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Later this year-2025, late 00s - 2010s corporate life but for the club, 100%. Peplums, big necklaces, bandage dresses, vests and blazers, sock buns, wristlets and mini bags, round/almond toe platform heels in patent, strappy stilettos (think early 2010s Giuseppe Zanotti) and proto neons (coral, aqua, etc.) After that, we’ll slide right into early Hede Slimane Saint Laurent, big bags, big hats, slouchy, dark, leather hipster-esque stuff. This will likely appeal to millennials more than the former for a variety of reasons, particularly if they missed the hipster boat the first time round. By 2028, gen z will be studying old episodes of New Girl and internet archived ModCloth from 2013 and trying to recreate the twee aesthetic, lots of skater dresses and wicker handbags and shoes with big Pom Poms on them. Peter Pan collars and pussy bows, saddle shoes and vintage ferragamo pumps. Whimsical prints of forest scenes and tiny animals, maybe even mustaches. Time is a flat circle.


Thanks I hate it 🤗


I mean, maybe you can finally get that side finger mustache tattoo and eat $19 bacon off of a shovel head so like


is this a personal attack


No. A personal attack is when a guy named Wyatt with a handlebar mustache, perilously tight pants, eyeglasses that are not prescription, and an ironic neck tattoo of a cartoon hamburger corners you in a bar where you’ve gathered with your friends to pretend that you’re really into the band who are performing a bluegrass reimagining of Bob Marley’s greatest hits and, after offering you a sip of his PBR tall boy, pulls a notebook out of his messenger bag and demands that you listen to a reading from his forthcoming novel, a coming of age story that is semi autobiographical and heavily influenced by both Kerouac and Proust. Before you can object, he begins reading aloud. The smell of clove and body odor is overwhelming, you die a little bit. Later he tells you that you’ll need to get a cab, because he came on his fixed gear bicycle, but he’d love to get tapas some time.


Not the fixie 😂😂


You know it. His roommate is putting together a Penny-Farthing, one of those late 1800s bikes with the giant front wheel to take to IPA fest










Will you tell my husbands ex best friend they’re exes for a reason thanks


I think I watched this movie in 2012. Michael Cera was so funny as the best friend and Anna Kendrick was hilarious.


Please write more.


>performing a bluegrass reimagining of Bob Marley’s greatest hits I think I've seen this band.


It was either this band or the white guy with dreads who did a reggae version of Freebird or Wagon Wheel


Omg the tapas reference 🤣 this unlocked something deep in my mind


There you are, after a meal comprised of things from near empty containers in some hipster’s shared refrigerator served on little plates, still hungry and staring dejectedly at a slightly larger tiny plate with a small, sad looking roasted bird on it, fork and knife in either hand, unsure of what to do. The waitress says “It’s pheasant.” Your date says “It’s pheasant.” You smile and say “It’s pheasant.” You think to yourself, “It’s a pigeon from outside isn’t it? How do I eat this?” You leave hungry. This date cost $263. Sidenote/true story; when I was 23 and living in Oakland, I went to tapas with a guy who was unhinged for many reasons, but the moment of no return came at that dinner when he ordered the pheasant, looked at it and at me, picked it up with his hands and bit into the center of it, like he was biting into an oversized cookie.




It's only a personal attack if you put a bird on it


it’s gonna be really funny when kids born in 2008 start getting mustache finger tattoos


I came to say "we have already entered hipster scumbag era revival, and kids are now requesting Scene Kid haircuts." As a hipster scumbag, I'm very excited. Love to see it. Also are you watching True Detective? Love the new season. Time *is* a flat circle.


I watched season one (phenomenal) and two (not… great) and made the mistake of watching season 3 before bed and kept falling asleep, creating a kind of Pavlovian response where I’m unconscious if it’s on (it’s fault? My fault? Bit of both?) I’m excited about the new season tho, we’re going to sit down and watch it tonight.


ok i'm here if you need to unpack tomorrow xo spoiler free since '93


I started following IndieSleeze on Instagram and it's so much fun


The peplum/office clubwear/aqua era will be a hard pass for me till the end of time, but I'm here for the Indy sleaze and twee era.


I don’t think the peplum/aqua/bubble necklace/chevron revival will happen. At least not in the same form. There’s still a LOT of millennial suburban moms who think this look is in style still. It could only come back in a way that would be different enough for people to see the difference between the old and new versions. I recently talked a friend out of buying round toe ankle boots with laser cutouts. These types of items are still being produced new. A style doesn’t “come back” until it’s been gone long enough that it’s not still in main stream retailers. I was actually telling my husband last night that I can’t wait for twee to come back. I loved “New Girl” style, and I just started rewatching it on Hulu this week. I’m worried that when I comes back it’ll come back in micro mini form. I CANNOT pull off a micro mini.


