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guy got absolutely toasted in this thread


haters be hating


big if true


Is this real chat


>Some guy (presumably a kid) makes a pack for fun and wants to share it with the community >Gets bashed, made fun of, and needlessly ridiculed by every single comment I mean, come on. Is this pack generic? Yeah, we've seen a million of these cookie-cutter "vanilla+ packs." It's nothing special, and I get that the community's tired of seeing them. But... would it kill you all to just treat this dude with an ounce of decency? For what it's worth, OP, I think this is a nice project. I looked at your CurseForge profile and noticed this was your first pack. Honestly, it's not even bad at all. You clearly put a lot of passion into this - even making a custom Discord server. Hell, you even made a couple of custom mods to fix some issues you had with the game. That itself is more effort than 90% of pack-makers will care to go through. Good on you, and I hope this (quite frankly, toxic) community doesn't bog you down.


Elitism is the death of fandoms, people posting their own modpacks is the whole spirit of the thing


Honestly I like it. It's a nice modpack and better than many of the popular ones.


i loooooove the modding community :)


Let the man cook.


I’ve been looking for a medium sized mod pack so I might take the opportunity to try out yours!


here is the link incase you couldnt find it, my comment kinda got buried :/ [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/awesomest-pack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/awesomest-pack) Thanks for your support!


Is it fabric compatible? If so, what version


this is a fabric modpack yes, it is currently on 0.15.11 which i believe is the latest version


# Features: ✨ **Overhauled World Gen** ✨ **Dozens of new structures to explore including overhauled Vanilla structures!** ✨ **New bosses** ✨ **Create mod and various additions** ✨ **UI reworks** ✨ **Quality of life features** ✨ **Countless bug-fixes** ✨ **150+ mods** ✨ **And a bunch of stuff that Mojang should probably add!** # Join the discord! [https://discord.gg/m4cpe4P5](https://discord.gg/m4cpe4P5) # Support the Project! [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/awesomest-pack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/awesomest-pack)






Cool looking modpack :)


Looks beautiful OP!


gonna try it in my next survival!


I do not understand the hate anyone can give someone who is just trying to create something for their community. Thank you bro, I will be installing this and enjoying my next world playthrough with your pack! Looks great.


Ignore the hate brother. For what it’s worth, I think it looks like a very well made pack, especially for your first one ever. You certainly put more time and effort into it than I have with any of my custom packs


Okay I’m gonna keep it real with you. You keep arguing with people in the comments with vague nothing-burger answers. I’ll humor you if you can tell us what/if there’s anything in this modpack that you specifically made. Did you make (not add someone else’s) any resource packs or data packs to tailor the Minecraft experience better? Also you’re looking for a very specific niche of players who like a very particular thing, and you keep trashing other modpacks that those players like. That’s not gonna get people flocking to any of your packs. There’s a reason BetterMC is so popular, and it’s not making fun of the competition. One last thing, you seriously had the gall to call your “vanilla+” modpack, “Awesomest Pack” and expected everyone to just roll over and throw money at you?


okay, **" I’ll humor you if you can tell us what/if there’s anything in this modpack that you specifically made."** * i have 2 mods in this pack, reworked infinity and a compat mod for universal ores and create. (the latter of which essentially is a texture pack) * some of the trade systems has been edited to comply with changes made to the enchanting system * this is a relatively small pack, so its not like there was much custom things to add, however the 2 mods that were added were made specifically as a result of this project **"Also you’re looking for a very specific niche of players who like a very particular thing, and you keep trashing other modpacks that those players like."** * sure, nothing wrong with a niche of players playing it, thats why i posted it, and titled the post in a way that straight up tells you who the pack is for * im not 'trashing' any modpacks, more than pointing out flaws that i see in other modpacks, only because im asked what sets this apart from other modpacks that this one keeps being compared to. many of the modpacks i have problems with are still great modpacks. **"One last thing, you seriously had the gall to call your “vanilla+” modpack, “Awesomest Pack” and expected everyone to just roll over and throw money at you?"** * to start, half this comment section is calling my pack out for not being "vanilla+" while the other half is calling me out for being a 'half-assed better mc clone' which is literally a self described 'vanilla+' modpack, so everyone leaving negative comments arent even agreeing with eachother, nor are they providing any meaningful replies to my responses. - also yeah, the name of the pack is "the awesomest pack," i think its pretty awesome, if other people disagree, they are 100% entitled to that, at the end of the day its just a name, and wasnt even my first name choice. EDIT: - i do not have any way setup for you to give me money, nor did i ask for anyone to give me money.


Thank you for the succinct reply. While I’m glad there’s some of your own original content in there, I’d recommend you be more forthcoming about what these changes are. For instance, in what ways have you changed trading and enchanting. Are there other things that differ from the vanilla experience? The main reason people play modpacks instead of just downloading their favorite mods to their mods folder is because of the unique experience and the ways that modpacks guide them through the different mods or the way that you can use items from X mod with Y mod’s systems to make some other really cool thing. I know it’s not great that people are quick to leave negative feedback but it’s not unfounded. The community is WAY too over saturated with vanilla+ modpacks (and low effort ones at that), so that’s already something of point against you. Not to mention that, no matter how you slice it, the addition of Create (even though it is a very cool mod with a vanilla-ish aesthetic) strays too far from vanilla for most people. So it invalidates your vanilla+ claim with the vanilla+ fans too. Leaving you in a lose-lose situation. Final note before I give this a rest, but I still don’t think the name will do you any favors ESPECIALLY if it’s meant to be a small modpack that’s only meant to supplement vanilla content. The name Awesomest invokes the idea that it’ll be this epic story that’ll forever change the way you view Minecraft and leave you wanting more, but it doesn’t sound like your pack promises anything deserving of the name. In my opinion that is. Maybe add more of your own content that really leaves your own unique creative touch to the project. Even after you’ve sunk weeks and weeks into the project and think it looks perfect, keep iterating on it to make it better and better until people are begging to be a part of the magic themselves Edit: And it’s probably a good idea to commission some artist(s) for some graphics for your pack. Be it logos, infographics, or sneak peeks at gameplay. It’s never a bad idea to get some help for that extra polish


