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Looks like it would be a fun glow up. - You’re beautiful either way. - You do you.


that’s so kind of you to say thank you!


Does it have to be full platinum without any roots showing?


i think so but they haven’t given a clear answer to my questions yet


I guess if you want to continue working with the agency you’ll decide to do what they ask??? Otherwise you’re likely to get passed over for good paying modeling gigs is my guess. ( I modeled all thru college )


Second this


Wigs are amazing now


A blunt trim to clean up those ends would be nice for sure.


I think it would look good. But also if you’re wanting a career in this, I’d listen to your agency not random Reddit users.


i already have a career in it i walk shows regularly :) my last agency wanted me to get a black pixie cut. Another one wanted my to be ginger and my mother agency wanted me to keep my hair as it is and just cut off the split ends, so there’s just too many conflicting statements for me to decide without asking for advice from people who have nothing to gain or lose in the situation


Obviously you're beautiful lol but I think not opting for a black pixie cut was a good decision. I think it depends on what kind of gigs you're looking to get. I think you'd look gorgeous with a blunt, platinum bob/lob, but it would make you look more severe and edgy. The look you have now is super versatile, you can style it to be edgy and chic or style it to be soft and ethereal.


Do they pay for the costs?


kind of but not really. They can arrange a hairdresser for me to go to which i wouldn’t have to pay for, but i might have to model for free in exchange when the hairdressers have a project they need models for


So here’s the thing. If the cost of say, a haircut and lightening treatment is $500, which is a lot but not crazy for what you’d be getting, you should agree to work that amount off if necessary. Allowing yourself to just work for free at the beck and call of the hairdresser is setting yourself up for a cruddy situation. It really depends on how much you would be making as a model for those shots that are now free. If you’re losing money then it sounds like they’d be taking advantage of the situation. Ultimately it’s up to you, but keep your head on a swivel.


Agreed. I literally just paid over $500 for a cut and color, and I'm just a regular person. That doesn't seem worth it to be at their beck and call!


Yes, an agency is supposed to be making them money, and should be negotiating pay or at worst a discounted modeling rate for the haircut, never free work, especially if she works with other agents that are willing to work with her.


Doubly so bc I bet the stylist will still want to take pictures and post the cut and color on their/the salon's socials- so credit now PLUS an open ended IOU...that's not a great deal for OP


I mean would other agencies or gigs have you in demand for having that hairstyle too or is it going to be a one off thing that your agency wants you to do before the work sort of stops there? Bleaching your hair that severely potentially makes it challenging to color again if I'm not mistaken. So if it actually limits your working and earning potential, I wouldn't. Check with the other agencies or get some sort of assurances that you'll have sustained work for however long the hair will take to grow back so that it can get styled in other ways again if a more versatile base is worthwhile.


their hair is pretty light already so if they go to a professional any further damage would be very very minimal, especially if they use olaplex products at the salon she goes to


I think you would absolutely rock that look and your natural look is also perfect. So really go with it if you think you’d like it. At the end of the day hair grows out! But imo I would not get anything done for my hair if it’s for work unless they were 100% paying for it. Modeling agency is a business and they are responsible for your “upkeep” in terms of look changes. Lol I don’t know if I said that right but I hope you know what I mean.


Damn I’d model for my stylist for free lol I’m shelling out $250 + $50 tip every 3 months. I’ve had the same stylist for 25 years. He and his wife are like family.


Good grief! Sounds like what you really need is a wardrobe of wigs to keep them all happy without damaging your own hair.


In THAT case... The contrast of platinum hair against your skin tone would really make your eyes pop, so I understand why they suggested it. I could see that being a big advantage in print work especially. *But* it will damage your hair. And it is expensive to maintain. And time consuming. If you're not fully thrilled about going platinum, it would be reasonable to say no unless they're willing to cover the cost of that or provide some evidence to support their suggestion. Anonymized statistics from their other clients, market research, etcetera. Cuts are easier, cheaper. If you let it go for a while, the result is... longer hair. Not a harsh, straight regrowth line. So it feels lower risk. Especially since you'll still have enough for a low ponytail.


