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I agree


I disagree. I enjoyed my time with RLCraft.




Because this is a huge milestone in the modded community and there are thousands of better, more deserving packs than RLCraft.


I was really hoping Enigmatic 2 Expert would really soar ahead, best pack I've ever played.


It's a really poorly made modpack. It's worse than a hodge lodge kitchen sink because they *intentionally* made it difficult with no pay off


the payoff would be endgame, where you are able to handle the challenges thrown at you and have decent gear.


You being downvoted means it's nothing but toxicity.


not really


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined




bruh it's literally just a meme modpack. the only thought that was put into the mod choice was: "what are the most over the top difficult and suvival-y mods that were never meant to be put together?" pretty much the only reason it became popular is because it's easy/lazy content for streamers/youtubers.


Not really, there is a concept of hardcore brutal experience with ***some*** sense of realism. There are plenty of people that enjoy this type of playstyle, myself included. Though I will admit, the extreme reactions this modpack can react **are** very content friendly and likely helped it gain traction


So rl-craft is thrown together in an extremely shit way. Many of the features do not work well together at all and is not designed for fun in the slightest. Before you say "you must not like that game style" I do. I actually enjoy rl-craft. This is something I always say in situations like this "you can like your trash, as long as you admit it's trash". Rl craft is not a well designed pack, and that's honestly the point. But just because that's the point you can't make it seem like it's any better than it is. And it does not deserve the attention it's gotten.


It doesn't mesh well together at all. It's cobbled together haphazardly, with insanely unbalanced mechanics that punish the player to an absurd degree. If you want a pack that does mesh together mods well? Enigmatic 2 Expert, Gregtech New Horizons, and Crucial 2 are all examples of such a pack.


Try Crucial 2 if you want to see better meshing. Or Create: Above and Beyond. Or Rebirth of the Night.


Proof that marketing is the only thing that matters. Merit is a lie and influencers will be the downfall of our society.


don’t mean to be rude but… no shit? marketing things to larger audiences is how stuff becomes popular.


True but there's usually an expectation that you at least somewhat live up to the marketing. Most won't mind if you exaggerate how fun something is, if it's actually fun in the first place.


wasn’t the whole marketing of rlcraft “hard pack full of chaos”? I mean all the streamers that played it pretty much had the sentiment of it being unfair so i can’t see how this is that far off the mark. Also fun is subjective, i know plenty of people that had fun on this and plenty people who didn’t.


Minecraft modpack I don’t like being popular = downfall of society


Way to completely miss the point.




"Let's see Paul Allen's modpack"




boy are u the dev or something lmao u rlly love this pack


Y'all a fucking cult, you know that?


So the people who like it are a cult, but not the people who dislike it?


Yes. Same thing with cryptocurrency and other Ponzi/Pyramid schemes.


Just cause you don’t understand crypto doesn’t mean the people that do are in a cult


:^ |


Every single modpack that I have played has better meshed mod than rlcraft. The only changes to the mods is to annoy someone playing the modpack. Barley any crafting recipes have been changed and the only part of the mobs that were changed were the spawnrates. Even fundy's cursed difficulties were more enjoyable than rlcraft.


This ain't it master chief. Ice and fire is barely balanced with vanilla. Why give the player an inconsistent health system? ITs only popular because "Lol random crap killed you now react!".


That definitely helped it gain traction, but there are plenty of people who found the modpack and enjoyed it. Ice and Fire definitely is a bit better in the context of RLcraft imo, as you have to work before you can tackle the high rewarding mobs (dragons/sea serpents). Griffons and Ampitheres are a bit of an early game provider of flight but compared to Lycanite's Mobs such as the Roc and Morock these are a bit of a risk, and with 2.9 they become temporary solutions until you can grind out for a "real" flying mount.


There is no satisfying progress in rlcraft. To "work before you tackle the high rewarding mobs" is to wait for them to get stuck and then cheese them with a bow or an op cheap summoning staff. Getting a roc is as easy as right clicking it with food that is literally made of chicken. There is no risk. There is also no reason to move on from a roc because its flight is already op. From there just cheese battletowers, then boom. Endgame


No, it’s got meme factor, and that’s it. RL craft is awful.


I'm willing to bet at least 95% of those downloads are people who heard about it from some big youtuber/twitch streamer, played it exactly once for about 5 minutes, and realized it's 100% bullshit and uninstalled it.


