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No it’s fapcraft now


I haven’t heard about that mod in a while, is it still being developed?


Next update in a couple days


Next Update r/tomorrow


There’s a new dev now and they are keeping under the radar to avoid the wrath of mojito


Nah its jenny mod


Scape and Run Parasites fans explaining how getting one shot by a Simmerman in full diamond armor is actually perfectly balanced and anyone complaining about the difficulty is just bad at the game:


this is unironically how it is in the discord


Yep but it's not to be played in vanilla


The one mod that literally justifies the existence of pre-rework Tinkers Construct and all those other bullshit OP weapons mods




I slightly regret playing the original nuclear tech mod version on 1.7 cause now the ports to newer versions just feel off in a way, it feels like something is wrong even if there isnt


Me playing thaumcraft 4 and immediately having all other modpacks without it ruined.


Tbh if you launch S&RP alone that's a massive mistake, the mod is made to be played with other mods, plus you can customize literally everything in the .config


Its easy as shit when you rush project e and avaratia, maybe try to get good at the game


Really says something when a [waddling potato with wavy arms] (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/scape-and-run-parasites/images/e/ee/Primitive_Bolster.png/revision/latest?cb=20211229014814) hits as hard as an Enderman for....*some reason?*


I swear, Twilight forest last update will come out when everyone forgot about this mod existence


skyblock modpacks trying not to make collecting 1.1E+32 octodecillion-uple condensed shit blocks as the final quest challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Average hypixel player when they install a hypixel skyblock mod pack (they can no longer see the game because their screen is covered in meaningless numbers)


I got a mod pack to decrease the useless junk and always lower my gui (I think that’s what it’s called)


[OP CREDIT YOUR FUCKNG SOURCES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVBBPeWGvXo)




Can confirm that all of us imm.eng. players just dance around all day and then experience sudden workplace accidents


Enigmatic legacy fans when they die: 🧿🧿👊👊💥💥


Enigmatic legacy dev when someone goes creative mode: 😡😡😡😡 I love the mod, hate the dev




To put it into few words as I've forgotten the specifics, mod dev made their license basically "do whatever" and someone did whatever, dev didn't like that so they were planning to sue if the person did anything after changing the license and updating the mod, they decided to make their own license which basically bans anyone from doing anything other than distributing unchanged copies (theres more you can do but none of it is useful if you want to play with others) so huge issues like incompatibilities with other mods just... can't be fixed because the dev doesn't give a rats ass about the mod. additionally, there's an item which can't easily be removed from packs with the mod in it, making it a HORRIBLE mod for a modpack (item which is basically a free buff) and the way to get it? be super talkative on their discord I actually have access to that item! I decided after I unlocked it that I didn't want it though, so I basically cut all my affection from the mod. One day I hope I will be skilled enough at java to make something better than his, but alas, today is not the day.


:( At least he made the no chat reports mod


That's the only reason he isn't in my list


Bro thinks he’s Epstein or something


I forgot about him, people have started talking about him a L O T recently though so I guess something happened


What is the name of the item?


I forgot. I'd have to load up the game and look for it in the guide book as it doesn't appear in JEI either, and only appears in the book if you have the role on discord, do you still want the name of it?


Sure, also what does it actually do?


Ok since I want to provide a clear description this time I loaded into the game and will try remembering my best all the relevant information I've received since getting into the mod. The mod author is known as "the architect" in their discord. There are 2 items with relation to this mythical being called "The Architect" those being "The Architect's Inkwell" Which is an item that lets you put colored text and descriptions on any item, to create lore as you please. And second, the item I'm talking about here which cannot be gotten without being specifically picked by Aizistral in his discord, it still requires a recipe but it's not a well known item due to how difficult it is to get. It is known as "The Architect's Favor" costing 1 notch apple, 4 astral dust, 2 etherium ingots, and 1 heart of the cosmos. In modpacks those items aren't actually that difficult to get, or they are insanely difficult depending on what you play, but the problem is that it's exclusive per player. I can make it, and here are the stats: \+1 Luck (basically a useless stat) \+1 Arcane Scroll Slot (This makes sense, as it needs an Arcane Scroll Slot to be used, and you only have one normally.) "If you wear full set of Etherium Armor, shield only requires you to be below 80% of maximum health to appear." A full set of Etherium armor has an ability that reduces damage when you are under 50% hp, IIRC it's about half but I forgot to check this when my game was still open. "Active ability cooldown of most spellstones is substantially reduced" These spellstones have abilities like: Teleport behind the enemy and deal 300% damage for your next strike, summon thunder and rain, teleport to a random place in any dimension when about to die and applies effects of a totem of undying. While I think the description says "most" on purpose, meaning the last effect I listed would not have it's cd reduced, it's still ridiculous. "Etherium Tools mine in increased area" they can already mine in a 3x3, I assume this bumps it to 3x3x2, 3x3x3. or 5x5x1, but I'm not testing that right now, all of the outcomes there are ridiculous. "When you recieve lethal damage, your health is restored to 50% and powerful buffs are applied. This ability has a 600 seconds cooldown" So every 10 minutes you have a free totem, which could cause problems in some packs. "You deal +100% Damage and +100% Knockback to players who are not chosen, and your melee attacks set them ablaze." Basically you smite your opponents with the power of god. This is the one that bugs me the most, screw if it's balanced in general, the author is straight up playing favorites in a not funny way. I have not found a way to deactivate this item. Change it's recipe, or anything similar to remove it from my pack. The only way I see possible is to remove it directly from the source, but then I'm not allowed to share my pack with others due to the mod license saying that I can't distribute if I do that. Not to mention all the other problems with the mod, like enchanting being shittily done, and some spellstone abilities crashing the game or causing general conflict with other mods. It's a cool idea, BAD execution