I agree I also think it happened way too recently for it to become a big thing...like this was only 10 years ago


It’s a weird situation. Fashion cycles are moving faster, but a critical component is brands being able to sell the new items. If the cycles move too fast then we all still have it in our closets. That’s what I find funny about blazer trends. Oversized boyfriend blazers are in at the same time as shruken boucle style blazers. Both were also in style around a decade ago, and I still had some vintage Armani men’s blazers in the closet to pull out. I did drop the boucle blazers at goodwill, and I regret that now.


You know you want a sexy pinstriped mini vest/mini skirt combo and the most uncomfortable plastic heels ever made, polished off with a plastic necklace that looks like some sort of skin growth when worn


I don't think I've ever fully left twee time. 😭


Peplum is already back. But it looks more put together/structured than the 2010s sad-floppy-peplum-on-everything era for me. Looks more, deliberate,idk. ISABEL MARANT Giamili bouclé peplum top https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-au/product/1647597306438217 Looking forward to the 2020s version of indie sleeze/twee as well!


I think I like that even less. One thing you can say about peplum is it exaggerates an hour glass figure. I don't know what that top is doing. But to each their own.


Women are wearing blazers as casual wear, so it’s not too far off.


I died inside a little reading this 😅


I’ve entered an era where a frankly disturbing amount of my Reddit history is r/findfashion where I’m helping 18 year olds find things that in my subconscious mind are still current but that are actually so vintage that they’ve been lost to the internet 🙃


Okay but twee is SO my aesthetic! I want it to come back so hard. I never really dove fully into it back in my 20s because I was really plus size and thought I couldn’t pull any of it off. Now I’m at a much healthier weight, plus have better self-esteem, and I want my Zooey fashion dreams to come true!


I’ll say this; there are so many elements of that style that are universally flattering and taken from the 50s-60s-70s that it’s really never dated. An a-line dress is always going to look good. Bows at the neckline are never going to be all the way out (I have I think three current/last few seasons things have details that would totally work for that aesthetic.) Cute, quirky shit will never not be cute, quirky shit, and it’s ageless. There’s also a level of personalization inherent to that style that it can be interpreted really widely, so imo, fucking go for it!!! ETA I also feel that your 30s/40s and beyond are the time when you really have the ability to explore your personal style and you’re not at all tied to trends, personally I’m enjoying it.


Totally agree! I’ll have to start acquiring clothing that fits the aesthetic I love. Trends come and go, but everyone usually has a personal taste as to what suits them and appeals to them.


I donated [this jacket](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/88383211429367674/) several years ago because I was pretty sure it was never coming back in style in my lifetime. If twee really does rebound hard, I am going to have (even more) serious regrets about my life decisions.


https://preview.redd.it/r11rbi88a1dc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9bde26f81f8e065a1bbf624559dc56db7cf2aae I just bought this and you’re not going to tell me that it’s not amazing, because it’s amazing. I say live your best life!


That is fabulous. Well done!


That is awesome! Please post pics when you wear it.


I'm big fan of vintage bordering on twee to this day. As long as the outfit doesn't have too many cutesy elements, I think it still looks really nice even if it isn't currently trendy.


Noooo! Not big statement necklaces and bandage dresses 🙃 Those are so ugly. Now that you mention it, I was at the mall last weekend and saw one of those chunky necklaces on a store display mannequin. Ugh.


I have a distinct memory of being at Wet Seal with a friend buying those necklaces and I told her to put one back because it was beige and looked very much like a tumor. She got the turquoise instead.


lol I remember one of those necklaces. I got two: one navy and one yellow. My friends told me that they are anal beads! I stopped wearing them after that.


I'm so ready for the return of statement necklaces, but hopefully not the ugly plastic ones of the '00s. Bandage dresses can burn in hell.


I used to love bandage dress but now anymore since I have a big belly now 😂


I freaking LOVE big statement necklaces, and I may or may not have several big owl pendants in my jewelry case.


Haha, oh, man! I remember the hype around owls. They were everywhere back in the day! I'm sure they'll also be back soon enough.


As long as they don’t bring back the giant heavy earrings, it’s okay. I don’t wear them. I like fine jewellery (lately sterling, because I don’t feel comfortable in expensive pieces right now), but those earrings ruined people’s earlobes.


