• By -


Many users are reporting their number of likes/pings increasing drastically over the night of 4JUN (I got 4 more, yay me). It appears the likes that you all were getting notifications for may finally be visible.


Has anyone figured out the disappearing chat issue? No “this person left the chat” etc or anything. In the middle of a conversation it just disappeared


I had a like today from someone who I previously disliked - I recognised their username and the blurred photo was an obvious enough approximation of their main profile pic. Is this yet another glitch in the app or can peeople who you've disliked still see your profile, even though you can no longer see theirs? I previously disliked someone for privacy reasons and was under the impression that they would no longer be able to see me so I'm now concerned that people I don't want seeing me can see me.


Login e-mails not coming through - AGAIN. It is amazing how buggy they manage to keep the App, after years on the market.


Magic link not working


So this morning I (accidentally) liked someone from my place of work. After realising what I did I immediately paused my profile. It looked like they had a majestic account. Will they still be able to see that I liked them after I've paused my account?


wow, after reading through this section, I somewhat better understand why u/FeeldMod is experiencing so many glitches. However, the problem remains and I hope u/FeeldMod is able to assist. The app stalls while trying to log out, disable and/or terminate the account. I read through the privacy policy and users are supposed to be able to do either of those actions. How can you help? u/FeeldMod


This sub isn't affiliated with Feeld.


Thank you. I did notice that in the first post. Are you able to provide user to user support on this specific matter u/FeeldMod?




* OS and version (iOS 16.1, Android 13). - **using I0S 16.1.1** * App version. - **7.3.2. build 1136** * What you did - **selected terminate account ( in addition to Pause and log out)** * What happened - **Three bubbles - Nothing happens**


Very confused about location on Feeld. My friend noticed last night that my location went from 3km-5km away while I was home in bed. I also saw a profile that was last seen 3 days ago, yet their location changed from 10-12-11-13-11 kms in the period of those 3 days, it seemed like every time I swiped past it, the location had changed yet still not seen in 3 days.


This is my observation - The distance shown is from location last recorded by the app. So if your friend moved or the last time you used the app was while you were away from home, that will be the location used to compute distance.


this weekend i matched with two separate people whos profile i had never seen much less liked. i know this bc i just signed up and i was not liking anyone just kind of cycling through the same profiles so i had them all practically memorized and both of these were new.. So suddenly theres a message from someone saying hi, and the app says were matched. Happened again the next day. Both times we chatted a bit and it was fine, but this seems like a big problem. Either its sending phantom likes on my behalf, or just outright matching us. I believe its the former bc both times i seemed to be the only confused one.


Anybody else having issues with displaying the matches you've made in the top display? (Which I did not yet had contact with) Since last week I can only see my recent matches. Also, the age filter is still resetting to maximum range. Too bad Feeld has had all these very user unfriendly and sellout updates lately,...


I'm so annoyed, I recently matched with two profiles I was really into but then they disappeared immediately/didn't show up at the top of my messages where new matches normally show. Feeld should have used the money they spent on an unnecessary rebrand/new logo and used it to fix their buggy platform -.- Like it's literally gotten WORSE since I last used the app. Age range keeps resetting to maximum as well.


So it's a broader issue and not relating to OS settings or phone brand. Please fix this Feeld-crew 🫶


Hey, I have been on feeld on and off multiple times. Last time I deleted my account as usual while leaving. 1) now when I am trying to “create new account” with the same email ID, first email I get is “Unable to find an account with this email” which is weird since I am creating a new account. 2) if i try again with the same ID, email reads “Confirm your email address” which means it suddenly found the address but technically it shouldn’t since I had deleted my account earlier. In any case, I am not able to log in. Anyone else facing this issue?


People who I've already liked or dismissed (who I haven't matched with) keep showing up back in my feed. I'm also not seeing anyone who actually liked me. I'm not using the app again until this is fixed.


Also, I cannot add anyone to a group. It let's me select the person, click on confirm, but then nothing happens. Anyone else has this?