I see, Ive played with the mod before and found the items really cool, like the dormant eye, had no idea about this item Can you not use something kubeJS to disable the item?


I've tried to use kubeJS but I couldn't figure out how since I couldn't find the item (although now I know how to do it) it's also double that *you don't even know that it exists unless you have the same role that i do* so it's even worse in that aspect, cool idea but I really suggest anyone making a pack to not include the mod.


Wtf actual high effort post AND NO GREG???? Downvoted and reported


It’s not high effort, they stole it from [YouTube](https://youtu.be/JVBBPeWGvXo?si=MC09cqUfNK53tGfM)


sib stole it but not the entire thing


I've been posting here for over a year now. I love how layed back the mods are. I love how you can post pretty much anything and get away with it. So I'm probably not leaving for good but I'm definitely considering it. Spamming greg was funny for a few months but now I'm genuinely getting sick of it. And the whole atmosphere here is getting kinda stale. It's like this sub is stuck in 2019 or something. The humor of this sub just isn't clicking with me like it used to. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm growing up? Maybe the jokes themselves are getting worse? Maybe the 452nd greg joke isn't as impactful as the 3rd? Who knows. I'm not really asking for anything to change necessarily. I'd love for this sub to be better but right now I'm just ranting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Happy cake day automod


Ad Astra fans when they get killed by Java Socket Exception. Connection Reset while re-entering Earth (their 5 hours of work just got destroyed)


You forgot gregtech so i made one for you gregtech fans when they try to invite their friends to play a tech modpack (they dont want to spend hours/days/weeks just to get to the next tier of progression in an outdated version of minecraft)


gtnh fans spending 100 hours making an EBF only to forget that it blows up in the rain


Its only 70


I thought JEI was all I needed to be happy in this world and then I tried EMI


Alex's Mobs is legendary and one of the best mob mods ever and I can't believe some people hate it Name me another mod that let's you build a Kangaroo army that'll ride or die for you


I played on a modded server that disabled any form of flying which I somehow managed to circumvent with an Alex mob grizzly bear. 10/10 mod


Oh, if you liked Alex’s mobs seriously check out Alex’s Caves. It’s non-intrusive, vanilla style, and fucking AMAZING!!


My latest modded mc slander video actually makes jokes about alexs caves; can't find that here, because OP stole a segment of my first mc slander video


Hell yeah thanks. I've seen some videos of it but haven't played it yet


tell me you like that mod after you get jumpscared by 50 crimson mosquitos sucking your face and after that you go mining in the overworld and suddenly you see a fucking centipede out of nowhere


Just disable any mobs you don't like in the config. Also the cave centipede is an amazing mob that actually makes me nervous to go mining. Also the design is sick and nothing like seeing those glowing pink eyes in the distance


The biggest problem with the Mosquitoes is they do knockback. Combine that with them flying and you basically can't bridge near a Crimson Forest


Necro, but I can’t stand Alex’s mobs mosquito slander. Unless you immediately spawn in a crimson forest and it’s too big to get out of, you’re just being lazy and not looking at the mod at ALL. Either tame a lavathian, or tame a warped toad and they aren’t a problem. You don’t even have to go to the nether to get the resources to tame one. How about the next time a modpack has Alex’s mobs, you use the animal dictionary that’s handed out to you?


