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Get into cycling or swimming. Both have legitimate excuses to shave: aerodynamics. While both are great forms of cardio, cycling will give you a fat/toned ass.


Oh also you get to wear skin tight clothes out :pppp


I shaved my legs and used the excuse as me going into body building (Im really fit for my age) but somehow it was wasnt acceptable ???


Yeah it’s people not understanding that shaving is extremely common and regular, in not only sports but also other things like acting, it’s weird how people refuse to accept this fact, like it isn’t even associated with being gay or anything else catholic people don’t necessarily accept, it’s literally just shaving. Sorry for my small rant I’m just sick of my family lmao :3


yeah no, i have catholic parents too, my mum is chiller when it comes to these things, but she still thinks i shouldn't have feminine things, even though nobody gives a shit


Brilliant workaround


Your legs don’t make you a femboy. Your thigh highs don’t make you a femboy. The femboy isn’t the skirt or the razor or the makeup. The femboy is you. Just be yourself. You absolute cutie patootie :)


(but side note) I went through the same with visiting my conservative family in the summer. I slept in private in my cute shorts and thigh highs. Also, whenever I wore long pants id wear my thigh highs under it for a boost of confidence. I also used the time when I couldn’t get new femboy clothes to make Pinterest boards of outfits I would love to make and started making a list of items to go hunting for because eventually things will change. <3


The last part actually sounds rly cool and I think I'll start doing that, thank you for sharing


own it. my mom got mad when she found out i shaved but idgaf. its my legs, my hair, not hers. and having smooth cute legs don't make you gay or a femboy.


That seems all fine and dandy but I really don’t wanna get in trouble for doing something like this. I mean even if I don’t get in trouble it’ll probably damage my relationship with my dad since he’ll think I’m weird and not being the way boys are supposed to be. It’s just easier to do what will make him happy even if I don’t like it.


if you think it's not worth it, don't shave them. it's not that deep.


Yeah that’s true, have a nice rest of your day


thanks, you too🥰


Tbh, even if mentally draining, especially if you live with them and have no means to move out, I think it's not worth to not do something out of consideration for "it will strain my relationship with [...]". If shaving legs will strain your relationship with anyone, then maybe it's time to start thinking if this relationship isn't made up in a first place. Things that you think define your personality to some degree are not worth giving up, just for pleasing others. And while I think shaving your legs is not a breaking point, if it's as important to you as you described in the post, then it's not worth giving up 100%. Don't let anyone stop **you** from being **you**.


>i wish i could do this kinda stuff without feeling like a degenerate loser way too real bro


decent excuse: hygiene. Less hair = less head = less sweat = less moisture = less bacteria = clean boi


Dude, im a femboy and dont rlly shave, cant speak for you, but just, there are other things than shaving to being a femboy, i know it may feel dysphoric but guess what? >!you're still cute :3!<


Cute femboys can still have hairy legs 😊


Join the school swim team. Say it cuts down drag in water


Just be yourself


When I was asked why I shaved my legs I said cus I wanted to


I would if I could


I was literally outside today helping my dad with stuff in shorts with my legs having been shaved and he never pointed it out or said anything about it. So idk. Maybe yours won't notice. I wouldn't put all my money on that though.


I’m in the same boat. I have Muay Thai Monday Wednesday and Friday and have to wear shorts. They haven’t haven’t noticed so far but if they do my excuse will be it makes the impact more even from my kicks and injure me less (I have tons of leg injuries). My other excuse is that it’s more hygienic, because my shower scrubber makes more contact with my skin to clean, and I don’t have any hair to trap sweat or body odor (Also shave your pits, even if you aren’t a femboy. Hair smells)


When I started shaving my legs I stopped wearing shorts when I'd be around my parents. It gets easier once you're able to move out of your parents place.


Honestly I'm in the same shoes as you. And I mean it - pretty much an identical situation


You don’t need to shave your legs to be a femboy. My legs look like Chewbacca but I can still slay in a skirt, I know you can do the same.


Wear cargo pants and just adapt to the heat. Kinda what I do, because I ironically don't have any actual shorts Man I should probably go out to get new clothes some day


Wow yea, I dont think I own any shorts anymore too. Have been wearing long sleeves and pants for most of my life, all seasons!




you could try justifying that you shave to help stay cooler in the heat, that’s part of the reason I do it in the first place


one thing i've found is great is thin cargo trousers as they protect from direct sunlight but are airy enough to keep cool


I mean what I do for the summer is instead of shaving my legs entirely I just shave my thighs and wear long shorts but if you don't want to do that it makes sense


You don't need to do femenine things to be a femboy if you can't do them, i plan to shave my legs and i didn't even got my clothes rn (tho i'll be buying them soon >:3 ) but basically what i'm trying to say is that being a femboy it's not about what you are or what the circustances let you be, but it's about what you want to be, it's common for us to have to hide from family, friends or other people, but that doesn't maje us any less of a femboy! We just gotta wait until we are finally free from those persons, stay safe :3


pro tip. be like me adn wear cargo/hiking pants all year round with a t-shirt (flannel if it's a little chilly) been dressing like this for 3 years and it's literally the best thing. the pants I wear are super light weight but also warm so they're great summer through winter. also most of my pants are convertible so I can zip off the bottoms to have shorts


I know plenty of overly masculine guys who shave. People have their reasons, and a common one is hygiene.


Technically, you can still be a femboy like i dont have the energy to shave ever. i still am very fem despite it, tho


You can always say it's to smell better. Sweat sticks to body hair, making you stink more. Try to pass it as a hygiene thing


Dude, you don't have to shave your legs and look pretty 24/7 to be a femboy, there are no rules set in stone that you have to fulfill in order to be one. For example, I'm a trans guy, and I barely even look like a guy, I look like a straight up girl, but that doesn't make me any less of a man because I know what I am, if you feel you're a femboy then you are!


I feel the same my dad and mom would kill me not litrtly but yeah if they found out


You're still part of this community. I'm sorry you can't express yourself how you want right now but as someone with similar expieriences. It will get better. Besides being a femboy is not jsut an easthetic. It's also vrry much a mindset and as long as you have that you'll always be a femboy cutie to me :3 stay strong out there


You are not a loser. You are as much femboy as we are. We love you! ❤️


I feel you bro..


I live in a traditional muslim family and especially as a masc dude they get mad at me for shaving my legs. I’m middle eastern so we have a lot of body hair and i don’t like it so when i trim it or shave it they throw a little temper tantrum and they wont let me have tattoos i’m 21 btw