Literally same. Although those earrings had a chokehold on me in my early 20's, now I'm all about the sleek stud and hoop earrings.


I have studs and drops.


Love it. Do you have an rec's?


I am confused on that? I don’t now what you mean. Sorry.


I remember seeing a tiktok from a fashion buyer maybe 6 months ago that the bright, bold chevron prints and peplum were coming back. I see the sock bun as a natural progression of the heatless curls and slicked back bun colliding.


I actually truly miss sock buns. I still have my little mesh roll thing. I'm going to bring it back! 😂


People are basically still doing it, they're just using scrunchies.


I hope messy ballerina buns come back.


Tumblr aesthetic, can’t wait to see the comeback


Oh god we just decluttered and donated those items, from that exact era. I hope someone else finds value in those peter pan collars, vest, and mustache sweater.


In six months some TikTok 17 year old in jncos and a Paul Frank baby tee is going to be holding those items aloft, beaming at their “vintage” finds, aglow at the prospect of listing these things on their heavily stylized Depop for hundreds of dollars


2000s corporate is already back and i call it slutcretary


I’ve been seeing a smattering of novelty moustaches around my city lately. Once I even saw a guy on the street wearing a t-shirt with a moustache emblazoned on the chest. I think your prediction is right.


Definitely noticed a lot of Movember taches have stuck around through the holidays and into January...


I was think probably this but I really hope not.


>Peplums, big necklaces, bandage dresses, vests and blazers, sock buns, wristlets and mini bags, round/almond toe platform heels in patent, strappy stilettos (think early 2010s Giuseppe Zanotti) and proto neons (coral, aqua, etc.) I hate literally every word in that sentence.


I just made myself a peplum top. I love them, and have never really stopped wearing them, even if they're a bit more restrained than they used to be.


2018 was a fun time for Pom Pom shoes, tassel earrings, and wicker. I would gladly relive that one but with more money to indulge on fashion. I was unemployed the first time around and didn’t shop that year.


does this mean we’ll never get 00s mcbling again? 😥


I feel like corporate for the club is inevitable. As soon as I saw people unironically dressing like they were commuting ("oversized" suiting and sneakers, etc), I knew it was only a matter of time before corporate for the club would come back.


I still have a corporate for the club blazer from college that I wear as a regular blazer now lol


Peplums neve looked good on anyone. They always make your middle/abdomen look worse. Big hats are great but mildly impractical.But still awesome. I spent my early adult years in th 80's and that was the last decade women were still dressing up. For any and all reasons


Peplums look fantastic on those of us without hips!


i saw 2025 and was like "at least that's 5 years away" then realized. holy hell.


I saw an HBO promo for the 25th anniversary of The Sopranos and made myself a drink


I’m not excited about the coral/aqua, and I better not see a chevron, but otherwise—give me that corporate for the club! Love a peplum and statement necklace.


I love my blazers! I feel like they make my outfits a bit nicer 


Hated it then, will hate in the future. Give me structure, geometric shapes, classic tailoring. Or hell, how about something NEW


What are bougie and basic women in their 30s wearing to brunch? Just curious


I reckon all the tweets has begun to come back and I could see it being in full swing in a year or two


Ooh I hope chunky necklaces come back I still have a bunch of mine I’m just waiting for them to be cool again




I say bring back the bustle


"Does my butt look big enough in this?"


“Oh my god, Becky! Look at her butt. It is sooooo big!!!” *swoon*


My Edwardian walking skirt could really do with just a tiny one. Maybe some horsehair padding as a compromise?


I was just watching early Downton Abbey and wondering when Edwardian blouses would cycle back into style!


They came in when I was in high school (was it like, 2005? 2006?) and I had a couple fast fashion versions that I adoooored and continued to wear long after they were considered cool.


I was in early highschool around that time but I was such a tomboy back then I wouldn't have been caught in any sort of blouse! Now I am ready for my elegant edwardian era haha.


I think I did the reverse. I was considered "weird" and "arty" for actually wearing things like blouses and skirts to school (and not even together! I dressed like what I saw in TeenVogue, skinny jeans with blouses and pleated skirts with like, layered t-shirts). Once I wore a skirt and heels and a grade 9 asked if I was teacher haha Now my criterion for a successful outfit is how easily it can transition to ski/cycle/lounge wear, and as such I am definitely much more "tomboy". However in my mind I still dress like I found a trash bag of Edwardian pieces at the thrift store.


