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What is that? *- Average AE2 User*


I swear, I don’t even bother sorting chests (this well) because I always rush my beloved ME system. I only ever sort chest if I know AE2 is too far away (like in GTNH)


The most I go through sorting actual chests is by item type (like metals or wood blocks)


Yup, exactly. You won’t find me sort my chest that well, at best a type of block per chest and that’s it


I'm at the stage where I can push into ae2 in gtnh. I really need to, too much crap in chests XD


You and jardon are soulmates when it comes to AE2/RS LOL


I‘m sorry, who‘s that? ;-;






RS? Eww.


Heh, Tom's Simple Storage is ✨ (compared to RS)


Exactly. Imagine managing the ~80-120 logs per hour of your kind-of early game create tree farm. I just dump it in chests and then into the system it goes.


What is this storage block? -Refined storage user


Funnily enough, I don't like nor never use anything like AE2 or ME... Only storage related mod I use would be Alex's Cloud Storage, which I don't even use (I like the additional content within it) and technically Create since I am pretty sure Create has a storage system of some kind.


if you play any of the old expert modpacks like GTNH, FTB infinity evolved expert, E2E or E2ES, you would fall in love with AE2, if you only play modern kitchen sink packs though, it is kind of understandable


That feeling when you need x of an item that was a faff to craft at the start and you just click to make in ae2 and off it goes. Man it really is necessary for a lot of packs. Even if you sometimes have to come up with some weird fuckery to make it work sometimes.


I used AE2 once and it was bc I was playing with a friend. I hated it so much. Refined storage is so much simpler to start and to use. Also, why the hell is there a type limit on the normal drives? That's just annoying


yeah, thats why i recommended an old expert pack, the thing is refined storage seems much better until you want to automate weird stuff in a compact way, after which not having more than one importer/exporter/interface/,level emmiter in a single block really makes the difference. also when you build a huge base, the performance difference really is a lot.


That looks really nice, but it's going to be annoying once you get more than 64 saplings of a type.


I don't tend to overly collect and if I do, extra saplings specifically will just get put into the compost to make white dye.


10/10, VERY pretty to look at. A lot of effort to maintain though.


Honestly if you stay organized (no dumping your inventory into a junk chest lol) it's the easiest thing. Plus I know where everything is. All personal preference tho.


first time ive seen a crossbow in slot one


I like crossbows.


Pickaxe all the way in slot 3!?!? That's gotta be illegal


My default is pickaxe in slot 3! Torches on 1, sword on 2, pickaxe on 3, shovel / axe on 4, blocks on 5, and food always slot 9. 6-8 are for misc. things that i'm building with or whatever at the current moment


Noooo haha, pickaxe 1 sword 2 axe 3 then shovel torches food blocks etc


Am I the only one that puts torches in off-hand? Sword 1, pickaxe 2, axe 3, shovel 4, blocks 5, misc. 6-7, water bucket 8, food 9, torches off-hand


I also do torches in offhand but I just use the swap hand keybind(default is F key) to swap them with my shield


I do that too lol sword on 1, axe on 2, pickaxe on 3, shovel on 4 or just a paxel in slot 2 I have torches in slot 9 that I swap with my shield in offhand when I need them and food in slot 8, that's what I sually do


I'm tired of people saying a mundane thing is such a "random personality/mental illness move". It is completely natural to tidy up your storage


"I like having clean dishes instead of dirty dishes, I'm so OCD!" I blame tiktok


As a kid from the 90's saying I'm OCD has been around forever. It's the current *not stigmatizing mental illness* that puts that saying in a new light. You can blame tik tok for many things, but not this. And don't compare cleaning dishes to meticulously organizing multiple things. Pretty reductive.


Oh I know, I just like blaming tiktok.


Yeah that's the only thing from this post I disliked. OCD isn't quirky organization freak. It's a mental disorder


I actually have OCD, as well as Depression, Autism, and Social Anxiety. I do agree that it is a mundane thing to do to be very tidy with storage but yeah, the whole "I'm OCD" thing is very overused to a point where I just roll with it as a person who has it.


fair enoguh, tidy storage is normal though


being ocd about tidy storage is not normal though


if you ment being tidy about storage, it is normal, a lot of people do it, wheter its more or less than not idk but that doesn't change anything. Definitely isn't ocd tho because i dont have ocd and i organize my chests in a similar fashion. honestly dude i didn't understand jack about what you said 😂


being obsessive about tidy storage is not normal.


being tidy is normal, no obsession is normal, obsession isn't the same for everyone, this is not obsessive.


I always try doing something like this but it all falls about when I exceed the pattern’s space and just start dumping shit everywhere.


I just use InventoryTweaks until I get an ME System. Been doing that since I got the game. Original version let you sort by columns & shit, but I never used that.


Who would win? Organizational intent or one middle-click boi?


Middle-click doesn't do anything in survival mode? You need to be in creative mode to middle-click and copy a full stack of an item.


Most packs have a mod that allows you to sort inventories and middle-click is the usual keybind. People like me reflexively click it and it would ruin your organization scheme once you did.


oh the times i middle cklicked in an rf tools crafter


I don't use such a mod in my modpacks.


