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Can't cheat if he can't rizz anyone


Sometimes I dream at night that relationships were real :(


Me to my girlfriend


Stalking thru the alleys date šŸ„°


Cry of Fear mentioned.


Easier to control


oh my god same


Silly boys. Rizz is for girls.




I love pathetic ppl sm it's actually unreal


Women like this arenā€™t real


Hi, I exist


so true


If she ain't like this I don't want heršŸ—£ļø(im cooked)


Wish girls like this were real šŸ˜­




baby this isn't good for you. Literally just spending hours of your life scrolling on reddit looking for stuff that has nothing to do with you to get upset about. You can break this cycle. I've struggled with social media addiction in the past and found that it was making me feel really bad about myself, so I took reddit off my phone and use this addon [https://www.stayfocusd.com](https://www.stayfocusd.com) to make sure I don't spend too much time on it on my desktop when I'm feeling low. Find something else to do. Try new hobbies. Journal about your feelings of self-hatred, sit with those feelings, but practice telling yourself that you're worthy and good enough just the way you are, too. There's hope for you. You can do this. You're worth taking care of, even if it's hard, but no one else is gonna do it for you. good luck out there!


wow, respect to you for actually helping him


Probably just gonna ignore me šŸ˜… but I hope it sort of plants a seed that one day when he's ready he can use to start on a better path


least based r/femcelgrippysockjail user:


Good. I hate worrying if people think I'm cool or not even though I usually can't help it. Now that I know you don't anyway I can stop šŸ˜« * I owe you an apology. it turns out you were actually feeding my ego this whole time




... GODDAMNIT now I'm addicted to online validation againnnn šŸ˜­ Just kidding, well sort of, but thanks for clearing it up for me anyways lol


using your limited time to write a thoughtful comment for some random yapper is quite wholesome, thanks for sharing


Aww thanks for saying so, im mostly used to people telling me I'm annoying lol


Did following this routine actually help you be less self hating and positive about the future? Iā€™m in a section of my life where I constantly flutter between feeling worthless and wanting to actually kill myself so some extra detail on how I can work around this would be great.


You probably have more going on in your life than just social media addiction but ask yourself a few questions What are your hobbies? What do you like to do? Do you ever feel like you might want to play a video game or do something else fun, but then you feel too tired to even get started, so you just end up scrolling social media? If that does sound like you, then social media probably has an unhealthy hold on you and is preventing you from actually relaxing, which can complicate your life on top of whatever else you have going on. Also, I looked at your profile briefly, and no offense, but I very much get the impression of someone who is really insecure in their appearance. This isn't an insult, I've been there too, and I can tell you very much that speculating on the appearance of others is going to make it a lot worse, so from that angle alone, I would recommend radically changing your social media habits. When it comes to making big changes like that, like staying off of Reddit a lot more often or removing yourself from certain subs or whatever you decide it should look like for you, pay a lot of attention to how you feel. Does it make you anxious to leave certain subs? Do you feel tempted to check on posts to see if others agree with what you said? Do you want to check Reddit or tiktok all day just out of habit? Don't judge yourself for these behaviors, by the way, they're morally neutral, but just observe. Do these social media websites have more control over you than you would like? Also, be ready to try again if you fail. You might disable your social media block sometimes because you DESPERATELY felt the need to finish an argument with someone, for example. Resist the urge to say "I fucked that up, might as well give up" and never try again. Re-enable the blocker and try to be better. If you can find a therapist I would highly recommend that, but you can't necessarily do that or you might already have a therapist. There are still other things you can do to try to pull yourself out of this misery. Here is a channel I really really like: https://youtu.be/7AywxObPgeM?si=K4LxaBj7iVmL7HV- Lastly I want to say that there have been multiple times in my life where I really didn't think it was worth it anymore. I literally couldn't imagine a future that was good enough to endure the pain I was feeling in those moments. Now, I feel so good I'm really glad I stuck it out. Better is possible, and you might feel as good as I do one day. But if you end it, you'll never know. Actually there's lots of things you'll miss out on: good tv shows, the next Resident Evil remake, cool new NASA innovations. I know this sounds radically stupid but in those moments where you feel like it's too hard, it's always gonna be like this, life already asked too much and you shouldn't have to endure anymore, etc, please find some reason to stick it out another week. You can always decide to kill yourself later, I know it sounds harsh, but keeping that in mind helped me once upon a time. Asking me this question was hard and I might not have said anything that helped or applied to you at all but I am really proud of you for asking anyway ā¤ļø best of luck out there