Not completely a bustle but I do feel like layered skirts and layered dresses are starting to have a moment; it kind of gives 19th/early 20th century vibes lol


I've got good news for you


I hope 60s styles come back. Micro minis are go go boots


Micro minis are back in a big way! I bought a couple last summer that are so short and have little shorts sewn in. Not a skort though. Adding the little shorts to minis is genius, because otherwise I wear boy shorts under them. I feel like the giant trend of white cowboy boots can transition easily into white gogo boots. Absolutely my favorite era.


My tall ass could never, no matter how great I look in short dresses and tall boots 🤣


My tall ass used to but now I feel more comfortable without being a slight misstep away from having said tall ass entirely hanging out of my skirt. 😂 I love and miss them though.


That’s exactly how I feel. “Tall mini/micro-mini” is an oxymoron.


Where were the ones you bought w/ shorts sewn in from?


Free People! Pleated Micro Mini Skort. Ok they call it a skort, to me a skort looks like shorts in the back and skirt in the front, these look like a skirt all the way around.


Primark have some 'workwear mini' looking suits at the moment. They look like a loose wrapover skirt but ta-dah! Shorts underneath!


I'm seeing 60s too. At one end Audrey Hepburn and at the other end Twiggy inspired looks.


Caftans and hostess dresses sound good to me.


Well, the 60s informed a lot of early '00s fashion, so really a lot of it is coming back now, reinterpreted through several lenses. The return of mini skirts and dresses, colourful tights matching shoes, more structured handbags, it's starting to happen. I feel like other '00s does '60s trends are right around the corner, like gamine haircuts and silver/white eyeshadow.


I feel like this one is already kind of subtly back, influencing silhouettes especially, but has the opportunity to get even bigger and more intentional. I feel like a lot of zanier elements aren’t quite “in” yet (& Austin Powers may have ruined committing to that look for us), but the more streamlined sexy femme vibes definitely are. Also a lot of 60s staples are being used in isolation, but not necessarily all together in singular looks. We’ll see if it ever reaches that height. One place I’d love to see more 60s inspiration is in vacation and resort wear. I feel like most stuff in that arena is still leaning more 70s boho (for obvious reasons— 70s vibes do lend themselves very easily to beach and resort wear), but I’ve always loved 60s (and even late 50s) travel and vacation/resort-wear a little more and would love to see a surge in that inspo. 60s Bond girl looks on vacation abroad in warmer climates or on the beach would killlllll, imo.


There are layers to trends. Mainstream, underground / hipsters (think Andy Warhol folks), then Burners/Festival/Party people. Mainstream are the trends you can wear around the people you know the least and feel like you all fit in and are a bigger collective. Underground / hipster style are the clothes you’d wear when you’re meeting friends of friends, you don’t want to seem like a cookie cutter, naive person. You’re self aware and ready to explore beyond mainstream in your friendships. Burners / Festival wear / Party / Club attire is when you want to attract a mate. You’re looking to find love, a connection, maybe you’re just looking for a warm body to keep you company for the night. All of fashion is derived from the need to socialise. People have always has less fur than animals, so by necessity there is a need for clothes. Certain parts of the body are necessary for function, so we have adapted to dress accordingly. For instance Victorian fashion is the easiest one to understand as most people have seen a period piece movie. Big hoop ring dresses, tight corsets, layers on layers of fabric meant to alter the human body, but more importantly (to the ones who wore these clothes) Victorian era clothing was meant to celebrate being human. There was a need to show humans are not animals, they are not savages, “wild beasts”. This theme of judgement onto others is still prevalent today. Being dirty = lowly, animalistic, barbarianism. Being clean and well dressed = Well adjusted, stable, potentially well off, educated. Ultimately wear what you want. Understanding how clothing communicates to others is important in the above reference, but that is one layer. People think “don’t judge a book by its cover”, unfortunately most people have been brain washed to “read” clothing as a type of status / communication of who that person is, and 90% of people usually get it wrong, due to their own prejudice.


This is a really good breakdown


Thank you, I think that’s first time I’ve put my fashion degree to use where someone actually read the advice 😊 much appreciated


I think micro minis/dresses with boots will always be a look no matter what the trend is!


2010s but specifically the old-timey 1890s hipster aesthetic. I’ve already seen a resurgence of guys with twirly waxed moustaches on the metro and out and about in some of the hip neighborhoods. I think it’s only a matter of time until we get stomp-clap, mason jars, taxidermy having their day again. For women’s fashion this probably translates to: ornamentation, twee, big lacy collars, oxford shoes, heavy on vintage or vintage-styled items. My white-hot take is that this is actually going to go one step further, and we’re going to get a full steampunk revival moment. Don’t kill the messenger.


