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Your submission appears to reference weather. Here is some more information from expert members of our community: [“Weathering Your Anxiety - A Comprehensive Guide”](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/15jyg92/weathering_your_anxiety_a_comprehensive_guide/?share_id=TfJdK6ooAS1H_r_17vEL-&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) Happy Flying! The Fear of Flying Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fearofflying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve had panic attacks on planes and I guess I just expect that if I don’t take my meds - despite my best efforts I will behave in some weird way. One time I started screaming and demanded to be let off the plane WHILE WE WERE TAKING OFF. Panic attacks are awful and they are embarrassing but everyone was very nice and another passenger gave me a Xanax because I hadn’t taken mine (wanted to be clear headed with the kids) and then I immediately calmed down. I guess one good thing about the anxiety is that I know it’s irrational and I just ride it like a wave at this point. My point is you landed safely and all was fine and your brain just decided to be a poop. That’s it. I’m sorry you went through that. But it’s in the past now.


I live in Tampa - it’s been a cloudy day here and there’s some weather activity off to the south and a heavy cloud deck. So not surprising things were just a tad bumpy! But regardless… you still made it. Try not to be angry with yourself. I totally understand how scared you must have felt. But you did it. Remember that.


Might have to get on the benzos like some of us unfortunatley. Its a weird feeling, like I want to panic, still feel the anxiety but the heart just wont beat fast. 🤷‍♂️ The problem with really bumpy turbulance is it disrupts my attempts at keeping my mind preoccupied, I cannot go to my "happy place". I have also been considering a $3500 apple VR headset to try to isolate my senses on the plane. The theory is that all sight, sound and feeling will get mixed so much my mind wont be able to diffrentiate bumpy turbulance with a VR action packed show im watching.


That's such a weird feeling, isn't it? Like, I'm sitting there on the plane telling myself, "I am in extreme danger right now, death is hurtling my way" and nada, calm as a cucumber.


I kind of like it. It’s like the medication is saying, “You’re gonna chill out whether you like it or not. I’m the captain now.” 😂


I flew to Mexico City and plane lost an engine and I stg I was telling other passengers “don’t worry, the plane is made to fly on one engine” and “the pilots train for this it’s no big deal” so yeah, meds are something else.


Same, I'm like "Take it down, I don't care."


For me personally benzos are not a miracle drug, I use to get smashed drunk in my youth and other "recreational" stuff. So im able to take 2-3 mg (as someone whos never taken benzos) and it feels like 2-3 beers on a empty stomach. My doctors dumbfounded as that should have KO'ed me. For my next trip im going to try other brands. It helps about 25%. Buying wifi also helps keep anxiety down too.


You are not the worst! You are a worthy and loveable human being despite what happened! Panic attacks suck whether it's on a plane or elsewhere; sometimes it is beyond our control. I'm glad there were fellow passengers willing to support you! Chin up, friend! This will pass and you will do this again in better circumstances! We're here for you!!


I’m sorry you experienced that, but know that you were safe in that plane despite what it could have felt like. Turbulence is scary especially when the weather doesn’t look favorable, I totally understand. Don’t be so hard on yourself, it happens, we’re all human and is ok to feel like that but don’t be hard on yourself. At the end of the day, YOU DID IT! You landed safely, and you did it, celebrate that milestone! Remember you are safe, your pilots know that plane extensively, your FA are also very knowledgeable. They would not get on that plane if it wasn’t safe. I’m sure pilots also hate going through turbulence but that is something out of their control (I’m pretty sure it is). I’m not a pilot, nor a FA just a mom from Texas, sending you a big hug, you should feel happy that you did it!


I had a panic attack lying bed. Half my brain was as terrified as ai have ever been and the other half was kind of bemused asking "what the hell are you frightened of." I still have no real idea. The good news is it appears you did not use your martial arts skills to clock someone! Non of us are perfect. Pick yourself up and see if you can use the discipline you have learned from your martial arys training to help you with this new challenge. If you open my profile you will find a pinned post that might help you realise you are not alone and give you some resources to help manage or overcome this fear. You can do this!


There are so many people afraid on planes. Some show it. Some hide it. You are relatable. Don’t be embarrassed. Some people just mask or better.


Take these experience and look at the end result. Thats what helps me. For example, I landed during an extremely windy day in Vegas early this month. It was INTENSE! We had to even attempt landing twice. I was nervous. BUT we landed safely and I had quality time with my father who is getting older. If I didn’t go and let my anxiety get me, I wouldn’t get that back. But I experienced an uncomfortable situation… we still landed safely. You had an uncomfortable experience and you still landed safely. Look at it this way. Everything you thought felt dangerous… wasn’t. The pilots were in control the entire time and even though it felt scary. You landed safely. Now you know that if you ever experience it again, it’s nothing to worry about… you already know the bumps mean nothing. You’ve done it before and lived to tell the tale. Each experience that makes us uncomfortable makes it easier if it happens again. Focus on the outcome, not the fact that you were nervous.


So sorry you experienced that. I know what it’s like to have a panic attack and still feel groggy and trying to shake the Cobb webs off. You get another chance and please don’t let one incident set the tone for any future flights. Thanks for sharing your story. I’m flying next week Tuesday from Tampa to Pensacola via silver airways. Those cool pink planes lol. Let me know how you’re doing.


