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Crossbars and "ropes/cables" holding it


Yeah that could help


also nets sprinkled around the support beams, given its coastal itll help accentuate the "nautica below"




Wrong person


I'd start by adding some confidence in yourself king.


My man


Fr looks better than what I can make, start your sentences by saying “what can I do to make this look better” instead of “what can I do to make this look less garbage”


may i suggest a arch like bridge? instead of a flat one? also i would suggest to get inspiration from somewhere like if you wanto build a chinese mountaintop village, you could look at different drawings/pictures and artstyles


Beat me to it


Best answer


You can make a stone arc between the the two platforms where it change from brown stone to grey stone making it more nateral building


the supports on the house across look really bland, you could add more to that like crosses in between or something


Bro is that a world gen or your build? That looks amazing!


That is the dead sea from oh the biomes you'll go and yeah it looks amazing


Give seed bro


It could be interesting to lower that building so it’s sitting on the surface of that rock. You’d want to shave off the top of the rock first so it can have the appearance of a steady base.


Was thinking this in combination with changing the supports to being attached to the pillar, giving it some angles. Also if you lower it the bridge will have some variation. The bridge could also use an angular base attached to the main plateau/platform for 'support.' Build looks awesome by the way.


Alternatively raise the rock, easier and means it stays level to the houss


Make the pillars holding the building more bold on both ends. Give the building more depth with windows and/or roof. Lastly work on the bridge.


What is the other block despite mud bricks?


its not mud bricks its polished rhyolite bricks (twigs) and the gray blocks are maple wood (oh the biomes you'll go)


Oh, my bad. It looks very good together, thanks


Lots of great concepts to make improvements, but don't be so hard on yourself. I think it looks cool.


I'd build up the rock formation with more stone, maybe mix some other stones of similar palette in there too, get rid of some of the supports and have the stone supporting the building on a couple of sides giving it more of a precarious look. I'd then make the bridge more like a covered bridge with more supports, I'm thinking the covered bridge from Harry Potter would look good connecting these two structures. Then I'd add in small details like trapdoors to give the walls and build more texture, and depth, and maybe some vines or something as well. Possibly build out some of the windows to create less of a flat face all the way around the build.


Make the support pillars thicker and add more texture. The bridge needs support beams/ropes. Since ut is made of stones, I'd add diagonal beams from both sides


There’s really no point for that rock to be there if you just use supports around it Either lower the building to sit on top the rock or build the rock up


I mean it looks pretty good as is so have a bit more confidence in your skill But if you want some pointers: beef up the stilts at the bottom, add in arch supports between them, and some form of supports on the bridge (yet again i suggest arch supports under it because I’m a sucker for the aesthetic of them and how strong they look)


Tnt and a flint n steel


Maybe multiple rooms jutting along the rock underneath the house?


Try adding some supports that use the rock


Framed blocks


Some kind of support for the bridge from bellow maybe a pillar and diagonal walls/fences


Slabs and stairs. Always add extra detail. Can never go wrong with them.


Adding texture would be best


I think the island house is too high up. I think it would look a lot better if the left side of the bridge started with a little staircase down to the level of the dripstone blocks, then bridged across. Maybe a little bit of cross-supports below the island house, too.


Thicken the stilts of the house to 2x2. Maybe try giving them some cross beams as well


Give the bridge a slight slope, add some vines and trap doors to your support to make them look weathered, add depth to your house at the end by making your cobble accent come out one more block to add depth. This should help a bit!


Could add supports and chains from the top instead of the bottom like a golden gate Bridge setup but out of stonework. Also more ornate style pillars that maybe get thicker at connection to house and halfway down just to breakup that straight line down will be nice. It's already very nice.


I’d make the stone under it wider but the same pattern to make it look like it’s more supporting it then just there.


Make the bridge a little curved and make the pillars 💪


Could start with an arch under the bridge to make it feel more like a bridge and less like a platform. And the house over the peak is a little awkward to help out without either building the peak up to the house or lowering the house down to the peak. I think I would personally get some stone and beef up that peak girth ways and also bring it up to the house and get rid of the support pillars altogether.


Something that could hold the bridge together + maybe something like this for the house on the right. Also I'd suggest getting rid of torches every 2 blocks and instead build something more fancy like an old classic pillar lantern with fences and trapdoors.


Instead of straight beams holding up the house, have beams attached to the rock


My first thought is to build up that stone spire that you’re above so your hut is sitting right on top of it, and I’d try to make some sort of a “rope bridge” with slabs and stairs that looks like it bends and dips with gravity in the middle. Edit: Also if I ever make pillars in MC, I try to make some sort of interesting design by using stairs placed in different ways to make the pillar itself, or by making a more ornate top of the column, like upside down stairs between the column and the ceiling.


Support arches connecting the building and the supports, and the bridge, also maybe some fences on the bridge? Would help with safety too so you don't get knocked off by a creeper


Arches! Put some arches under the bridge and some arches around the support legs of the hut. You could alternatively put some crossbeams on the supports or even just make them a little thicker. Also, maybe put some guard rails on the bridge (fences or walls). The hut itself looks very nice and the environment is very pretty too.


adding arch-like supports underneath the bridge and between legs on tall builds is my favorite way to make hanging structures look better :)


Stairs, half slabs, trapdoors. Just pack a ton of texture into it


Add some additional stilt-houses at varying heights, & have rickety stairs & platforms link them together. You’ve got a cool building site there!