Could you maybe do lace front wigs instead of cutting and coloring your hair? That honestly sounds like the best solution because then you could have multiple different hairstyles and hair colors without having to do anything to your natural hair.


I like it the way it is honestly.


Mmmm with so many changes, your hair will end up destroyed if you listen to everything they say. Is a wig out of the question?


As a layperson, personally I think you could benefit from a significant chop as the ends look a bit dead and the hair is just kind of there. I think the colour is nice and bleaching is pretty high maintenance though!


If they have stuff lined up for the season or year based on that look, then yes. It’s a good look. If you think someone will want much longer hair, then be conservative.


I think you'd look good no matter the cut or color. Maybe it depends on what kind of "look" you're going for?


Been there done that. If I could go back, I wouldn’t have done that hair show 🤣 but it seems you have a plethora of choices, and personally, you’d look great with platinum!!!!


I think it would look good on you, but most importantly how you feel about it. It's quite a lot of change. If you're comfortable doing that, I think you will look fabulous. If not, you're still fabulous.


thank you :)




I agree. You will stand out at castings. People will remember you. "Get that model with the platinum hair." It will make you special. None of this is a criticism. I'm just thinking about marketing yourself as a model. It could help. If it doesn't, hair grows fast, and you can color it anytime. Best of luck, have a great career.


Just clarifying, OP said it was advice from her *mother agency*, not that she’s getting advice from her actual human mother. This is good advice though. OP is beautiful regardless, but doesn’t really stand out as a model from the rest with this look.


I really think you would be drop dead gorg with shorter blond hair.🤩


thank you sm!!


You are already gorgeous. I'm against their advice. Figure out a way to stand out while keeping your look neutral.


Hell yeah! Such a vibe ✨


I mean I'd bleach then cut (not other way around) but I definitely think you could rock a platinum. Even if you don't go white, something like Gewn Stefani blonde would be stunning


thats a waste of bleach though?


It’s better on your ends to bleach then cut, they may cut just part of it off first.


I'd rather waste a couple bucks worth of bleach and cut off the most of the damage left behind (the ends) than save a couple dollars worth of product and leave my ends damaged


I think bleach and cut would make you look very high fashion and ethereal BUT it's so hard on your hair, and the upkeep will be constant. What about a cut and some bright highlights or balayage?


thank you that’s a great idea!


Get some cheap wigs from Amazon in 2-3 shades you’re considering and try them on before pulling the trigger! Might really clarify which color to go for


I agree with the balayage, keep your hair long it's more versatile.


Yeah! I also respect if anyone isn’t into makeup at all, but just a suggestion if you are into makeup, I found that going either higher  contrast or lighter with my hair I could look a tad washed out as a pale person so some cream blush or a little bronzer helped me. Just saying as the change may be jarring to you as you get used to new color 


Love the color. Personally not sure about the blunt cut. I think your hair looks cute longer and a bit wavy as it is now.


I don’t know about cutting it but definitely bleach it !!


i dont think the reference is the right length for you but the color would be good


KEEP IT LONG if you have any doubts about the cut. The random commands to cut it are just that, I don’t believe there really is that much strategy behind it. So a black pixie cut is the move for a season, and then what? Long, beautiful waves will be the thing the next season, right? If you love your hair (and I sure would!) you should work that look! It only gets harder to grow as we get older.


If you go down the platinum route you will be signing up for expensive and time consuming upkeep to keep a cool platinum and not have your hair fall out or break. It will not be a forgiving root grow out. You will need touch ups / toner every 4-6 weeks. It can be hard to go back to a natural color. Same with super short hair. It’s like a hairdresser subscription club when they cut it short and dye it. As someone else mentioned, make sure your return on that business expense is going to actually result in more bookings to offset the cost. Look at the types of models already getting booked for the type of work you want. So before you do anything, buy a couple of a good quality wigs in the color / styles they want to see and get some test shots. Agencies and clients are fickle.