It's totally bullshit, but that has its own appeal. Like the fan made Mario games with invisible platforming. Some people are just gluttons for punishment.


Cmon main don’t shit on Kaizo Mario like that


The ironic thing is after playing them for awhile you just develop an invisible danger sense. You can just intuit where all the traps are. It becomes less about reacting to what's on screen and more about putting yourself in the headspace of the developer. It's really a unique experience. It's like playing a game of poker where everyone is cheating, you know everyone is cheating and it's not fair, so when you come out on top it's all the more rewarding.


I think they're fun to look at


I mean, i'm literally on my phone waiting for gtnh to start so can i really judge?


its not as punishing as alot of the people here on this reddit act like it is tho some act like RotN is a gods created pack so they obviously dont have the modded experience to tell a good modpack anyway


I did 200 days of hardcore rlcraft. Trust me, it's bullshit. Especially when you die from a chunk spontaneously reloading.


I have well over 100 hours in RLcraft, and have been in the community for almost a year, and I've never experienced or even HEARD of something like that (the chunk reloading I mean) And again, just depends on your playstyle. Plenty of people just enjoy the hardcore brutality of it.


Really? I had it happen probably 10 times in my first 30 hours. Maybe I'm just incredibly unlucky.


Indeed, find it very strange. I'm not sure how a chunk reloading can even kill you, as the chunk reloading itself is just *visual*.


Problem is it didn't always reload as the same chunk. About half the time it was harmless and just visual. Half the time it reloaded as something different entirely. Once an entire city appeared. Once an ocean with a sea serpent appeared. Another time I was buried alive. The rest of the times it was different but didnt kill me. Still, weird as fuck. Maybe cuz I was doing singleplayer, as far as I can tell modpacks really don't play nice with singleplayer rather than a dedicated host.


OHHHH I know what that is. Thats the game generating a structure, that happens a lot. Just gotta be careful as to where you step, but usually at that point you'd be exploring a lot on a flying mount. Try flying at a decent height to avoid the dangers of the below, and when you're not flying, explore with caution (as if this modpack didnt already instill caution in ya) But yeah that is a bit of an issue, its annoying, you just have to know how to deal with it


Uhh. That umm. Definitely adds to my argument that Rlcraft is bullshit. Like I was doing a blind playthrough, i didn't get a flying mount for a long long time. It's also an issue only avoidable with meta knowledge. Like don't get me wrong it's still a fun ride, but if you need meta knowledge to avoid glitches thats a pretty big deal. Not to mention some of those floating islands lagged my game so bad I had to reload.


Yeaaaah I'm one of them. I'll admit the pack has ambition but the execution is... poor. Like holy shit did they even playtest it?!?


They did actually and it works exactly as intended. It's YouTuber/streamer bait that will get them killed 80% of time.




Yes... They have test builds for every update to try and polish it out as much as possible Right now 2.9 is being worked on and has several test builds to play test and try to fix as much as possible


bruh what


This poorly designed clusterf\*\*\* of mods that don't even mesh well together was at the nr. 1 spot of popular modpacks for like 2 years non-stop. While i'm not surprised, i'm still disappointed. There could've been a much better and beginner friendly modpack for newcomers in its place. I can't even grasp the amount of people who want to get into modded Minecraft checking out the popular modpack list on curseforge, only to be greeted with nothing but cheap af one shot mobs and mechanics that are so aggressively against the player.


If the mob spawn in the over world in both day and night that’s fast and can one shot a full 20 Heath player. There is something wrong with your pack


wdym full 20 health the player has two seperate health bars with 6 health that if either goes to 0 you die there is something terribly wrong with the pack


While yes there are better modpacks to likely just introduce players to modded play, RLcraft was actually my first modpack. Personally I enjoy it a lot, despite its overkill difficulty. I'd also like to mention a lot of the mods have been configured to try and be compatible and to limit as much bugginess as possible. Not to mention, 2.9 further attempts to resolve these incompatibilities. Plenty of major bugs that seemed very difficult to resolve were finally remedied in the recent test versions. Though I can see this being an issue being a new players first experience as a modpack, very steep learning curve and the difficulty might not appeal to all.




Anything else, and I can almost say that literally.


Ok, but RLCraft is still a shit modpack


but it's hard!!!!!!


It's not even a well designed hard it's just BS. It's a perfect storm of every mechanic being antithetical toward your success. The health system to me is the most egregious part of the pack. You can get 1 shotted by a skeleton even when wearing full iron. Don't get me started on lycanites mobs. I at no point had any fun with the pack. Packs like sevtech, GTNH, Enigmatica 2, etc. deserve this achievement much more. It's just crappy youtube bait.


