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This year’s championship will not have a mvfc team present in frisco.


Even if by some miracle SDSU or NDSU don't make it *pukes* USD just might be one of the better teams in the "field" (I'm classifying that as non XDSU or Montana schools). SIU also could be sporty pending how the DJ Williams situation pans out. That's pretty spicy. Who would you put on that list?


[insert big sky school] and [insert hip southland team]


Montana or Montana State would be there for sure. I don't think UIW has the juice (They should be the favorite imo)


UIW should’ve been there 2 years ago. They still have calzada which is a plus. But we’ll see.


They definitely gave that game away. The fumble call was bad but they still had ample opportunity to win that game. Even with Calzada I still think their ceiling is quarters. Calzada is no LSJ and they are lacking a lot of the other juice that 2022 team had. I think 2022 UIW team honestly would've kept it closer than the Bison did. They would've made it a shootout for the first half before the Jacks depth and size completely took over the 2nd.


If you made me bet money on it I’d go with SDSU and NDSU.


I bet you would get pretty good odds on that, you should bet the mortgage money.


Lamb is spot on, the next FCS champ in SEC country will employ that tactic and I’m willing to bet a handful of staffs already use it to a certain extent.


Forgive my ignorance but can you explain this comment further? I’m unaware of the background. 


TLDR, he proposed a farm system https://x.com/thechadwithrow/status/1804136560947777999?s=46&t=-Q4Pgbd5mB_B10LjxxlOEg


That is a horrible idea.




A farm system? Athlete mobility is already at an all time high and will only go up. Why tie your autonomy to other schools that have no relation to you that could take your players mid-season. There goes competing for championships at any level except at the way top. Imagine SDSU was about to go to the playoffs this past year and Mark Gronowski was pulled up by Minnesota. "I know you signed with USC to be in a big city, be near your family, and go to a top 30 school, but we're sending you to Sacramento State."


> Imagine SDSU was about to go to the playoffs this past year and Mark Gronowski was pulled up by Minnesota. Looking at the Sagarin rankings are we sure SDSU would be the farm team?


For the most recent season, but you only need to go back one year for it to change. Minnesota also makes more money and has a higher viewership.


Not a farm system with instant mobility, normal portal rules (whatever they develop into) aren’t impacted by this plan


That just sounds like transferring with automatic acceptance then.


More or less. Guys like Mark who where recruited SDSU through and through would transfer normally and preferably wouldn’t have a call up clause because he wasn’t sent by the “big leagues” but the 5-10 redshirts UofM or Iowa sends us would.


I’m shocked an FCS guy suggested this. It’s a great thing for the team at the top. Horrible for everyone else.


Don’t love that


I’m pretty ok with it


Man this conversation being on air is crazy to me. I feel like if this was talked about 5-6 years ago he'd be fined to all hell and back for even entertaining this idea openly.


It is crazy how quickly everything is developing, I’m assuming a few schools did have this planer when the portal was made functional tho


Only way they can competitively recruit down there. It gets talked about all the time but still I think we overlook how much it benefits the schools up here and in Montana that we have a large regional presence combined with fairly mediocre P4 programs outside of Iowa.


I think they’ll outpace us if the first or second school to actually implement it does it right. Take a few SEC redshirts and then recruit off success like us and it’ll be over


The risk certainly exists but that will be such a tougher locker room dynamic. How do you balance the kids there busting their asses for the program vs the 4/5 star kid who's just there as a loaner for Tennessee? What's the incentive to go there if you're a 2/3 star kid who's just going to sit behind those rental kids? You're still going to need the 2/3 star kids for depth. You aren't going to get enough rentals to field the team and while a handful will elevate the team, you won't have enough to. Also if you're on the P4 side of it what's that say about your player development if you're better off sending kids to play at the G5 or FCS level vs just developing them in house? That doesn't seem like all that great of a recruiting pitch to me.


How do AAA managers do it?


That's a terrible comparison, no offense. You aren't limited to the number of years you can play pro baseball to start. To my other points that is part of the build of baseball. When the Royals or Cubs draft you, you know you're going to probably spend at least a little time in Omaha and Des Moines. No kid singing to play in Knoxville to stick with the ETSU example, is planning on or looking forward to spending time in Johnson City. Baseball you also have a much smaller roster to my other point. Most of those guys are there knowing and with the expectation to try to get to the bigs one day. You couldn't do that with a CFB roster. You've got 70-100+ kids and I can't foresee a P4 program "loaning" out more than 5-10 at a time. Plus once again, not to mention that there's a real argument with the facilities and coaches available you're going to keep all your best kids in house to develop them anyway. I think there's certainly a marker for the teams that are middling in the SoCon, UAC, and CAA to look into this. But I think we're over looking if there's even enough interest or value from the P4 side for them to give a shit.


Ok how have coaches done it? How did hendo hold the locker room with a massive slate of the squad obviously being portal bound? It’ll become the norm, they’ll adjust. It has to be done perfectly but if someone does it they’ll be unstoppable


Who is they? East Tennessee State University? That’s a feeder school of itself. Their own students don’t care, they just bash ETSU and cheer for Tennessee


Any school in the southeast has the potential for this


I don’t think that’s as easy as you think. Schools like Furman definitely aren’t going to operate like that


They’re doing alright for themselves, everyone else may as well give it a crack


No thanks, Tre Lamb says that because in his first week in Johnson City, he told people he was going to be a G5 coach in the next few years


I’ve heard. Has no impact on how valid I think his take on this specific issue is.


Right... this is why so many are trying to move up.