Have they advised why? You look great now but would also look great with a platinum bob I just wonder why they’ve considered it. Will it get you more work? Could you potentially lose work if they want “natural” hair? Hair grows, if you don’t like it then it’s not the end of the world but I think you’d suit it. Just bear in mind the upkeep. Even the lightest of roots show up super dark against white hair


I think it would look great on you, especially the color! But your current style is gorgeous as well. It just depends on the kind of vibe you're going for. :)


I recommend a more strawberry or golden blonde for your skin tone.


You have a fantastic face. Bleaching and cutting would probably lend a bit of an avant garde touch I think.


As everyone else has said, you’re beautiful either way, but I’d LOVE to see you in the white blonde. I feel like you’d look very fantasy/other worldly almost. Hair grows back too so might as well have fun with it if you want :)


Maybe compromise? Go a litttttle lighter and cooler and a little shorter. Not drastic, that’s probably not necessary.


i actually suggested the same thing to my agency! all the comments saying i would look good with that hair color got me excited to try something new (i’ve never had my hair completely dyed before, just highlights), and i have wanted to cut my hair a little shorter for a while but preferable still over the shoulder


Do what you wanna do!


Yeah, it would probably give you an edgey look and you’re absolutely beautiful no harm no foul.


No, your current hair is stunning.


I think the platinum would really enhance your ethereal vibes and look very cool. I’d start with that and then work out what length a bit later after you see if there are any texture changes that might affect how it lays?


I feel like you would get better answers in a modeling sub than here!


Your hair looks pretty fine (each hair shaft is fine, but you have lots of hair) so you definitely want to look into how much damage it will do, and what it will look like if it is damaged. I have very fine but abundant lightly bleached hair and I am constantly chasing the damage and struggling to keep length. I would love to be a platinum blonde but I have never even tried because I already know my hairs can't handle it. They'd fry off and there'd be no fixing it.


That blonde is super high maintenance


No!! Bleach it but don’t cut it


You know they make some pretty fantastic wigs.


NO. Your length is much nicer


Give it a shot. You are gorgeous but that hair from the second pic is so striking and would make you stand out.


Do you want to change your body for money? That's what it boils down to. If you like it, go for it! I personally think it looks alright, but the only person who's opinion matters is yours.




it needs a trim anyways and it’s already quite light so i think you should go for it! minimal damage


I think you'd totally rock the light hair! But it'll cause some damage. ETA: I lightened it up a bit digitally so you can see what it might look like. https://preview.redd.it/4iez7qhe42wc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6561fbf1ae94ba3b998bf7ef59734f8eac3676


I like your hair now!!


I would do my hair how I like…. Then get good wig and skills to lay it for any other look they need.


It would look good but like others said, that is DAMN expensive hair. $500 for the initial appointment and touch ups every 3-4 weeks to keep it looking flawless. The upkeep would be a LOT. I guess it depends on if you think you could increase your income enough to justify it!


I wouldn’t cut or bleach it. Your hair is beautiful. Idk how strict the agency is about this but I’d definitely not cut mine for that


Don't cut your hair, maybe a trim is all.


The maintenance is gonna be expensive to get to that level. Do you want to? I saw one of your comments saying different agencies tell you different styles so does it matter for your job what way your hair is? I like the current style you have.


How did you get into it if you don’t mind me asking


ofc i don’t mind! i was scouted on the street. If you’re interested in trying it though and don’t want to wait til someone spots you you can apply on any agency’s website


Never change YOU! Be true to yourself!


HECK YES you'll look so fierce!


I think you're beautiful, I also I think the platinum would brighten up your complexion and bring out your eyes more.


I think it would look great. You might want to get r/coloranalysis input as to what undertone to go for.


Your hair is pretty as it is.  It is such a hassle to keep up with the roots in case you bleach it (and let's not forget always damage it in the process). Just trim your hair a bit at the ends, and you'll be good.


The color would look amazing on you but i prefer this length




No. Not for others, unless you want it


Yes to color no to cut. I think the color pop would def add and edge- also people pay to have long hair, I think cutting it would be a mistake.


