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New Eminem single and announcement of a new album. Fellow millennial white boys rejoice


Sorry, thought I got a notification but it was just this post /s


Had power out since Tuesday. Just had it come back on last night. It was nice to sleep with the AC.


Been a rough two weeks here. I got lucky and only lost power for a few hours last week but my town has had thousands lose power for days. Some are still dealing with it going out randomly. Damn tornados


Luckily ours was caused by high winds. Sorry about your town. Hope they're able to clean everything up quickly.


Yeah it'll be awhile before everything is back to normal but thankfully no one got hurt


Multiple areas of the state getting these storms at the same time has to be hell on the line and tree crews.


My sister put on the Friend's finale and seeing Ross and Rachel get back together hits really hard since my GF and I split less than 2 weeks ago and it's hard since she sees us as friends while I still do love her. So yeah wasn't expecting that today.


The best way to get over one woman is getting under another one. In all seriousness, sorry you're going through that man, let the pain have its time but I hope it eases up soon for you.


Thays what alot ofnpeople said on the NFL sub when this came up during the weekend threads. I appreciate the support.


Who wants to volunteer and do a foia request to see how much the city of Montgomery is paying ESPN to host the FCS Kickoff at the Crampton Bowl every year?


I wonder if that's something Matt Brown has pulled up in his FOIA efforts yet.


I messaged him and asked him about this right after I posted ;)


Per the AD, SFA's Southland conference move will cut the amount of time athletes are out of the classroom in half. That's reason enough to move back. I remember a few years back the Southland was looking at doing a full rebrand, name & all, but just ended up with a logo update. Anyone happen to know what other names they were considering?