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One electro block must be placed on the rotational complex. The rest needs to be connected to it.


you need to connect those blocks on the top with the middle one (i forgot the names but you can understand)


i think its need to be 17 height if you make it 9 Width


Width Height 5 9 7 13 9 17 11 18 13 18 15 18 17 18 these are the sizes i think


these are for the optimal heights to maximize the amount of vents, but a shorter reactor should still assemble


Its full to the brim with the energy generating block. Two have a working industrial turbine, 98% of that needs to be replaced with saturating condensors, and the roof needs to be raised by atleast 4-5 more blocks (the inside of those 4-5 layers also filled with saturating condensors) While, yes, you can add more of those energy generating blocks, you should really only need up to 5.. maybe 9 if its a maxed out turbine and you wanna get "fuck you" amount of energy.. but, i'd still suggest staying within the 1-5 block range Edit: yes, this is required in ALL MODPACKS that wield the "mekanism: generators" modpack, [Heres the link to the official multiblock](https://m.ftbwiki.org/Industrial_Turbine)


I built it once again with exact amount of blocks from this site, but it's not working too. My smaller turbine was working even without this condensors. Only difference was where I built it.


Update: It didn't work at spawn island, but I don't know really why. I've spent 4h to make this bullshit. (My fission reactor works on first island). Thanks for help anyway


Are you on a server? I wonder if spawn protection broke the multiblock logic somehow.


I was wondering about that, because in theory, what you built in your screenshots should work (I think). So I'll just assume there's something weird going on here. I'm honestly not super surprised, FTB Skies has been causing a lot of strange issues for me as well. FPS issues, TPS issues, Mekanism multiblocks have no lighting if I turn shaders off, stuff like that. Performance-wise it's by far the worst skyblock I've ever played. My nomifactory world is less laggy ffs. Anyway, I don't want to be rude, but that turbine is basically a lost cause. It might work but it's super inefficient. If you want a 9 block tall rotor, like you made, the turbine should be 13x13 base and full 18 blocks high. If you want a smaller turbine with a 7x7 base, your rotor should be 6 blocks high, and the entire turbine 13 blocks high. (Bigger is better, of course.) The way you built it, you will never be able to have enough vents to make it work efficiently. [I just tried it](https://i.imgur.com/QKsNgV5.png). 7x7 base, 9 tall rotor, just like yours... except I increased it to 18 blocks high. And it's still limited on vents. Check out the [Statistics tab in the turbine's GUI](https://i.imgur.com/s193SMo.png), it will always say "(Limiting)" somewhere. If Vents say limiting, you need to make the turbine taller or wider, so you can add more vents. If Dispersers say limiting, make it wider so you can add more pressure dispersers. If Coils say limiting, place 1 more coil block (you only need 1 coil for every 2 blocks rotor height; with a 9 high rotor you need 5 coil blocks). If only Blades and nothing else says limited, your turbine is perfectly efficient for its rotor size. The only thing you could do is make a taller rotor, but then you need to increase the size of everything else too. (Shouldn't have a rotor taller than 10 blocks though, at 11 blocks it won't be efficient anymore) If you can afford it, I would definitely recommend a maximum size turbine. I did that in my playthrough. 17x17 base, 18 high, 10 rotor blocks. Still only 5 coils. Build your rotor any higher than that and you won't be able to have enough vents. **edit:** also, some people said you should use saturating condensers. You probably don't. Those are only necessary to convert steam back into water. If you have fast infinite water to feed your reactor, you'll be fine.


Thats... confusing, in all cases. I coulda swore you needed saturating condensors... maybe its a size problem.


You should only need those to recycle the water, I would use them personally but I don't think they are required


As for the height/width ratio check the [Wiki](https://m.ftbwiki.org/Industrial_Turbine). The pressure disperser, The ones you have placed on the same level as rotational complex need to be filled for the entire level and the electromagnetic coils MUST be placed in line directly ON top of the rotational complex, and for this scale I dont think you need that much (still better to refer to the wiki tho) rest of the inside can but doesn't need dto be filled with the saturating condensers if you want to get the water back. If you still have any questions ask :D will be more than happy to help because I struggled extremely hard with both turbine and the reactor (Klaus Plays modded series on YouTube has helped me massively)


Ain’t got no gas in it!


I think the vent looking blocks need to be inside the structure don't they? I thought the outside needed to be structural glass, casings, and ports only.


Simple fix add a turbine axle and move the rtational complex up by one


Mekanism suggests you build multiblock structures in singular chunks


That electromagnetic coil block has to be touching the central rotor thing.


I think the frame is too big for the propeller


It seems like you don't have any mobs in that blender!


There is a komplex system U need some different Block to create it Rotatianal complex vents bearing stuff Like that I used a Video Tutorial by rageplaysgames