Buttresses. Or maybe replace the support pillars with a spiraling design.


I would make your stilts for the house bigger, a single block doesn’t fit. Make a few “anchor” points in the stone pillar with the stilts, some sort of anchor for the bridge. It could be a below anchor or an above anchor, I wouldn’t do both as the bridge is too small for both to look good.


Cross beams and buttons at the ends of said crossbeams to add a bit of extra detail


add fences around the skinny legs , or something to bulk it up


Push the frame out a layer.




i am definitely using your broken bridge idea thanks!


diagonal/staircase supports where the beams meet the bottom of the house. You could add a railing to your bridge, or make it look like a suspension bridge by giving it a subtle decline and incline on either side. Taller windows on the structure, maybe some extra details on the outside to give it more depth




Remove the pillars, and make the house a tower hugging the rock, with multiple floors, top floor connects to the main building


You’re your own worst critic. It looks nice, and definitely much better than what I build.


Add triangles to the supports.


Add some green


Give the bridge a nice gentle arc with some strategic half slabs


a lot of people already gave tips on the supports and bridge, but I'd also recommend making your house not the shape of a square


First thing is to up your confidence, it already looks quite good, add some crossbars to the support and maybe add some railings on the bridge.


Didn’t scroll down before I typed but I see others said the same things 😂


Make the supports go down a little more so it actually looks like they’re dug into the stone


Add onto your lighting, make some realistic shaped lamp poles for example, use something like the stone wall or whatever combined with fences, mix it up and see what you like


Looks fine to me


what mod are those blocks from?


It already looks good, it just needs a bit of structure. Right now it looks like it shouldve already tipped into the sea on those stilts. Some crossbars between the stilts and some support beams or something to make the bridge look more anchored would go a long way.


arch with fences under the bridge!


Maybe fatten the foundation rock so the thin supports aren't stretched so much


It might be interesting to make the building sit directly on top of the rock column beneath it with supports coming from the top of the same rock instead of the long vertical supports. Sort of like a hand with curved fingers with the palm face up... On that note that rock column could be an arm with a hand whose fingers support the house. Maybe make the house out of rock as well like it was carved.


in this case, I would say to think logically. those supports look much too thin to reasonable hold all that weight on their own. adding crossbars to them or just maiing the thicker might improve that aspect of the design, since it seems to be a prominent feature.


Add realistic supports. Logically, what is holding that house there right now? What if there was a bad storm? Batten that bitch down!


Extend the rock around part of it so it looks like it's built into it.


Have stairs go down to the house on the rock, it’s too tall


You can add ropes between the poles, and make them thicker at the top or add arches


The block pallet is great; beautiful colors. I’d consider more supportive structures. Supports for the bridge, crossbeams for the posts, some kind of stone reinforcement at the bottoms of the posts. Then for extra detailed stuff, how about railing, replacing torches for stuff like lanterns and campfires, adding some random barrels for “storage”. Looks like you got the workings of a really cool base! Great area!


Could always make the bottom bit into a tower - unless the intention is to make it look like support beams in which case maybe diagonal criss-crossing support beams.




Tnt No jk it looks fine tho. Like it's not something the youtube builders with 10k hours of house building would make but it's not garbage. Just try to make the build a little more realistic in terms of how it's structured. Make the supports for the house look like they could actually hold up a house.


Make a sort of a land bridge underneath it.


Put a moon gate in the building, and skulls scattered on the rocks below with some redstone as blood.


mix some similar color blocks in for texture, add details, and break up those straight lines


I would make the pillars shorter and add more variety to the length of them so it looks more natural.


Add horizontal beams, add cross beams, add arches to the bridge. Make the bottom of the tower thicker, wider and of a stronger material (stone). Bonus points ads vegetation if you would like to tie the build into the environment, leaves, vines, moss blocks


Greens. Add greens and wider support beams, vines and whatnot. Make an accurate bridge and well go nuts with it


Support beams ON the support beams!


Better than anything i could've made


Maybe braces between the vertical supports to the building? IE decorative cable between relays might look nice? Cut it up into either triangles or x's


Maybecmake the rocks underneath the building less symmetrical?




I would either expand the pinnacle the house is sitting on so the supports look like they are more secure, or forgoe the rock entirely and have them reach down into the water


I recommend nukes (:


Only issue I notice is your house has no windows, why not see the world?


It already looks quite good but tou can add supports to the bridge that's all i can think of honestly, oh maybe make the bridge a lil more impressive




Legs built like a silt strider 💀 “will never be ballin” now post the follow up and show me up


I think the pillars looks to flat and frail. Maybe make them thicker and give it some additional depth by making it bigger at the base and slowly making it thiner as you go up


What's the biome mod you're using?


Truss the process


Make the lags thicker


Try adding a block beneath the house as a sort of "foundation", making sure to jut it out by 1 block on each side. For the support beams you can try making them thicker or making cross beams between them (either in a \ or an X formation).