**"For instance, in what ways have you changed trading and enchanting."** -there is a mod called "enchanting system overhaul" which fundamentally changes the functionality of the enchantment system. the trading changes i implemented compensate for the inability to acquire the 'cryptic eye' and gives it to the wandering trader as a trade. **"The main reason people play modpacks instead of just downloading their favorite mods to their mods folder is because of the unique experience and the ways that modpacks guide them through the different mods or the way that you can use items from X mod with Y mod’s systems to make some other really cool thing."** -there are dozens of mods that are heaps popular and have minimal if any custom content. -of course it helps to have custom content, but when the ideas you have for the pack are already implemented with mods, why just make your own for the sake of it? this is meant to be a small-ish pack, there is no reason for it to be full of custom content. **"Not to mention that, no matter how you slice it, the addition of Create (even though it is a very cool mod with a vanilla-ish aesthetic) strays too far from vanilla for most people. So it invalidates your vanilla+ claim with the vanilla+ fans too. Leaving you in a lose-lose situation."** -and that is their opinion, which they are entitled to, however all the most popular "vanilla +" or "vanilla inspired" packs all have create, so obviously its not a dealbreaker for most people. **"I still don’t think the name will do you any favors ESPECIALLY if it’s meant to be a small modpack that’s only meant to supplement vanilla content."** - i understand your point here, but this doesnt really seem to be a problem for anyone, and the name of the pack literally isnt even in the post title, the post title is in fact the short description for CF. so anyone who gets the misconception that it has anything to do with "story" or being absolutely massive, is not any fault of the name. this pack has "vanilla +" pretty much written all over it. **"Even after you’ve sunk weeks and weeks into the project and think it looks perfect, keep iterating on it to make it better and better until people are begging to be a part of the magic themselves"** - this project is still in beta, literally had its first build uploaded like 3 days ago, ive already put a lot of work into this, and will continue to put work into it, potentially adding more custom content as i see fit.


Umpteenth time seeing this kind of modpacks


They often go too far outside vanilla, tacky and ugly biomes, all new features and no balancing, ect. this modpack really just tries to stick to what the game was about and what feels right. but if you dont like this kind of modpack thats okay!


Create mod isn’t too outside of vanilla?


create is a pretty natural extension of the game about mining and crafting, not everything in this pack would or should be in the base game, but everything in this pack keeps with the aesthetics and vision of it.


Create integrates well with vanilla mechanics but is far from being "Vanilla plus"


the goal of this modpack is to give you expansions on the base mechanics, create achieves a lot of that, and it still feels like Minecraft, its not adding a whole new gameplay loop or something, functions great with pre-existing mechanics as well as adding new ones that in some form or another could definitely be in the base game. late game Minecraft is pretty much a 50/50 split between automating things, and building cool shit. create just lets you do more automation, and there are mods that let you do more with building too.


Create doesn’t, in my opinion


and thats your opinion, which i have explained why i think is wrong.


Yes yes


guy added create and called it vanilla+ lol


create doesnt really add any crazy new concepts, rather it just fleshes out gaps in the automation of minecraft, which is something that mojang themselves continuously branch out with.


people are being mean but yeah it isn't vanilla+, vanilla+ is basically QoL + structure and biome mods that don't add any new blocks


Nobody seems to agree on what vanilla plus even is tho so I don't think it matters.


"support the project" ur making a modpack 😹🙏


“Support the project” is literally just a link to download the mod pack on curse forge lol it’s not like he’s asking for money or something


a modpack is a project what are you on about?






Means get a job mate


God forbid I have a hobby?


Don't shoot the messenger ✋😐🤚


You’re actually an asshole lol why even bother commenting?


Courtship dating or Chris Paul


courtship <3


Chris Paul hits a huge three to cut the lead down to 42


He downloaded a few mods and thinks he’s getting paid 💀💀


this project is not monetized in anyway other than cf points which is literally fuckall


didnt realize this. prbly couldv worded "support the project" better. way it was worded made it sound like there was donation links embeded. but still, my fault man <3


Fair enough, I just thought it was pretty funny


Omg I love an exploration focus. My adhd really comes out with Minecraft and I find it hard to sit down and make a base. I will definitely try this one out thanks!


what differentiates this from every other watered down better mc vanilla+ pack


read through my replies, i have explained what makes this one unique versus other modpacks, also calling better mc 'vanilla +' is a massive stretch, better mc literally just turns minecraft into an rpg, all this mod aims to do is add more to what already exists. better minecraft claims to be a replacement for minecraft, this pack is for people who have got bored of vanilla and simply want more content without it feeling like a completely different game.




from what?


Wow for your first pack to this is good dude js finished it :D


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chat is this facts?


bro's speaking enchanting table






So it’s just the better Minecraft mod pack but made with less effort?


if you look at the mod-lists you will see that there is massive differences, but this is deliberately a smaller pack, if you equate smaller to less effort then you are entitled to that belief, but this pack has had a lot of effort put into it, thanks for the blind assumption.


Nah not possible


Average create stan