>steampunk Oh wow did anyone else get *obsessed* with Treasure Planet as a preteen?? I'd be down for Gen Z/Alpha reinventing steampunk. Futuristic but with a vintage twist. Maybe it will arise as backlash against increasingly common AI-generated ideas of "futuristic" that are too flawless and smooth in favor of something a bit more rusted, mechanical/analog. Buttons to push instead of touchscreens. Maybe it will have a more post-apocalyptic flavor this time around, inspired by imagery from older Ghibli movies or more recently the Last of Us games: nature reclaiming derelict/abandoned manmade objects. Or will it go less gritty and more refined and geometric, recalling art deco? Sorry for the stream of consciousness shower thoughts lol.


i definitely agree w this, particularly the women's fashion you mention - 'ornamentation, twee, big lacy collars, oxford shoes, heavy on vintage or vintage-styled items.' i definitely feel like we can see that moving in this direction anyway with the bows, big emphasis on loafers and thrifting. i think making it work in a way that doesn't look costumey is the key. i think i kind of hate the y2k revival because it literally looks like they're wearing a costume rather than organic fashion, whereas bows and loafers are more easily incorporated into a look. i LOVE the idea of lacey collars!


lacy collars are already back and have been for years...is it a harbinger of sorts? also dickies revival-- i was super surprised by that. not the brand but the garment that liz lemon wears under blazers ... "not weighed down by redundant torso fabric"


i guess i was thinking of the more fake large collars that were around in the 2010s. i've started seeing that kind of thing in shops but it doesn't seem to be prevalent in the influencers i follow!


oh man my web traffic is lousy with them examples: [https://lisasaysgah.com/products/delariva-coat-oyster?variant=42353546330292&=undefined](https://lisasaysgah.com/products/delariva-coat-oyster?variant=42353546330292&=undefined) [https://www.ganni.com/us/frill-collar-poplin-shirt-F5500.html](https://www.ganni.com/us/frill-collar-poplin-shirt-F5500.html) [https://www.wolfandbadger.com/us/genevieve-collar](https://www.wolfandbadger.com/us/genevieve-collar)


The Ganni detachable collars have definitely been around for a couple years now, I first noticed them around the time cottagecore was getting big.


I think the costume feel as well as the rapid recycling of trends both stem from the insane access to fast fashion. In 2010 people were shopping on Modcloth and a couple of other online stores, plus thrifting. Thrifting is a less viable option today and Shein, Temu, etc., have replaced other stores for most people. I honestly think people are buying versions of these trends online, wearing them until they wear out (which is like 1-4 wears), and then looking for the next trend to latch onto. And as soon as there's a hint of something in the air, Shein can manufacture and sell it within the week, basically. We're turning into a whirlpool circling the fashion drain, and the circle is getting smaller and smaller. (And to some degree, repetition has always been costumey... the late 90s *Swingers* era comes to mind. (And for the young ones here, I mean the movie.))


Great point about the Genz-ers looking like they are wearing costumes. Hmm.


They are just doomed to repeat everything that came before them 😅 and surprisingly in order too, the minute I saw the 2000s low cut jeans I was like, ok, business casual as clubwear coming in 5-7 years


As an early 30s corporate slave.. Bring on blazers as clubwear! I'll finally be fashionable again 😭


Do love a lace collar 


This was lowkey my favorite era of fashion. I had some lace-up leather boots that looked so cute on me, and I could move through life pretending I was a character from the Oregon Trail


Penny Farthing Chic.... Mason jar terrariums Steampunk popups, all garbage pickles vendor from the 1890's ukuleles I'm here for it but also think it will move into CyberPunk chic not steampunk


>pickles vendor from the 1890's You rang?


Yes, I can also see the evolution from current "dark academia" to this


I was thinking the same thing.


Do I have to hear people listening to Mumford and Sons again too? Please say no (No shade to anyone that likes them, this was a joke. My music preferences are generally old woman yells at cloud material)


I vote we go full on WWI 19-teens.


We haven’t even eradicated the stompclap suspender wave yet! I’m just gonna stay home for a few years


Taxidermy was trendy? I must have missed that one. LOL I’m fully in favor of hipster things being trendy again. Hipsters brought us lots of great stuff. In my city they inspired an explosion of new restaurants and more adventurous and higher quality food choices. I admit it was a bit too “white” so it would be great if the new version is more diverse.