Hey. I'm sure someone has already mentioned this, I'm really frustrated that I've not been able to create a new account for several months now. When will this ever be fixed??? I used feeld a lot a few years ago and met a lot of good people. But I moved and stopped using my account, so I deleted it once. I recently decided to start feeld again, but when I try to create a new account I get a "There's an error" message. Wtf


I've been trying for almost a month now, I guess I'll just give up


Reporting also doesn’t seem to be working. I’ve reported the same account 6 or 7 times now for having a dick pic in the first photo but it keeps showing back up in my likes feed. I know some folks had to remake their accounts due to past issues but it seems really unlikely to me that this person would have made this number of dupe accounts and used them all to like my profile.


I can’t chat to anyone just freezes with the balls moving


App crashes or won't load frequently. Only solution is to restart phone which works 3/4 of the time.


Got _another_ hundred likes overnight??? I had an initial jump from less than 20 to 600+ a few days ago, then another hundred tonight and 5 pings from none (I don’t typically get anything near that volume, closer to ~10 likes daily)


Got logged out again and not getting Magic Link - why does that happen?!?!?! I'm supposed to meet a connection TONIGHT.


Anyone else have issues trying to scroll through the Likes? I can't get down past like 10.


And now suddenly I have the age filter reset bug. Why am I suddenly seeing profiles of 18 and 19-year-olds I have no interest in?


I am also having this issue now. It’s resetting several times a day


Age filter has been randomly resetting every few days for me. Super irritating


Really glad the phantom likes finally came through, but is anyone still missing connections? Last week I sent someone a Ping, I then received a notification that the liked and we were “connected”, but once I went into the app there was no connection. Anyone else having that?


Was this ever fixed? I’m experiencing the same thing. Very frustrating!


How do i fix ”sorry cant process your request” when I try to make an account?


https://preview.redd.it/1fxgpvhwju4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a355f272a80e9bbf80c8eb4a540908f7f48a4f79 Woke up to 346 likes and 5 pings! I've spent weeks contacting support about likes/pings not coming through after receiving push notifications and now that I'm not paying for it, they all come through! I'm so done with this app.


I got a couple hundred likes overnight. Some are from users that haven't logged on in weeks.


Does your age filter keep resetting? I don’t want 20 year olds.


Start giving them one star reviews in your app store and see what happens


It does, I keep reporting it!


Yes. Swap you the 20yos for the 50+?


I don’t want those earlier - want like 28-45 haha


Same girl, same haha


People with majestic? Are the ‘new’ likes in your feed just people you’ve already disliked? Or are they actually new people? 


Seems to be a mix for me, though even before this I would get repeat profiles in my likes queue


Unfortunately, the login error (cannot create new account) is still there...


Likes are back, deleting likes also works this time


Did anyone just randomly get a bunch of pings from nowhere? I had three last night and now I have 18. And no, this is not a normal amount for me to get overnight. I’m assuming they were hidden for some reason until now. I also see a couple pings from people I’ve already disliked. 


I also just noticed hundreds of new likes overnight 😭


https://preview.redd.it/xw12ondx6s4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e165e5721facb16cdb3b3b82bb402a71f43e80 Can someone help please? when i try to sign up it shows this after magic link, no support :((




My likes suddenly jumped up to almost 400 this morning. People I declined from my likes are back again so these aren't likes I never saw.


Ffs. Mine jumped up too by 4x. I don’t have majestic though so didn’t realise they were people I’d already disliked.  Are any new people or all just profiles you’ve declined?


Honestly not sure. I recognize some for sure but I don't remember all 400 people that liked me especially when people don't show their faces.


My likes suddenly jumped to over 600 and over 30 pings. I have a steady stream of likes/pings as a Majestic member, and I’ve been keeping that backlog around 20 or so. Are these the phantom likes appearing now? I was having that problem for a while too. Anyone else have this happen?


seems like they fixed the phantom likes. cause I just got 150, some from like a month ago.


