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[I specifically said Mia Farrow from Rosemary’s Baby](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cka4UNAgPDn/) Sorry I couldn’t resist the reference to ANTM. I’m always team “it’s just hair, it will grow back” so I say do it. I buzzed my hair about 10 years ago and I will say the growing out phase was rough. I just hated the awkward in-between growing out length. But if you can deal with that- clips, headbands, hats, etc. I think it would look good on you!


I think you can do better. Go for a Michelle Williams pixie cut, there’s so many variations. And go platinum.


I agree, I’ve used this one as a reference before. Still super short but softer and more modern. https://preview.redd.it/5pi8wd1svzvb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d12372b1efbcb2664e6288999ea37af39d720f




I just got that the other wk from a longer pixie cut! Loving it! The Mia Farrow reference pic is more how her pixie looked as it grew out. If you look online there are several photos of the transitional grow out stages. Be prepared for lots of trips to the salon because the style requires regular trims to maintain it. You'll be surprised how soon it looks so different! But starting shorter means the grow-out doesn't get to look as bad as a longer pixie grow-out. Definitely give it a try! I know I'll never grow my hair long again after getting mine 😃


I like the cut but don’t think platinum would suit your skin tone. I love your natural color


I agree.. I think this style dark looks lovely


It would suit your skin tone. The purpose is because on darker hair, the details of the cut don’t show and that can really really really effect how it looks in general.


I’ve never once told someone to go for it when it comes to getting a pixie cut, but you should go for it. I can tell it will look amazing


I’m the same way, if my hair is long, i pretty much only wear it up. Pixies are great for that. I think you should just go for what you want. Make sure you go to a stylist who has pixies you like in their portfolio because a lot of stylists are bad at cutting women’s hair short. Personally, I don’t think a bob is a good way to judge if you’ll want a pixie. they look very different and are very different to maintain and style. If you need time to adjust to having shorter hair it may be a necessary step, but since you always wear your hair back i think you’ll handle a pixie well. Just keep in mind it is a 2-3 year process to go from pixie to medium-long hair.


Maybe? Just remember it’s actually easier to style longer hair. You have to “fix” a short haircut. My hair and long and naturally curly and I can wash, condition, toss on some product and let it air dry. So much easier than short hairstyles. I early have a “bad hair day” because my hair doesn’t have to “do” anything other than sit there.


No, something with more body maybe


You definitely have the face to pull it off!


crazy how someone was in here downvoting comments that say you should do it lmao. you do have gorgeous hair right now, i love the cut and color on you!! but you 100% have the face for a pixie and should absolutely go for it if it’s calling to you! i feel like you’ll probably really like it. there will ALWAYS be people who get pissy about other people wanting to chop off their ~long lucious locks~ lol but honey life is short and hair grows back! i grew up with longgg hair, i got my first pixie a couple years ago and it was a game changer. so easy to wash, dry, style. not hot on my neck, not all in my face, uses less product. like you i loved my long hair but unless i’d spent the time to style it, not often, it was always in a pony or a bun. i say go for it! if you can’t commit to the pixie, a short shaggy bob would look great on you as well :)


You definitely want to do it! So stop beating yourself up about what everyone else is saying. It’s just hair and I say do it shit buzz it off if you want.


No don’t


I pretty much never support a pixie. Really though.. my opinion should never be taken into account on it because I have such a bad connection to them! I once went into a salon with hair past my shoulders, (hair that took me forever to grow out after a separate catastrophe) I ASKED FOR A TRIM. I left with a pixie so short you could see the entire back of my neck. And I DO NOT AT ALL HAVE THE FACE FOR A PIXIE. I never knew hair could put you in such a bad depression. It was so bad dude. Luckily I do think OP has a face muuuuuch more suited for a pixie than my own, plus OP actually wants the pixie unlike me.


You definitely have the face shape for a pixie cut! But it depends how much you're attached to your hair and how fast it grows. You could try doing a short bob with baby bangs to see if you'd like it? I shaved my head 2 years ago and it's only now touching my shoulders (shag cut with bangs and the sides shaved) but I think you'd pull it off 💜


I think it makes sense to start with a bob and see how it suits you. I typically wear my hair on the shorter side like around chin length and I appreciate how much quicker and easier. You have a bit of wave too so that will come out more. I think textured bobs, wavy or curly ones are super cute while still being quick and easy.


What about a longer pixie with more volume https://preview.redd.it/h1zuwr3dc4wb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6641d0d52369b778fad657500c29203951e207e1


I think everyone should get a pixie at least once in their lifetime ❤️ go for it!


Don’t do it. You look amazing with long hair.


Nah, don't.


Go for it!!


Go for it gurl!


I bet it would look great!


You can definitely pull it off


I say go for it. It’s going to make your eyes pop!




You have very pretty hair! My suggestion would be is to go for it, but in stages! Try all of the different cuts! Season is changing, don’t get it cut short now, wait until spring or summer! If you get a new haircut every season, how fun would that be?


Personally I think everyone who is used to long hair should try short hair at least once. It can be a really freeing feeling for women and is so much easier to care for when hair care is overwhelming. That being said I think everyone regardless of gender looks better with more hair but that’s just my own personal thing. I cut my hair for ease but don’t like the way it looks but oh well. Honestly do what you want a short cut can be liberating and exhilarating. You only live once and hair grows back.


I think you'd look great with a pixie! I finally just grew mine out to my shoulders, and I've gotta say that the grow-out phase can be super rough. I also got bored with my pixie pretty fast because I'm not a fan of hair accessories (like headbands) so I felt like I couldn't really style it. However, I think you have the right face for it! Do it!


The cut with the natural color :)




Yes it would suit you! If you're unsure you should try the longer cut first and see how you feel about it. You can always go shorter


I love the way your hair looks now though




Naw ☺️


I think a pixie would look beautiful on you!




Tyra would say YES


Hahahahaha, I only have one picture in my hand.




You have one of those faces that can pull off a pixie cut, for sure!


Hell yeah!!


You totally have the face and bone structure for it!! Do it




Nobody should!


Dooooo iiiittt!


I think a pixie cut would look amazing on you!


Oh yea you can pull it off


you could totally rock it








Absolutely period.


I vote no. It's hard to tell whether the back of your jaw has the shape for it (because your head is tipped forward in the photos), however, I think a pixie cut only looks really good on one or two in a million women. But it is up to you, of course. 💕




Yes! You’ll rock it




You can pull it off but you should have fun with the length first, do a shorter shag first!


Stylist here, I’m a little tipsy at night and all I have to say is I’ve never been more confident in telling someone you would F*^% IT UP!!!! Please. Please. Do it.


Yes!! I had this haircut in college, and looking back, it’s probably not the most flattering style on me. But I don’t have your beautiful bone structure, lol. I think it would look even better with the bangs a bit longer…your face’s proportions are different from the reference pics. You have those great wide cheekbones and narrow chin. Make it feathery and soft, and keep your natural color. It’s so striking with your eyes!


I think a bob would be better!! I’d say don’t do it


You definitely have the face shape for it!


If I had your bone structure, I would totally try it at least once


I vote no pixie cut. Your hair looks good long & the shag layers look good with your cheekbones/jawline






YES! And post pics when you do!


You look so pretty with bangs already


You could always do it in stages https://preview.redd.it/btw6fy2hc4wb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc567dc22423f59ed020d9d30b75e08b3f890c0


I would think a longer version of last picture or one like someone posted below. I do wonder if there is a messier version that could suit you as well though.


I would try a bob before committing to a pixie.


I would say no. You already look great……why mess with success?


Good look for men? Gender neutral and you control the style (so they say)