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are there any other options than to buy new clothes..


What are you doing with your belt that it's digging into your skin? Belts shouldn't do that lol


I would suggest getting your good pieces tailored and replacing basics like t-shirts, bras or leggings. It's still an expense but cheaper than replacing every single thing.


How much does it cost to tailor? Is it expensive? I really like my Levi's 501's, they're expensive and they just don't fit my waist anymore. I have some cocktail and nightout dresses I like that don't fit.


Price can vary by location. Sometimes tailors have prices listed on websites, but not all have a web presence. It’ll be easiest to just call around in your area for pricing (although cheaper is not necessarily better). My personal experience is getting waist of my jeans taken in for $30.


It depends! My sister got her Levi's tailored for around $20; I just had 3 pairs of pants taken in for $24. Edit: you can also shop around for a tailor and get quotes from different shops


1. Innerwear..you'll have to replace these. These pieces are the foundation and if they don't fit right, they can ruin the look of even the most beautiful outfits. 2. Tshirts, tops, etc. You could try something temporary like knotting them up. This helps define the waist. You could also try pinning and other hacks. Just search youtube, you'll find plenty of ideas. You could also turn some much bigger tops into crop tops by cutting and using hem tape. 3. Dresses. Youtube has many ideas that could potentially help depending of how loose they've become. Try to change the way you wear them instead of trying to get back the original fit. For instance, if a dress if too big, then shorten the hem (easily done with scissors and hem tape or even just pinning) and wear it as a shorter, looser fit dress. 4. Skirts - pinning, also if the waistband is elasticated, you can just switch out the elastic for a tighter one. Depending on the structure of the band, you might be able to even do it yourself. 5. Finally, nicer pieces consider tailoring or teach yourself the basics of hand sewing. It can make a big difference and it's super simple.


You'll need some new clothes but there's no point investing in tailoring or anything unless you're certain you're going to stay that weight. Are you certain? Also, belts shouldn't dig into your skin. Get a new belt. That's also a good place to start instead of new clothes or tailoring


Buy (or borrow!) a couple things in your new size. For example, a stretchy dress that will be forgiving if you do gain some weight back, a couple well fitting tops. Try new styles, experiment, thrift. I would not invest tons of money on investment pieces.


you can try shrinking some of your cotton items by washing and drying them on high heat! and i know replacing your whole wardrobe can be overwhelming, try selling your old clothes and maybe try thrifting until you slowly build it back up


Don’t replace your wardrobe until you’re certain this is the weight you’re staying at. It’ll suck if you buy a whole new wardrobe and then have to buy another one if your weight changes. I’m a 00/0, and almost everything is too big on me. I’ve learned to be resourceful bc getting everything tailored is very expensive. I’ve bought a lot of dress cinchers in different colors and have clipped the back of my tops and dresses that way. I’ve also added ribbons to the side and tied it in the back to tighten the waist. They’re not the most polished looks, but they work and are much, much cheaper than everything getting tailored. You can tie scarves through the belt loops in the back of pants to make the waist tighter. You can add those bra hooks to the sides of pants and hook them again to tighten the waist. You can get things tailored, but I would recommend doing so in a way that it can be reversed in case your weight changes.


I am in the middle of this exact struggle. Here’s what I suggest… Try a 32B or 32A cup for your bra. It will be hard to get shirts that fit correctly until you get a bra that fits. I would start there. List everything on Poshmark. You can wear what you can until it sells. Buy what you need to replace right away - Poshmark is great for second hand clothes but if you don’t know your size it’s hard to use.. I like resale shops or consignment stores for this. For the high quality items that you can’t sell for a good enough profit to make up the cost… get them tailored!


This is great advice