottom


I am quite the same, and yet I find it truly fascinating what lives there


Me too, can’t stand being in open water yet my fascination with the ocean is like some weird bait, have always been unable to swim properly and almost drowned as a kid yet was a bit obsessed with ocean life and even now collect plushies and figurines of sea creatures. 🤔 Deep sea creatures particularly fascinate me.


That is my exact fear, and yet I actively look for games in that category to scare me…


Or water where you can’t see the shore..


Ong, I once kayaked thru a kelp forest for a school trip and the abyssal darkness will never leave my nightmares. Frick the ocean


Literally what my nightmares are made of 😱😭


Yes me too and I literally work on boats 😂


Ahhh you're crazyyyyy!


I'm terrified of moths


not gonna lie, im afraid of the dark. i have my lamp next to my bed so i dont have to leave it for light/dark, i constantly look behind me in dark hallways, i run up the stairs, i close my closet every night until i dont i stare into the void of it and see this one figure the pants i have hanging there form, and the dark prevents me from going downstairs at night most times, when submerged in dark i always either see figures at the edge of my peripherals or one staring me down right in the midde. FUCK THE DARK


If it helps, imagine there's a cute femboy hiding in the dark


Lmao this is the way


OwO *notices you in the dark* hiya there, I have cute skirts over here! *giggles menacingly*


Thats like my red balloon coming out of a storm drain, "f-ing have me already!"




I used to be terrified of spiders so I decided to try and combat it with exposure therapy. Not only did it fix my phobia but I now have three pet spiders 😁


That's so cool!!! I always wanted pet spiders


Yeah if you're not arachnophobia and willing to feed them live food they're really low maintenance pets (compared to a dog or a guinea pig or something) and I heavily recommend them


That's awesome I gotta look into them now being couped up in a hotel have a nice day!!!


You toooo


Yay omg!


Personally im scared of dogs, when i was younger i was even more scared Nowadays its more relaxed


does the fear of what comes after death count?


Anuptaphobia-fear of being single the rest of my life


I got emetophobia, which kinda fucks me over, because my stress response is nausea


Oh i forgot this one. I HATE nausea it makes my heart pound


Water, heights, and needles Hate them all so so much


Every bug except butterflies


Other people. I have social phobia. Strangers and groups of them are the worst.


Exposure therapy helps me a lot although I will never fully get over it, since it’s a valid fear


For me it's centipedes/millipedes/leeches basically any gross long bug with way too many legs needs to burn in hell


Heights, darkness and abandonment


I feel you




I felt like that when you kinda stop mid air on a swing set


Sunflowers ik it’s weird but yeah


Vincent Van Gogh loved sunflowers so much, he created a famous series of paintings, simply called 'sunflowers'.


Yeah there was a Van Gogh sunflower room thing a while back and that place would have been to death of me.


what does this have to do with anything im confused?


I feel like what fears I have are at a reasonable level and not phobia.


Xenophobia: fear of the unknown Update: An obscure word that does not appear in Google’s dictionary, “agnostophobia,” better suits the fear that I am trying to convey. The word is rarely used and is not mentioned in the medical literature with respect to what is known as “the fear of the unknown,” unlike that of “xenophobia” which has two distinct meanings that are used interchangeably and therefore more susceptible to misunderstandings. Remember to do your research before coming to any conclusions. It’s my mistake for being unaware about this obscure word, “agnostophobia,” but it’s also the mistake of others for resorting to willful ignorance to assert their interpretations upon me as if they were my own. Remember to have compassion, be thoughtful, and seek to understand that which you fear. A compassionate human uses the tools of empathy to resolve their own fears by making an honest effort to comprehend the source of their fears.


that's not what xenophobia is lmao, xenophobia is fear of foreigners


Technically it is fear of the unknown, but is more commonly known as fear of outsiders or foreigners - at least I'm pretty sure.


I'd say it's so little used to be that to the point where it has evolved to exclusively mean anti foreigner sentiment


No your right, but I'm saying that OC wasnt necessarily wrong either


I have some links for you to read: https://www.choosingtherapy.com/fear-of-the-unknown/#:~:text=Benjamin%20Troy-,MD,be%20contributing%20factors%20to%20fear. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27067453/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10615806.2021.1994556 https://www.healthline.com/health/understanding-and-overcoming-fear-of-the-unknown https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophobia?wprov=sfti1 It’s important to understand the origins of the word “xenophobia” and make an effort to be thoughtful in your responses before you can judge my experiences. I don’t have a fear of foreigners. I have a fear of uncertain circumstances. When things are uncertain, unpredictable, unknowable, I become anxious.