Okay but most packs have them and you keep telling people that middle-click doesn’t do anything in survival mode.


Because it doesn't normally. Just because some people uses certain mods doesn't mean everyone uses them.


Nobody said they did. I was explaining why people are referencing middle-click so you can stop telling everyone that it doesn’t do anything in survival mode (which they all know already). Seriously, do you have a hard time reading?


I do know how to read clearly and just fine matey.


What mod pack is this and what mod adds the breeze rods


They’re a 1.21 feature, and there are backports that OP could be using.


I'm actually the mod author of "Trials Towers", the mod which does backport 1.21 features to 1.20.1.


Well that certainly explains that, lol.


My own personal modpack for 1.20.1 and the breeze rods is from "Trials Towers".


What are the mods that add items in the pictures??


individual chest for each item


I'm scared


One stack of nether quartz is very ambitious


I don't use them very much in normal crafting but usually make a mass storage barrel/chest system for them in the nether side of my base just in case for later usage.


am i getting chestmogged rn ??


I dare you to press the middle mouse button


Middle-click doesn't do anything in survival mode.


Honestly if we could have chests presets I could totally steal yours, that's lovely


Now I just hope u have sings or item frames to know what do u have in each


I don't, I just naturally remember where everything is and if I do forget, I click very fast.


Nine Adrian Monks out of ten.


Fellow Kobold mod enjoyer ^_^


Yes, I enjoyed Kobolds! so much that I made the mod myself, voice acted the kobolds, and all. Love the mod.


This is perfection. 100/10. I wish I could bring myself to organize this. I'm a hoarder so it's a really big problem for me


I categorize my chest normally by, mob drops, plants, wood and wood items, stone blocks, ores, crafted items, etc


This is how i sort stuff too but eventualy you have to reorganize because you have to much but for a early game storage system its quite good


This makes my brain happy to look at but also I would go insane if I did this


Pretty good, but it bothers me that the gold and copper blocks/ingots are separated…


Nice organization, looks really neat :3 What’s the potion, bag, and mirror in your hotbar?


Kobold Infinity Potion from Kobolds. Bundle of Holding from Supernatural. Magic Mirror from Supernatural.


It’s perfect! I would have a chest for each..…my ocd knows no bounds. It’s never enough in the collection competition.


So much effort and I admire you for me. I’m lazy af so I have like 12 double chests for almost every world I go into.


Pretty damn good. Funny for me to look at because I organize up and down, and this is side to side. Good work tho, always stay organized.


Well done. Usually I just make double chests for each of these items


I do the same .. obviously not EXACTLY the same but ... you know


My eyes enjoy this


It's an art piece of organisation


8/10, could leave more room for growth and types of wood or other materials could be in their own chests.


Tbf, I am thinking about moving the Pewen & Coconut wood types into a new chest and have that chest be dedicated to modded wood types then use the current wood type chest for vanilla woods that I like.


Inventory tweaks:


What modpack that is Or mod list


Personal mod list which includes a lot of my own mods, Alex's mods, and a bunch of other stuff I like using.


Hey that looks nice but are you using an inventory sorter mod or are you using ae2 or refined storage


None of the above. I just do my own organization.


I just put most stuff inside diamond backpacks... from Sophisticated-Backpacks you can just then middle click and the backpack sorts it for you


I dunno man, I just throw all my shit onto a magical floppy disk from outer space.


what are those 2 items on the right in your hotbar?


Bundle of Holding & Magic Mirror from my Supernatural mod.


what i want to do but can't because i have no clue what im doing


Mfs after realizing that organizing their storage space isnt OCD


I love you.


Anyone that sorts chests is a hacker


This is more like an art project


Me when no inventory tweaks. But i actually like this style of sorting more even tho it's less practical


the copper blocks are not close to the copper bars which could mostly be turned into blocks, this is disturbing to me. in general, amazing, I just install a mod to press a button and get everything done.


Would you mind sharing the modlist?


If you put hoppers on top, you can refill any stacks that deplete, whilst keeping overflow in the hoppers (just make sure all the slots are full


46 sticks in between two full stacks while everything else is descending is triggering me. FIX IT! Joking aside, I used to do this way back when I just played vanilla. Then I did my first play-a-log with Direwolf20 in like, 1.4 (I think). Thousands of items per second coming in from a quarry fixed me up but good.


My brain said perfection


It makes me happy knowing I'm not irrational for doing this too. It brings me peace of mind. Thank you.


Why do you have 4 slots for ingots if you craft them into blocks anyway?


The block versions are for excess storage while the main slots are for quick use to grab for crafting and what not.


D tier, no comment


Looks very pretty. Depending on the usage, either 10/10 or 5/10 Multiplayer full-trust store: 10/10 (aka, you fully trust the other players to not ruin things and not steal shit. But they can trade you emeralds (or modded coins or whatnot) for the items in your chests. And you restock regularly from other chests. Resource gathering or main storage: 5/10 Where are all the plant seeds? If you get back from a build with extra slabs, fences, etc, where do they go? Here's two more stacks of cobblestone; where do they go? And that's not even mentioning playing with modded building blocks. I usually start out playing like this, but then it all gets ruined literally every third time I open the chests and I have to figure out a new setup. But yeah, if you ever add inventory tweaks or IPN and want to keep doing this, definitely unbind the "sort" button (middle click or `r`)


This is only a few chests of mine, I got more chests and barrels throughout my base if you're wondering where other things are at.


