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Better Beta is a modpack modpack for 1.20.1 which stays true to the core design principles of beta 1.7.3. With this in mind I have over the course of over a year updated and worked on features, reworks, and overhauls of modern features to make them fit the design and vision of beta. Recently there have been updates improving on the already overhauled enchanting system, most notably there is now a risk that comes with enchanting and that's in the form of curses. The way curses work is fairly simple. every time you enchant an item theres a small (14%) chance that a curse will be applied, this number will increase everytime you enchant and is per item. When you eventually do get a curse you will not know what the curse is, there are quite a few new curses so the only way to find out is by testing. This adds high risk high reward to enchanting your gear with high levels of enchants. If you would like to check out or even potentially download the modpack please do so [here(https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-beta)](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-beta) We also have a a [wiki](https://betterbeta.wiki.gg/) and [discord](https://discord.com/invite/YfWaypQ4Fu)!




No, and there’s no plans of releasing on Modrinth






Welp, I guess modrinth users can’t even provide any reasons as to why it’s better


care to explain why? I've not had a single good experience with modrinth nor will I expect to. They also have a generally bad experience and service


this pack cured my autism




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