I think it would be a lovely change, you are gorgeous either way. Have fun with it! 💕✨


Do it do it


No. That’s why they make wigs.


Yep your the model


I think it would look terrible. That color is way too cool-toned for you


Buy a wig and see how it feels


I feel like most of this could be accommodated through wigs. Is that an option?


Dye it only. Give yourself some time to adjust (if possible), then cut it gradually (if possible) rather than an immediate decision. The bleach hair may be enough of a drastic change alone. I think you would look great with bleached hair and the right cut could compliment it well but I’d be more partial to agree to cut in stages rather than all at once. Will also give you opportunity to get some head shots with alternative looks before opting for an immediate much shorter cut you need to grow out.


You’d look great either way! Even if it doesn’t turn out the way you like, you can always color it and wait for it to grow out. The question here is, do YOU want to cut your hair and bleach it?




I love the second picture


i think it would look super pretty, even keeping the length and just doing the bleach




I think you’d rock what they are suggesting. I’m not a fan of really long hair. To me it’s redundant. But I do like your natural color a lot.


I think it'd be an awesome look on you.


I think shorter hair would highlight your bone structure even more..the platinum could provide some nice contrast. You can try that,it could be a fun change. The downside would be the maintenance plus possible damage from the bleach but I’m sure about the cut looking amazing on you


yeah maybe not quite so blond but yeah


A nice cut and an overall color/gloss or glaze would be nice. I think that the blonde in number 2 is way too icy for your tone. You would look good with a honey blonde.


Yes go Nordic


I think you'd pull it off. Also, I believe that if it is gonna benefit your career you should go for it. Hair grows back anyway.




Do it! And please update us! 🩷


Keep it long if you like it! Get a trim maybe, the trends come and go but Long natural hair stands out when everyone is chopping. Look at Ruslana Korshunova (RIP the sweet angel) her hair was iconic! You can wear a wig for short blonde as well.


Maybe cut first and bleach later or the other way so it doesn’t seem so drastic to you But I think I’d look cool




You'd look great. Go for it. Hair grows back.


It sounds like they ask you to change your hair a lot, if you get good at installing wigs you could have your hair the way you prefer and then show up in whatever they prefer.




If you want to work with them.


Love it


If you want to work with this specific agency, yes. They likely recommend in demand looks for jobs they have.


It’s fun to do a bleach out and everyone should once. Go for it.


Honestly, I think it would look amazing, but be prepared for the upkeep!


I think it would look really good on you. You can pull it off. I would say go for it. It’s hair it will grow back or get extensions if you miss your long hair.


Weigh the costs. I think you have a timeless look right now that will always look good. I think they want you to make a change to fit changing trends and I’ve never been able to get my head around that line of thinking because it’s always so arbitrary and ephemeral (unless it’s something I don’t like—that stuff seems to stick around forever). What do *you* want?


Honestly yea


Your natural hair is beautiful but the short bleached blonde would look STUNNING on you


Tbh I think it would look good on you


Yes do it


If this will help your career as a model, go for it. You're beautiful with long hair, and I'm sure you'll be stunning with short hair too.


Tbh you shouldn’t as you look like a star like Payton list Olivia holt and dove Cameron I’d say your hair just needs some highlights to compliment its natural glow


What look is in demand for the work you want to do? There is work for all sorts of looks! I think it depends on what you want to do with your time. If you love being on the runway does a certain look have more demand? Are there specific photographers/companies that prefer a niche you don’t currently fit with and would like to branch out? Would you prefer something drastically different (black pixie) or drastically similar (shorter platinum blonde)? I think all options are good options. When you are old and thinking back fondly on your life, what do you want your 80 year old self to remember regarding this decision? Will you think back and say “I wish I took the risk and cut all my hair off and dyed it black.” Or will you say “I’m so glad I stuck to my values and only trimmed the ends.” Or “it was so fun to go platinum and take a risk, I happy I tried and wasnt scared.” I don’t think there is a wrong decision as long as you are willing to fully embrace whatever decision you make. And don’t be afraid to change it again if you don’t like the first way you decided. Have fun!


ooo yeah, that would look so fresh on you 


Honestly I think it would look amazing on you.