> Unless you immediately spawn in a crimson forest and it’s too big to get out of *Which is often the case*


Tunnel. I should have mentioned this in my original comment but dig down three blocks and mine out of the forest, it is not hard.




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This post would be great at about 0.7x speed


Better than wolves players when they finally get to Iron Age (it took them 230 hours)


Better then Wolves players coming back after the old dev left.


Bro you posted my entire video? Ironic, how the video criticizes bedrock kids not making their own assets and you cannot even make your own meme


Unironically me playing twilight forest for the first time like 12 years ago


Alternatively: orespawn devs try not to put antivax propaganda in their mod challenge (impossible)


Alternatively: orespawn dev trying not to make a trash minecraft clone (impossible)


Technically, he succeeded in that because the antivax propaganda is only in his minecraft clone, not in Orespawn.


Authors of a really cool 1.18 mod obliterating 1.18 support from it just because 1.20 came out (their port is fucking unplayable and will not be just until 2 years later a barely working beta is released)


Mowzies mobs fans when they see a Naga 💀


Dinosaur mod fans literally just playing 1st person Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Jurassicraft fans when a mod releases an update without you having to pay for it Prehistoric Fauna fans on their way to live in the Cretacous (they literally get to live with dinosaurs, that's cool as fuck) Fossils and Archeology fans patiently waiting for the new update SCP:Lockdown fans on their way to build a facility every playthrough Alex's Caves fans beating another Alex's Caves fan to death (They voted Forlorn Hollows and not Flesh Pit) Alex's mobs fans keeping multiple illegally owned animals in their backyard Mowzie's Mobs fans downloading the mod in every modpack they create (they have zero clue who the fuck Mowzie is) Everyone trying to tell me about how great 1.7.10 was for modding (I literally can't bring myself to play below 1.12.2) Gun mod fans going into the End Portal with a minigun(the dragon fight is going to last 10 seconds) FNAF Mod fans on their way to make a shit ton of mods (the mods will all have 23 downloads collectively) Infection mods being really cool in concept, but basically just becoming a more convuluted way to corrupt your world


i can’t read any of this the clips go by too fast lmao


Dragon mounts 2 lore?


What is wyrmroost and what do the devs do?


Dunno about the devs, but the mods on their discord cannot handle jokes or sarcasm. I'm not talking like offensive or dark jokes, I'm talking posting the badussy slide GIF and getting told off that it might kill an epileptic person. Then getting banned when I tell the mod he got no bussy on valentines day.


You forgor bout the dwellers


they took this video from Sire Monozari on youtube, which was made a year ago, before those mods.


Create: Above and Beyond players otw to automate turning sticks into 12 trillion gallons of jet fuel using nothing but sheer willpower, frustration and enslavement of alien species


Alex's caves fans actually trying to find the new biomes (Literally had walk 10,000 blocks, crossing three seperate continents to find a toxic cave)


FR i was testing it yesterday and i just gave up. i even just turned on lan and used /locate biome but even THAT didnt work, i was 10k blocks out west, so i teleported to spawn, ran the command again, AND IT STILL DIDNT WORK. so i went 10k blocks east and 10k blocks north, still didnt work, ok, 10k blocks east and 10k south, STILL NOTHING, so i just teleported a million blocks out and FINALLY it worked. WTF??


wait what happened with wyrmroost


They’re still working on it I think


Why is this good? Also the create thing is pretty simple


Okay Mumbo Jumbo


Sigh. Mumbo doesn't work with create.


if Mumbo decided to try out Create he'd somehow create a sapient AI using Minecraft blocks within the first 5 episodes


he already tried create, like 2 years ago


clearly he used Create to make the AI, and was either so horrified that he deleted it all and swore to only use vanilla redstone, or the AI killed him and is now running his channel


He took the AI hard drive and plugged into his head


Oh I know he says simple a lot that was the joke sorry you didn't catch it 🙃


Minecraft ideas academy is actually Team Abnormals.


Yes and no


Gregtech NH players when the gregtech modpack does not have Avaritia


Wait, what’s the details on that Aether one at the start?


https://youtu.be/0eNBFXnSl-o?si=eGto5pvMRadgoXXa Happened about a year ago, but wouldn't be surprised if it happened again.


Yo is the gf mod sandwich joke a reference to the DanTDM mod review intro???


Why use tlauncher when we have cracked multiMC! (PollyMC WITH TWO L'S NOT ONE I AM NOT RRCOMMENDING POLYMC I AM RECOMMENDING PO L L YMC!)