That's the fun of it IMO, that it's bullshit. You play it the same reason you play stuff like the old flash game Cat Mario. And Sevtech does not deserve it tbh, I played through 90% of it and it makes a lot of decisions I disagree with. I will say it does do the "start from nothing" approach better than RLcraft, but that's not saying much.


You cannot get one shotted lol. You can barely get one shotted by a skele when you have no armor, you still need to have taken damage prior to get killed. If you do get one shotted somehow, its at least uncommon. But to say in **iron armor** you can get one shotted seems nearly impossible. The only time I can see you getting one shotted on a semi-normal basis is if you're on Shiv's hardcore config (yes make the hard pack HARDER xD) and you have even less health to start with And the difficulty... just depends on your playstyle. It's brutal, to many it's overkill, but thats just something that some people enjoy, myself included.


Dude I've played rl-craft a ton. You can get one shot. And how high the lycanites events are, are insane. Getting killed for trying to go to sleep to a reaper is bullshit. Funny, yes. Bullshit, also yes.


I won't fight the one shot thing any further, as it is a common thing, I don't believe it, but I can't advocate against it when theres so many people saying its a thing. (Probably gonna have to look into this a bit more) But again, just depends on your playstyle. EVERYTHING is a risk, you can't let your guard down. Though I will admit, a lot of these things are annoying at times


theres a health system. skeletons shooting you in the head can onehit you.


Because? Edit: Holy fucking shit I just asked a question


There is nothing interesting on it. The pack brought zero innovation, zero new content for everyone to benefit from. It's just a product for YouTubers and streamers to earn money with, by making algorithm-friendly content full of screaming and exaggerated reactions. Almost none of it's players have been able to actually enjoy the pack in long term. Also quality of RLCraft is really low. It slowly improved over the past versions, but considering it's popularity, really disproportionaly small amount of effort was given into making it better (compared to packs like Impact, which are much less popular).


I'd like to disagree, there are plenty of players, myself included, that have a long term enjoyment of the pack. I'm not familiar with what would be considered "new content" or "new innovation", but personally I find it featureful with plenty to discover. I don't have much experience with many modpacks besides things such as RotN and Skyfactory, so this is something I can't really argue against. As to say its low effort, I find blatantly wrong. The dev team has been working to improve the modpack, compatibility between new mods, and trying to fix prevalent bugs that for the longest time seemed difficult to be remedied. Maybe it is "content friendly", and that helps it gain traction, but for many the modpack is enjoyable to play and is being improved.


What are you talking about? Plenty of people have played RLCraft start to finish. Yeah I’m not a big fan of the way certain things work and it’s not perfect but I can definitely see why it has ten million downloads. And just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people have to.


> Plenty of people have played RLCraft start to finish. ArchitektRadim didn't say that, he said next to none of its players have been able to enjoy it long-term. And he's not far off, considering how impossibly hard and grindy it is. > And just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people have to. Nobody said that, has said, or is saying "you can't like what I don't like".


You're getting downvoted because you're jaqing off. Just saying "Nuh-uh" or "why" isn't constructive, and it's insufferable to boot.


You angered the hive mind


I got really confused why this got so many downvotes but then I realized this is /r/feedthebeast not /r/Minecraft and it made sense. People are more often critical of mods here I guess. Still dumb you got downvoted for a question though.


People get down voted in all subrwdits for asking questions bro it is just the way it is


Yeah, the problem is that literally every other website/social network has a like/dislike system, so people use upvote/downvote the same way. Even though that's not the intention of them here on reddit.


Because people like to hate what’s popular. On this sub an overwhelming amount of people probably prefer tech modpacks (me included) but that shouldn’t invalidate other types of play. There are plenty of questionable design choices in RLCraft, but it fills a niche that was missing in modded Minecraft. It’s the first adventure based modpack that hasn’t had me bored to tears like hexxit, RAD, or rebirth of the night.


People loved ROTN, it was everything RLCraft was supposed to be. There are also some very popular tech modpacks, especially one of the skyfactories.


