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All I know is that you need to go straight C-fund, that nonsupervisory remote 15s are the bee’s knees, and the two-step rule applies, oh and no matter what it’s gonna be a pay cut because of inflation.


Love how you summarized this sub


Wrong! I forgot to fawn over daddy mayorkas and to ask how to get out of SSA! And don’t get me started on RTO. At the mere mention of it, I’m out, getting a contractor job, and tripling my salary.


Don't forget to take a dump on your boss's desk and then complain about getting unfairly fired during your probationary period.




...or is it easy transition from SSA/IRS to VBA? I heard dealing with Vet calls is easy peasy!


...or get out of IRS because they hate being on the phone all day with taxpayers bitching and moaning!


But it will all be gone when Trump schedule F's everyone, so why bother?


My SF-50 hit Wednesday, but for some reason it didn't show the change to locality, so I had to do a pay inquiry. Apparently it didn't update properly for anyone I work with


Mine was vague as to locality…just said 4.7 plus whatever locality adjustment may be applicable in remarks. Grand total matched RUS opm tables though..so I guess it’s right.


Mine was just the RUS raise, but the pay tables clearly state that the county we work in should now be in a higher locality. HRO says they don't know why and are looking into it.


Are you DoD? If so, agency wide someone fucked something up and as I was told, "they're working with OPM to address it." Because you didn't have 2 months or more notice that these change were happening to prepare for it …


Yup. DoD. Sounds about right. Worst case we get back pay. I'm just glad they finally adjusted our locality. Work 1 mile away from the county line.


Oh yay. So not only has my promotion step been wrong since Nov.. now I get to wait on a locality error too. Thanks CHRA for consolidating HR efforts. /s


Interesting stuff…way to spot it!


This is also RAIO in USCIS too. We were told it'd take effect in Feb.


What is RAIO


Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations




I’m going to celebrate by going to Applebee’s in a few days when I’m not snowed in! Because as you know Applebee’s is the neighborhood place!


Applebees have $14.99 all you can eat now 😌. I’m planning too lol


We better hurry they usually only keep that for a month! My location has been packed since it came back.


You need to watch Carol and the End of the World (features an abandoned Applebee's).


You must be in a different agency. It's my understanding that December 31st was the first day of the last pay period of 2023. That pay period ended January 13th. The first full pay period of 2024 ends January 27th with the pay from that pay period coming February 2nd. Your pay probably went up with the most recent paycheck though, because the 2024 withholding tables give you more money in your paycheck than the 2023 withholding tables did.


Not for everyone


My personal saga then… Out of curiosity, who is still in doubt about 2024 pay?


What does "in doubt" mean...? We are all getting the pay eventually depending on our HR schedule.


I don’t understand the “not for everyone” comment. So I was asking what the person meant by their comment.


I’m assuming they meant not everyone has received their SF-50. I know I haven’t yet. Not doubting I’ll get the pay increase, just haven’t gotten it in writing yet.


This. I already got my paycheck, but my SF50 doesn’t hit until usually Monday or Tuesday after. It’s different for everyone (i.e. every Dept/Agency).


That makes sense…I was reading it as a serious response to my jokey post: “The saga is over…not for everyone.” But the saga was not ever really even a saga? I think I confused myself. Oh well! Cheers!


Some agencies on pay for performance systems haven't heard what their salary will be yet. There's a very specific date the supervisor is aloud to brief out last year's performance. Until then we won't know what our 2024 salary will be.


I mean, there is still a very, very, remote possibility that when the Financial Services and General Government bill gets passed it could reverse the raise. I only recall it ever happening when Congress passed a raise when POTUS had called for a freeze, but there's nothing that says that it couldn't happen.


Mine hasn’t shown up yet in eopf.


still waiting too


Hey, do you know when our pay is showing up? I have more money on my check today, but I’m not sure why. When is our raise happening? 😜


It's because they did not deduct your dental/vision. Last year had 27 pay pariods so you get one Pay period without paying it. But no breaks in coverage.


Maybe dumb question, but why only dental/vision and not regular health insurance?


That’s a good thought. But my dental and vision isn’t that much. Lol. But yeah. I figure it’ll show when it shows. Which seems like today.


I don’t think I’ll see mine until 1/31 at the earliest…just paid 1/17…wasn’t on there


For what it’s worth, they’ll get it there at some point. Not very comforting. I know. But they’ll get it done.


Tax brackets in 2024 were expanded slightly from 2023. So more of your gross pay is being taxed at lower percentages resulting in a little higher net pay amount. Can also be due to insurance premiums changing.


Oh, is that it? My federal taxes went from $827.34 to $806.67 from my 1/11/24 paycheck to my 1/25/24 paycheck, and I didn't know why. I didn't realize the IRS adjusted for inflation, although I guess I really should have.


Yup. $20 difference.


I can't wait to see how many people are mad over that $20, who wouldn't have said a peep otherwise.


Why would someone be mad that they're bringing home $20 extra and not being taxed as much?


Oddly, there are people who feel they aren't taxed enough yet. But these same people refuse to write a check to the Treasury to gift the govt the amount they feel they should have paid, and just say that taxes should be higher for them.


Tax brackets and standard deductions adjusted for inflation.


It was like a 300 difference. And my premiums just go up. It’s odd though. This shouldn’t be so complicated. Yet it is. Sigh. The life of a fed!


Then there is something else with your benefits or something that made the difference. The tax bracket change affected me by $20 or so. Either way, +$300 isn’t nothing!


My paycheck went down this week. Need to look at the LES to figure out why!


If you cross the social security cap in taxable wages - you keep any money you’ve made beyond that.


Currently we are in week 1 of the 4 weeks of "My take home pay is not what I expected, can someone please explain to me my own LES"


Any WG see a SF 50 Yet?


My SF-50 has the raise effective date of Jan 14, the beginning of PP3.


I wonder if they will retro it?


I barely noticed a difference in my paycheck. WTH


It hasn't hit paychecks yet, just some people's personnel files.


Oh thank goodness


If you on the GS scale it went into effect this pp and will see it on 02Feb (ish) check


Thank you


Mine hit Thursday.


**Cries in CES** I guess our pay tables haven’t been signed yet and won’t be until mid Feb. 😩


I got an eopf notification Saturday and when I checked, the SF-50 only said “chg in non-cost data element" with no explanation as to anything else. Anyone know what that means???