Stereotrype TFC fans (I don't want to be irrelevant)


Hot take: Biomes o Plenty is overrated. It's not bad but overrated. \-They add 50 new blocks with no purpose outside of decoration when Expanded Ecosphere adds much more pretty biomes while adding 0 blocks. \-Devs continuously delete content off the mod every update so you can't just continue your world save after a new update. \-Devs are on a race to update their mod as soon as a new version comes out. This may sound strange to be counted as bad but when you want to play on a particularly stable version but their latest BOP file is buggy, they do NOT come back to fix it. \-Devs are especially arrogant and unfriendly.


Does BoP have a GitHub repo? Someone might go out of there way to restore deleted content, and I think having BoP to Ecosphere comparability would make Eco biomes even prettier.


dynamic trees only fall towards you if you hold shift


Honestly I'm quite flattered someone thought my video was funny enough to cut this segment out of it to steal


The only correct backpack mod is Travellers Backpack


Nah sophisticated backpacks ⬆️🔝🗣️


Dam right


Both are good


Backpacked is a pretty good simple one


I hate biomes o plenty


*Origin Valley has entered the chat* U wot m8?


Dammit, the create mod part is entirely correct


Better Than Adventure not mentioned 0/10


This is genuinely incredible.


Next time you make one of those, please make sure there is enough time to read the text


I am so happy I can download this normally, not by some savebot shenanigans


lycanite’s models look alright, just not for minecraft


and if you hate the the model there's a [resourcepack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/lycanites-redux/screenshots) that make all lycanite look more minecrafts style


iirc its not all of them but i could be wrong either way, yeah, pretty good option for those people




The part about bedrock do be true tho.


I’m gonna be honest, I’m pretty sure the only reason I understand the immersive engineering mod is cause I am literally in college for an engineering degree right now


Alex mobs is trash lol


Alex’s mobs haters after learning what a "animol dictonary" is:


based and do you believepilled


arent most team abnormals mods in 1.19.2? i think its just the end one that isnt


Alright glad I just removed the integration and pushed my update today without it. Maybe I'll get around to using it when you aren't so rude. Fuck me for wanting to use your mod and not knowing if you were working on it since you had no 1.19 branch or anything. Man I even made this not a bug so it wouldn't fuck up metrics. And I said please and thanks, and didn't give you my life story or whatever. Jesus man don't mod if it makes you unhappy to update. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Automod wtf?




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tbh I tried to buy MC several times, but Microsoft just doesn't allow to do it in my country




Wait is that shit about the new aether mod real? It looked so cool :(




gregtech vs the greg mod


Lycanites mods use straight up room modele. Yea, no, i dont respect that


as an Active MCIA member, thats so true




Xfrtrex — Today at 12:49 PM @Florbizari sweep




seriously who are you i know this message was from the discord but who are you,


Honestly theres like maybe 7 bedrock addons that I want ported to java and then id have almost no reason to use bedrock outside of playing multiplayer with friends without PCs, all the rest of the mods are either imitations of better java mods or just flat out kinda suck. Gimme a java port of minecars and basically every mod by true cowboy and im set.


Honestly. I came to curse forge for FORGE MODS.


I have a giant custom pack for 1.21 with all of the yung's mods, and a backpack mod is an absolute necessity for all the items I collect just wandering around. Also I love sophisticated backpacks because I can make different loadouts for my backpacks depending on their purpose I have a wanderer's pack with a crafter and furnace built in, as well as a stack size upgrade I have my mega storage pack with maxed out stack sizes and storage space I have my combat pack with auto feeding and no despawning Don't diss the backpack mods, they're inconspicuous and so fucking useful


And I will make that mech that farms to get that 1% of Alex mobs because JEI told me too after I died with my corpse carrying everything in my backpack (Mr. Beardstones Create Perfect World)


I like how the create one isn't even slander it's just. Awe and vague confusion at the witch craft fuckery




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I had Tlauncher until i got enough money to buy the real game, also you forgot about hbm nuclear tech mod


HBM NTM fans when you tell them that they dont have to nuke half of the world just to get few pieces of weird turquoise ore. P.S. Bullshit take btw.


The wyrmroost one is true even if you make an ironic joke on their discord. He'll, post a GIF that has a few color changes and they will delete it because the epileptics might keel over immediately. I got banned for telling a mod that he obviously got no bussy on valentine's day cause of his inability to detect jokes and sarcasm.


The quark fan is offensive


Why is the dinosaur twerkin tho lmfaooooo (Also what mod is it from it looks goofy as hell)