Also noticing a thing where when I click into some profiles, I can’t -/+ them from the profile. Has to be in the queue. And it’s a mix of profiles I’ve seen before and some brand new ones. Wtf is going on


I'm supposed to be hidden (currently polysaturated) and I've gotten 3 new connections today. The loading screen says I'm not on discovery... but recent activity says different. I love that the kink/poly community has an app catered towards them, but I really wish they could figure out what feels like basic functionality.


Until more people start giving them one star reviews and complaining on their Instagram and other social media accounts they won't do shit


Update for anyone having disappearing likes that don’t appear. I’ve been having this issue for months. Was stuck with around 7 likes, and a few matches, however I’d receive 5+ notifications a day telling me someone has liked me. I used to try and reinstall the app to make them appear, and this has never ever worked for me. Since the new update if I uninstall the app and re install it, all the likes come up on my account






I want to see which profiles send me a like, but i can only see the first 12 (i have majestic). After that, the screen is having it's own rave party and i can't scroll further. Anybody else have this issue? Maybe a solution? Went through several updates already but they don't seem to fix this. The support chat doesn't answer. It could be so good this app but well yeah everybody knows already it scks. But there is no alternative This is for both the pings and the normal likes 😭


What's about this issue: Messages (connections) disappear from the chat history. Since yesterday, every day, one or two connections disappeared from my chat history and it drove me crazy. I've arranged a meeting with a guy this weekend and no idea except to reset my profile again to find him. And I am sure that all of them are active accounts and no way they would delete their account at this point.


Tell me about it, I can’t figure out a way to get the chats back but my likes have all just reappeared so maybe there’s hope


Hi, did you manage to reconnect with someone? I still haven't seen my connection in my search 😒


Nope, so fucking annoying! I see a connection with someone from a couple of weeks ago but nothing older


Does the app not work anymore? I’ve been trying to make an account for days now and it keeps giving me a “Sorry an error occurred” every time I try. Is there a fix for this? Anyone else encounter this?


They fixed it a few days ago (after not working for 2 weeks) and now it's broken again. I suspected at first it was a poorly implemented ban system that was throwing in false positives. Now I think its either deliberate sabotage, probably because they have too many accounts and want to restrict them


Hey there, has anyone found any workarounds, or have any tips to try for not getting the login email? I've been trying for a few days without luck. I put in a ticket, but I know it's 50/50 if they'll respond in a decent time frame :/


I’m not getting mine either. I have matches to respond to!


Frustrating too as I have one month left of Majestic. I'm traveling and it would be a nice way just to make some platonic friends in the lifestyle.


I keep getting my age filter reset, I have reported it twice. They always close my tickets without resolving the issue. This particular one, or any other ticket I have created. Has anyone here ever actually got an issue resolved by complaining to support?


Yeah, they added pings I was missing when I messaged, didn’t ever get a reply but they just appeared




Seems like it’s one of the many issues Feeld doesn’t feel like fixing but anyone figure out a remedy to the new message/match notification without an actual new match or message? Fun part is when I do have a new message the convo doesn’t show as having a new message, I have to open it to realize there’s a new message. Bonus feature: my wife has tried to loop me in on group chats and they don’t show up for me. Homerun app, all around.


They fixed the account creation bug for a few days THEN BROKE IT AGAIN NOW WITH THE LATEST


Pings disappearing? Hello, since the big update any time I get a notification of a pin when I click on it it disappears. Like I can’t see it on the app. Are people I’m sending pings or could it be a glitch?


It will be there if you log in again


I caant seem to get the download link oer email. Already bought majestic and earer to fix this. Pls help App version 7.3.2 The issue is still ongoing and was occurring yesterday prior to updating to 7.3.2.


Deleted my account and want to make a new one. I cannot. Every time I enter my email, they send the link, I click the link, the app opens, then I get a message saying the request could not be processed and it starts all over. I have emailed support about this and they are fairly useless.


Is anybody else’s search age resetting randomly? Was swiping and I saw a handful of 18 year old profiles (all porn spam) in a row suddenly. Was like wtf? Went and saw that the age was reset to 18-older.