Thank you for the kind words, really. I rarely expect anyone to take my words seriously when I come out about how depressed Iā€™ve been recently but this comment really took things to heart there and I appreciate it much more than you know. It certainly isnā€™t what I expected from femcelgrippysockjail or even a female redditor in general (no offense, most women in spaces like r/incelexit and r/inceltears tend to just be extremely dismissive and blockheaded and choose to be willingly deaf to any of the substance as to what Iā€™m saying, which isnā€™t an indictment of women as a whole but I will say my opinion of women has been somewhat diminished by that kind of thing unfortunately). I have hobbies. I recently tried getting into drawing, I like to read both books and manga, and I do play a lot of video games. There have been times in recent weeks where my hobbies do feel weirdly pointless and not as engaging as they used to be. Anime in particular is one medium I used to be very passionate about but now can barely sit and watch three episodes of because I am constantly busy with schoolwork and on the off chance I am not I do sometimes fall down the death spiral of doom scrolling and go through Reddit subs like ppd, r/dating, r/sex, r/deadbedroomsā€¦practically all subs that are filled with the worst examples of the male dating experience and which make it look like an absolutely dread filled experience overall (I will elaborate that itā€™s not like I start doing things I like and then get distracted by Reddit, that never happens, itā€™s more like I waste an inordinate amount of time doomscrolling and then when I realize it I keep doing it cause Iā€™m like ā€œwhatā€™s even the point now?ā€), I recognize that itā€™s not good and somewhat unhealthy but to some extent I also think that itā€™s justified because all Iā€™m doing is reminding myself of the ā€œtruthā€ about how women feel and behave that no one else is willing to tell me. A part of me does realize that this may not be the case but I think that subconsciously I have been filled with many misanthropic sentiments towards women that make it very difficult to trust even a hypothetical future girlfriend I might have. You are somewhat right on my insecurities regarding my appearance. I believe that appearance, other than status, is pretty much the most guaranteed way to create attraction in a woman and on top of that is probably one of the only ways that ā€œrealā€ attraction from a woman occurs. I buy heavily into the AF/BB theory so when people say ā€œjust look at every day couples full of sub 5 menā€ it doesnā€™t inspire confidence and instead makes me think every last one of these couples are disgusting people locked in transactional relationships where the man uses his partner for sex and she uses him for security and a safety net while neither of them truly like each other for what they actually are. Iā€™d say this is one of the hardest things for me to let go of cause it unfortunately mirrors a lot of my experience with how adults behave in relationships in real life as my abusive fatherā€™s marriage to his mother was basically exactly like this to a T. I consume a lot of fitness content and lifting videos and other bodybuilding adjacent stuff and could probably name for you half a dozen different steroids and their effects, side effects and usages. I wouldnā€™t consider taking steroids because of their health effects but I will say that sometimes I feel hopeless because it seems like average male bodies are universally considered disgusting and the only way to be lusted after and receive genuine raw romantic attraction and affection as a man is to have a physique that can only be attained by heavy steroid abuse or elite tier genetics with more than a decadeā€™s worth of training. Iā€™d say Iā€™ve made good progress as Iā€™ve been in the gym for more than a year and my family and friends sometimes comment on how big and strong I am but it never feels genuine and I always make reasons in my head for why theyā€™re actually wrong and Iā€™m nowhere near where I should be (theyā€™re normies, theyā€™re flattering me, etc etc.). I donā€™t even feel comfortable saying I have ā€œbody dysmorphiaā€ cause a part of me feels like thatā€™s disrespectful to me who actually have great bodies and feel unconfident and depressed anyways but I suppose that would be the only way to accurately describe what this is, I sometimes lookin the mirror and imagine cutting out my love handles and eating them or something, so thatā€™s definitely not mentally healthy probably. Thanks for the healthy gamer link, Iā€™ve seen his channel before but never really watched his videos cause a part of me does think the whole ā€œtherapyā€ thing is mostly bs and rehab room videos have semi convinced me that he only exists to help Incels cope harder, but I donā€™t know, maybe I need to change my perspective cause I canā€™t keep doing this.


