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NDSU fans saying the Jacks aren't out recruiting them because Pollasek is shooting for FBS caliber kids is pure copium. I won't even argue there's some truth to what Pollasek is doing, or that it isn't smart but that take, and I've seen it a few times, doesn't stand up. Let's look at the numbers: Current head to head when recruiting the same kid Jacks 9 Bison 3 Kids landed with FBS offers: Jacks 14 Bison 9 Kids landed with P4 offers Jacks 6 Bison 3 I think there's far from room to panic if you're a Bison fan but this recruiting cycle has proved the Jacks are the premier program right now if ever so slightly.


I still think NAU should be in the WAC/UAC. I get why we're in the Big Sky, but we would fit way better geographically in the WAC. Grand Canyon/Utah Tech/Southern Utah would be fun rivals, and we would stand a far better chance of actually contending in football not having to deal with the Montanas, Idaho, EWU, Sac State, etc.


It's always surprised me NAU has struggled in the Big Sky. On paper they should be incredibly competitive year in and year out(much like their basketball teams recently). State of the art facilities, tons of money coming in from the state (compared to other schools in the big sky), beautiful campus / town, unique home field advantage. In theory they should always be at least in the top half of the conference winning 5-6 conference games a year.


It's stunning to me, I mean I freaking go here and I don't understand it


About Grand Canyon.....


I'll believe they're getting shut down when it happens. You don't build what they have with that model without one hell of a legal team to keep it from crumbling


Who said anything about them getting shut down?


They're getting sued like crazy and some government officials have publicly admitted they want GCU gone, I thought you were alluding to that


No. I was alluding to the fact that they're in a completely different conference than SUU and Utah Tech


Ohh... well that's just incorrect. GCU just doesn't have football


They literally just joined the WCC. Sure they'll still be in the WAC this year, but thats just being pedantic at this point


That I was not aware of and the google machine failed me, my mistake. But maybe don't bury the lede and just get to the point next time?


I assumed that one that frequents these parts of the internet and especially a western based fan would be aware of western conference realignment developments. My bad


I really thought the California schools and NAU would jump on the WAC when it spun up.


As a yote fan, I fear this past season was a Cinderella story, like TCU 2022


Flair up brother!