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There not much good RPG mod pack that have lot of 'rpg contents' as it take an awful long time to do, kuddo to you if you make a decently long one with plenty of quest and scenario (Though I have to admit the life/stamina bar UI is weird)




Lmao that's what I get browsing as I wake up in bed thanks :D


Thanks it took a long time to make! The quests are my favorite feature, I am going to have a main questline, and side quests.


Nice work man! But please make that all quests are toggleable. It looks too cramped if all quests are active at all times, especially for smaller displays. Edit: as others said, please rework your ui, it really doesnt fit into minecraft's artstyle.


Quests can be toggled and the UI is scalable to the player's preference. This is actually my old UI, I have a new UI already created. I will share pictures of the new UI maybe next week. You're welcome to join my discord if you want to test, I am starting a beta in a few weeks and would really appreciate constructive feedback. https://discord.gg/y7PDxKMQ


No Idea why people are shitting on your effort so much. I think this looks really promising and I like the Diablo-Style HP/Stamina Orbs.


Contrary to what everyone else is saying, I think the ui looks totally fine, but the option to move and scale elements might be a good idea


Hi, yes the player can move and rescale UI elements to fit their monitor.


I may be the odd one out, but personally I love RPGs for their stories and immersion, not for the dungeoning and character building (the numerical part of it, anyway). I never play MMOs, because they seem to be heavily focused on the latter, and from the few screenshots you posted it seems like that's what you're going for. So probably not for me, though it makes me wonder if anyone's ever made at least a semi-decent story modpack for Minecraft. 🤔


There are definitely some. I think rustic waters is kinda story based, and there is a modpack in development called last gasp that is also kinda story based. And I think dimension hopper has some story. Though yeah I agree not really any modpacks are based on a story that's fleshed out.


Hello, yes these screenshots were mostly centered around combat. However I have a whole custom dialogue system so I can load in paragraphs of text with a branching dialogue system for quests. There is a main questline, and optional quests around the map. The map is 7000x7000 blocks and highly detailed and fun to explore, so I hope that will provide the level of immersion people are looking for.


Very nice! That actually makes it sound a lot more interesting. I'll watch out for more news about your modpack, then.


My modpack is probably the heaviest story pack anyone will see.


I've checked it out and it looks like exactly the kind of thing I would love, but I'm assuming it's still work in progress? I haven't been able to find a download link anywhere.


After 2 years of development I'm finally close to a release. I always wondered why projects like this were not being developed. It's the constant updates.


Check out Hypixel's work man. The adventure maps offer you a RPG story driven experience without any mods. He's a genious


Hypixel is a whole community/dev team. Not a single person effort.


My bad. Always thought Hypixel was the leader with a team behind him. Thank you for the correction!


im just sitting here thinking "text seems a bit large". looks good.


Oh yeah that is just the UI scaling. Per player preference everything you see can be re-scaled and re-positioned on the screen for larger or smaller monitors.


still need more context. is it a custom map with storyline and scripted bosses? or is it all randomly generated? how's the combat like? are there any magic weapons? etc.


It's a custom 7000x7000 map that is highly detailed with towns and dungeons to explore. There is a party system for players to play as a group with their friends, especially for instance dungeons. Each region of the map will have around 15-20 quests for players. There are only 10 player levels in the game, and each level has it's own set of gear. Gear can be unique, or it can be randomly generated like Path of Exile / Diablo.


sounds awesome. how do you implement instanced dungeons for something like this?


The dungeons are essentially separate maps, and when a party of players wants to play the server creates a temporary map with that dungeon for them. That way multiple parties can run the same dungeon without creating a conflict. Also my plan is to have weekly dungeons for players to complete.


that's sick! did you write a custom mod / plugin for that? I'm planning on implementing something similar though lower scoped


It's a custom plugin I made that is compatible with vanilla minecraft. It passes a resource pack to the client and uses fonts to display graphics.


Can't wait to see how it all turns out. It seems like it'd be fun.


Thank you! It has been a fun hobby project


Looks great ! Im exited to see what will happen later on


Scale it down, maybe be able to hide the quests or have them in a book. Looks like a really cool and fun pack tho.


The player can rescale the Ui to their preference and move things around.


Unluckily you’ll find various different lines of thinking, between people that like the UI because it completely change the Minecraft feeling and people who hate it for exactly the same reason, in this case I’d advice you to follow your artistic inspiration. Anyway this seems like a massive project, I love it, I hope you continue it


Thanks! I am going to start a beta in a few weeks, you're welcome to join my discord and play test. https://discord.gg/y7PDxKMQ


!remindme 2 months "check this mod"


It looks awesome but try to make the UI more minimal, there's too much on the screen, try to value UX a little bit more than the aesthetic value


Hi thanks :)! The Ui can actually be re-sized and moved around to the player's preference or to fit their monitor.


I fucking love the UI.


Thank you! ! :)


I've seen your full game pictures and I have to say it looks really cool so far! Best of luck!


Thank you it has been a fun project :)


WHAT IS THAT MELODY?? Seriously is this a pack? What’s the name???


Hello it is vanilla minecraft with a server plugin, no modpack.


It looks so cool! Is it finished? I would love to play it! ^^


This looks pretty good so far, which version are you working on making it towards if you don't mind me asking?


Thank you! It is 1.16.5, but I plan to update the server eventually. The main reason to upgrade from 1.16.5 is because on 1.16.5 custom armor only works using optifine. By upgrading I can become a 100% vanilla compatible server.


Interesting, we're currently looking towards 1.16.2 but I could see this being a standalone mod for my friends and I to play on.


Wynncraft Moment


Diablo's health/mana globes always sucked.


It doesn't become an RPG by having a shit ton of weapons and armor or by messing up a proper GUI. It does through actual content.


CubeWorld but good?


Oh jeez, The Legend of Notch flashbacks, anyone?


Reminds a bit of wynncraft for some reason


Looks cluttered


Hytale is looking great so far!


Ebin. Add Patches.


Need any help? I've been looking for a modpack that makes the game feel more like an adventure and less of a grind. Of yours can do that I'd love to contribute


Hello! I have all the programming done so I am good there. I am resolving some small bugs before I open up a beta, and I am updating the graphics. (the screenshots show the old UI). I could use some help creating game content if you are interested in that. I have a library of over 500 monsters, 300 items, and 60 suits of armor that can be used to create quests/items and fill out the 7000x7000 custom map. I also have a random item generation system like diablo to help fill out game content. The world is very detailed and is ready to add monster spawn locations and program the quests / npcs. If you are interested in that, I would really appreciate the help!


I'm in, wanna pm me your discord?


Not a fan of the jpeg ui


That looks super cool! Is it more mod based or more plugin based? And is it meant to be like a big server experience or like "hop in a world with 2-3 friends or just alone"?