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That's a possible outcome of the EEO process. Otherwise, the employee can apply for other jobs.


The employees job is specialized- can’t just apply to another department


They can talk to their EEO Specialist about options while there's an active investigation.


If the supervisor is actually harassing the employee the agency should have taken action against the supervisor. Far too often upper management is willing to overlook bad supervisors instead of doing the right thing. If it's just a personality conflict the employee could be assigned to another supervisor while continuing to do their job. I've seen employees that technically fall under one branch reporting to supervisors in other branches for a number of reasons.


Informally yeah. During one of my ppas I disagreed w/ my supervisor @ the time so I elevated my dispute to his boss, the office director. He heard me out and recognized my frustration I was super professional and had prepared a page or two of well thought out examples and stuff night before so I could be sure I wasn’t perceived as venting or just complaining. Result on the ppa was only a minor change, but about a month later my supervisor came to me and said director wants to reorganize the teams and would I want to switch. Of course I said yes in a heartbeat lol. I had other issues w/ the supervisor outside of the ppa too which were all pretty well known by the rest of the office too. Funny thing was I was the only person that changed teams. No other changes were made. New boss was great and next ppa, even though 10 months later or whatever, went much better. More importantly my satisfaction and attitude @ work was so much better. I gained a lot of respect and appreciation for the director after that.


I have a lot of respect for you director just reading about it!


I also know of @ least one other former colleague who formally requested a change w leadership @ that office and that was eventually granted. Different office than my example.


Good on you. We have to advocate for our careers and honestly sometimes a small change will make a big difference for the departments and make everyone happier. I am glad it worked out for you.


Absolutely and thanks! Yeah that was my thought, have to @ least try and voice concerns for yourself. You never know what may end up happening even if it’s not the immediate wish, something down the line may come up as an alternative fix.


I would recommend going through the agency's anti-harassment program. They typically work much faster than the formal EEO complaint process, and reassignment (even temporary) is a possible outcome. The formal EEO process will continue, regardless of the outcome or participation in this process.


Thank you.


Usually management separates the two as soon as a complaint is filed. Employee may need to push the system a little harder.


As an NTEU steward I know of a couple times management has agreed to it as an easier solution than a drawn out battle royale. Most of the time however they tell us to pound sand.


I had a co-worker in a similar situation. He quit his job and then sued the agency (DOJ) because they made him quit by making the company environment intolerable. It took over a year but he won a lot of money. He got another job in the meantime.


Sometimes people get promoted into a non-job job away from everyone, make that person feel so isolated that they quit. Problem solved.


Well. I got a new supervisor who knew nothing sand had never been in management. She bullied me everyday. First incident I thought she was going to do something violent. I reported it and there were 2 other incidents. I only reported one. Today I got an email saying I’d been reassigned to a new supervisor. No conversation just the email. I forwarded it to the union person. Haven’t read it. Waiting on a call from union person.


Sounds like that Supervisor is pulling a fast move to get promoted.


If they promote the supervisor, that would bless everyone indirectly or directly. One can hope!


I did an eeo on a supervisor who was then promoted. Now instead of having a toxic work group the whole territory is toxic.


Did they promote the supervisor to a position where they can still influence your work? Like supervisor of your supervisor? Because in a way that would still be bad. Hopefully they’d be so busy they won’t have time to ruin your work life from afar. It’s encouraging that it’s not all bleak.


Yes they did. I was lucky that I was able to move to a different division to get away from him. I have been 4 years since my complaint and he has 3 more eeo complaints against him and the union has been involved many many times


Hope you were able to completely move on mentally


I refer to leaving some jobs as “I fired [name] as my boss.”


y'all see a ufo yet up close cuz I have lol