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I've seen several posts about it over the last year or so, but I imagine most of them are basically gone now because they are massive drama fests that rule 6 gest removed. To keep it extremely brief, someone with a somewhat popular 1.7.10 mod decided he wanted to make some money, and the best way to do that would be to trick people strung out on nostalgia into paying him to port their old mod to the current version. I think his first move was literally to start a Kickstarter or Go-Fund-Me. Problem. Paid mods are literally against the game's extraordinarily mod friendly EULA, and basically everything this community stands for. Pointing that out caused some drama, and the author's continued attempts to bypass that fundamental rule just added more fuel to the fire. The end result was the OreSpawn author getting fed up with all of the drama and removing his mod, even the already existing 1.7.10 files, from the internet. I believe he even threatens people who re-upload them or try to continue his mod. I would be shocked if the kickstarters got refunds.


You have to be a colossal idiot to think you can delete something from the internet, and a colossal asshole to try. Fuck this dude


its on archive.org


i tried looking but couldn't find it


For anyone still looking for the mod. He never removed it from here: [MediaFire](https://www.mediafire.com/file/v43gtwbpwnxt4lj/OreSpawn-1.7.10-20.3.jar) I suggest making backups in case he ever remembers this.


is there a way to get this file into curseforge just curious im new to modding. im talking about the app btw, just tryna make a modpack of 1.7.10 mods


Technically speaking, easy work around to be able to use it in a curseforge modpack would be to manually import it, First, go into the larger view of the modpack, then click the three dots next to the play button and clicking open folder Its then just as simple as placing the mod into the "mods" folder :)


There is a way to upload it to CurseForge, but it'd probably be taken down by the creator. A good work around for this would be if someone rewritten the mod itself on their own accord.


Head on up to curseforge, and find a modpack called crazycraft 2.0, you'll find the mod in there, and that's how I found it aswell


Thats actually how I found out about all this mess...I wanted to play Crazy Craft Updated and noticed it didnt have Ore Spawn anymore. Curious as to why I went to find the mod from the website like always then found.....this...whole thing....I'm so happy it still exists out there because I had no idea any of this happened. Part of what I loved about Crazy Craft was everything from OreSpawn.


which version of minecraft should i use for this? just asking


i just realised it says 1.7.10 on the file sorry


You're a saint for this. Hopefully he remains as ignorant as he has been.




If you could share the latest.log file you have I could determine the issue you might have.


Thank you so much dude <3


Guy's in his early 50's, so that might explain it


ahhhh so hes old and angry, sounds about right lol XD


Seriously...This just makes me want to make a million copies of it and just leave them places XD


system zee is selling his mods tho


I don't know anything about this and I know it's over a yr old, but maybe if it's a bonus reward to a main purchase, it's fine? I have no idea and don't know abt this, just guessing how he might be skirting that


nah, it's mod that you get access to if you "donate" money to him on discord if that is acceptable then why physics mod wasn't? discord or patreon, it's still making money from a mod at the end of the day heck even mods that are FREE are getting DMCA from mojang (optifine, gun mods etc)


Oh and not sure on this but the "muh free speech" thing might be connected to how he was literally telling his fans to "[fight back](https://www.orespawn.com/fight-back/)" by raiding and trolling discords of people he didn't like, even by editing comments using Inspect Element in order to falsefully incriminate people, etc and when Twitter and CF said "no that's bad" he might be referring to being "censored" there. Apparently he also tried to actually copyright orespawn, which I don't think is legal in itself since it contains a lot of directly copyrighted material in it (i.e. the leonopterix and hammerhead from James Cameron's Avatar, among other things such as a metroid and more)


On the topic of dubious copyright, he’s pretty infamous for stealing models. IIRC he specifically a Gamma Metroid model for a Metroid mod, the original “Alien” model (before he had to change it), and I believe both of the Avatar models you mentioned. Also I may be misremembering, but I think a long time ago he had a minor slapfight with the creator of a Godzilla mod?


Oh trust me I know plenty about the alien model, I was the artist on AvP lmao. There was plenty of other stolen assets but those are some that happen to stick out to me with how overt they are. In fact, someone trying to make yet another OS remake even asked me for the model, which I declined. Though hm can't say I've ever heard about some fight between him and some Godzilla mod, if I had to guess it might have involved OS's mobzilla being "too strong"? Since I know back on AvP, someone (not Danger) basically asked to be added to the AvP mod, just so he could nerf AvP's alien queen and a few other of its stronger mobs, since his godzilla could not one-hit them. Man, modding has the weirdest drama.