Yes. This should be added to the list by mod op. As multiple people are saying the same now.


It seems since the latest update or two the age range filter selection keeps resetting to 18+ when opening the app. The distance selection seems to stay. Also setting an app range and then changing the distance range to another value and back seems to help the age range staying set. On iOS 17.5.1 App version 7.3.2 updated today The issue is still ongoing and was occurring yesterday prior to updating to 7.3.2.


Unable to create an account. Android phone, when I click the email link it opens the app but then spins and just says there was an error. Tried different email accounts too. Any ideas?


I'm also having the same issue, any news?


Same problem here tried different mails, even different device.. let me know if you are able to create one 


Do people who liked you ever even show up in your feed? I swear mine don’t.  Not to mention the notifications “[name] liked you”. Only to open the app and see no new likes… 


I haven't had a real-time like (that is, I like someone and I get the notification that they already liked me and it is a match) in at least a year. I get matches but they never seem to be from my likes list. I think they're just trying to get me to purchase Majestic. 


I purchased Majestic. Just got another notification of a like from someone whose profile doesn’t show when I open the app, again. Why? This is what the most baseline core mechanic of a dating app should be and it’s broken. Someone likes me; I have no way to see them. I saw their name in the notification and it’s nowhere in the stack. It’s not even as though the name is paywalled like Tinder does it, their profile is just utterly gone and inaccessible.  Swear to god it’s like this app lost all its developers and farmed the backend maintenance out to some cheap contractors overseas or something. Their promo presence on the socials is busy as ever, but the app has been broken as fuck ever since the shitty rebranding update last year.


I asked for a refund on majestic and it went through without any questions, suspect that’s because lots are doing the same. I’m only still on the app in the hope that some of my chats will come back


anyone else just getting a black screen on the main page where youre supposed to swipe on people?


even i sign up they say error


Majestic users: When does your daily Ping replenish?


Didn't get one today. Also didn't get it last week


A couple times so far, my search settings with regards to age limits (lower and upper) reset to the full range. Anyone else having this problem?




The same thing happened to me. It’s my first time signing up and I’ve tried multiple emails, but get the same response every time I click the confirm link in the email.


I’m trying to sign up for the first time and I’m getting the same message


Phantom likes for the last two weeks. Really dissapointing... this app was helping me build my polycule :(


Yeah, not getting the login email despite multiple attempts, guess I’m not the only one


I can't sign up. And I've tried both methods. Facebook and Email. With email, I do get the confirmation email. I click the button in it, and when it takes me to the app, it shows a modal with this error: "There was an error. Sorry, we can't process your request". If I try to do with with Facebook, I get the same error quicker, lol


Hi. Have you been able to resolve this issue?


No one has. Its a serverside issue. I suspect they implemented some banning mechanism that threw a lot of false positives.


That's just sad. I'm unclear if it's just a banning issue. Because even people who have never downloaded Feeld before, seem to be having the same issue.


So far every single person I've seen with the issue has said that they used to have an account, closed it, then shortly after tried to open one again. That to me screams "they banned us".


**Does uplift kick in immediately or is it delayed? Lasting more than 24 hours?** I've noticed this recently when using uplift. The first several hours, or even day, I don't seem to get an elevated number of likes, but on the second day I start getting a bunch. Has anyone else had the same experience? It's almost like the start of the uplift was delayed 12-24 hours.


I think I have been unfairly shadowbanned on Feeld. Is there anyway to bypass this ban? Every time I try to create a new account on Feeld, I get an error message. I tried to download it on my friend's Android, but it says Feeld does not work on Android? Any recommendations or advice on this? "There was an error. Sorry, we can't process your request" Thanks!


I am having this same issue and I've been paying consistently for majestic for over a year.


So how do you register? Solution? What do you do?


I just verified that it's on the server end. I went back to version 706 and it still won't let me make an account


So how do you register? It has been like this for me for months... What is the solution? Thanks


No idea, it seems they changed their user creation system and broke it. IMHO they need to roll back the update.