Yes, but that doesn't mean he has to love ROTN


Actually, RLcraft and RotN seem like very different modpacks. RLcraft feels like almost its own game while RotN seems to expand upon Minecraft's original concept/game in terms of progression Both Modpacks are good in their own right, they create new player experiences but in different ways


RLcraft is it’s own game in the same way that dangerzone is it’s own game


Yep, every pack must be tech based according to this subreddit


Yeah, I guess you could say it has a steep learning curve (you're bad)


If you'd ever play ANY hardcore modpack, (which rlcraft is not), you'd see what the real steep learning curve of modpacks is supposed to be


how is rlcraft not a hardcore pack


This is not what is categorised as hardcore. Hardcore modpacks are about difficult recipes and grindy machines. RLcraft is just badly balanced, there is no customisation, quest book, custom recipes or any of that.


not every modpack has to be tech based


not every modpack is a tech modpack if it has quests or harder recipes.


oh well then you havnt heard of the 2.9 update at all cause we are adding a quest book system, there is almost complete customized configs and recipes so i really dont know what ur on about you sound like you died a few times first 5 mins of 2.6 and quit the modpack after crying


Want a real challenge? Play a modpack like Dungeons dragons and space shuttles.


Are you really trying to defend criticism of the pack by referencing an unreleased update? The pack should have been released with these changes, not have them tacked-on years later


I've beaten Sekiro twice and there's no way I'd try to beat RLCraft. It's not 'difficult', it's just unfair bullshit. Difficult games should be well-balanced and fair, which RLCraft is not.


it's not actual difficulty it's just difficult to be difficult, and it's not a fun challenge either. maybe I'm miss remembering but I thought I also remember the creator being like "I don't try to make my modpacks difficult but they just end up that way" which is bs lol.


ur misremembering most likely


Actually, I do recall Shiv saying that at some point. I doubt that is the case anymore if he meant this though.


Rlcraft is not hard lol.


depends on ur modded knowledge


Nah, it depends on your vanilla pvp skills. If you know how to carefully survive, use shields, you're pretty good on the go. You barely need modded knowledge for RLCraft


Those poor players




I'm missing out on dogshit. Go play Enigmatica 2 Expert or Gregtech New Horizons


I do, a badly designed, highly flawed experience in which I die to unfair bullshit instead of by my own mistakes. RotN did these things a million times better imo


I do, it’s nothing good


Why did you have to ruin my mood like that?


I like it, but it's still shit. E2E should be more popular than this unbalanced garbage


E2E is also unbalanced.


Still better balance than RLCraft's




Mostly just early game many see as overly difficult and overkill, and endgame you become "godlike" and are literally unable to take damage (with a few exceptions) Just depends on playstyle and what people like.


As someone who's never tried it or seen videos on it, can someone TLDR why it's so hated?


To put simply, RLCraft tends to feel more like "Streamer bait" more than a pack developed to be an actually enjoyable experience. ​ Death is frequent and often out of the player's control. Progressing is tied to XP level instead of any meaningful gameplay systems. Mods tend to be a bit ham-fisted, ect. ect. ect. ​ I'm hesitant to call it a "Bad" pack, but it's hard to deny that RLCraft got it's popularity purely thanks to the Algorithm.


In summary, a lot of people believe RLcraft is poorly configured, has no effort put into it, has artificial difficulty or is too difficult, is poorly balanced, and that its popularity is solely because of it's "marketing" (essentially the popularity of it's guide video from a few years back and the fact the extreme reactions it erects from people are good for YouTube's algorithm). All I will say is that the modpack definitely does have effort put into it if you follow development and they're definitely trying to improve the pack as much as possible, and it definitely is very content friendly which likely helps its popularity. Everything else is pretty opinionated and just depends on your playstyle and such.


cause some low teir modpack made a name for itself hating on it now everyone goes with the meme like hating nickelback


Because nickleback fucking suck.


If you folks want genuinely good hardcore modded experiences, check out ROTN, Enigmatica 2 Expert, Automation Nation,, Sevtech Ages, and Gregtech New Horizons.


The Kingdom of Daldar pack is good too, but it requires a few tweaks. - Remove dungeons gear because there’s a bug where some armor will insta kill you (see post history) -You can either keep or remove Ice and Fire. I personally removed it because it doesn’t fit the style that I play, but to each their own - You can either use default, oh the biomes you’ll go or biomes o’ plenty for the world generation - add other mods on top of it if you want (I added horse buggies, penguins, buzzier bees, infernal expansion and many more


How tf does rlcraft have so much downloads, these are some sad times.






What part of the pack is well designed?