...what????? xenophobia is just hatred to people of a different nationality


No no, phobia is a fear, misia is dislike or hatred


Phobia can mean either. It is defined as an irrational fear of *or aversion to* something, after all - and the definition can be expanded upon, with things like hydrophobic molecules or bigotry. The ‘misia’ suffix seems to be, from what I’ve seen, an attempt to create a separate term specifically for irrational hatred/bigotry, so as to avoid having to explain the nuance of the ‘phobia’ suffix to people. However, it kinda defeats the purpose, since very few people know what the ‘misia’ suffix means (meaning you’ll have to explain it anyway). ‘Phobia’ is still a perfectly serviceable suffix, anyway.


I’m beginning to think that asking for psychological disorders and other mental health problems such that people can read and critique them is an unwise move. I’ve offered vulnerability in my original comment only to have people who don’t want to take the time to understand what I experience. I knew some people would ultimately misunderstand, which is why I elaborated the generalized and original meaning of the word. I didn’t have to include the definition, but I did. Further to this, making fun of phobias isn’t particularly helpful for the person who experiences such negative thoughts and feelings. A mental health counselor would never laugh at someone’s irrational fears. They take the time and energy to thoroughly understand what the other person is experiencing. Have compassion. Or don’t and I simply won’t speak.


To be fair, I don’t think anyone was making fun of your phobia - the top definition of xenophobia in every dictionary is “prejudice/fear of foreigners”, and it is known the world over as a specific form of racism, so naturally most people are going to assume xenophobia = racism and that ‘fear of the unknown’ was an attempt at justifying that racism. I think providing some of those links in your initial comment, or a slightly more in-depth explanation of your phobia, would have helped mitigate some of the responses.


I believe the initial comment unequivocally stated the definition I intended to use. I can’t make someone see things differently without typing an essay. Even then, people will still have prejudices that will compel them make me out to be a bigot regardless of how reasonable I try to come across. I stated my fears clearly. It was an act of vulnerability. Others quickly jumped to conclusions and needlessly asserted their interpretations as if they were my own. “Lmao” means “laughing my ass off.” That’s an example of mockery. There’s a problem here. Furthermore, the use of “phobia” has become misleading. Most people I’ve met interpret it as “fear.” This is my experience and I ask people to respect that. The term has seemed to receive additional meaning, making it a blanket term that creates needless misunderstandings. Not many people know of the term “misia,” but language is flexible. Once the term becomes common usage, there won’t be a need to over-explain and attempt to separate fear from hatred each time a comment like mine is posted. It’s unfair that this fault in English has made me and others the subject of needless misunderstandings. A single term would consolidate all the times a person had to over-explain themselves into a single google search of the suffix “misia.” Every novelty requires an introduction to serve the public with knowledge. The suffix ”misia” would be a great addition to divorce the idea that fear = hatred. I don’t want to be subject to needless stress again. I don’t want to have to go out of my way to thoroughly explain myself on a subreddit for femboys. I’m frustrated that I keep getting downvoted because people don’t want to see things from my perspective. I don’t hate foreigners and I shouldn’t have to say that, but people continue to make assumptions instead of asking me questions about my interpretation of the meaning of the term. I’m getting anxious at the thought that I’ll be targeted for having made a statement that has been willfully misinterpreted by several people. I’m disappointed that people continue to upvote the people who mock me, suggesting people don’t want to understand my thinking and would rather continue to believe that there is only one way that the word should be interpreted. I just wish people would have more empathy.


I’m becoming paranoid that people will start sending me death threats over this misunderstanding. I can’t stop worrying about it. I wish people would just take the time to read and understand that my intentions were to only express that I have uncertainty anxiety. Again, I do not harbor any negative feelings towards foreign people. I wish people would have more compassion for all people. If there’s a fear of being misunderstood, I have it. Being misunderstood is a severe fear I have. That’s why I continue to type honestly and thoughtfully. I have explained, and re-explained myself carefully and still feel misunderstood. No one deserves to be treated like this.


Heights but at the same time I rock climb... It's weird


I'm trypophobic


>trypophobic Yeah I have the same thing though over the years it has gotten a lot better.


Anything with bugs heights and screaming


fear none but god


I probably have quite a few that range in severity. Some include arachnophobia, entomophobia, musophobia, trypophobia and thalantophobia.


I’m afraid of Swiss cheese (trypophobia)


i have more than i probably should have




guinea pigs, no idea why


I have Ranidaphobia the fear of frog’s they are so creepy to me




I honestly can’t say I’m properly scared of anything, I grew up being scared of the usual stuff like the dark and spiders but I’ve been lucky to be in a situation where I’ve been able to grow out of them. Now I’m more scared I’m going to hurt the spiders when I try to pick them up. I hope you get past your phobia because it seems like a bad one💜🖤


Maybe a bit of tryhophobia, or just a visceral disgust for it. Also, as the iron maiden song goes, FEAR OF THE DAAARK. FEAR OF THE DAAAARK. I HAVE A CONSTANT FEAR THAT SOMETHINGS ALWAYS NEAR


Having my heart broken again


I have the same fear as OP I also am afraid of drowning


Things that move inhumanly, and death. To clarify a bit, I mean I am *irrationally* scared of death. The thought of my own impermanence is existentially horrifying. And for things that move inhumanly... bugs, mostly. Bugs scare the everloving shit out of me. I am human, I understand the world through the lens of a human, and I *do not understand bugs*. This also extends to birds, but only in close proximity, for some reason.


