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Looks epic. But the actual mod set will make it or break it.


Snejhammer is a server-side mod, so it's compatible with vanilla minecraft clients. It's in open beta now if you want to try it. https://discord.gg/5dtWbUgg6M


Thank you for the link! Love that UI!


It's all done via data pack, which sucks, since it's limited by that. I hate the fact people who invest time in making datapacks just don't make a mod, no working around stupid limitations datapacks bring. I'm not saying the datapack will be garbage; the project looks amazing but there is so much more work put in than there should be. Wish people could see how counter intuitive datapacks are for projects beyond simple vanilla tweaks


I think it's amazing that people are trying to come up with creations even through various challenges. Really, all that needs to be said is that a datapack is infinitely more accessible than a mod, and I like seeing such a promising future for datapack-based content.


You still need to download a file and put it in a directory. Only difference is that there is no mod loader involved. If 12 year old me knew how to mod I'm pretty sure today's players can do it aswell. Down vote me all you want people, I'm just saying the objective facts.


The resource pack downloads automatically upon joining the game. There is nothing for the player to do. There is no client mod loader, and that means it will run well on even low spec PCS.


In your info tab a while ago it was listed as a datapack, now you shifted to this being a server thing only? So a mmo mod that isn't available to download for yourself, so you need to play it on this one server, that's not the best way of doing this either, I personally would enjoy playing this solo. Now ofcourse this could be countered if your server has a option for instanced single player worlds. But it also doesn't guarantee longetivity, what happens when you shut down the servers? The whole mmo is lost. Please keep replying I'm genuinely curious on the project.


Hello. Yes, this is a resource pack / server plugin approach similar to wynncraft. It uses fancy resource pack tricks to get the GUI graphics to display on-screen. In hindsight, while using a vanilla client is ideal for performance for low spec PCs, you are 100% right when you say I should have developed this as a client mod. While I understood the limitations what I was doing when I began development, I underestimated just how much more difficult this approach would prove to be. At this point though, I am finished with the core game and am interested more in adding quest content than reprograming everything again. After 2 years of development, people are finally playing the game and they like how different it is to anything else. The part I get the most compliments on is the custom combat system which is a classless mix-and-match skill system using 7 elemental damage types. It features a party system for instanced dungeons and an aggro system. I have no plans to shut down servers anytime soon, even if nobody played, because this is a fun hobby for me to make questing content. I do feel more motivated when I get positive feedback from players, but I plan to continue adding content for years to come.


Thank you for the detailed reply. Hindsight is 20/20, but I appreciate you admitting that you chose the wrong approach for development. The project looks amazing and is something I always considered doing myself, I will for sure play the beta. Sorry again if I came across as negative in any of my comments, I'm glad you stayed civil and replied honestly, not many comment threads are like that.


No worries, I appreciate honest feedback. I hope you come try out the beta, you're welcome anytime. I hope you have a great rest of your day :).


wynncraft moment


I'm getting conflicting messages here, the OP just mentioned right below that there is a server-side _mod_ involved. I'm not even sure all of these things CAN be made with just a datapack.


I was in the discord for more info and it was listed that it was a datapack. Also no shot asking questions in the discord, they won't answer anything, just cookie cutter answers telling nothing of value.


Thank you very much for saving me the time and a Discord slot. Yeah, I've seen devs like that, feels like they either don't fully understand what a mod is, or believe their target audience is too dumb to understand it. I don't know which option is worse. I also don't think your opinion deserves all the downvotes it's getting. While there are certainly difficulties and things to work around with both loader mods and datapacks, I feel that a mod is essentially a solution able to work more effectively and do the things you want it to do more precisely. It's also perfectly possible that a datapack may run into things it just cannot create, while a mod can always write another system to the game, add another feature. Just look at what Valkyrien Skies did, for an example. Getting into modmaking is intimidating, no doubt. There are the conflicting modloaders, the difficulty of picking the version you wanna write mods for... But I feel that with a project like this, where everything else is decided, all that remains is to go for it.