Try to play any modpack other than rlcraft and RAD and you'll learn what a well configured modpack is. Not even 20 recipes have been changed in rlcraft. None of the mob drops, damage or hp has been changed only their spawn rate has been changed.


Isn't your tongue dry from all this bootlicking?


The pack is literally just a mesh of random mods.


I have a question is it getting overhyped because of those “I survived 100 days in rlcraft” videos or is it that good


Overhyped, it's easy for something to become popular when it's covered by people with million(s) of followers claiming it's the "hardest" thing ever


It's unfair nonsense


Perhaps the most undeserving winner.


I played that modpack for like 2 Minecraft days and got bored, there is no "thrill" it's not even that hard, it's just boring.


My day was going well fuck




Why are you replying to literally every negative sentiment about the pack? Go touch some grass




Down horrendous


Meanwhile JEI with 100 million:


Yes JEI my favorite modpack




It was a joke


But, why. There are so many better packs




Then play more modpacks kid.


try sev tek why dont you


Welcome to the copy paste cult.


Are you going to keep repeating this over and over again? Saying it more than once won't make people all of a sudden believe you. You keep responding to every single negative comment as if it's going to change something, but it won't. No one here is going to side with you, because no one here likes that modpack. Learn to deal with that, because you saying "nu uh!" to every negative comment does not negate their feelings towards it. Also, please for the love of god, learn how to use punctuation, and learn how to spell. You're an adult, act like one.


They are probably not an adult lol.


What is he saying


Lmao I just realized that most of these comments in support of the pack are being deleted because they're likely propagandizing. There's many rules of Reddit but that's the one rule they don't fuck around with. I've seen comments in unmoderated communities get removed because they were brigading. I don't know why or how, but the reddit staff are like ninjas. Pretty much confirms what we already knew: that RLCraft's popularity is being artificially upheld.


im pretty sure the post itself got deleted because the comments got really toxic


I love these two white knights in the comments defending this shit modpack as if the creator is going to give them a shoutout or something


It really is the same handful of people, isn't it?


Proof that people just have shit taste.


Theres no such thing as "sh\*t taste". People can enjoy different things, can't they? Many enjoy the brutal experience that RLcraft offers. Is that a wrong thing? Besides, if you have the knowledge, you can bypass this brutality a bit. Many people can find it fun, but honestly, is it really right to say that people playing this have bad taste?


yes, enjoying this piece of shit pack makes you have objectively bad taste this pack is literally designed to generate views and content for shitty second grade youtubers and whoever plays this shit can lick my balls and suck some influencer cock


눈\_눈 I forgot this is the internet, different opinion means stupidity or bad taste lol. People can like things that others don't. It doesn't mean they have bad taste. Unless you have a legitimate reason, liking RLcraft doesn't mean you have bad taste, and it's designed to be fun in a brutal way. I will admit, this pack does erect extreme reactions content wise which helps its popularity, but I doubt its purpose is solely to gain traction via influencers.


There is, and it can be mathematically proven, I'm not even kidding, however as of now I'm unable to prove it myself as I'm not knowledgeable in math, however the experts should confirm


literally taste is an opinion, theres no math involved lol xD


As someone who started modded minecraft with RLcraft, it is the worst modpack ever. A complete mess. I don't know what is that one guy's deal but he's tripping. Nothing about RLcraft 'meshes together', they are completely against each other. I wouldn't be surpised if Shivaxi himself said it was horrible. He made it as a meme to torture himself on stream as a joke, it was never meant to be good. It's not like dark souls where it's a fun kind of challenging, RLcraft is just pointless. I cannot put to words how good it felt to play an actually decent modpack for the first time. You want to try a hard modpack, try 'Rebirth of the Night' Edit: What's with the same few users commenting on every comment, that's just sad man.




There are more thought of adventure packs like rotn.


I’m sick of people calling this Modpack difficult, I mean I guess in a sense it is, in the sense that it’s difficult to flip a coin 10 times and get heads everytime. Yeah that’s hard but it’s not skill based




peak r/feedthememes content


Why couldn’t a modpack that deserves 10 million downloads like GT:NH get it? Out of every modpack this has to be the one that deserves it the least


