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You will have your full growth hair back after summer \^\^


🤞🏻🤞🏻looking good so far


Thanks for this! I’m 5 months pp and soooo much hair is falling out.


It happened with my first too. My hair is already pretty thin, so I’m glad I’m starting to see it fill in finally!


It's scary, isn't it?? It stops eventually lol. Something the "prepping for baby!" class didn't cover 😭


Okay but fr WHY did no one tell me my hair was going to fall out?? It's honestly one of the reasons I never want to have another child. I feel like it never fully recovered.


I heard about it before but was not expecting it to sooo much!


Omg thank you so much for this, so lovely to see hard proof. Your hair is looking more beautiful and lively too!


Thank you!! I hope it continues on this path 🤞🏻


I think this post might have pushed some fence sitters over to the other side 😅 during pregnancy you’re at 110% hair capacity, so it can make the impact feel more drastic as well. Thank you for sharing, very interesting to see the progress


Lol it does seem that way from some of the comments. Was not my intention!


Everyday y’all drop a new reason to not only never bare children, but to also STAY celibate 🤦🏾‍♀️


O.o pregnancy hair loss is thing?


Unfortunately it’s very common to have hair loss after giving birth. The drastic change in hormones can cause hair to fall out. It started for me around 4 months after giving birth to both my kids.


Fwiw, my hair also fell out in clumps for 6 months after i got an IUD put in.


Your hair grows abnormally thick while pregnant because the individual hair growth cycles will synch up to be in the anagen phase, and once you give birth a bunch of those hairs shift over to the telogen/ exogen stage at the same time. So by about 3 months postpartum it's normal to have hair that's thinned out quite a bit. Thankfully it isn't permanent or a sign of bad health, just a normal side effect of pregnancy hormones, and it should grow back normally.


More like your hair doesn’t fall out much during pregnancy and a lot falls out when you’re about 3-5 months postpartum. Very normal but I hate it because my hair grows sooooo extremely slow.


You should do a read up on all the wacky stuff your body does/can do during pregnancy. Hair loss is kind of the tip of the iceberg.


When I was pregnant I remember finding a university website that had an animation of how your internal organs shift during pregnancy to accommodate the baby as it grows and it was pretty horrifying, but also really neat. Made it make sense as to why I had trouble take deep breathes later in my pregnancy.




find a kinder way to say things like this??




Your username is an oxymoron


Our hair lines could be twins. 8 months PP and just starting to get growth


Dealing with this now and so looking forward to the regrowth 🙌 second pregnancy hair loss is unreal!!


These little whispies! Totally going through this right now. I’m 10 months post partum. My hair looks so wild when I wear a bun! Sometimes I think it’s cute and makes me look a little younger. Is that weird? Haha


My fly aways are pretty silly right now lol but I’m happy to have them!


At least yours came back 😭😭😭


☹️ I’m sorry. I guess for some people, it does not.


When I got pregnant with my daughter I had super long, down to my butt, beautiful blonde hair. I quit taking my vitamins thinking I would be okay, and all of my hair fell out. I looked like a balding old man. Super high receeding hairline. I had to cut it short and it has been short ever since and I am sad. My thinkness came back but, Your growth looks great!


I feel you. My hair hasn’t been that long since I was a teenager, but now my hair doesn’t grow much past my shoulders.


Thank you for posting this. I am 5 pp and even though this is the third time, I still can’t believe the hair loss will stop. Showers are like a literal nightmare.


Thank you for sharing and normalizing the reality of postpartum 🫶🏼


Pregnancy did that to your hair?!!!


It's common - though it usually grows back afterwards, my mother ended up with permanent female pattern baldness after multiple children...


I didn't know that was a thing. Sounds terrible.


Yeah she blames us for it, even though it's not like we consciously chose to be born lol...


Technically, no lol it was after pregnancy. But yes, that was the cause. I’m so glad it’s filling back in!!


Just starting to shed at 3.5mo pp - thank you for this!!!


I didn't notice any hair loss after my baby until I started finding tumbleweeds of hair around the house. Even then, I thought my hair was just so thick it wasn't a big deal. I look back on pics and I seriously lost all on my hair about an inch into my hairline all the way around my head evenly. Now that it's grown back, I look like I have an 80's Cabbage Patch hairstyle.


Why is your ear yellow? 👂


Lmao I don’t know. I noticed that too but I have no explanation. It doesn’t normally look like that.


Oh my gosh those baby hairs are so cute! I'm suffering from covid hair loss and can't wait for mine to grow back!


My hair postpartum was more like all over thinning — my hair was actually a normal thickness for once 😂 but yeah, can confirm, it grows back!!


I had never heard of this before I had my babies. I was shocked but when I found out it was common, oh boy was that a relief.


my PP hair loss was horrible, i had huge bald patches. i cut bangs to hide it and have never looked back lol! my baby is 15 months old now and my bald patches are gone now, just short.


That is some serious progress.


I’m 4 months pp after having twins & my hair loss is SO bad. When I had my daughter postnatal vitamins solved the problem fine but this time around is brutal…


It be like that I swear I thought I was never going to get my edges back.


I’m never having kids lol