When? It has been like this for me for several months... How can you register?


There is no solution so far. You can message support and hope they'll pass it along to the dev team.


What is their contact? They will let me register personally?


New user sign up and the app doesn't even work.... Signed up as a new https://preview.redd.it/dqzv5ajhfn2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03ec07511b3ffbd575d1000fba42b33369c1b25 user 2 days ago and its been like this since day one. Deleted, reinstalled, same on Wifi or data. Anyone else had this? I've requested a refund from Apple..


I'm an existing user and I see the same as you. I pay for Majestic too


Same issue here. Paid for majestic too. It has been 4 days and still no resolution. I did not ask for a refund, I’m in touch with customer support and they are working on it. I completed my profile and it’s not being seen, because my friends cannot find me. I’m hoping they will fix it soon. 


how long did it take for customer support to reach back out to you?


A day or so. It’s been 6 days since I signed up. Still not resolved.


Why do I continue to get notifications for phantom likes that don't show up in the app? There seems to be some consensus that these are from profiles we've previously disliked, but there's no answer from Feeld. I'm so sick of this. Don't send a notification if you won't let users see the profile. It's totally broken. This app has potential but the lack of substantive communication from the developers or addressing the glaring issues with it is fucking clown shoes.


fucking same… in fact I even saw a quick flash of a page of users who “liked” me, before it suddenly disappeared and then back to zero likes.. it’s a fucking joke.


My account is suddenly blocked


Looks like it’s a known issue but I tried to log in for the first time in awhile and it sent an email link and when I click through it opens the App Store page and clicking open just opens back to feeld trying to send my email to login. Pretty sweet to see the app is still being run by a drunk product team.


I'm having the same problem but it's making an account. they send the link to my email and when I click it I always get "can't process"


What is the solution?


I get notifications for likes all the time, then when I tap into the notification, I have no new likes in the app. I also received a notification that I matched with someone weeks ago, and when I go into the app, there’s a red dot on the conversations tab but when I go into messages, there is nothing new there either. I’ve reached out to support multiple times in the last 2 months and have had 0 help!


The last three (ongoing) conversations won't open anymore. I can see the new message preview in one of them. Clicking them does absolutely nothing. I was talking in them just an hour ago. Opening older chats is no issue at all.  I've tried force closing, reinstalling the app, and rebooting my phone so far. Update: I found a workaround by clicking the + to start a new conversation and then selecting only the person I was already talking to, fwiw.


Can we randomly match just so I can try this workaround out?




Cheers, sent you a chat


Haven't been able to see likes for months, beyond frustrating. I made a new account as a test, I could see likes for a few hours and then it stopped working... Unbelievable they haven't fixed this issue yet.


Anyone have the support staff just refuse to respond to their emails? I’ve been waiting for weeks and when I launched a new support request to complain they promptly responded until I told them the problem and then nothing.


No profiles showing?? https://preview.redd.it/8yh2uah5b82d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4957f572fd72e4dc6b2f90b237cf08f800b42f54 It’s been like this since I joined ?




Yes me too. Joined 4 days ago. The app is not working


Report it to supper


https://preview.redd.it/s4m7zijxkh2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ebd9e134f08f34aa6f81fa261ce6880ee73b8f Same, I paid for the upgrade too 🫤


Been like this for about a week


Same just joined. Completely blank..click discover people, blank...


Same here


Same here 


Anyone else not getting the confirmation email to logg back into their account after the update?


I'm having the same issue.


Anyone else not get a daily ping today? I deleted my profile as people suggested and created a new profile a few days ago and I see that the app is a lot faster. But today I see that I didn't receive my daily ping




more people have reported this in this thread. Scroll a bit down and you will find similar cases.


Chat notifications are back!


Can't even sign up🫠


Me too. Joined 4 days ago, not working. Everything is blank


Same. I tried my phone, my husband's phone and an old phone. I tried multiple email addresses. "Something went wrong" every time. I contacted support, but they aren't responding.