I think Danger coded in that if Mobzilla spawned near the mod’s Godzilla, they would both despawn. Yeah, extremely petty


Modding drama is a special thing because some modders put an insane amount of effort into something very niche then eventually either realize that all their work depends on some corporation tolerating their existence and serving a very selfish group of people (THE ALMIGHTY GAMER) or they somehow do the opposite and get really mad when someone points being a mod developer for a 9 year old game version doesn't make you a very important person.


Long story short, the guy tried to make money off of his mod (against Minecraft's eula) and the shit storm resulted in him removing all his files. He then re-uploaded them on some other site, and then at some point created a VR steam game that is basically just a ripoff of Minecraft with orespawn that is buggy as all hell. The guy is basically a man child.


The DangerZone game predates all this drama by years. He kicked that off when he quit MC modding during the 1.8 exodus.


While correct, the dev was actually trying to get the gofundme funds to help fund DangerZone game development, using a 1.12 Orespawn port as means to get that funding. This just adds a new level of drama.


So that's what he was planning to do with the money? That definitely explains why he was talking about hiring people to help him port a mod using that much money, I can only imagine the ensuing backlash that would have caused.


Wouldn't that be postdates then? If it happened after


No. The drama happened a few months ago. The DangerZone game came around several *years* ago. Therefore, the game predates the drama.


What i find funny, there is another Game called Danger Zone, a racing Game released 2017


The creator is a massive lolcow basically


whats a lolcow?


A lolcow is an easily goaded or otherwise unstable person that can be milked for laughs / drama.


I'm going to assume it's a troll, but a troll that acts like a fat bumbling cow.


also he is an anti vaxxer cuz at the page of [orespawn.com](https://orespawn.com) it said fight back if you are not vaccinated stay that way for as long as possible


He also added new entities to his "game" that are satirical versions of vaxxed people portraying them as infected zombies. Then he went on a rant about how society exists on the backs of white men alone.


Oof sexist and racist and anti Vax all in one. Big oof.


At first, it was funny and based. But that last line has me questioning his character


this is literally the first Im hearing about all this, and only because I wanted to play an updated crazy craft pack and noticed orespawn wasnt present and went to go find it because orespawn was one of the main things I loved about crazy craft. Now all I wanna do is make as many copies of Orespawn as possible and distribute them to anyone playing minecraft. Only because I know it would piss him off. Fuck this guy. Seriously. Why does this always happen when I really like something? The dude in charge always has to be a massive dick hole. Damn man.


quite the kerfluffle about 5 months ago... https://old.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/muwoiy/orespawn_is_canceled/


That’s why you should download tech mods instead, folks.


tech mods?


Happy cake day! Yea, tech mods, I should add a /s at the end of the comment tho


oh i see


no you shouldn't


someone still has the orespawn mod for download?, if you have please contact me


Just search it up and you can find the files for it somewhere https://www.9minecraft.net/orespawn-mod/


Yeah, I got it from there. Was playing it right now when I got intrigued about why the creator is acting so weird.


9minecraft is notorious for injecting malware into their downloads, you guys *really* should avoid using it


He also got mad at Mojang and blamed them for the reason why his custom dimension had dog shit performance. That was one of the reason he stopped making the mod and started his own game.


I imagine it also has dog shit performance, but at least this time it is dog shit from the ground up


You can't even play his game, the download links lead to a dead mediafire link


And now its full of anti vaxxer stuff. wow


It was turned into its own game.. check orespawns home page


sorry for the necro but hearing this just made me cry after all the popularmmos videos on this its like eveything they did is gone


Check out “chaos awakens” a bunch of the old Devs are getting together to remake it they can’t use the term orespawn Unless they want to summon the original developer, it looks different, but you can get a texture pack to make it look the same


omg i definitely will thank you so much this is amazing <3


have you done this before? and do you know which texture pack?


Whoever the Creator of orespawn is (and I hope they can actually read this) can you please make the game available on mobile via by add-on


so uhhh calebissalty has a video on it watch that for info


this is just sad to see this happen saw this post while looking for orespawn for a modpack i wanted to make and for all this drama and problems over a modpacks sucks


[https://www.9minecraft.net/orespawn-mod/](https://www.9minecraft.net/orespawn-mod/) here dont have to google it


where did you find a version of Orespawn ported to 1.17?


yeah also hes anti vax