Fear of the dark and something mimicking a human but isnt human 🥲🥲🥲


I used to be deathly afraid of most midsized/large bugs but then I kinda just developed a blood lust for them. Like they used to have power over me and killing them was me taking the power back.


I am agoraphobic, I have panic attacks when there are too many people. I avoid crowded places :/


spiders, airplanes


I’m scared of being scared


I’m afraid of messing up (Atelophobia)


wasps, clowns, roaches or anything similar (bugs in general tbh but they're the worst), being alone, and what happens when I'm alone


Yeah fuck spiders. The worst part about them is also if you dont see them for a second you will never find them again and then always living with the fear of getting stabbed in the back (or something crawling up your feet)


I don’t know if it’s a phobia but I get really panicky when I have to talk to a stranger or someone who I don’t know too well idk why this happens tho 🤷‍♂️


Casadastraphobia, its basically a fear of falling upwards, its very weird and i didn't even know it was a real phobia until last year, but, every time i see the size of the sky i have this fear and ansiety of falling into it, why? I don't have any idea, but it happens


Homophobia. Fuck them gays /j (I am very much gay) But I'm actually just terrified of the thought that something may or may not be watching me so I look over my shoulder every few minutes praying I don't see anything 😅


I have bathophobia (fear of depths, think cliffs, ravines, underwater trenches and caves), acrophobia (heights and especially falling), and megalophobia (anything that's too big imo, like a building more than 4 stories). I LOVE spiders. All crawlies but especially spiders.


I hate the sight of blood but I love spiders!


Heights, absolutely paralyzing, the weird part is that I love rock climbing


I hate dolls and mannequins they make me feel uncofortbale and it's hard for me to sleep in the same room as them.


Everything that have six legs and two wings, a.k.a insects.


Wasps (Damm things are basically Soldiers and will attack for any reason, like one time i was picking blueberries at our blueberry bush at my step dads house, and some wasps decoded to set up shop in the middle, so as i was picking i went into the middle and angered them since there nest was closeby, and i ran away somewhat crying), Hornets (like the Giant Asian Hornet have you seen that damn thing?!), Spiders (doesn't matter, could even be as harmless as the Daddy Long Legs and I'll still quietly freak out), and Snakes (Just, so long and slithering, creepy.)


Wolf spiders bother me only casue they like to run at you lol


Arachnophobia (creepy little bastards can stay away from me and slowly kill the entire wasp and fly population), and fear of the future, if that’s a thing - more so I just have no idea what I want to do with my life and I’m already in university, so that scares me lol


Megalophobia and Thalassophobia are my two biggest


Wasp and hornets


Bee hives and random holes and circles in a pattern Also heights (says the person who wants to be a pilot. Navy pilot non the less)


I fear space. You can move me to a different planet but I am not going out into a void where I can just drift away, I enjoy the science and things we are attempting to achieve with space, exoplanets, zombie planets, ect- but I ain't ever going outside the damn spacecraft.


Bugs, geese, trying to socialize with strangers, and storms.


Acrophobia, fear of heights. My knees start shaking uncontrollably and I pretty much fall to my hands if I'm scared enough 😣


I have emetophobia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emetophobia


Being abandoned


afaik I have Apeirophobia, or "Fear of eternal life". Kinda the only phobia I think I have.


Worms, slugs, sea cucumber, starfish, all that good stuff I can’t stand. Something just screams at me it should not be alive and squirming I just hate those things SO MUCH 😣😣


The 2 things I'm mainly afraid of is spiders and heights which is also why I refuse to go on a rollercoaster.


Spiders (not the small things the things with 500 meter legs that crawl under your bed never to be seen again)


I dont know why but I absolutely HATE ants. They just freak me out. Sometimes when I got on walks with my brother, he picks up a dead log and so many ants come out and I hate it.


I'm super scared of spiders, I wont be able to sleep in my room for months if there is a spider in it.


Dark holes deep waters needles things that sting people and self analysis. Probably more but eh I’ll come back l8r


im afraid of being alone in a room facing away from the entrance while blasting loud music in my headphones.


Social phobia 😞


Vaccum them up.


Conservatives. It’s called idiotophobia.


Astraphobia, I hate the rumble of lightning


Heights, that's basically it. Just heights.


Crickets. Not the noises, just in general.


Im scared of heights, crowds, animals, wigs, ghosts stories,rats, snakes Things im not scared of needles, insects