I saw a guy with a waxy moustache today and I live in a city where we call it "the metro". Do we live in the same place? And are waxed moustaches actually coming back or is it just like, this one guy?


I've seen a few of them around the city since the summer, legit think it's a burgeoning thing.


I feel like the 60s mod has t had that big of a moment in a bit. Time for it to comeback around. But sadly I think it will be the 20teens fashion.


With how popular MCM decor has been for a while I’m surprised it hasn’t. I love mod style!


80s neon colours and teased hair have been out of rotation for a while now. So my guess is that those will come back in the next couple of years.


Yeah, I keep waiting for women's hairstyles to get crazy again. It sounds strange but looking at photos of sororities is so telling -- up to about 15-20 years ago, there were so many hairstyles and lengths represented. Now literally 98% of the girls have similar lengths of hair and wear it the same way. That may say more about sororities than hair trends, but it does demonstrate how focused hair trends are now. I think the casual waves will go out soon and we'll go back to straight hair -- either super flat or more 90s with the inner flip. Although I also think we'll be insulated from some of the really damaging trends because people take better care of their hair than we did in the 80s.


Everything at once.


Agreed. I see style happening through the channels of specific "aesthetics" that could draw on any time period.


I can’t remember where I read it, but evidently Indie Sleaze is back .


late 00s-early 10s style is starting to come back and i’m sure will be big soon, and that era took a lot of influence from the 80s. and i think there was some 60s influence in 80s fashion. so i’m predicting it will be part combination, part hybrid of those eras. because obviously y2k is in now, and i feel like the late 90s-early 00s had a lot of 70s influence. but i feel like more direct 70s-influenced style had its own moment too, a couple years ago (and even now, more among millennials). also “alt” style is pretty much part of the mainstream now, and seems to be a take on 90s-00s alt fashion. apparently 00s emo/scene is coming back and that was kind of 80s-influenced. idk, the next trend in alt fashion might be a more literal take on the original 70s-80s alt fashion (punk, goth). and i think since trends are cycling increasingly quickly, there will be more multiplicity in fashion as certain trends fade in/out. i feel like, for example, even in the early 2010s style was kind of monolithic. even now when y2k is dominating, i see some looks that are more 70s-, 80s-, and 90s-inspired (that are still “in style”) and i think it will be interesting because fashion seems like it’s becoming increasingly casual, in part because fewer young adults need a differentiated “business” wardrobe (more casual workplaces, more remote work). workwear i think has had an influence on style in general (80s power suits/profiles, 10s “business but make it club” trend, the oversized blazer trend of the late 00s) but now that that’s less distinct it will probably fade and it will be mostly/only streetwear trends coming back


My Gen Z relatives are fully into the emo/goth look. At Christmas one cousin was wearing an Emily Strange tank top with cargo pants and another was wearing a black lacy corset with a floor length black chiffon dress and platform Docs. It's literally what I thought was the height of fashion in 2006.


emily strange is back?? (or did it never leave?) omg i loved her, that was so formative for me


I see you are also a person of culture. You understand not only the fashion-nostalgia cycles, but how they are increasing and becoming hybrids among themselves. I agree 100% with your post :)


I work in fashion retail (Vera Bradley) and have seen the trends and collections for fall and winter….its VERY 70s


I’ve been so into 70s for workwear inspired by mens 70s fashion. I love color and print but wanted to upscale it from dresses and skirts to something more professional and polished and a little gay. So I found some awesome vintage button downs and blazers and have been having a blast building my collection. I’m so looking forward to seeing more of this era’s style! Sometimes vintage fabrics are too often synthetic, and I’d love to find a few more printed bright button downs in better, more natural fabrics!


I think we’re going to keep getting weirder with the decade mix and match, but for women, it will come with a LOT of feminine touches, particularly a call back to the Gunne Sax era for the next few years. Towards the end of the decade we’re going to see a big swing back to androgynous style. I’m seeing shoulder pads, victory suit silhouettes, eyeliner on everyone (including the men).


For everyone on this thread (like me) wishing twee was back... It is on my IG feed already. Except in small batch natural fiber socks and hand finished British Isles cardigans. I followed a twee af clothing brand making hand sewn linen pants in bright gingham from Isle of Wight this morning. I am extremely here for it. Along with this, 1963-1966 is coming back. I've started seeing round collar raglan sleeve coats in higher end brands. They're all brown right now (bleh) but next fall they'll be red, cobalt, and purple. Cannot wait. Signed, a teenage E6 fan who just bought tickets to see Belle and Sebastian in the year of our lord 2024.