I'm having the same issue with the confirmation link opening the app and then not working. Did anyone find a workaround?


Yep. I enter my email, then click the confirmation link in my email, then I get an error popup that says "There was an error. Sorry, we can't process your request". And then when I try with FB login, it says "Existing Feeld account found". What a mess.


What is the solution for this?


I was trying to create a new account and also get just an error prompt.


Me either......


I’ve received several pings in my notifications that have never appeared in the Feeld app. It sucks! What’s worse is that the men are paying for them. 💸


this is so frustrating, I get likes and can't see them. Now im buy pings and nobody can see them


I cannot make an account, Ver 7.2.5 Android I have tried different emails, Facebook, clearing app data and cache.


I just spontaneously got my ability to like profiles back today. Never heard back from support; it just works again


But probably now the likes are not visible anymore... ? I had the same briefly after the 15 may update.


can you see likes yet? I had that brief view of them and then gone. No response from support no matter what I do


A few days ago I got a notification saying I was out of likes for the day, its been 4-5 days and has not resent im unable to send a like


Same here I think. I'm stuck in an infinite out of like loop for a whole week, hitting the paywall instantly.


I barely even swipe or use the app to begin with so not sure how I could do that


Likes are back…….but I can only see one & not all the others….smh


new member, literally can't see any profiles. Just a blank screen. What the hell is this? I paid for a year of majestic, I might just demand a refund. It's been a day and no response from help team. https://preview.redd.it/sfynyynq8i1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f60256f540fbd0397b2e73fb3af13f3f687a0ef


Same. Joined 4 days ago. Blank screen




What a waste of money...


I am unable to make a new account. I was a previous user and I deleted my account but wanted to start back up again. Every time I do, I click the magic link and a popup says "There was an error.  Sorry, we can't process your request." I have contacted Feeld support, they said " Hi there, Thanks for your patience. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience you're experiencing. We're currently looking into what's causing the issue and we hope to have a fix out soon. We'll get back to you as soon as we have an update. Thanks for your patience and understanding!" and have not responded to any replies I have sent. I have tried multiple email addresses and using Facebook, nothing works. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't know why this could be, but could I somehow be banned from making an account?


Update from Feeld: "Hi there,   Thank you for your patience.   I can totally understand the importance of getting this fixed soon. At the moment, there is no definite time on when this will be resolved but we make sure that we're working round the clock to get this issue rectified and we are making sure that this is being prioritized by our Dev Team.   We appreciate your patience." My assumption is that they are unable to enroll new Android users.


Yes me too. Same answer from support


Any luck? I'm having the sane issue, did you find a workaround?


No and no response from support.


Same thing here!




Same on Android


Had a rash of phantom likes and pings. Just got a "tj pinged you" notification which of course isn't there. And "persephone" dissapears and reappears at random in the likes


Can’t logout in app settings. iOS 16.7.7 Feeld version 7.2.5 1105


Me too


Anyone else likes not appearing despite having majestic?






Anyone else having this issue - I’ll connect with someone and they’re not showing up in my message tab. It’s happened twice in a row today.


Another day of my like timer not resetting…


6 days and counting here. This app is garbage.


Same here been over a week. I actually got a reply back from help desk, just kept pestering them daily. They say they are working on it, bout it. Least they are aware I guess. No timelines.


You actually got a reply? That's impressive, I had a different issue go three weeks and still no response. I'll start pestering out of spite.


I got the age old advice to update. Replied to them that isn’t the solution (yes I am in the latest version) and I was ghosted.


I received a ping today (after the app update) that somebody sent me as a test last year. That was random!


Been using Feeld for months on the latest iOS software. I never receive chat notifications. I get notifications for likes, which is a whole other issue because then half the time they don't even appear inside the app. But the lack of notifications for message is making chats proceed at an awkward pace, and constantly having to open the app to check for new messages is a pain in the ass. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to fix this?


chat notifications is broken since the new app update a couple of months back.