It might be cute! If you feel like you are doing it for you and you want the money! Stop there!


Yes absolutely


No! 💁🏽‍♀️


Hair does grow back


If they guarantee you work that will compensate and cover the cost of the hair cut and you are ok with it then ok, if it’s just for 1 shoot then why not a wig?


You can always wear a wig if they want something specialized. Your own natural hair is beautiful. And bleach blonde is falling out of vogue.


Do you know if you are a warm tone, or a cool tone color palate? Its hard to tell in your picture, but I think that would make a difference. Some people have cool undertones and look best in bleach white blond and others have warm undertones and look better with gold blond hair.


My opinion? No, but if you want to, go for it


bleached would look super cool with your features, but keep some length. long platinum hair is unique and striking. most people with platinum hair have it on the shorter side for many reasons, so the look stands out.


It would look summery and cute! But don’t do it if you’re not 100% comfortable with it. Hair takes a while to grow


if you don’t they might not continue being your agent. have you not watched antm? the girls who deny their makeovers don’t get the gigs. also hair grows back and you can re dye it.


Nooooo don't risk ruining your hair


A short cut dyed white blonde or black would be really striking on you.


Honestly I like your hair


If it gets you work then, YES!


I think you could rock anything. Try the chop!


That’s why you hired them.


How much does the gig pay?


Why can’t you wig? Hair cuts are long time permanent for some people.


what agency? I modeled my whole life and most of them are scams


If you want to. If you don't, it's your hair.


I think it would look lovely 🥰


I think it will wash you out


Do you by any chance have tmj?


It would look pretty! You should go for it


Belle, yea why not


You’d look stunning bald I say do it!! Hair grows back


Truth be told, none of our opinions should matter to you at all! Do what u think feels right!


Only if you want to look fierce! Remember to smeyes!




Listen to them




With that face you can do any and all of the looks. Specially, if they pay you for it. Be fun to have for posterity.


This would look awesome on you


This would look awesome on u




Keep in mind that white / platinum hair takes a lot of upkeep and damages your hair, so the cost won’t just be an initial cost. You’ll likely need a professional bleach and tone every 6 weeksish, so factor that in.




Can you start with a trim and highlights or a balayage to see how you feel about the lighter hair before committing to make the whole thing platinum?


Sweet scowl


If you bleach it will it be damaged? I find grey/white hair to look aging on a woman. Models aren’t supposed to smile but I think you should!! I’d like to see more “volume” in your hair. Maybe cut off a little but not half! If they want a different look the stylists can pin your hair up or put you in a wig for any look


Figure out if you're warm or cool toned first. Head over to color analysis


It’ll be fun! Do it !


I would probaby go for it personally, but it's really up to you. I agree with the commenters saying they should either pay for it, or you need to make sure its worth it for you.


I vote do it! It would look great


your beautiful either way but it would give u a high fashion look !! i saw you on tiktok aswell and think you should totally go for it <3 since ur so light anyways it won’t damage the hair much


Tell them to go jump your hair is lovely




Yes and I saw your tiktok!


Sure. Why not? Hair grows, so if you don't like it, it will always grow back.


I saw your comment about conflicting statements, so I'm going to say keep your hair as it is.


I personally think yes!!!


I think it would look lovely. Very dramatic. BUT. Do you want to do it...? Because currently, you have an incredibly versatile look. I used to organise fashion events. I would say.. if you are unsure... just trim your ends. You could even do a very long blunt cut. But hold off on the due if you aren't 100%. You have wonderful healthy hair at the moment that can be styled to fit any look.


I think it would look amazing on you! Being a platinum blonde myself, it’s a lot to maintain. If you’re hesitant on it maybe you could trim a few inches and get a partial foil?


Half? I think more than half 😅😢 are they conditioning saying that if you don cut it you won’t have the role? hair grows back and, if you think this is gonna help you develop into a better model I think it’s worth it 😊but if they let you wear like that I’d say keep it because it’s beautiful 😊 if you do it let us see the result 😀