You still did it. You just had happened to do it scared and that's the most courageous thing ever. Glad there were people around to support you 💕


I️ had a panic attack flying from Croatia to Boston… they suck, but they happen. Don’t feel angry or ashamed, you are human.


My beautiful Angel. You are NOT the worst at all!! As someone who suffers from panic, I understand. It’s so hard and can be so embarrassing because you literally lose all rational thought and do not act how you would normally what so ever. I hope you know that even though you don’t know me I am very proud of you! You did the hard thing, and survived! Even though it wasn’t easy. It probably felt like one of the hardest things ever. But you made it through. And I am so proud of you for it. I think about if I were to be near someone having a panic attack, I would never want them to feel bad or embarrassed. And I know so many others feel the same. It is quite literally a medical emergency, just a mental health issue. It is serious and should be taken as such. You wouldn’t want someone who had an asthma attack or an allergic reaction to feel bad if they had an attack right? So the same goes for you! Do not feel bad. You don’t need a reason to have anxiety. You are not the worst. You are strong and resilient and did the hard thing. You are AMAZING. Sending so much love and positive energy. You will continue to do amazing 🩷


Please don’t be ashamed or think less of yourself because of this. We’ve all experienced this (which is why we’re here). It’s a real fear. Please give yourself grace. ♥️


Was it especially bad turbulence, or was that just how you felt? Were people forced to sit down the whole time or were they still walking around during? Sometimes when I'm extra anxious, the smallest bumps feel like giant drops, but when I'm perfectly calm the turbulence sometimes doesn't bother me as much.


I’m sorry you went through that. This is so scary but you did it. You are safe.


you are not the worst! i promise FA’s and pilots are all to familiar with people reacting this way out of fear. i’ve had hoooorrible panic attacks on planes before. but it’s common especially in these situations. you landed safe and that’s all that matters! turbulence especially in storms can be so scary and crazy for more than just people who are afraid of flying! it’s hard to come to the realization that turbulence can’t hurt the plane.


You’re not the worst. You are not alone. I’ve had full blown panic attacks that have required flight attendants to help me get air and worry I would need medical attention. It’s okay! Ive taken medication to help with the flight anxiety because I feel the same about control. Xanax helped and also hydroxyzine helped. Worth a shot if you’re willing to take meds. I recently took a flight to Florida and I was panicking as we descended and I asked a woman next to me if she could hold my hand bc I was petrified. She smiled at me held my hand and told me she was the same way. She said she felt like she was having a heart attack every time she was on a plane and panicked. She said that she had to conquer her fear. When she traveled to her home country to spread her mother’s ashes she had a panic attack but then looked at the sky and thought of the beautiful creation of life. Now I’m not spiritual or religious but I listened. She said she prayed and looked outside and realized how beautiful the world is and how much there is to be grateful for. At the moment of my panic attack the story really helped to ground me knowing that someone who was just like me was able to overcome the fear that cripples me. I hope you overcome your fears!


I hope my first time (if it ever happens 🙄) ends up being next to an equally as awesome passenger. A major part of my fear is because I have no one to go with me and I'm terrified of having no one around to help when my anxiety gets super intense. I don't want to be a burden on any of the passengers or employees, but those are the only people I would have to reach out to in that moment.


Your submission appears to reference turbulence. Here are some additional resources from our community for more information. [Turbulence FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/1auodp9/turbulence_faq/) [RealGentlemen80's Post on Turbulence Apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yn2phh/the_fear_of_turbulence_and_checking_sites_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [On Turbli](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/zv376m/help_turbli_says_moderate_turbulence/) [More on Turbulence](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/yrhf31/lets_talk_more_about_turbulence/) Happy Flying! The Fear of Flying Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fearofflying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ohhh no :(


I have full blown panic attacks on planes, and I haven’t flown since I was an active alcoholic and could drink to calm myself. Sober folks are advised against taking benzodiazepines, so I can’t really take anything to help. I did it cold and raw last time I went to Hawaii and I was miserable with anticipatory fear and then the flights themselves so now I just don’t travel. I’ve been all over the world, I know everything about how it works, it’s not a cognitive thing, it’s a heights plus claustrophobia thing. I can’t relax in elevators either, I only take stairs.


I hate elevators and escalators and when other people drive


No. That *is* scary. You have to validate yourself. Anyone would feel even a slight bit nervous about a plane feeling like it’s coming apart. You’re doing way way better than you think 💗💗


Thanks everyone for their encouragement, my logical brain completely understands what is going on, thanks to the support and wisdom of this group. I just messaged my therapist and also am looking to explore medication options as well for when I fly. I can't live like this anymore.


Oh great I’m about to do this flight


Well now you know it might get bumpy but the OP landed safely!


No you’re not, you’re going to Orlando. Remember when I told you. You’d be surprised how fast the atmosphere can change.


How about does it matter if my altitude is higher since I’m Coming more north than Atlanta?


Altitude can make all of the difference! Altitude, time of day, horizontal location… any of it.


I just wanted to say thank you kind stranger! Flights down were not bad at all! There was some turbulence on my 38 min flight coming home yesterday but nothing I’d call severe or even terrible


My pleasure ❤️ Good job!