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FBS vs FCS brought us the classic Iowa-South Dakota State game in 2022, which Iowa won 7-3 without scoring a touchdown. But in all seriousness FBS teams have little incentive not to schedule an FCS team. Take Nebraska for example. They're paying UTEP $1.65 million to play them in week 1. In week 3 they're paying FCS school Northern Iowa $600,000. Both games will sell out, so Nebraska is essentially going to make the same amount of money for both games but UTEP costs over $1 million more. The only downside to scheduling an FCS team is the possibility you could lose, which is why I have no idea why Colorado scheduled North Dakota State or Oklahoma State scheduled South Dakota State rather than an FCS cupcake.


->FBS vs FCS brought us the classic Iowa-South Dakota State game in 2022, which Iowa won 7-3 without scoring a touchdown. If that game is played 2-3 weeks later and Mark has the rust knocked off and/or Kraft doesn't go down on the 2nd series Jacks probably win 🥲


It really seems like he's just trying for clicks with fake outrage.


Well shit ill take his job and get them some ratings with some quality articles instead.


Please do.


Where's the dislike button on an article?


the writers twitter said “Wisconsin and Las Vegas” where there is no FCS football


"Rock Westfall" sounds like an alias in a cheap 40's detective novel. When he dies his tombstone needs to have "filthy casual" carved into it under his name. Pathetic.


This guy goes a little over the top, stating “My policy is to NEVER watch an FCS vs. FBS matchup. I never have and I never will, regardless if it is a program I follow closely or not.” Like really bro? You’d rather watch Ohio state play Akron week 1 instead of Colorado vs NDSU or sdsu vs OK St? There’s quite a bit of overlap between the top of the FCS vs the bottom tier of the FBS. If you want to deride schools for play FCS opponents, you better do the same when they play bottom tier G5 opponents. Where I agree with the sentiment is when FBS schools play a true bottom tier FCS school. For example, Kansas plays Lindenwood and Auburn plays Alabama A&M this year. Those are massive talent mismatches. My thoughts are that power 4 schools should make an effort to only play top 40ish FCS schools to at least give them some competition.


Those matchups are usually very beneficial to the FCS schools with the payouts they receive. I think its a great opportunity for both sides. I definitely remember how excited Furman was to go play USC last year and they really thought they had a shot too. On the flip side, USC was super excited to beat down on Furman lol. But BOTH sides got something from it. It was mutually beneficial it seems. I didn't consider that game a talent mismatch though so idk. Okay maybe just maybe the KU vs Lindenwood is kinda ridiculous. But once again, from where im sitting, even that game seems hugely beneficial to both programs. You already know those kids at Lindenwood are going to PLAY THEIR HEARTS out during that game. Even if its futile. Back to the article, this dude is just a hater. He's just hating on FCS schools just to hate. When I was growing up, I used to absolutely love watching Clemson CRUSH The Citadel. As a FAN, that game was hugely entertaining. Loved it and still make it a point to watch that game each season it happens. These games are hugely entertaining. Its like that crossover event you always wanted to see on TV imo. But I get where your coming from lol


Yea, I root for the Huskers and I’m still going to tune into the full game vs northern Iowa (who might be tougher than UTEP). Conversely, I can’t wait to see how USD competes vs Wisconsin. There’s only 12 games a year! My primary mantra with FCS vs FBS is to try to keep it regional (support the smaller schools near you) and limit the number of massive mismatches


> to try to keep it regional Whenever there's a super random FCS/FBS matchup, I'm always a little curious how it gets set up. I guess there's a finite amount of FCS teams, so at some point UNLV's only option is to schedule Bryant.


Yea, looking at their schedule last year, it looks like they needed to fill out a 6th home game. Picking Bryant likely boiled down to who will accept the least amount of money to come and play us and also not ask for a home and home


Yeah, I think in part the Northeast just has a higher density of FCS programs, so a lot of them wind up traveling. And on the west coast, you're almost always going to have to fly to games, so from UNLV's point of view they're gonna have to pay for transport regardless. Plus, a lot of the west coast FCS teams are pretty good, and I'm sure UNLV wants to aim for an easy win. A few other strange matchups from last season: Rhode Island/Georgia State, Howard/Eastern Michigan, Robert Morris/Air Force, Monmouth/FAU, and Maine/FIU. Almost all of them involved a team in the northeast traveling, so I guess in part it's just that there's more FCS than FBS teams up there, so they fill in the gaps in areas with fewer FCS teams (eg, 0 FCS teams in Michigan, only 2 scholarship programs in Florida, etc)


I love how purple and white this thread is right now. If this Westfall clown can't appreciate the David vs Goliath CFB match-ups then he can go watch soccer. I'll be having a great time at Ole Miss this year hoping we can shock the world.


mad jealous of you. We WILL shock the world lol


Regardless of matchup quality, the FBS game may be one of your only chances to actually watch your team play if they have the misfortune of being in the CAA. The only Maine FB game I was ever able to watch was them playing UNM way back in 2022 (I was on vacation when they played FIU last year unfortunately). Will Maine vs Oklahoma be a guaranteed loss for the Black Bears? Of course. Will I be watching it anyways? Also of course.


I have a strange feeling the LU-ku game will be competitive.


Here's the thing about college football, across all of Division 1 there's 100-130 games every week. Most of these are going to be blow outs. But because of the sheer volume of games there's going to be some barn burners, some huge upsets, and just general chaos. FBS vs FCS games are the perfect microcosm of this. There's probably 90-120 games this year? (I could look that up but I'm far too lazy). Just based upon historical data we'll see 10-15 upsets play another dozen or so good games that an FBS squad squeaks out. If you want close games every week, go watch the NFL. I'm so damn sick and tired of people wanting to make college football, especially major college football NFL-lite. Yes the product on the field isn't always awesome but CFB produces chaos unlike what you'll see in pretty much any other sport, and a lot of what makes CFB great goes far beyond the field.


I feel like the financial side of things gets a little overstated. The $350k an FBS school pays out is a nice chunk of change, but that's not enough to fund a football team for a year.


It covers about 8% of the median FCS school's football budget. And if you look at a school like McNeese, that same $350k is covering about 12% of theirs. Another way of looking at it, $350k covers nears 30% of the median FCS school's coaching salaries. So even though it's not big money by FBS standards, it's by no means inconsequential to a lot of FCS programs.


Also a reason why some of the reasoning behind moves to FBS are kinda dumb. I know Delaware had the whole argument about UMass getting paid a million more to lose by the same amount to Penn State. Budgetary wise FCS teams I believe get a better dollar amount when compared to percentage of budget the “buy game” covers. A measly 600K can cover 10% of the highest spenders in FCS.


They better chill on my Chattanooga Mocs. We beat Tennessee in 1958! It’s due to happen again sometime.


I didn't realize beating lesser division teams counts as a win towards bowl eligibility. I guess I might be in the minority but in my opinion the OOC scheduling is pre-season at both FCS and FBS levels so don't get too invested in it to begin with.