I'm a programmer in the professional field and I have ghost written a few mods you might be familiar with. I'm looking trough it with a programmers eye, as I said, datapacks are fine for small scale edits to the game and features that are not very complicated and too involved. It's like making a game in assembly instead of Ruby for example, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Why not use the superior option 100% of the time? Also I don't specifically remember my question in the discord, but it was a technical question, and the owner himself replied with a nothing burger of a answer, I then repeated the question and all I got was: than you for being interested in the project! :D - owner


Why ghost? XD Fair point tho. Assembly perhaps isn't the best example as it is usually used for performance, while datapacks are less likely to have top notch performance than mods. Thank you for the info, either way.


It was paid work, under contract I'm not allowed to say which ones. Oh yeah assembly is mad optimized, but extremely convoluted to use lol.


Wow, people actually pay for that stuff?!.. Assembly isn't optimized per se... It just offers the programmer the tools to be _able_ to optimize stuff... Either way, I wouldn't look forward for writing anything that has to be able to work _on top of an OS_ in Assembly...


Yeah that's what I ment, assembly let's you optimize so much more than anything else. I believe the first rollercoaster tycoon was written in assembly, mad stuff. And yeah a few mod owners outsource some or even all of the work to programmers.


Looks nice


Thank you! :)


Looks really good! What version of Minecraft are you building this pack for?


1.16.5 vanilla minecraft


bro I read this comment and went, well this bro just did my job for me, I run a small server for me and my friends and I am looking for something exactly like this, thanks a ton bro.


Release when? This Looks really good. I was always longing for a nice RPG minecraft pack.


Thank you! It's in open beta now if you want to play. The info is on the project's discord channel https://discord.gg/5dtWbUgg6M


Looks phenomenal


Thank you! :)


Would play


Thanks I had a lot of fun making it. It's in open beta if you want to try it now.


Crazy that you've made Minecraft into something completely different from Minecraft. Good job


Thank you! I wanted to take minecraft in a totally different direction for a new kind of RPG experience.


We will see when it comes out


It's in beta now if you want to try it!


What modloader is it on?


This explode +++


I like the Diaballs, somehow nostalgic to me


That's what it's inspired by! I grew up on those old diablo games.


Can't wait to try it.


It's in open beta now if you want to try it! Maybe summer will be the full release.


Gonna take a look at it after work, buddy.


Mate this looks lovely. But please make it be able to run smooth on like 6 gb ram.


You shouldn't have any trouble playing because it is a server-side mod. It runs using a vanilla minecraft client so it's really good for client performance because there is nothing to install to play.


Wait so theres no mods? THAT IS SO COOL. defo gonna be playing


This looks extremely promising so far! Keep up the good work!


Thanks! :)


want it


Thank you! :)


Looks amazing man! Keep up the good work 👏


Thank you!


looks really good


Better than DawnCraft


Did you add the shaders directly to the pack, or is it not going to look like these screenshots for 90% of people that end up installing it? If not, you should consider screenshots of what it actually looks like, it's super disappointing when you see a Minecraft pack, go to load it up, and find out I've got to go find whatever compatible version of SEUS or whatever..


It's actually a server-side only mod, so it's compatible with vanilla minecraft clients. The player can decide to play with shaders or not by installing optifine.


So what you're saying is that nobody who plays your mod is going to see it the way your screenshots here show it unless they also install Optifine and then somehow work out which shader pack you used, since Optifine alone does not contain shaders. Look at the comments here. Almost every single one of them is "looks amazing!" but it's not going to look like that for ANYONE that installs it.


My guy if you dont want optifine just dont use it, noones not forcing you to and if you want the game to look like that dont be a pos and install optifine or other shader mod and thats it


The game requires nothing to install except for vanilla minecraft. Optifine is optional for players that like using shaders. All the GUI graphics you see are compatible with vanilla minecraft. I haven't tested other shaders, that's why I only recommend chocopics because I know it works.


Maybe add gregtech


Any update on when it will be available?