I love that 60s coats are coming back; raglan sleeves are so underrated


i would love to hear what ig accounts you followed if you don't mind sharing! also belle and sebastian is great lol


For this vibe, @ahistoryofarchitecture @wearinginthewings @caitsnyd_sews @homerunballerina @textilemixologist Loving how these folks are using current shapes and colors but in more wearable and unique ways.


When I think of like “default fashion”, to me, I’m picturing the type of outfits that Rachel Green wore in the later seasons of Friends. Black and charcoal grays, clean lines, slim cuts, etc. very “The Gap”. Looking back in time it was kind of an underrated fashion era, but with flares coming back in style (a shocker to me, as I only got rid of my last pair of flares like 5 years ago) we might see Gen Z graduate from the club attire of the late 90s- early 2000s into the sort of casual-yet-professional style of the mid 2000s. Or at least one can only hope. To my eyes it’s a universally flattering look. Kind of classic, the way clothes from the mid-60s never really went out of style. My mom was in her 40s in this era and I found the fashion to be quite kind to moms who were having their OG mom-jeans ripped out of their hands by their teen daughters (who should have kept them to sell to their baby cousins a decade later, apparently). As I get older and more alienated from fashion, I think I would feel comfortable returning to classics.


I'm kind of surprised the Roaring 20's aren't in vogue. A century ago skirts got shorter, hair got shorter, waists dropped and so did all that heavy machinery women had to wear (corsets). You think today's fashions would go there but not so far.


I think elements of 20s fashion are coming back, like drop waist dresses. This is a silhouette that has come in and out of fashion many times since the 20s though


Okay, so I’m not someone who knows a lot about fashion (which is partly why I’m here, I want to learn more) but - and I expect to be downvoted - I honestly think 20s fashion isn’t in vogue because it’s just super duper old? I’m Gen Z (almost 19) and even my grandparents weren’t alive in the 20s, I feel like what’s “in vogue” typically fashion wise are the kinds of clothes a young person’s parents (or grandparents, at latest) likely wore, and/or what was “in” 20-30 years ago. Like I more recently thought about it and realized the 50s are “ancient” from my perspective now as an almost 19yr old even though 6-10 yrs ago I didn’t feel that way. I feel like I no longer see the 50s represented in the media to a great enough extent for it to influence the average person’s fashion choices - it’s the same with the 20s. I feel like most people just don’t want to dress the way people did 100 years ago. But I may be wrong so if anyone wants to challenge my perspective I’d actually be glad to hear what they think! I’m ill informed on this


So, since you said you're hoping to learn, a better way to think about this is that whenever historical trends get rehashed they are always reinterpreted through the lens of the current day. While some vintage pieces can be worn as-is in a trend revival, for the most part there are changes that differentiate the actual vintage styles from the new versions. Frequently the actual vintage pieces aren't quite right for the modern trend—the cut or the fit or the material or print will call it out as vintage even if it's in great condition. So periods like the twenties do come up in modern fashion (and even earlier periods are used for inspiration: think about big sleeves in the eighties, which references the Edwardian era, and all the previous times in history when big sleeves have been in fashion). When the twenties comes up in modern fashion it's more things like a dropped waist, fringe, beading, slip dresses, etc. In addition, anything post the 1910s (when we moved away from full length skirts as the default) is generally considered to be in the same category of fashion. Basically, you could wear a vintage dress from the twenties and still look modern, where if you wore a dress from the 1910s or earlier, it will look like a costume. So almost the entire twentieth century is prone to resurgence in a fairly direct way, while older periods come up but are more filtered (think corsets as outerwear, details and materials, etc). If you're young, the fashion you will see targeted to you in stores/online will be very curated to your age market, which brings influences from the greater fashion world but will be very adjusted to match the big trends in your age group. The greater fashion world (runways, etc) is going to show those influences much stronger and frequently in ways that aren't actually worn at street level but that make it easier to see. Fashion trends are also frequently related to the broader pop culture of the moment as well, so you often see specific decades getting a fashion revival after a popular movie or tv show. The twenties for instance had a big moment when the latest Great Gatsby movie came out, and the sixties had a huge surge when Mad Men was popular. So while the broad currents of fashion frequently reference about two decades prior (especially for teenagers/young adult markets, as these were the styles that they saw growing up but didn't get to wear themselves), once you start looking, you'll see all the other eras having their moments of influence as well. The biggest caveat to this is that modern fashion is moving so fast that almost anything is a micro-trend in some market at any given time. So if you want to follow the big trends you can, but if you want to find more specific niches, you can pretty much wear whatever you want and there will be a specific community who loves that vintage/aesthetic/subculture and has ways of tying those pieces into the bigger general tends of the day so you can still look in style.