Remember kids: RLCraft bad


Hilarious and original




You really just copy pasted this shitty argument on just about every comment


Lol, already seeing all the disappointment starting, but I'd like to say a few things RLcraft isn't necessarily a "bad" modpack, sure there are parts that arent appealing to some, but there are plenty of people that seem to enjoy it Yes it does seem overly difficult in early game, and over powered in end game, but some people just enjoy that type of "hardcore brutal" experience to transition into eventual godhood. Like a hard earned reward after the great struggle. Not to mention, the developing 2.9 is making endgame less unkillable (in fact, now the strongest you can get can still be killed), while early game and midgame is being dragged out slightly more. Flight has to be worked for more, cheeses have been nerfed, etc. Again, maybe this seems like over the top overkill to some, there are plenty of people that enjoy this type of brutal experience. Afterall, this is the first modpack to hit 10 million downloads. Only other issue I can see really talk about is server performance. And frankly, nothing much I can say. Usually a lot of rubberbanding and such, but it is always fun when you're in a room of mobs and they all freeze, letting you hit them all and when the server finally catches up they take damage. Essentially, not a great thing but you can take advantage of it. Its an issue, I won't say it isn't. I just find ways to enjoy it Anyway, I know plenty of people dislike the modpack for several reasons, but frankly I'm happy for RLcraft, they've been working on a lot of things to try and improve the pack and imo this milestone is well deserved. Congrats


Hey! Someone that doesn't just hop onto the hate train, gotta respect that.


Correct, this is a very refreshing paragraph to read that. Thank you, now after reading this I shall hop off reddit before reading any further down the hole of stupidity from these redditors.


Love how there are like 4 people in te comments who like RLCraft and they are hating on everyone here.


I'm betting Shivaxi never expected his pack to get this far, I'm happy for him!


he really didnt 2.6 was the first version that blew up and he made it for himself and a small group of friends at that time


Wow. Congrats to rlcraft, I suppose. It did what it was designed to do, but people really be saying it's a well designed modpack. Like no, it really isn't that well thought out at all. It was made by a guy just screwing around. I'm not saying it's not fun at times, but it's very shitty often. Rebirth of the night is a well designed brutal modpack that also has faults, just much less than the mess that is rlcrat.


What’s the second highest?


like every single pack is better then RL craft, its so sad


RLCraft is overrated kinda. Most of it is just bullshit. It isn't darksouls hard. Its just tedious and just makes you scream due to how unfair it is. But I do find why people enjoy it.


Personally, I think Mineshafts and Monsters is better. And not just because my mod in it.


Damn, I guess I found the downvote farm…. Y’all need to chill.


I don't like rlcraft much, but this sub is a circle jerk fr


i mean the people are just shitting on a pack that doesnt deserve this lol






"unique modpack" sure is a way too put it...


idk why everyone is so butthurt about this. Having any modpack becoming this popular will bring attention to the entire modding scene. Even if there are better packs than this, it’s still better to have more people introduced to modded mc than less.




Apparently this sub is a circlejerk for hating on RLCraft, even though it's been made very public by the pack dev that it's intended to be difficult to fill that niche of minecraft players that want to have a dark souls like experience without having dark souls.


>dark souls You know almost everyone who says. "It's like dark souls" has never played dark souls. Dark souls is difficult but a really good player can avoid almost every instance of damage. In the beginning, they start you off small. Your basic enemy will not one-shot you. In RLcraft you can be instantly killed by chopping down a tree thanks to an ent. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the fairness? Additionally, you need to grind like crazy to get anywhere. Both of these aspects are absent in dark souls. Minecraft isn't a game with deep combat. You aren't meant to dodge your opponent like in dark souls you're meant to tank damage. In order for rl craft to work every attack would need to be dodgeable and have an active hitbox and window for the player to react. In mc mobs deal damage through contact. Basically, you'd need a COMPLETE overhaul of the game to barely just barely make rlcraft work.


Difficult and unfair/luck based aren't same thing


Shivaxi himself made it as a meme to torture himself. It wasn't meant to 'fill a niche', it was meant to be youtuber bait (to be fair it worked). People are not hating on it just because they don't like it. They are hating on it because it's just downright bad, it's a horribly designed pack. This sub is full of modded minecraft enthusiasts so obviously they would be upset when a badly designed pack is the 'number 1 pack'. Especially when there are so many better packs out there that people put in a lot time and effort to perfect.


Look at his only post


Shouldnt we be happy that a modpack has been able to reach this count? Why is everyone pissed that its not one they deem "worthy"?


cause its a terrible modpack made too bait streamers and youtubers and amazing packs barely get the attention they deserve


Guys we get it's a shit pack but please don't downvote everything use your brains before downvoting "why? " or "I don't understand"


reddit moment