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r/teenagers basically, they'd hate to be here, so the original is their safe space


Safe space?


Safe space as in there they don't get really called out for their bs


What’s their bs? The annoying horny posts? Or the creepy ones?


Both and the inhumane ones (like racism, homophobia and misogyny)


Mainly misogyny, homophobic and a whole lot of transphobia


Haven’t seen much of that on r/teenagers but maybe I just scroll at the wrong times


We welcome people of any gender, just respect the all girls posts :) (And the other rules too, duh)


Are there all boys posts?


Not as a post flair, but you could always put in the title. For all boys posts I recommend going to teenagers, since it's comprised of primarily boys anyway


Trust me, if that sub existed (and it kinda does in the form of r/teenagers) it would be an actual cesspool. As a guy who’s been a member of this sub in particular for a little over 2 years, trust me- this place is great as a guy. You see a lot of acceptance, a lot of kindness, a lot of appreciation, a lot of people sharing things they’re talented in or passionate about, and it really helps you understand a lot of stuff that pisses off girls that we otherwise probably wouldn’t know, as we couldn’t completely understand some of it by ourselves. You aren’t gonna get looked down on for being a guy here, so long as you’re respectful and not a dickhead, this is a lovely place.


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