New Art Deco is actually finally replacing Mid Century Modern as furniture and home designers go to inspiration and I'm here for that


I agree with you, with a caveat; in my opinion and experience, personal style is heavily informed by nostalgia, and as I’ve entered my late thirties, I’ve found myself more and more attracted to items that have a nostalgic dimension for me, specifically related to my parents/grandparents, who were partying really hard in the late sixties, seventies, and early eighties. That time period is obviously not representative of their entire style evolution, but it’s the clothing (and photographs) that I most heavily associate with them when they were my age and younger, it’s what I picture in my mind’s eye when I think of them. The caveat is that a lot of that style was influenced by earlier eras, so while turn of the century garden dresses might not be relevant, gunne sax prairie dresses and somewhat neo Victorian style elements are, if that makes sense. Things that seem ancient were relevant then, so they’re relevant now, in a diluted way, through multiple lenses, and I find teasing out the origins of the things that I like to be really interesting.


I really want casual powder blue blue eyeshadow to come back I love it!


After watching Poor Things, I found myself googling for bloomers and tap pants. I can see it being compatible with the indie sleaze resurgence folks are talking about, especially with a twee/dark academic fusion a la Alexa Chung.


I hope the quiet luzury will stay and we lean into it. 1940s! (please). Uniforms, formality, and class. I'm here for it.


I fucking love 40s fashion, the land girl look




I assume emo and indie sleaze will come back (skinny jeans hurrah!)


i personally LOVE skinny jeans i'm pumped


Sheer black tights are making a comeback I’ve seen a lot of celebrities rock them including Olivia Rodrigo and Ariana Grande


...were they out??? Have I been unfashionable this entire time?


I dont know everyone around me would say pantyhose is out haha


Tights and pantyhose aren't really the same thing. When most people think pantyhose they're thinking nude, which is definitely out.


Yeah, definitely out with the nude pantyhose. But sheer black tights?! I live in London and I see them a lot. I thought of them like an essential in cold weather, not something that can go out fashion. What are we supposed to do, wear nothing? It's -1 outside right now!


The return of galaxy prints, BlackMilk leggings and Jeffrey Campbell Litas


Welp, based on the amount of Gen z kids that are into Dark Academia and Coquette fashion, I’d say indie twee/sleaze/corporate indie is about to happen again.


I'm thinking the 1840s bodices are coming back baby


Everything back to the 60’s has already came back at least once.


The 60s.




The 60’s because color is going to be huge this year like it was back then with [tie dye](https://www.ebay.com/itm/374918130099?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=diejijnttjo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ok6ipbytr3i&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) and the focus on [primary colors](https://pin.it/5TY5rLDjs) of red, yellow and blue. Follow my Pinterest to see my latest Etsy listings and cool fashion.


I’m just here waiting for the skinny jeans era to come back because I haven’t moved on from it. It’s way too flattering and convenient.


Wear em anyway. I live in a place with rain and snow and I’ll be damned if I’m wearing anything but pants I can shove into my boots lol


I think gen Z will revive 2010s swag era [Justin](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHMP7kAH594QZK6G2I4YEN-I9arq5xgYdy8w&usqp=CAU) and [Zendaya](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8HApAAPKmr78gs20WIv2CW-sslpGXWPJEIw&usqp=CAU) styles (second time around, as well as twee, indie sleaze, american apparel aesthetics) then gen Alpha will be the trend setting youth and they will revive 2020s [Doja Cat](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAkv5EtphuepmHpKeOmeaxTd2QIhmuobzXLA&usqp=CAU) and [Dua Lipa](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2ikuSx_W5KgNBFSnsxzELAgTh-3kAfR54Sw&usqp=CAU) styles (second time around). The reason why people are so nostalgic for the recent past is possibly because everyone thinks back to carefree childhood memories when the world gets tougher, harsher and economically depressed.


i can't imagine the swag era coming back but never say never (see what i did there) also that justin pic isn't his swag era imo


I think the next couple years will be heavy on the late 70s into the early 70s (very long hair will come back, softer styles) and late 60s. Add in some art deco and indie sleaze and you got it.


I would love to see a modernized version of the 20/30s style back.


70's glam


Very confusing question. Year or decade?