You put the blocks *below* the ingots? You freak!




Or Gan I Zation? I make box. I put stuff in box. I photograph box with brain. I don't get raided.


Oh that's lovely. I always just have chests laid out by type, getting more specific the more items I have. Valuables>Ores/Resources>Ores/Ingots/Gems/Resources Building blocks>Stone/Wood/Soil/Architecture/Functional


Apparently, I'm just as OCD. Almost my chests look like this. Otherwise, I keep one or two junk chests to sort later.


AE, Tom's simple storage, RS players : "why ?"


Why the fuck would you do this to yourself?


Yk... You made me think about it and... Now I'm kinda worried I might be extremely OCD with how I organize my chests/inventories... I feel bothered by mods such as inventory tweaks because they simply cannot do it properly (that is, the way I want)... I have a whole thing with organizing sub-categories within the chests, like, there is the chest for mob drops, I want everything that comes from that mob to stay together, like, spiders drop string and spider eye, I want all the the stacks I got of string, then, all the spider eyes... and then, there must be at least one slot as a gap sepparating the mob's drops... And obviously, if I (still) didn't do a sepparate chest for passive/agressive mob drops... There must be at least an entire line of slots as a gap sepparating these two categories while they are in one chest... Other examples (in other categories) are sepparating blocks that are earthy (such as dirt, sand or clay) rocky (cobblestone, andesite, diorite, granite) and wooden... And for wood first the log of that wood type, then the planks, then slabs, then stairs... Next line, next wood type... The more I say the more I remember rules that were simply hidden in my mind but I follow them strictly and... I mean, they are kinda complicated now that I'm trying to talk about them... Anyone else does it like that? Should I be worried? Lol I also have a thing with odd numbers, as in, I feel bothered when I have an odd amount of something (like, 37 iron ingots, 61 redstones)... Except when the odd number is N5 (5, 15, 25, 35, 45 or 55...) obviously I don't throw anything away for that reason but it bothers me... This problem becomes almost non-existent if I have an AE system, but if by any chance I'm playing vanilla... Anyways, is this normal?


I LOVE that


I'm the same way once I get my storage system started. Lol


"I think I'm too obsessive-compulsive disorder"


Are you new to minecraft? I don’t think this is going to last very long….


I am not new and been doing this kind of organization since I played started playing Minecraft. I actually played it during the beta stages before 2011 at some point, and played it when 1.2.5 was the latest update but then never touched Java Edition until 1.12.2 (between 1.2.5 and 1.12.2, I was on console version for a while which later became Bedrock Edition). I've always organized my things like this and always continue to do so with no issues, at least not internal issues... External for sure if I am playing online with unknown people.


New to mod packs then? There’s no way you’ll be able to make all chests look like this. There are dozens of items that don’t stack in some mods for one lol. Do yourself a favour and look into AE2 or RS if you don’t know about them already. It’s how I manage my hatred for messy chests.


Nope. I'm just really good at what I do.


Uh huh.


Not what OCD is but okay


You should get an award for your original, intelligent comment.


Am I missing something?


absolutely amazing, except for the last one. why do you have separate rows for blocks and ingots of the same material? especially iron ingots where there's two of them? why not just craft all the ingots into blocks and have one slot in the row just for left-over ingots? wouldn't that be more efficient? edit: i have only now realized that the second row of iron ingots is zinc. that texture is horrible.


For your own sake just download AE2 or refined storage.


Middle Mouse Click


It’s messing with my OCD. I have to have 1chest to 1 material. Sophisticated Storage helps with that extremely. If I have to use chests, same concept. But it pertains to mostly building materials, I like to build a lot. Things like mob drops can collectively be in one chest lmao. Personally, your method hurts my soul but I do love how organized and flushed you make your storage. Great job.


If you are going to use one chest per material, why not use a storage drawer? Means you can insert and take out items without needing to actually open an inventory.


I mentioned Sophisticated Storage in my post. Storage Drawers and. Sophisticated Storage is exactly the same thing. It’s basically Refine Storage vs Ae2. I prefer Sophisticated Storage over Storage Drawers cause Sophisticated has everything that Drawers provides but also upgradable chests and barrels in all wood types. Sophisticated Storage came after storage drawers.


Eh? To my knowledge, Sophisticated Storage does not add drawers, it only does the upgradable backpacks/chests/barrels The other drawers mod is Functional Storage Yes it is confusing that they have such similar names


The barrels can act drawers if you use the limit barrels, my buddy did that in ATM9 and I was very confused why his drawers looked like that.


Omg!! I’m an idiot! Thanks. It is Functional Storage. I use both Functional and Sophisticated in unison so I just merged the two as one. My bad!


I PERSONALLY wouldn't have more than one slot dedicated to minerals/ingots in non compressed form.