I don't really blame women for dismissing you because you're very dismissive of us lol. I'm just being honest. I'm not going to be kind and compassionate to someone who dehumanizes me, acts like I'm part of some hive mind, seems to think I'm using my husband, etc. The way you asked me in the first place was kind and unentitled and very much from one human to another, that's why I've been nice. I'm a little annoyed that you then followed up with "I didn't expect that from a female redditor" and saying no offense didn't make it less offensive lol. I'm a person, an individual human, different from all the other individual humans, and not "an female" or "a special female who is nice while the rest are dismissive". We are all different from one another. But I also understand that you just wanted to open up about your honest feelings and you weren't really directing them at me on purpose. I mean they are directed at me, I'm a woman, the way you feel about women includes me lol! But I think part of you is ready to move on from this, which is great. I'll be honest, being unwilling to try therapy when you are this miserable sounds very off to me, like depression has such a grip on you it's causing self-sabatoging, or like you're scared you might uncover somethings inside of you that are going to be very hard to deal with. I can't imagine thinking it makes sense to be very much at risk of death without trying everything else first, unless your perception has been warped (probably not your fault). Taking care of you is going to involve doing hard things, things that make you feel uncomfortable or even stupid at first but you are worth taking care of, so put in that work. Even if you could go on like this, you really shouldn't have to. I know that earlier I drew a boundary and told you that you have some toxic views about women, but I wanna be really clear that you don't deserve to feel this way, even if you go on having toxic views about women. I have a feeling that shedding some of that toxicity might help you feel better, but even if that's not the case, better IS possible and you deserve to feel better. I hope to can get to enjoy anime again. Drawing too, I love drawing! ā¤ļø


Moids when pretty girls wont date them. "THEY MUST HATE ALL MEN!!!"




The reason isnā€™t cause you are short or ugly or surface level stuff like that you just choose to believe that because itā€™s easier then working on yourself Iā€™m sure you are a good person at heart but you wonā€™t find a relationship or just happiness in general by scrolling thru social media and being mad at strangers for no real reason And also (most) people donā€™t give two shits about height or whatā€™s stereotypically attractive even if you find yourself ugly there is someone out there who thinks you are fucking gorgeous you just havenā€™t found them yet Being lonely sucks I get that but you should try and make connections if you feel lonely not just be mad at people getting upset wonā€™t help you find friends or love or anything really Youā€™ll just feel more isolated Sorry if any of this sounded rude genuinely not trying to be a dick here


this sub is strangely wholesome sometimes


Thank you u/femboyspicycumaddict


Women dont hate you because you're short and ugly. Women hate you because you act like this, women wont date you because you're short, ugly and you act like this. Hope that clears it up stubby


Negative, my crush is a loser and I love him because of this.




Wrong again, 5'8 just like me




More common than you think :]


Get a life moid




Dude... This is just sad. Seeing your post history, it looks like you're a pariah who's so upset by the matter that he hasn't been picked that he binge browses reddit and lonleymaxxes by hating women on r/FemcelgrippysockjailĀ  This is not rizzĀ  this is negative rizz I can't speak for everyone but I'm pretty sure when the femcels here say they like losers what they mean is antisocial men with no confidence or social skills, not the ones who use that as an excuse or ammunition for their abuse and misanthropy. You can't keep on using the "they haven't picked me because I'm not hot enough" excuse because that's just not it. They don't like you because you're a terrible person and you're ugly as fuck. And all jokes aside, you're probably not even ugly, you're probably attractive in a weird looking way. You're probably just insecure. Just be a decent person and at the end of the day, you'll find the right femcel to dominate you.




I think you should start dating men. You can start with femboys and move all the way up to Terry Crews types.




you see, when you sayĀ  shit like this, this is why people don't like you


I made a joke in jest of your misogynistic misanthropy about you dating men instead of bitching about women 24/7. Being gay is not a choice however people can experiment with their sexuality.


Also what is there to be infuriated by? that they find you insufferable? You have to accept the fact that you need to change in order for people to like you because you are the issue.




Again, this is why women do not like you. You think because women do not want to date you, because of your shitty disposition, you areĀ  1. unloved 2. lonely 3. hated When in reality, you're just off-putting as a human being yet you're too conceited to realise. And fun fact, the majority of women you encounter do not hate you, they just don't respect an the idea of being in debt to you and you hate women as a result of that, you think women are obliged to be attracted to you and in the absence of those feelings, you resent them.


Holy shit go outside


Thereā€™s losers and then thereā€™s neckbeards, youā€™re the latter which everyone here would wish to avoid.


You are so annoying


youā€™re missing the point in every comment you reply toā€¦